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April 22, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-04-22

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'Froggy Botf
SOME YEARS AGO a group of hardwork-
ing students gouged a little hold in a
hard crust of student apathy and planted
the seed of the recently harvested Union
It took a lot of imagination, planning
and work, but the fruits of their efforts,
most people say, were worth it. Most
who saw the opera either labeled it "ter-
rific" or called it the best amateur per-
formance they'd ever seen. But some
Those leers among a thundering chorus of
cheers were of course disheartening. For the
most part, they belonged to old-timers who
looked upon "Froggy Bottom" as a pitiful
attempt to reincarnate something long dead
-a vain effort to imitate the inimitable
Operas of the good old days, wonderful mu-
sicals which endowed the Michigan acmpus
with such songs as "When Night Falls,
Dear" "The Friars' Song," and "The Bum
Well, the disdain with which they greeted
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
nd represent the views of the writers only.

tom' Onward
the Opera's revival is understandable. In
the "good old days" the operas may have
been better than their modern offspring will
prove to be, but then-in those days-the
winters were colder, the snow deeper and
the women more beautiful, or so they say.
But the "good old days" were good be-
cause they were the heydays of their
lives, and not because students were
better actors, singers or songwriters.
So the antagonism of a very small mi-
nority of alumni was not taken too seriously.
Opera planners went right ahead with
"Froggy Bottom," overcame tremendous dif-
ficulties, and came through with a fine
performance that received overwhelming
campus approval.
Now that a permanent committee has
been set up, it looks like the Union's tradi-
tional musical is here to stay. Though
there may not be an opera every year,
there will be a group to maintain the con-
tinuity of the affair.
For the planners, writers and cast of
"Froggy Bottom" the new Union Opera
Board is a hard earned reward.
And for the thousands who will someday
be students at the University, the establish-
ment of a permanent Opera setup guar-
antees a lasting laboratory for student pro-
duced songs, scripts and acting. And, in-
cidentally, a lot of fun.
-George Walker.

91 Ir.



At the Michigan ...
THE FIGHTING O'FLYNN, a title aptly
describing any red-blooded present-day
O'Flynn unfortunate enough to see the
IT REMAINS a mystery to me what Doug-
las Fairbanks has against good solid
earth. If there is an easy way to get from
place to place, say by walking along, or
some conventional way to enter a building,
perhaps by opening a door, Mr. Fairbanks,
laughing and sneering at such pedestrian
affronts to his dignity, lithely scales a wall,
leaps from tree to tree, or rolls himself into
a hoon. as the occasion may suggest. If only
for Mrs. Fairbanks' sake, I hope theirs is not
iour-poster bed.
That which distinguishes this picture from
all the other Fairbanks pictures is that this
was made in 1949, a very subtle refinement.
Its only saving grace is that the studio elec-
tricians considerately neglected to light the
set, and consequently this is filmed in al-
most total twilight, making it both difficult
and unnecessary to make out what is hap-
There is, nevertheless, just enough light
to see heroine Helena Carter run through
the .most electrifying set of emotions you've
ever witnessed, beginning and ending in the
third reel when she raises her eyebrow. To-
ward the end, when she realizes she has
fallen madly, for her, in love with the young
Sinbad, she gives herself to him with the
plaintive cry, "I wish I had never met you."
The same words passed through my mind,
but for entirely different reasons.
-Perry Logan.

At the State . .


AN ACT OF MURDER, with Fredric
March and Florence Eldridge.
ONE OF THE great moral questions of our
time-the issue of mercy killing-is
posed in this picture with unheralded power
and immediacy.
Understandably, no effort is made to
provide the answer; the picture as a whole
gives a compelling view of the emotional
impetus that may lead to euthenasia,
but an equally forceful opposing argument
is also stated. On the one side, there is
the prospect of a human being in terrible,
unrelieved agony; on the other, the coldly ,
rational view that an affliction incurable
one day may have a remedy the next.
The picture is of exceedingly high calibre.
A question with vehement adherents on
both sides is posed with honestly gripping
dramatic force and realism.
There is genuine pathos in the story
of a man watching his wife fall and suffer
with an utterly incurable brain ailment. Her
pain eventually provokes in him a half-
crazed condition of pity and despondency-
which the audience cannot help but share
momentarily-and then drives him to do
"murder" in the name of mercy.
Florence Eldridge, in the role of the
stricken wife, gives one of the most
touching performances in our memory--
The original theme, the production and
fine acting, and the remarkable restraint
and taste of combination have resulted in a
truly moving and worthwhile motion picture.
-Bob White.

Dangerous Apathy
ONCE AGAIN a large majority of Univer-
sity students have demonstrated their
lack of interest in student governoment. The
relatively small 6,995 vote in Wednesday's
election seems to prove conclusively that a
large portion of the campus just doesn't
care what the Student Legislature does for
Certainly there are no physical excuses
for the small vote. The election was well
publicized, there was extensive campaign-
ing, the polls were conveniently placed
and the weather was nearly perfect.
Under such conditions election officials
hopefully anticipated a vote of at least
8,500 but as in previous years, the campus
re-asserted its apathy toward studnt gov-
erning functions and placidly stood by and
allowed a relatively few students to elect
their representatives.
No government can be any better than its
constituency. Democracy demands the ac-
tive participation of every citizen in the
political functions of government-especially
a strong support at the polls.
And this is particularly true of our Stu-
dent Legislature. At a time when students
are sincerely attempting to obtain a stronger
voice in the direction of affairs which affect
them, it is essential that they have the
support of the campus at large.
Now, however, we have almost given
the University a mandate to refuse stu-
dent representation on such key organs
as the Committee on Student Conduct and
the Lecture Committee. For after all, how
can the Legislature hope to obtain the
power to help direct campus life when it
can be claimed that they do not even
represent the majority of the campus.
Fortunately, we will have a chance to try
again. We are not to be subjected to an
autocratic rule by the University adminis-
tration because they too have faith in demo-
cratic government. But we would do well
to remember our experiences in this elec-
tion. We should lave learned that we cannot
afford to stand idly by and hope that the
other fellow will vote for us.
-Jim Brown.
Quiet Walk
AS A FORMER REPORTER, I was thrilled
to see that five United States Senators
have made a tour of Washington's slums.
Led by Douglas, of Illinois, they walked
through back alleys near the Capitol, and
soberly took note of local squalor. They did
what a newspaperman would call a quick
survey. I hope they do more of them.
I admit that this is not as exciting
as catching a spy. But then, speaking
again as a newspaperman, I'd like to point
out that you can't fill a paper with spy
stories. And for some time now I've had a
feeling that a portion, at least, of Con-
gress has been carrying on somewhat like
the newspapers of thirty and more years
ago. Sometimes, when some of the noisier
committees have been going good, find-
ing treachery under every bush just in
time for the late Sports Final, I've had
the feeling that these are the real in-
heritors of the unrestrained city editors
of a generation ago.
A part of Congress has come to live by
sensation, as the majority of editors and
reporters once did. Of course we in the
newspaper business have long since learned
better. We've learned that just as important
as the smash headline, perhaps even more
important as part of the total of newspaper
service, is the background story, the color
story, the side story and the social sur-
And 'thu/ I hail the quiet walk through

the Washington slums by Messrs. Douglas,
Baldwin, Green, Ferguson and Morse. May it
mark a trend! I can see a committee chair-
man, a few years from now, handing out
assignments to the hon. members, saying:
"No treason plot today, fellows. We've had
that four times in a row, and it's becoming
a standing head. Let's do a roundup on
outdoor plumbing, instead. Hell, outdoor
plumbing is pretty un-American. It'll make
a nice prestige story. After all, we want to
get the attention of at least some people
who don't move their lips when they
I rather envy Congress, making this dis-
covery of a whole new world. If Congress
had only followed this approach a few years
ago, I don't think it would have dared to
kill price control, just as no sensible city
editor would have run a story saying the
people really wanted higher prices. Of
course some of the editorial writers at that
time thought the people wanted higher
prices, but, then, maybe they don't get out
The level of Congressional oratory could
not help but be improved under this new
approach. One can easily imagine a young
and active Congressman claiming the
floor, and then, at a nod from the editor,
excuse me, the Speaker, saying: "I've justj
been out on Pennsylvania Avenue, where
I interviewed ten people on the subject of
compulsory health insurance. The first,
a dear old lady of eighty, said she'd never
been ill a day in her life, but she thought
that anybody who needed help in obtain-
ing medical care ought to get it . .

The A ttempt, At Least

The Shot Heard Round The Immediate Vicinity
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Letters to the Editor-

(Continued from Page 2)
Tuesday. The meeting is compul-
sory in order to obtain an appoint-
ment. Contact the Bur. of Appts.
if you plan to attend the meeting.
The Ansco Co. will have a repre-
sentative here on Monday, April
25, to interview chemists (M.S.
and Ph.D., and Ph.D. in organic
chemistry), mechanical, chemical,
and industrial engineers, Physi-
cists with a B.S. or M.S., Biochem-
ist with an M.S., and sales repre-
sentatives either with an engineer-
ing or business background.
Dr. Paul Williams, interviewing
for the General Fireproofing Co.,
Timken Roller Bearing, and
Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co.
will be here on Monday, April 25,
to interview for sales and account-
ing positions with these compan-
The Allegheny-Ludlum Steel
Corp. will have a representative
here Tuesday, April 26 to inter-
view mechanical, chemical, metal-
lurgical, and industrial engineers,
accountants, and people interested
in Business administration and
The Grace Lines Co. will have a
representative here on Wednes-
day, April 27, to interview men in-
terested in employment in their
training programs.
The Harris-Seybold Co. "will
have a representative here on
Wednesday, April 27, to interview
industrial and sales engineers with
a business administration and en-
gineering background, business
administration students, and me-
chanical engineers. Positions will
be in Cleveland.
The Kimberley-Clark Corp will
have a representative here on
Wednesday, April 27, to interview
chemical, mechanical, and electri-
cal engineers, business adminis-
tration students, and men inter-
ested in sales.
The Provident Mutual Life In-
surance Co. will have a represen-
tative here on Thursday and Fri-
day, April 28 and 29, to interview
men for sales. Although they are
primarily interested in men for
the state of Michigan, they will
talk to people from any other
For further information and ap-
pointments, call Ext. 371, or stop
in the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 8528 Admin. Bldg.
Bureau of Appointments
Social chairmen of student or-
ganizations are reminded that re-
quests for approval for social
events must be submitted to the
Office of Student Affairs, 1020
Administration Building, not later
than 12 o'clock noon on the Mon-
day before the event is to take
Approved student sponsored so-
cial events for the coming week-
April 22
Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Sig-
ma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha
Xi Delta, Cantebury Clubp, Chi
Omega, Collegiate Sorosis, Con-
gregational-Disciples Guild, Delta
Gamma, Helen Newberry, Kappa
Nu, Lambda Chi Alpha, New
Women's Residence, Pi Beta Phi,
University of Mich. Wrestling
Team, Zeta Tau Alpha
April 23
Acacia, Adams House, West
Quad, Allen Rumsey House, Alpha
Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Phi, Al-

nirrrMnrrr rrrn

pha Omicron Pi, Alpha Tau'
Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi,
Delta Chi, Delta Kappa Epsilon,
Delta Sigma Pi, Delta Tau Delta,
Delta Upsilon Chapter, Kappa Sig-
Lloyd House, Michigan House,
Michigan Sailing Club, Phi Delta
Epsilon, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Delta
Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi
Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Tau
Fraternity, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi
Sigma Kappa, Sigma Alpha Ep-
silon, Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma
Delta Tau, Sigma Nu Fraternity,
Sigma Phi Epsilon, Theta Xi Fra-
ternity, Triangle
April 23
Trigon, Williams House, Young1
Progressives, Zeta Psi
April -24
Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Gamma
Delta, Hayden House, Hiawatha
Club, Mary Markley House, Mosh-
er, Hall, Jordan Hall.
Recreational Swimming-Wom-
en Students: Union Pool every
Saturday, 9 to 11.
Counter sale of season tickets
for the Ann Arbor Drama Season,
Garden Room of the Michigan
League, daily, ten to five.
"Social and Emotional Rela-
tions of Parents and Children," is
the subject of a lecture by Dr.
Ralph L. Patterson, Professor of
Psychiatry, on Tuesday, April 26,
at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre. Open without charge
to all students.
Dr. Rudolph Wittkower, of New
York University, will lecture on
"Reason and Sensibility in Eigh-
teenth Century Aesthetics" today,
at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre. The lecture is open to
the public and is given under the
auspices of the Department of
Fine Arts.
Academic Notices
English 31, Section 14, will meet
today as usual.
History 93 Examination, today
at 1:00 p.m. "A" through "L" West
Gal, Alumni Memorial Hall; "M"
through "Z", Room B, Haven Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Ly-
man Walton Orr, Electrical Engi-
neering; thesis: "A Study of the
High Frequency Structure of
Spectral Light Intensity Produced
by Spark Excitation Using Elec-
tron Multiplier Phototubes," to-
day, 2:15 p.m., East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg.
Doctoral Examination for Her-
man Theodore Epstein, Physics;
thesis: "The Arrangement of
Molecules in Monolayers and Mul-
tilayers of Organic Acids," Satur-
day, April 23, West Council Room,
Rackham Building, 4:00 p.m.
Chairman, R. C. Williams.
Doctoral Examination for Ivor
Cornman, Zoology; thesis: "Cy-
tological Phenomena Observed
During Selective and Non-selective
Injury to Malignant Cells in Tis-
sue Culture with Penicillium Ex-
tracts and with Nitrogen Mus-
tards," Saturday, April 23, 3091
Natural Science Bldg., at 9:00 a.m.
Chairman, A. F. Shull.

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication In this column. Subject1
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing1
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-1
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The1
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
. . C
On Discr m ination
To the Editor:
THERE HAS BEEN so much said
praising the recent anti-dis-
crimination resolution of the Stu-
dent Legislature, that it seems to
me that the opposition point of
view should be presented, so I
shall attempt the task.
I should like to say at the start
that I cislike groupism and dis-,
criminattn, and I have friends in
several racial and political groups.
Nevertheless I believe that
thoughtless anti - discrimination
crusaders may do much damage,
to individual freedom. These per-
sons lose sight of one basic fact,
namely that a person has the in-
herent right to pick his friends,
by whatever standards he pleases,
and any group of congenial peo-
ple has a right to set up an or-
ganization and admit whoever it
pleases to membership. There is
a great difference between activ-
ities of a private group and public
discrimination. Some people just
cannot seem to understand this.
If the students from Florida, the
red-headed seniors, the Hindus
from India, or the Jews from New
York want to form an organiza-
tion, no power on earth, let alone
the Student Legislature, has any
moral right to say they cannot
do so. On the other hand, if the
public state supported University
of Michigan bans Negro students,
it is time to take action to pre-
vent injustice.
Let us set the score straight.
There ai'e' two basic freedoms, not
one. Thefirst is the right to basic
equality before law and before
public institutions for all persons
whomsoever. The second is the
basic right 'f all citizens to asso-
ciate with whoever they please,
work wherever they are wanted
and wish to work, hire whoever
they please if they are in business
for themselves, and to form what-
ever groups and organizations they
may desire to accomplish any legal
purpose. Only the man who sup-
ports both types of freedoms can
be called truly democratic.
-Stanley F. Dole.
To the Editor:
THE SEVERAL recent articles
and editorials calling for an
end to discrimination, segregation
and racism have done an excellent
service to students on this cam-
pus. However, there are forms of
discrimination, other than quota
systems and housing facilities.
Recently, inrTrenton, New Jer-
sey, six Negroes were condemned
to die for a murders Testimony at
MAY FESTIVAL: The fifty-
sixth annual May Festival of six
concerts will take place in Hill
Auditorium as follows:
Thursday, May 5, 8:30; Friday,
May 6, 8:30; Saturday, May 7, 2:30
and 8:30; Sunday, May 8, at 2:30
and 8:30.
aThe Philadelphia Orchestra will
participate .in all concerts. The
University Choral Union will take
part in two concerts, and the Fes-
tival Youth Chorus is one pro-

Conductors will be Eugene Or-
mandy, Alexander Hilsberg, Thor
Johnson, and Marguerite Hood.
Soloists--will include Pia Tassi-
nari and Shirley Russell, so-
pranos;- Gladys Swarthout, mez-
zo-soprano;. ann Williams, con-
tralto; Set- Svanholm and Harold
Haugh, tenors; Martial Singher,
baritone; ;rica Morini, violinist;
Gregor Pi'atigorsky, Violoncellist;
and Benno Moiseiwitsch, pianist.
Prospectus giving detailed pro-
grams and tickets for individual
concerts may be obtained at the
offices of the University Musical
Society it Burton MemorialTower.
Student Recital: Wallace Behn-
ke, Organist, will present a pro-
gram of compositions by Bach,
Samuel Wesley, Mendelssohn,
Leach, James, and Vierne, in Hill
Auditorium. Mr. Behnke is a pupil
of Marilyn Mason, and presents
the recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree
of Bachelor of Music. The general
public is invited.
(Continued on Page 6)

the trial invalidated the "confes-
sions" that had been torn from
these men. It is practically in-
conceivable to us here on campus
to learn how terroristic and brutal
were the police. Each of the six
men had definite proof that they
were not at the scene of the crime
when it was committed. Each of
the three eye-witnesses admitted
that the six on trial were not the
murderers. The witnesses testified
that the murderers were all light
complected-the six were not. One
of them was arrested in the follow-
ing manner:
A policeman knocked at the
door of one of the six men. A
woman answered and the officer
asked if there were any males In
the house. He then proceeded to
arrest one of the defendants.
The fact that Negroes were ex-
cluded from the jury, the fact
that no clear motive was estab-
lished, the fact that contradictory
evidence and collusion by the
prosecutor and witnesses was es-
tablished indicates that a mock
trial was held.
Let's fight this vicious form of
-Hy Bershad.
To the Editor:
This letter is actually an open
"thank you" note to those grand
people at our U. of M. Health
Service. Front the moment a cer-
tain fractured ankle was gently
placed into a pan of hot water
(by a beautiful redhead) to the
time it was handed a supporting
plaster cast on leaving, it knew
that if it had to happen this was
the way to spend the aftermath.
During the four days and nights
said ankle was "immobilized," the
assorted 180 lbs. of tissue and
bone connected to it was gen-
erously taken care of by an as-
sortment of doctors, nurses, and
helpers each one more patient,
considerate, and pleasant.
A snapshot picture of one's im-
pressions received during those
four days of confinement might
perhaps reflect on-Fritz's philo-
sophical backrub-Betty's fresh
charm-Mr. Ackor's helpfulness-
Burke's radiating smile-Chris's
story of her boy friend (no, I
wasn't sleeping, Chris!) - Mrs.
Wagner's soft voice-Miss Nash's
gentleness-Ithaca's manageabil-
ity-and that cheerful sunrise
nurse who caressingly wakes you
up each morning by holding your
hand and gently placing to your
parted lips-a Fahrenheit scale.
Ah yes, guys, take it from a
well casted specimen, if ever it
behooves you to get plastered, re-
member-Health Service is a place
of distinction.
-Irving Gallatin.

WASHINGTON-If the experience of the
1930's means anything, nothing could be
more dangerous than to respond to the
challenge of Soviet rearmament by adopting
a policy of collective military weakness, as
some are now proposing. On the other hand,
it is equally obvious that when the world
situation must severely strain American re-
sources in any case, nothing could be more
At Lydia Mendelssohn . .
THE BAKERS WIFE, with Raimu and
SEX IS GOOD, but kindness is better
seems to be the theme of the latest
Rairnu comedy-classic to come to Ann Arbor.
"The Baker's Wife" contains all the usual
qualities of a Marcel Pagnol production;
fine-etched characterizations, dry French
humor, and that rare blend of comedy and
pathos which is achieved in this country
only by Charlie Chaplin. Raimu excels in
the type of role which has made him fa-
mous, that of a man who is able to forgive
all sins and understand everyone's idiosyn-
He is cast as a baker with a beautiful
but unresponsive young wife, unresponsive
that is, until she meets a dashing shep-
herd. The greater part of the film con-
cerns itself with the effects of her affair
upon her patient and loving husband.
In one superlative drunk scene Raimu

foolish than to do the defense job in hand
in a wasteful way.
These twin truisms are relevant at the
moment, because developments at the
Pentagon at last hold out some hope for
rational, which means economical Amer-
ican defense planning. After nearly four
years of ill-concealed failure to agree on
a unified strategic concept, the Joint
Chiefs of Staff have at last got down to
business. Perhaps they may fail in their
task, which is essentially to slice away
the unnecessary excrescences put out by
each service in order to compete with
the others. But at any rate they are
The knowledge of the gross inadequacy
of the combat strength provided in the
present budget had the sobering effect on
the services that Forrestal had been hoping
for. Early in December, the Joint Chiefs of
Staff began meeting twice a week instead of
once, in order to get to real grips with their
problem. Shortly thereafter, on Forrestal's
motion, General of the Army Dwight D.
Eisenhower was brought to Washington to
serve as an impartial arbiter. And the pro-
cess was speeded up further, until it reached
the present tempo of almost continuous hard
But there is also another kind of econ-
omy which the services might investigate,
that differs from the economy derived
from true-unification. The Army, for in-
stance, has ten combat divisions out of
a total of 692,000 troops and 370,000 civil-
ians in its employ. The soldiers are the
most expensive in the world. The civilians
are even more costly than the soldiers.
And there is no defending the ratio be-
tween the total of this expensive man-
power and the small percentage in fully
organized combat units. In this the other

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................City Editor
Naomi Stern .....Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti .. .Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen ........Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff ..........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown ........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal *.Associate Sports Ed
Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery ......Women's Editoi
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor
Bess Hayes .................LIbrarlan
Business Staff
Richard Hait......Business Managet
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culmnan ... .Finance Manager
Cole Christian ...Crculation Managst
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusivAJ
entitled to the use for republioation
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all otha
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription luring the regular
school year by carrier, $.00, by matt.


What title were you planning to use
for this biography you're writing?_

"O'Malley As I Knew Him. By Barnaby
Baxter, as told to.- ." Too informal
r ,nn .. *i,;.-L- $pnr whnf. ke v..A.

Miss Dixon wants to write a short
article for the Child Psychology
Gazepttpeabot t arnobv, dear.


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