ELECTION ASPECTS See rage 4 Y A61P Ar 4f t r tgan tit l , n0 0 ( C'00 V .r Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 138 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1949 SUNNY AND MID PRICE FIVE CENTS Boston Priest Denounces Archbishop Calls Punishment 'Invalid, Brutal' BOSTON - (P) - A 52-year-old Jesuit priest, who declared he had been stripped of his priestly pow- ers for contending there is no sal-' vation outside the Roman Catho- lic Church, today denounced his punishment by Archbishop Rich- ard J. Cushing as "brutal" and "invalid." Archbishop Cushing said he had barred the Rev. Leonard Feeney, S.J., from the altar for "grave offenses against the general laws of the Catholic Church." * * * BUT FATHER Feeney said, "the reason I am being silenced is because I believe there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church and without personal sub- mission to our Holy Father, the Pope, and Archbishop Cushing be- lieves there is . .. I believe the present silencing of me is totally invalid." The invoking of one of the gravest punishments of the Catholic Church was the newest development in a week - old "heresy" controversy which has stirrred the large Catholic pop- ulation in this city. The heresy charge first was lev- eled against Boston College, noted religious school, by three instruc- tors there and another at Boston College High School. * * * THE FOUR lost their teaching positions, they claimed, because, they contended Boston College was preaching the "heresy" that persons outside the Catholic faith can attain salvation after death. Father Feeney; an educator and author whose works include the popular "Fish on Friday," now is spiritual adviser for a nine- year-old lay organization for stu- dents-St. Benedict's Center, near Harvard University in Cambridge. He said he had been ordered from the diocese seven months ago. * '* Local Priest Gives views On Dismissals Says Professors Held Narrow views By AL 1'LUMROSEN "Professors are usually fired be- cause they are too liberal but Bos- ton College dismissed four faculty members because of their ultra- narrow views," Father Frank J. McPhillips, pastor of St. Mary's Chapel said yesterday. The fo,4r who accused the col- lege of "heresy" because it was teaching that persons outside the Catholic faith could attain salva- tion after death, held a very nar- row view, Father McPhillips said. "THEY WERE TRYJNG to put words into the church's iouth that it does not teach." Father McPhillips was dis- turbed over the misunderstand- ing that the Boston College was teaching the "intolerant atti- tude" presented by the dismissed faculty members in their charge that the school was heretical. (One student called The Daily to get straightened out on the meaning of the Associated Press story about the firings that ap- peared yesterday.) * * * THE MEN WHO were dismissed probably think they are martyrs, Father McPhillips said. He pointed out that none of the four are the- ologians. In its official catechism the Catholic Church says this on the question of who can attain sal- vation: "He who knows the church to be the true church and re- mains out of it can not be saved. This applies to men of bad faith who sin against the truth; it does not apply to men of good faith that belongs to the soul of the church." One of the four, Fakhri Maluf, is a former University student. Father McPhillips said he is a Sy- rian who was converted during his stay at the University. Engine Open House To Hit 'U'_Friday Displays Will Feature Ship Models, Rocket Motor, Miniature Railroads University students will have a chance to see a ram jet engine, the power unit of the famed German "Buzz Bomb," U.S. submarine models and scores of other technical exhibits when the Engineering School throws open its doors for its bi-annual open house this Friday. More than 125 proud slip-stitch pushers have been working for months on the affair which promises to rival the last open house held in 1947 which attracted thousands of spectators. Beside members of the University community, the engineers will play host to additional thousands of high school students who will be in town for "University Day." * * * * . SOME 250 exhibits, worth millions of dollars will be ready for the visitors. Twelve engineering departments, plus the local NROTC and 4>ROTC units have prepared dis- C hafee Cites In jusice in Equioty Cases By insisting on unreasonably high standards of conduct, "equity judges turn morality into cruelty and even into obsurdity," accord- ing to Prof. Zechariah Chafee of the Harvard Law School. Continuing the subject "Going into Equity with Unclean Hands" in yesterday's Cooley law lecture, Prof. Chafee used dramatic copy- right and matrimonial cases to il- lustrate how a narrow view of morality can lead to gross injus- tice in court decisions. * * * "IN (MARRIAGE cases, judges have an especially strong duty to look at the total situation and not let the result turn on the ethical behavior of a single individual," the Cooley lecturer said. Unethical behavior on the part of one of the partners of a marriage sometimes leads courts to annul marriages though there is good reason to believe that the marriage might succeed. Such judicial action leads to an excessive amount of "drifting" into and out of marriage. "Marriage is not something to drift into and out of like a sa- loon," Prof. Chafee declared. IN OTHER CASES, divorce is often refused if both the plaintiff and defendant have been guilty of violating the marriage vows, on the grounds that the granting of a divorce would show a tacit ap- proval of past errors. Commenting on these cases, the Harvard professor said "Ju- dicial unwillingness to condone past sins is likely to be vondu- cive to more serious future sins." The Cooley lectures will con- tinue the- discussion of "Some Problems of Equity" at 4:15 p.m. today in Hutchins Hall. "Repre- sentative Spits" will provide Prof. Chafee with ammunition for to- day's talk. Barbour' Gal Bangs Head Marilyn Weihe, '49, really knocked herself out yesterday. Miss Weihe, who lives in Betsy Barbour House, was hurrying to wake up a friend before her first class. In the process, she banged her head on the door and went down for the ten count. Despite two egg shaped lumps on her fore- head, would-be doctors in Bar- bour predict a speedy recovery. A speech major, Miss Weihe has been working with sound effects and claims that her last thought before she blacked out was wheth- er her fall would be loud enough to be heard on the air. Her friends claim that Miss Weihe is rather proud of her feat, and lifts up her hair to show off the bumps to anyone who will look. plays. The affair will get full press cov- erage from a corps of photogra- phers from a Detroit newspaper which plans to do a special feature on the open house. The Technic will also feature a complete cover of the event in a special edition which is to be distributed Thurs- day and Friday. Wally Dublonica is general chairman of the event. He was as- sisted by co-chairmen George Wolf and Stan Saulson. Machines on land, sea and air will be the features of the Civil Engineering, Naval Architecture and Aeronautical Engineering Departments, according to divi- sion chairmen Arthur Plant, Herman Merte and Eugene Her- tier. The Civil- Engineering Depart- ment, with displays in both the West and East Engineering Build- ings, will have models of two types of land travel-two exhibits of railroads and one of a super high- way, Plant said. *. * * THE NARROW gauge rail- road is 15 by 20 feet, and has five trains and 30 cars that run on roads going over a realistic land- scape with a pond, bridges and tunnels. The second model is of the new narrower "H-O" gauge, built to scale eight by 12 feet. On the sea, or at least on the water, the Naval Architecture De- partment will feature rides for students on its naval testing car in a water tank more than 200 feet long and 20 feet wide. Engineers have dusted off an old steam engine, once used on the launch of a Spanish Admiral War, he added. The Aeronautical Department, under chairman Eugene Hertler, will feature displays of airplanes, wind tunnels and special instru- ments designed to test airplanes and their parts under all kinds of conditions, Hertler said. THE PROPULSIONS lab will have a minijet engine 18 inches long in operation, a ram jet en- gine from Cleveland and a "sec-. tional pulse" enginer similar to those used on the German V-1 Buzz Bombs. The Wright - Patterson Air Laboratories have sent several displays up from Toledo, Hertler said. These include: a radio- controlled target plane used for gunnery practice for fledging flyers; a photographic montage of "Operation Vittles," the Ber- lin Airlift; traction landing gear; a cutaway of an aeroprop as well as others set up at the East Building, Hertler said. Buses will leave on the hour from 1 to 4 p.m. for Willow Run Airport, where students will be able to observe all the functions of the field, he added, "Capital Airlines even donated a DC-4 air- liner for students to inspect inside and out." Sin of Omission Only 16 of the 17 new members of Mortarboard, senior women's honorary society, were included in the list submitted to The Daily Monday. Omitted from the list was Shir- ley (Boots) Kallman. Fate of China Hours Away, ReportsSay Nationals Spurn Red Ultimatum NANKING - () - The fateful battle for the Yangtze Valley and control of all China may be only hours away. The government last night spurned a Red demand for un- opposed crossings of the mighty river, an official source said. This is expected to be the signal for a Red smash to the south bank. * * * * THE COMMUNISTS had set up a new list of conditions for peace. Among them were the unopposed crossings. They told the govern- ment to agree by today or take the consequences. No hour was set. The government reportedly made a counter proposal, but most observers predicted its quick rejection by the Reds. Shortly before the government decision, the Communist radio de- clared 400,000 Red veterans had finished all preparations to strike across the river in the Nanking- Shanghai area. IN ALL THE Communists are believed to have 1,000,000 veterans in position to attack along some 650 miles of the Yangtze river front. The government has pos- sibly 500,000- troops to meet the assault. Nanking was deep in gloom. Police sentries were doubled. Reinforced garrison patrols moved through the capital with full combat equipment. Fam- ilies of officials were leaving town. The official source said the government was handing the Communists a counterproposal that was loaded with all the con- cessions the government thought it could make. But few believed they would be enough. * * * GOVERNMENT leaders trudged wearily off to bed after day and night sessions spent in framing the reply. The official source said their state of mind was this: if the Communists will not yield on their insistence for free crossings there is no alternative but to fight. The Communists had warned that if a peace agreement was not signed by today, all further talks in Peiping were off. The northern city has been the scene of several weeks of intense negotiations. Worl d News Round- Up By The Associated Press LAKE SUCCESS-The U.N. in- vited Hungary and Burigary yes- terday to tell their stories of the imprisonment of Josef Cardinal Mindszenty and Protestant churchmen. The Russian delegation indicat- ed the two satellite countries would not accept. Both have filed protests with the U.N. against any discussion of the trials, contend- ing they are internal matters and no business of the U.N. BUENOS AIRES - Troops maintained order yesterday at the strike-bound city of Salta, the scene of the first serious labor disturbance in Argentina since President Juan D. Peron came to power in 1946. Three persons were killed and 31 wounded in a 22 hour battle between strikers and federal po- lice yesterday at Salta, a city of 67,000 near the Bolivian frontier 1,200 miles northwest of Buenos Aires. * * * WASHINGTON - President Truman yesterday signed a bill authorizing $5,580,000,000 for European recovery over the next 15 months. In First Day of Balloting Y CAMPUS ELECTION-Students discovered yesterday that bluebooks were not the only things that called for serious mental effort. In record numbers they jammed polling booths, such as this one on the Diag, to pick Student Legislature members, class officers and decide the fate of a dozen campus issues by referendum. This scene will be repeated today with a completely new all-star cast-those students who failed to vote yesterday because booths were "too crowded." Vote Turnout Tops 4,000 FLAMING YOUTH: ale Audience Watches Stockwell Hall Fire Drill By LEON JAROFF Stockwell Hall had a "coming out" party last night. To the small group of men who were fortunate enough to witness the fun, it was a great success. SOME OF THE women partici- pants, however, had different ideas. It was at 11:45 p.m. that the clang of alarm bells shattered the stillness of the night and sent the 540 residents of Stockwell scurry- ing through the paces of the lat- est addition to dormitory life- the fire drill. Although the coeds had been notified in advance about the drill, a general state of unpre- paredness was evident as they trooped out of Stockwell's rear exits. Cold cream, curlers, and paja- mas detracted somewhat from the glamour of the occasion and evok- See Picture, page 2 ed chortles of glee from the male onlookers. But the women, undaunted by the taunts of their midnight visi- tors, went efficiently about their business and formed into units behind card-bearing section lead- ers. Between phrases of "I don't want to set the world afire," roll call was taken. FROM THE steady undercur- rent of feminine voices, an occa- sional gripe could be distinguish- ed. "Coffee should be served out here." ''--------, it's cold!" "My hair's a mess!" AT LAST, the "all-safe" whistle blew and the coeds stumbled back into the warmth of Stockwell's corridors. The stillness of the night was again unbroken-except for the grumbling of the depart- ing men. "Shucks," they said, "no one was taking a shower." See PICTURE, page 2 Eusian Drive to Aim at Seniors Sale Will Be Held Today and Tomorrow The 'Ensian sales force will set its sights on the 600 out of 3434 photographed seniors who have not yet purchased the yearbook, during its open campus sale which will be held today and tomorrow. Sales booths will be set up on the Diag and near the Engineer- ing Arch, where from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. orders will be taken for the remaining 500 yearbooks. Since more than half of the campus will have their pictures in the yearbook this year, there is bound to be a last minute rush to buy the book after its official distribution," Jeannie Johnson, head of the student index pointed out. "We wish to avoid a rush this year, so we have put the extra copies on sale before distribution," she explained. The price of the 'Ensian is still fixed at $6. Red Leaders Meet in Paris PeaceParley Delegates Plan Fight Against Atlantic Pact PARIS - (P) - Communist and leftist leaders from 69 nations con- verged on Paris yesterday to launch the world peace congress tomorrow. The rank of delegates indicated the congress would be an organized offensive on the propaganda front against the North Atlantic treaty. The pact has been called an in- strument of war in the Commu- nist press. IN PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia's Communists hastily organized an "overflow" peace congress for some delegates from behind the iron curtain who had not been permitted to attend the Paris meeting. Russian, Chinese, Mongolian, Polish, Romanian and Hungar- ian delegates will be among those at the Prague sounding board congress, which will run five days concurrently with the Paris meeting. Frederick Joliot-Curie, member of the French Communist Party and chairman of the French atomic energy commission, will make the opening address to the 2,000 or more delegates in the Salle Preyel, an auditorium us- ually reserved for classical con- certs. Stephen Wise, Famed Jewish Lea der Dies NEW YORK-(;P)-Dr. Stephen S. Wise, world-renowned Jewish leader who fought for half a cen- tury to make the world a better' place to live for Jew and Gentilej alike, died yesterday. He celebrated his 75th birthday last March 17. The end came at Lenox Hill hospital, with his family grouped SL officials Dismayed By Small Crowd Warmer Weather PromisedToday By CRAIG WILSON More than 4,000 students voted yesterday - equaling last semes- ter's first day mark. Voting will continue from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today. However, election officials saw dreams of a 10,000 vote or even a predicted 8,500 vote fade, as they faced the traditional second-day tapering off in balloting. Last semester 7,013 voted. ANOTHER cloudless day with even warmer weathe was prom- ised last night by weathermen. Students will vote in the Michigan Union lobby, Alumni Memorial Hall, behind Haven Hall, on the Diag, at the En- gine Arch and on the steps of the BusAd Building. Student Legislature officials ex- pressed disappointment with the turnout: * *- * "THERE IS NO excuse for not voting. Progress in student gov- ernment will end' unless more vote." "SL's mandate for action will be crippled without a large vote." "We are no good without the campus behind us!" Contrary to widespread belief on campus, Seniors and graduates are eligibles to vote for members Of Student Legislature..--- LAST NIGHT, ballot boxes were trundled off to the Ann Arbor Police Station and placed in a double-vaulted safe for the night. Poll workers and watchers were praised by Nuechterlein for care- ful handling of the voting pro- cedure. Daily reporters attempt- ing to "test" them by voting twice were repeatedly turned away. Election counting will begin at 5:30 p.m. today, in Rm. 3R-S, of the Union. Nuechterlein called on all SL members and student coun- ters to arrive as early as possible. Sorting of ballots will take un- til 9:30 p.m., he said. (Newspapers Lost Political Power - Tunis Displaced By Radio DuringDepressi)n The far-reaching political in- fluence of American newspapers ended with the great depression and the return of a Democratic administration, according to Prof. Harold A. Innis, chairman of po, litical economy at the University of Toronto. * * * PROF. INNIS, who delivered his second lecture on communications yesterday at the Rackham Amphi- theatre, reiterated his theory that radio has replaced newspapers as a political instrument. "The implications of radio are not yet discernible," he said, "but radio seems to lead to planning, bureaucracy and so- cialism." He remarked that radio has a "monopoly over time," whereas newspapers have only a "monop- oly over space." PROF. INNIS does not share the opinion of some experts that there is a tendency toward one-news- paper towns.- Instead, he thinks that Americans will continue to favor variety and competition among newspapers. The speaker traced the develop- ment of newspapers and news- gathering agencies from colonial times to the present. This is Prof. Innis' second visit GOVERNMENT MEDICAL CARE: Socialization Would Be Dictatorshp-cormic 4>* * * 4 By FRAN NICK Socialized medicine would be a dictatorship, Dr. E. J. McCormick, trustee of the American Medical no good can come of government medicine."z The national health bill now pending debate in the Senate i ,-Amei. n ,. r . (',.,vw ir ernment has never acquitted itself with glory in the running of any enterprise. Such a program as that now r -n-n n rlcha i n ( n,-r mm ill tional income in taxation, and when we reach 50 per cent, we have a socialist state." The scientific foundation of ym, -