THE MICHIGAN DAILY WVEDRNESDA , - I Election Bribery AS STUDENTS tramp to the polls today to cast their votes for campus offices, some of them are going to face some pretty tough decisions. Maybe they thought the lemon drops passed out by one candidate were pretty tasty. Then the cinnamon balls came out in huge quantities. They were pretty good, too. But someone had to dish out candy canes and got the voters all confused. The taste-test for candidates is no longer a simple matter. How can a student cast his vote for the lemon-drop candidate with an easy conscience when his tongue is still dripping with the candy kiss passed out by a competitor? Some dead-heads might object to this whole process of familiarizing candidates with voters as somewhat unsavory. There's the item of added expense to the candi- dates. Maybe next year the only candi- dates who'll stand a chance are the ones with rich uncles who own candy stores. Then too, some may feel that a piece of candy is a pretty mediocre bribe for some- thing as important as campus political offices. Frankly I'm completely without scruples myself. I'm going to wait until late this afternoon to cast my ballot. And I don't mind telling you, the candidate who passes out the 72-pound chocolate Easter bunnies will get my first place vote. -Jo Misner. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: GEORGE WALKER Aspects Era of Intelligence " Y ROOMMATE is a swell guy," con- fided the grizzled campus campaigner to the innocent-looking freshman. "So if you have nothing better to do, get out and give him your vote, won't you?" Mentally chalking up another vote, he turned away-only to be stopped dead in his tracks eby the high-pitched voice be- hind him. "What does he stand for?" asked the freshman defiantly. Similar conversations in dormitories, classrooms, and fraternities indicated a campus-wide trend last week. And, a few hours after the polls opened yesterday, cam- paigners and voters alike realized that cam- pus politics were emerging from the confu- sion of the past into the Era of Intelligent Voting. True, the transition was far from being complete. There were still visible traces of bloc voting--and many invisible ones. Candidates continued to resort to time- worn but effective jelly-bean and bubble gum seduction-and there were takers. But the barrage of publicity and informa- tion that poured from the Student Legis- lature, The Daily and from the lips of the candidates themselves had served its pur- pose. Polling places became centers of campus activity as students, armed with the Elec- tion Committee's "Know Your Candidate" booklet and The Daily's special election page, voted quickly and efficiently for candidates whose qualifications they knew. With a record-breaking vote almost a certainty, all signs point to the fact that the new Student Legislature will be the most truly representative student organiza- tion in the University's history. --Leon Jaroff. Triphthongs 'OMES THE REVOLUTION" seems to be the by-word of the new Irish republic, although not in a capitalistic sense. As far as the revamped, independent Irish state is concerned now, it's "out!" with the English language and long live the archaic Gaelic tongue. Quoting President Sean T. O'Kelly (and a thousand par- dons to staunch believers in the spread- ing afar of the English language), "the winning of the Republic would be an empty victory if the Irish lost their tongue." And it appears that the O'Sheas and Clanahans have lost their head, to boot. In an all-out effort to reinstate Gaelicism, citizens paraded Dublin streets bearing "Boy- cott English newspapers" placards. Several signs came right to the point and ordered that since the King was dead, the language tie with Britain should be erased imme- diately. The proposed linguistic revolution stems from an upsurge of patriotic fervor occa- sioned by Ireland's complete independence, following 780 years of rule by the British crown. Now that we're free for good, they feel, why not do this up brown aild stamp out all remaining vestiges of English influ- ence here? Nevertheless, jubilant merrymakers failed to reckon with one hitch in plans for a totally unionized Ireland-six coun- tries in Northern Ulster Province are still keeping allegiance to their neighbors across the English Channel. Prime Minis- ter Costello tried to soothe the blow when he proclaimed that in order to hold their privileges, Ulsterites must place defense and foreign matters in the hands of an all-Ireland regime. Whether or not Ulster continues to hold out apparently will not dampen spirits of the "return to the Gaelic language" stal- warts. The obsolete triphthongs, character- istic of old Gaelic, might appear once again if free Irishmen persist in abandoning the language they have been speaking for so many years. It'll be a tough grind-in fact, die-hards will not only be compelled to relearn a diffi- cult tongue, but Gaelic dictionaries must be taken down from dusty attics to enable the people to master a whole new set of spelling rules. The task, therefore, should be Herculean in its proportions, and by the time citizens are tearing shamrocks from their, hair in sheer distress, maybe they'll realize that the King's English is a lot easier-and more practical, after so many years-after all. -Donald Kotite. s-. "Anchor Man on the Freshman Squad" -Daily--Bill Hampton DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Prayer Chamber APPARENTLY the kid-gloved wielders of world destiny, scoffing at such over practical ideas as effective world govern- ment, education and cultural reciprocity, have decided to take a new and giant risk in .the game of world understanding: They will award their official, if insipid, recogni- tion to the existence or a Supreme Being. This week, designers of the new U.N. headquarters in Manhattan were instruct- ed to work out some sort of plan for an inoffensive "prayer chamber," not exactly a church, or even a chapel, but some simple, unpretentious place suitable for the simple thousands who have written Dr. Lie requesting a room in which to pray for the guidance of world diplomats. Thus far, the plan has received no official disapproval. Evidently, these diplomats are indifferent, perhaps even receptive, to th idea of a sanctum for those who would pray for them. 'But experts are wary. In regard to the physical characteristics of the room, the architecture, they demand, must be ex- tremely cautious. Nothing dare be done that would offend any of the widely divergent world religions-an understandable precau- tion. Also understandable, and indeed un- fortunate, is the double care that must be taken lest the official, or unofficial, antagonism of the Russian government toward religion be molested. In other words, the new "prayer chambers" should be suitable for the meditation of the athe- istic pilgrim, conducive to thought on any subject, whether reflection upon St. Au- gustine or mourning the late Cominform. Unfortunately, because all the atmosphere of a chapel will be excluded, and with it, the desire to worslip in a place of worship, the chamber may very well be a barren room, lacking beauty and even worshippers. And who knows? To avoid the tender toes of the most militant atheists, the de- signers may merely set off an open plot in the surrounding area, where worshippers may kneel, sans altars, vestries, stained glass and seats. But that too would be amid shocking evidence of God-trees, sky, and grass, all offensive, religious, sectarian trappings. It is a step, this de jure recognition of God, but a sad, faltering one. Still, no non- sectarian prayer at' UN meetings, despite the pleas of most nations. In the celestial idealism of world gov- ernment, when human destruction or sur- vival may rest upon the success of its workings, when lives by the millions are in the hands of a few, those few could well afford to call upon a supreme being for guidance, not only as a recognition of their own inadequacy, but as a comfort to the world populace, to whom the whole business is quite serious, and finally in the spirit that something, by chance, might come of it. As a concession, the new "prayer cham- ber" is just that-nothing more. But to the thousands who will use it, it is a very important concession, hinting that what it concedes to may prove the unique basis for world cooperation and international hu- mility. -George Walker. Dlk(AMA I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: For a Safe Germany By SAMUEL GRAFTON aIERA MICHELES DEAN, writing from Berlin in the April 15 "Bulletin" of the Foreign Policy Association, goes into the question of finding pro-democratic groups in Germany that we can, as the saying goes, work with. The prospects are unappetizing. There are the youth, who grew up be- lieving in Hitler, only to have him ex- plode in their faces, and they are now tired and cross. The women are submis- sive; they "take" politically, from hus- bands and fathers, and since German hus- bands and fathers are not exactly polit- ical geniuses, as the last thirty or forty years show, there is not much hope for in- dependent action in that direction. There are eleven million German "expellees" who have been put out of Czechoslovakia, Hun- gary, Poland, etc.; these have not yet been organized, but their real interest lies in going home, rather than in building a democratic western Germany; what they probably would want, mostly, if organized, would be a nice, short war. Only when we come to the German trade unions do we find some hope; here, at least is a group which is anti-Nazi, anti-Com- munist and aniti-nonsense. But here, finds Mrs. Dean, we come upon a snag. The snag is that this group "has least appeal" for those members of our Military Government who want "untrammeled" free enterprise in Germany and -are against all leftist We endanger, rather than save our- selves, by the tight little conception that it is our job merely to organize the world's right wing into a pushing match against Communism. Actually, we need friends on the left more than we need friends on the right. We have plenty of those. Quite un- realistically, we pamper ourselves and snag ourselves, when we try to set up a world policy in the image of the most un- questioning kind of domestic economic preconception. But how can we go about broadening our approach? How can we even get enough sensitive and perceptive officials appointed, in the present atmo- sphere of pompous suspicion and righteous self-justification? It is a tragedy, because a revived Ger- many, especially needs policing at higher than ordinary levels. A strong UN could do it externally; a strong liberal social current could do it internally. Failing the one, we must, at least, have the other, if a new Germany is to be a safe Germany. Without either, we are compelled to build Germany up while tying it down, to create complicated structures of regulation, trying to do with fences and bits of string what can only be done by the emerging hopes of men. (Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation) New Books at General Library Ernst, Morris and Loth, David--The People Know Best. Washington, D.C., Public PROF. CHARLES E. KOELLA and a high- ly competent cast gave to La Belle Aven- ture last night a great deal more success than it deserves. The play which dates back to pre-World War I days shows its age most unbecomingly and with the possible exception of the first act, the play suffered much from its static nature. However, the excellent cast transformed the play into a completely entertaining evening for the audience. The main fault seemed to be that many of the participants who acted well, spoke poor French. There were two notable exceptions, how- ever, Barbara Boucher and Delores Lazich, who played Helene and the Comtesse re- spectively. As a young woman engaged to marry one man and in love with another, Miss Boucher gave a truly touching per- formance with just the right amount of sentimentality. And as her aunt, Miss Lazich lent a delightful flavor to her role of the blase, faithless "comtesse" that easily made her the star of the evening. Harriet Peebles, Ruth Letzter, Richard Burns, Leslie Rose and Michel Johnson all offered sound performances in routine roles. While the play was not of the best, the cast was and they made La Belle Aventure really just that for its audience. -Herb Rovner. IT SO HAPPENS ® Chapeaux It Fits, Too .. . ITEM FROM THE NEW YORKER: "The Man from Mars Radio Hat will presently be on the market, a brain child of the Amer- ican Merri-Lei Corporation, of Brooklyn, which makes party goods-paper hats, nut cups, horns, razzers, and such . . . (the hat) in shape resembles an ordinary pith helmet. Two radio tubes protrude, hornlike, from the front of the dome. Between them is a plastic tuning knob. A five-inch ring antenna juts out behind, and a single earphone projects downward. The rest of the apparatus is in- side the crown, held in place by a card- board flap, except for a wire with a plug on one end, which connects with a seven- (Continued from Pae 3) Academic Notices Aerodynamics Seminar, Aero.I Eng. 160: Wed., April 20, 4-6 p.m, 1508 E. Engineerng Bldg. Topic Diabatic compresble flows with rotation. Botanical Seminar: 4 p.m. Wed., April 20, 1139 Natural Science Bldg. "Development Anatomy and Regeneration of 1levea brasilien. sis' by Thomas J. Mi:ik. Opent meeting. Physical Inorganic Chemistry Seminar: Wed., April 20, 4:10 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Bldg. Mr. Edwin Benjamins will discuss "Uranium Hydride" and Mr. Henry HabgoodE will review "The Determination off Dipole Moments from Microwave Spectra." Wildlife Management Seminar: Dr. G. A. Amnmann, Game Biolo- gist of the Michigan Department of Conservation, will present an il- lustrated talk on the recent at- tempts to introduce Ptarmigani into Michigan. 7:30 p.m., Wed.,I April 20, Botany Seminar Room, 1139 Natural Science Bldg. All wildlife students are expected to attend and anyone else interested is invited. Preliminary Ph.D. ExaminationY in Economics will be held during the week beginning Mon., May 2. Each student planning to takej these examinations should leave with the Secretary of the Depart- ment not later than Fri., April 22, his name, the three fields in which he desires to be examined, and his field of specialization.t Students who expect to do di- rected Teaching in Elementary Education during the fall semes- ter, and who have not filed appli- cations, should do so at once in 2509 Univ ersity Elementary School. Concerts Concert: The Women's Gleec Club, under the direction of Miss Mtarguerite V. Hood, will present a Spring concert at 8 p.m., Wed.,' April 20, Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre. The Dance Workshop, direct- ed by Dr. Juana de Laban, will1 also perform on the program. The Glee Club will sing a group of Eliz- abethan madrigals, folk and art songs, and a group of songs from the Gibson Girl era. Soloists will" be Doris Kays, Patricia Herman, and Charlotte Boehm. Events Today Research Club: 8 p.m., Rack- ham Amphitheatre. Annual me- morial meeting, celebrating the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Papers: Prof. Henry W. Nordmeyer, "Goethe and Human Values." Prof. Harley H: Bartlett:] "Goethe as a Scientist." Members of the Science Research Club and the Women's Research Club aret invited.] A.S.M.E. field trip to the Ford River Rouge plant: Wed., and Thurs., April 20 and 21. Busses will leave E. Engineering Building, 12:30 p.m. All those wishing to go must sign the list on the A.S.M.E. bulletin board. Cost to members, 50c; non-members, 75e. AiEE-IRE joint meeting will present Mr. George B. Savirs of Westinghouse Corporation who will discuss "Strateovision." 7:30 p.m., 348 W: Engineering Bldg. U. of M. Radio Club W8AXZ: Open meeting, 8 p.m., I-M Bldg. downstairs golf range. Guest speaker, Mr. Tom Talpey, EE Dept. Lecture and demonstration' of Electronic Golf Ball Machine. United Nations Council: Special urogram on UNESCO. under the leadership of Prof. William Clark Trow, chairman of the Michigan Preliminary Committee for UNESCO, 7 p.m., University High School auditorimn. Faculty-stu- dent panel. Members and interest- ed students are invited. The Film Study Group will show 'The Thief of Bagdad' --1928 Ver- sion with Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., Lane Hall, 7 p.m. West Quad Radio Club: Meet- ing, 8:30 p.m., Open house sched- ule will be drafted. Joint meeting with W8AXZ begins at 9:15. All members please attend. U. of M. Sailing Club: Meeting of all regular and probationary members, 7 p.m.,311 W. Engineer-' ing. Sociedad Hispanica: Meeting, 8 p.m., Hussey Room, League. Fa- ther Kern, of Detoit, will speak on the legend of "La Virgen de Guadalupe." Ullr Ski Club: Special Meeting, 7:30 pm., 35 Angell Hall. Official elcctions. All members are urged to attend. Modern Poetry Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., E. Room, League. Marsh Campbell will lead a discussion of Hart Crane's poetry. Graduate Coffee Hour: 4 p.m., 3201 East Engineering Bldg. Dr. L. L. Kempe, Bacteriology, will discuss the topic, "Disposal of In- dustrial Wastes." Coed Folk and Square Dancing: 7:30 p.m., W.A.B. Bring dues. Westminster Guild, First Pres- byterian Church: Informal tea and talk, 4-6 p.m., Russel parlor, church building. Roger Williams Guild: Weekly "chat" and tea at Guild House, 4:30-6 p.m. Michigan Christian Fellowship: Bible Study, Book of Acts, Chapter IX, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall. Wesleyan Guild: Record Tea, 4 p.m., Wesley Lounge. U. of M. Dames Bridge Group: Meet in the Henderson Room, League, 8 p.m. Women of the University Facul- ty: Tea, 4 to 6 p.m., club room, Rm. D, League. Coming Events Phi Beta Kappa: Annual Initi- ation, Thurs., April 28, 5 p.m., fol- lowed by banquet at 6:30 p.m. Dr. James B. Conant, President of Harvard University, will speak at the banquet on "Science and Com- mon Sense." Reservations should be made at the office of the Sec- retary, Hazel M. Losh, Observa- tory, by Tues., April 26. Members of other Chapters are invited. The biennial Open House for the College of Engineering: Fri., April 22. Classes will not be held in the College of Engineering on that date. The Political Science Round Table will meet as scheduled Thurs., April 21, 7:30 p.m., Rack- ham Bldg. Graduate students in the Department are expected to attend. Wives are invited. Graduate Student Council Meet- ing': Thurs., April 21, 7:30 p.m., West Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg,; Dr. Travers and Dr. Angell will discuss the Graduate Exami- nation Program. Recreational Swimming-Wom- en Students: Union Pool every Saturday, 9 to 11. American Ordinance Association: Meeting, Thurs., April 21, 7:30 p.m., 301 W. Engineering Annex. Mr. Harris, Vice-President of Ar- gus (Cameras), Inc., will speak on "Optical Fire Control Instruments and Conversion From Peace to War." Field trip, Tues April 26, Tour of Argus plant. All persons must be at Argus main gate by 1:15 p.m. Student-Faculty hour: Thurs., April 21, 4-5 p.m., Grand Rapids Room, League, Germanic lan- guages department will be guests. Cosponsored by Assembly and Panhel associations. International Center weekly tea for all foreign students and Ameri- can friends, 4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., April 21, International Center. Gilbert and Sullivan Society: Full chorus and principals re- hearsal, Thurs., April 21, League. Phi Eta Sigma: Meeting of all January initiates, Thurs., April 21, 4:30 p.m., Union. Committee for Displaced Stu- dents: Meeting, Thurs., April 21, 7:30 p.m., Russian Tea Room, League. Sponsorship and scholar- ship reports. Planning for Fall semester D.P. students coming from European D.P. camps must be completed by May 1. U. of M. Rifle Club: Big Ten postal match, Thurs., April 21, 7 p.m., ROTC range. Deutscher Verein: Meeting, Thurs., 8 p.m., Union. Student participation program and popular German recordings. I.R.A.: General membership meeting, Thurs., April 21, 7:30 p.m., Union. UWF: Meeting, 4:15 Thurs. April 21, Union. p.m., U. of M. Dames Drama Group: Final dress rehearsal for the skit which will be presented at the Spring Dance by the U. of M. Dames Drama Group, 8 p.m., Thurs., April 21, Basement, 1472 University Terrace Apartments. Roger Williams Guild: Members planning to attend Michigan Stu- dent Christian Convocation, April 30, hand in registration blanks as soon as possible to Faith Whitnall or at Lane Hall. BARNABY Well! So you've already engaged Up to now I've resisted all pressure I ._ _ r _