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February 07, 1949 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-07

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Paa Two THE MICH IGAN DA I LY Monday, February 7 94
oiCci oo ers F ows elow
(msarapheiz by girls
( ames)paeie egrs Det. Marilynn Banwell, Get., and Gasse Pte.; Asia Bergman, Mus- Ann Arbor; Clara Blocksom, Has- MR. AND MRS. Thame Kay
Hugh Ailerton, Det. klgon, and James Billinsley, well, N.M., ant Frank Smith, Port Buchanan, Im ay City; Joan'
MARGO ABELS, Det., aad Bar- Donna Barak, Get., and Bob Ar- Muskegon; Ruth Berloer, Brook- Huron. Buckingham, Royal Oak, and Dor
vey Schatz, Det.; Sue Abood. To- ierson, Del.; Connie Barker, Get., lyn. N.Y.. and David Nevins, Pat Bloodsworth and Ronald V. Glossop, Royal Oak; Mary
.tedo, 0., and Jaseph Cassis; Betty and Don Phail, Dot.; Phyllis Bar- Br'ooklyn, N.Y.; Shirley Berko- Rendar; Kip Boardman and Har- Buckmaster, Jamestawn, N.Y., ant.
Adams and Jack Williams; Patri- ease. Zeeland, and Dale Miller. witz, -Det., and Berman Kaplan. old Rust; Barbara Bodenbender, Dave Dutcher, Grand Rapids, Jo-
cia Adams, Lorain, 0.. and James Holland; Barbara Barker. Man- Get.; Norma Bernstein, Det., and Kenmore, N.Y., and Richard Haas, an Bullen, Det., andi Donald St
Johns, Columbus, 0.; Bette Ad- roe, and Robert Kallstrom, Cuya- Sheldon Chatlin, Det. Buffalo, N.Y.; Jackie Boersma, Lewis, Flint; Joy Bulson, Jackson.
amson and Edward Hughes; Gin- hoga Falls, 0.; Jane Barker, Get., Eileen Hesonen, Gay, and Gor- Holland, and Chai'les Van Duren, and Don Ci'ile, Ghent, 0.
my Albright, Allen Park, and Rich- and Russel Tuttle, Det.; Shirley don Phillips, Boone, N.C.; Gail Holland; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Joyce Bonn, South Lyon. anrl
ardi Genthe, Wyandotte; B. Ald- Harnett, Get., and Eddie Lebo- Beswick, Get., and Morris Pelts, Bogosian; Phyllis Bohasack and Don H. Souchek, Onekama; Mary
:rich, Toledo, 0., and V. Vaughns, wits, Get. Get.; Donna Beverly, Grand Rap- Maurice Perkins; Barbara Boothe Burdick, Kglamazoo, and James
Dunkivk, N.Y.: Nan Alexander, * ida, and David Lake, Ann Arbor; anti James Gamnble; Joanne Hon- Thorne, Kalamazoo; Doris Bustun.
Heston, Vex., and Sam Burdge, VIRGiNIA Bain, Grand Rap- Carol Beyer and Robert Bar'ett; day, Dst., and John Bauer, Get.; Johnson City, N.Y.. and Donald L.
Franklin, 0. ida, and William Levandowski, Sarah Bickier and John Bahyak; Barbara Boucher, Get., and Rob- Carter, Washington, D.C.; Robyn
Laura Allen, Huntington, W.Vs., Grand Rapids; Peggy Harry, Gear- Janet Bird, Boston, Mass., and ert Young, Get.; Barbaia Bougner Hutterfield, Jackson, and Warren
ndR er Wht, unngnboin, and James Gruff. Get.; Bar- and Chuck Martin. Tisch, Jackson; Eileen Butter-
and Robert Whites Huigtont bara Hartley and Walter Shaffer; Maigaret Bowker, Big Rapids worth, Lincoln Perk, and Sheldo5
'4e or Geesbro BC.JanAn
StuGenboo .. ea n e at Wilns Canton, 0.; Gret and David Millard, Three Rivers; McElroy.
derson. Get., and Edwin Morey, SurWiknCnn,.;Ge-Jo Ann Bradley, Flint, and Fled Audrey Buttery, Roselle, N.J.
te. osAdrsn ukgn hen Battle and Disk Lee: Basel Pike, Flint; Mai'y Brayton, Mio, and Ted Unger, New York City
Ge;. i PAdeo, Muskegon,r Batser. Bay City, and Capt. J. W.- and Hichsard Peanson, Tecumseh; Virginia Byers, Dt., and Panl
Anesn n roadRc-McKinley, Wright Patterson Field, M sr. an.d Mrs. John Breckenridge, Sage, Be.ssemer; Do.nna Cad', L
ar erson, Ann Arbor; Rh Dayton, 0. Potsdam, N.Y.; Pat Brenneman, Gatos, Calif., and. Pett Hoski ,
nd Ms la Anderon, FAbor nM. Jean Baumgartner, Saginaw, Alnsa, and Lewis Harmon, Get. D't.; Mary Ellen Cahalan, Wyan;-
land Bill Thompson, Saginaw; Pa-; dotte, and George H. Cameon-
attic Andrews, Los Angeles, tricia Bay and Win. Ohienroth; ROBE BREWER, Calumet, and Wyandotte; Dolores Cain, Kala
ae., -nd Quik Carleson, St. Jos- Diane Reals, Lake Worth, Fla., Jack Sn alter, Menominee; Arlene masno, and Alfrd M. Mattson,
Hp; Mary Lou Aspin, Get., and and John Stapleton, Evanston, Brice, Pontiac, and Edward An- Muskegon,
Tom Berry, Highland Park; Nan - . Bonnie Bean:, Ann Arbor, and o\o dorko, Long Beach, Calif.; MaciT-
vy Acher, Pleasant Hills, and Harold BiCnkley, Paw Paw; Con- nd a s ann Brice, Rochester, N.Y.. and MR. AND MRS. John M; Cal-
ledoeO.aldJe, h astsigs;s;e taeetann hid Ja hyli arJookyN.. hire ek-RnC.r;i oerson aryEllenBuma Jae stBookyn n. ,an-i

George Walk, Pittsburgh, Pa.; stance Beaty and Jach Steinhelp- IJoAn C. Robertson; Mary Ellen mafde, Brooklyn, N.Y ; Cathenrc
Betty Jean Arndt, Rochester, N.Y., er; Mary Bearvais, Allegan, and Bridges, Akron, 0., and Richard L. Campbell, Grosse Ile, and Rich -
and Ward Stoepker, Grand Rap- Carleton Griffin, Det. B. Amor, Akron, 0.; Kathryn and ard E. Campbell, Owosso; Ginnav
'ds; Dot Aronson, Pittsburgh, Pa., Vivian Beck, Memphis, Tenn.. Robert E. Bright, Saginaw; Carol Campbell and Bob Byerly; Rut,
and Bill Osterman, Toledo, 0. and Richard Rosenthal, Forest J. Britton, Akron, 0., and Jim Campbell, Plymouth, and Bradl y
Hills, N.Y.; Ruth Bedell, New Minner, Jackson. Straatsma, New Rochelle, N.Y.
JO AUCH, Det., and Hank Walt, York, and Paul Newfeld, New Jackie Broerman, Rocky River, Margaret Carl and L. E. Girt n
Saginaw; June Avison, Det., and York; Barbara Beer, Get., and 0., and Tom Kelsey, Lakewood, Jackson; Ruth Carlson, Doyton.
Cal Klyman, Det.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gerger, Det.; Joan Beeur- 0.; Joyce Bronson, Cheyenne, 0., and Robert Maund, Det.; Ea
Jarnes H. Bahtl, South Range; an, Ann Arbor, and Bud Marshall, Wyo., and Harry McCready, Bill- bara V. Carpenter, Brookfield
Joan Bailey, Mt. Pleasant, and Ann Arbor; Marilyn Begole. Ypsi- -Bill Smith ings, Mont.; Barbara Brown, Sag- Center, Conn., and Robert ?.
Charles Elliote, Ypsilanti; Phyl lanti, and Ellis reatman, Ypsi- inaw, and George E. Osborn, Jr., Temby, Escanaba.
Baker, Rogers City, and Chet I lanti. Donald Ward, Lorain, 0.; Mar- Saginaw; Eve Brown and Edward Jean Carpenter, Det., and Rich
Wing, Rogers City; Sally Baker, k 4 ion Birkenmeier, Escanaba, and Kendall; Jacqueline Brown and ard Precious, Wilkinsburg, Pa
Porth Huron, and Donald Schoon- JO BELL, Det., and Dick Hurst, James Moron, Escanaba. Edgar Gottfried. Alice Jane Carter, Saginaw, ard
over, Utica. Hadonfield, N.J.; Betty Belder and* * Sally Brown, Flint, and William Tom Howell, Saginaw; Perky Car-
Dawn Baldauf and Norman Phil Campbell, Fort Wayne, Ind.; MR. AND MRS. William Black, Barnds, Pontiac; Pat Brown, Det., ter, North Muskegon, and Ton:
White; Betty Joan Baldwin, Jack- Sue Bomerschin, Oxford, and Jack Lansing; Elaine Blair, Grand Rap- and Robert Dobbs, Winona, Minn.; Tillman, Muskegon; Jean Cast
son, and Roger Rowmisch, Jack- Conover, Jackson; Frances Bend- ids, and Frederick Pickard, Grand Cynthia Ann Bruce, Det., and Wil- Ann Arbor, and William Schorn
,on; Barbar Ball, Flint, and Don- ler, Det., and William Race, Lock- Rapids; Virginia Blair, Jackson, liam M. Cutler, Adrian; Mr. and Saginaw; Pat Cayan and R1 a
ald Bacon, Det.; Lois Ball, Det., port, N.Y.; Mary Ann Bennett, and Don Wooley, Jackson; Joyce Mrs. Philip R. Bruce, Port Huron; Jones; Marilyn Cederlund, Gra1 d
and John Ball, Coldwater; Mar- Mpnroe, and Richard Mackey, Blessed, Port Huron, and Charles Patricia L. Bruner, Sturgis, and Rapids, and Earl Knutson, Garc
tha Ball, Flint, and Bob Kerry, Chicago, Ill. Boan, Bay City; Jeanne Blinn, Henry C. Bruner, Cuyahoga Falls, Rapids; Katherine Challis, Pan-
Flint; Mr. and Mrs. Alan Balter, . ,Mr. and Mrs. Fdward Benya, Birmingham, and James Bryant, 0. (Continued on Page lit

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