THE MICHIGAN DATT.Y P!l!'#1 s TE TC-1 V2'1\ 1.111EV Wi'a. o. r Students illPo to olls Today, Tomorrow t C"; -4 Engine Class Posts To Be DecidedUpon To Choose Eight From 22 in Race Engineers will lay their slide rules aside for a moment today or tomorrow to elect officers for next year's senior, Junior and Sophomore classes. Twenty-two candidates are in the running for the eight open- ings. Students will vote at either the Engineering Arch or the Alumni Memorial Hall. SENIOR CLASS PRESIDENT Emmett I. Smith .. . (No statement received) Bill Upthegrove ... I hope to be able to represent the needs and desires of the en- tire Engineering Senior Class ra- ther than only those of the or- ganized groups. Herbert Van Burgel - - Continue to work for a balanced program of increased student in- terest in extra-curricular activi- ties and preservation of fine tra- ditions of scholarship'of Engineer- ing College. SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT Ken Bay . . (No statement received) Anthony Carnevale ... I favor closer faculty-student body relationship, greater class spirit, programs for improvement of faculty evaluation, honor sys- tem and employment opportuni- ties for future graduates. Stan Wiggin... A class should expect, and get, real work and projects from its class officers. If elected, I hope to be able to show these results. * * * SENIOR TREASURER Bill Gripman I have experience in SL and Engineering Open House. I would try to improve orientation, estab- lish a power-tool craft shop, and strengthen the honor system. Bruce Paxton .. . It is my plan to have the senior class officers effect better co- ordination between departments of the Engineering School, for job placement of graduating seniors. * * * SENIOR SECRETARY Arnold Gowans . . As secretary of your engineer- ing class, I would work to es- tablish a power machine shop. Such a project has been success- ful at other colleges. Al Morris ... I am .very much in favor of a; faculty rating system in the en- gine school, and if elected will urge its adoption. ** * JUNIOR PRESIDENT Bob Brungraber ... r I wish to represent the Junior Engineering Class on the Engi- neering Council. Support the honor system and the engineering open house. Bill Dresser . . . To do my best to carry out the duties of the office I will attempt to better acquaint the students with the honor council. Charles Froman . If elected, I plan to energetically work for the greater integration of the Junior Class and for every task involved in being president. Bob Preston ... . My background includes secre- Take This Page to the Polls On this page, The Daily presents a comprehensive analysis of the campus election. Clip it out and vote intelligently. HOURS: 8 to 5 p.m., today and tomorrow. PLACES: Engineering Arch; Diag, behind Haven Hall, Alumni Memorial Hall, Union lobby and on the steps of the Bus.Ad. Building. Also booth at University Hospital today only. * .i '6 * REQUIREMENTS: Students must present I.D. Cards and show scholastic transcript if class is not given on card. Transcripts may be obtained at the offices of Deans Bromage (for women) and Walter (for men). FOR MEN ONLY: Sixteen Students Seek Union Vice Presidencies Today will find 16 student cam- paigners competing for six Michi- gan Union vice-presidencies, rep- resenting various scholastic areas of the campus. LITERARY COLLEGE C. Richard Foote.. . Past positions on the Executive Council and staff of the Union, interest, and other campus activi- ties, I feel give me essential qual- ifications for the office. James O. Kistler ... My experience on the Union Executive Council for this past year has given me an invaluable understanding of Union activities, essential to holding this office. Lee W. Sunshine.. . Male students of LS&A will be adequately and conscientiously represented on the Union Board of Directors if I am elected. Burton Shifman ... The Union needs streamlining. It must provide services and ac- tivities for students and cease be- ing a branch of Alumni office. The Union is "for Michigan Men." ENGINE, ARCH & DESIGN John Lindquist . . Having served on the Union Council for two years, I guaran- tee to sincerely serve the student body faithfully and diligently to- wards a satisfactory end. John Kistler . . . I feel qualified for the office, because of satisfactory past ex- perience. I will strive to make our Union a "better hangout" for Michigan Men. Ray Okonski . . . A vote for me is for UNION service, especially the return of 5 cent coffee, to equal the price at the Women's League. Leo Romzick . . . I seek re-election to continue the work of a vice president, which is to serve as liaison between members of the Union and its ad- ministration. COMBINED SCHOOLS Frank Drake . . . My intention is to inform stu- dents of Union activities and poli- cies; and of greater importance to see that their opinions and complaints are acted upon. Morgan Ramsey . . . Experience on the Michigan Uion staff, and knowledge .of poli- cies of the Combined Schools qualify me to aid the growth of Union activities. William L. Wise . . . I fel qualified to represent com- bined schools as Union vice presi- dent, being on the Union Junior Executive Council as Social Chair- man and other activities. LAW H. Gilbert Jones .. . If elected, I will maintain and further the position of the Michi- gan Union as the men's social See POLITICOS, Page 8 Weatherman Sees Clear Voting Days Sixty-One in Race For SL Positions (Continued from Page 1) odds for victory on each stu- dent are an unhealthy 2.69-to-1 against winning. Meanwhile, election officials unscrambled the last details of the voting last night. * * * PLANS CALL for booths from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and tomor- row. They will be located in the lobby of the Michigan Union, Alumni Memorial Hall, behind Haven Hall, on the Diag, at the Engine Arch, and the BusAd Building. In case of rain, the Diag booth will duck into the Library. An additional booth will be located in front of University hospital today only. Engineers will pick up their bal- lots at either the Engine Arch or Alumni Memorial Hall. * * * OTHER ELECTIONS commit- teemen were busy last night com- pleting a special Diag display on the Student Legislature candi- dates. Included will be pictures, qualifications and statements of each politico. And on another front, SL of- ficials red-facedly admitted that women would not be allowed to vote for Union vice presidents -no matter what the ballot in- structions say. All students in a given school may vote for that school's candi- dates," the ballot reads. "All men-that is," they ex- plained. * * * BALLOT-CASTING today and tomorrow will be carefully check- ed by Mens Judiciary, SL elec- tions committeemen and repre- sentatives of The Daily, election chairman Duane Nuechterlein, '50 BAd, said. They will watch for possible ballot-box stuffing, duplicate voting, ineligible voting and violations of campaigning rules. No candidate may campaign within 50 feet of voting booths or allow any of his signs or vocal- supporters within that radius. ** * a a BLOC VOTING-Daily cartoonist Bill Hampton's characterization of bloc voting on campus has be- come a classic. However, the bloc-voting machine, being cranked by the politician, is beginning to get rusty around the corners. Student leaders even predict that it will break down completely if voters use their ballots intelligently and not vote solely on social-group interests. II TRAIN YOUR BRAIN: Voters To Tangle With Referendum t Names won't be all that stare didate's petitions, which are de- voters in the face today. leted. Many SL members say peti- They will be called upon to ex- tions would be included in the press their opinions on ten ques- election rules. Others feel that a tions. constitutional guarantee is needed * * * on petitions. FIRST will be an amendment to the Student Legislature Constitu- tion, which must be supported by ;wo-thirds of those voting in order to go into effect. The amendment changes Sec- tion Three of Article One: "Any eligible student who wishes to run for the Student Legislature may appear on the election bal- lot if he or she presents to the Election Committee, before the established deadline, a petition signed by at least one-hundred- and-fifty students. The Legisla- ture is authorized to require an Election Fee of all candidates not to exceed one dollar." The proposal would change the paragraph to read: "Any eligible student who wishes to be a candi- date for the Student Legislature may appear on the election ballot by filing application with the Cit- izenship Committee before the es- tablished deadline; and by com- plying with the election rules. The Legislature is authorized to require an Election Fee of all candidates not to exceed one dollar." * * * CONTROVERSY on the amend- ment rests on the status of can- Grinding Onii Bloc Votes Seventeen in Historic Race For '50 Posts Will Name Four Officers for Class For the first time in University history, officers for the Literary College Senior Class of 1950 will be elected in the spring elections instead of the fall. Seventeen candidates are com- peting for the four openings, and unlike last year. the top posts are being heavily contested by a host of politicos. ** * Second question on the ballot will be a referendum proposed by The Daily to sample opinion on h bill recently introduced in- to the Michigan Legislature, af- fecting institutions financially supported by the state: "No past or present member of the Communist Party shall be em- ployed as a teacher in any school, college or university in the State of Michigan." Yes, No. VOTERS WILL ALSO consider a Legislature questionnaire. The first question, which is sim- ilar to question six asked of SL candidates, will decide whether the Legislature will act on revival of campus spirit. If voters are favorable to the plan, it will be taken by Legis- lator Bill Gripman to the Stu- dent Affairs Committee for ap- proval. The campus will also vote on two alternative "orientation pro- grams to integrate Freshmen in- to the University as a whole." Students may either vote for up- perclass coordinators in dorms to work with small groups of Fresh- men, or a dramatization of extra- curricular activities at a Fresh- man assembly at the end of the first semester. * * * A THIRD QUESTION is geared to determine to what extent stu- dents will attempt to influence Legislature decisions on policies which directly affect themselves, and find out what methods they would use. The final question is open ended-leaving the voter ample room to express himself on the policies of the Legislature. It mentions SL sponsorship of football pep rallies, cooperation with the University on faculty grading, work to have the political speakers ban removed and intro- duction of NSA Purchase Card System on campus. It then asks the point-blank question, "What new projects, if any, do you feel the SL should undertake?" * * * LEGISLATURE officers hope students will propose alternatives to any projects on the question- naire which they may oppose, and add suggestions for programs al- together new. In all, the ballot will be one of the largest in the history of cam- pus elections. PRESIDENT IPaul Anderson . I am thoroughly familiar with he duties and responsibilities of he Senior President. I believe my interest and past experience qual- ify me for the job. Bob Fancett . . . I shall strive to achieve an af- fair in honor of February grad- uates, a free Senior activities cal- ,ndar, better student government, and more closely coordinated sen- ior activities. Norm Gottlieb ... My primary qualification is that I am a Senior. My secondary qual- ifications are even less spectacu- lar, but I feel I can do the job. Jack Hayward ... Believing the job functional, not honorary, I will perpetuate the Senior Board and with my J-Hop experience, give you evidence of class activities and organization. Don McNeil . . . Your president is your president for life! He will work in the Alumni Council-he CAN work for you here for scholarships-jobs- social functions. Wally Teninga .. . With help and suggestions from the Senior Class, it is my sincere desire to continue the good work of the present Senior Class offi- cers. * * * VICE PRESIDENT John B. Baum ... I would make the vice presi- dent's position more than an hon- or-I would make it functional. I believe I have the experience and the desire for the job. Virginia Campbell I would like to see the senior class more united through class projects and reunions. I think graduation should be less imper- sonal. Gordon Ironside ... (No statement received. Howard "Steve" Stephenson .. Better organization and public- ity for a bigger and better Senior Ball, Senior Outing and Senior Hayride are some of my plans if elected. Joe Stone ... . Seniors should act together-as a class-to aid the school, not the factions within. Better class "rep- resentation through referendum" is my goal. Fredrica "Fredi" Winters ... I will unify and extend the scope of Senior activities-better reun- ions and methods by which stu- dents keep ties with one another and the University. * * * SECRETARY Jo Henderson ... I have a sincere interest in working for the students. If elec- ted I will do my best to fulfill my position capably. Dolores "Deah" Palanker-... I advocate better relations among senior class members and suggest a beer picnic in the arboretum to get acquainted. (.) Candidates for Student Legislature Answer Questions n 4' tary of the freshman class, pres- ident of the sophomore class, member of the engineering andl honor councils. Roger Vogel . . . (No statement received) * * * JUNIOR SECRETARY Ned Hess.. . (No statement received) Thomas J. McCann . . . I make no promises other than executing the office to the best of my ability. My wants are those of the average student engineer. Chuck Walli . . . " If elected, I will strive to have a more efficient and visible engi- neering council, more social ac- tivities sponsored by the council, and better class organization. SOPHOMORE PRESIDENT Chuck Good .. . I propose to introduce a nu- merical grading system because it offers a more accurate means of grading which operates to the students benefit. Bill Loveless . . . I advocate an engineering coun- cil composed of representatives, I) t I. 0 t f b I NV p *Gene Adams.. . 1. Yes; 2. No opinion; 3. No; 4. Yes; 5. No; 6.(a) No; 6.(b) No; 6.(c) No; 6.(d) No. I don't believe that establish- ment of the so-called "rah-rah" program would prove successful. With the extremely large enroll- ment and the present attitude of the administration, there isn't the proper atmosphere to foster such a plan. Beanies and tug-of-wars are now relics of the "hip-flask" era. *Dave Babson . . 1. No; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4 Yes; 5. Yes; 6. (a)N o; 6. (b) No; 6. (c) No; 6. (d) No. On question 6: School spirit, if ie is to survive at all, must come from the student body as a whole and cannot be imposed from above by the establishment of a "class warfare" week or any other meth- od. Beanies.and other such juve- nile paraphenalia, are out of place at a mature university. *Pris Ball*.. 1. Yes; 2. Yes; 3. Yes; 4. No; 5. No; 6. (a) No; 6. (b) Yes; 6. (c) Yes; 6. (d) Yes. 1. Under a districting system, students couldn't vote for a can- didate they know is good in an- other district. Most students' con- acts aren't limited to certain 'districts." 5. I favor the contin- ued use of the petition as optional because ' it brings the candidate who uses it well into closer con- act with the students. C. L. Baxter, Jr. . . 1. Yes; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. No; 5. No; 6. (a) No; 6. (b) No; 6. (c) No; 6. (d) No. 1. I prefer the Hare System to any district proposal, because- I eel the latter would encourage loc voting, thereby defeating its own purpose. 2. I prefer the SL ad- vistory, representative committee lan. 6. In my opinion, improve- mont. ro f+t h nrC nrientntinn dence - unit representation and delegates at large from geographi- cal districts representing students living in private residences. *"Dutch" Boerma ... 1. No; 2. Yes; 3. No; 4. Yes; 5. No; 6. (a) No; 6. (b) Yes; 6. (c) No; 6. (d) No. (No comment) *Bob Bourne ... 1. Yes; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. No; 5. Yes; 6. (a) No; 6. (b) No; 6. (c) No; 6. (d) No. (2) By including the above named groups or others it would decrease the effectiveness of the Legislature body by making it too large. Also some of these groups, have only limited purposes and it would therefore be better for th Student Legislature to coordinate the mutual activities of the vari- ous groups. Jim Bremer . .. 1. Yes; 2. Yes; 3. Yes; 4. Yes; 5. No; 6.(a) No; 6.(b) Yes; 6.(c) Yes; 6.(d) No. On Question 2: I believe that limiting the non-voting delegates in the SL to only significant groups like the League, Union, IFC, etc., represent an efficient cross-section of student opinion, and I think that any attempt at coordination by an advisory com- mittee of the SL will only be met by non-interest and complication. *Betty Bridges . . 1. No; 2. Yes; 3. Yes; 4. No; 5. No.; 6.(a) Yes; 6.(b) Yes; 6.(c) Yes; 6.(d) Yes. SL terms should continue on a two semester basis because under this plan members are more re- sponsible to the students. Inter- ested SL members can run for re- election. This gives the students an opportunity to see how mem- bers stand on campus issues and to approve or disapprove of legis- lative activities. *Paul B. Campbell . .. 1. Yes; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. Yes; T (.1. P . a. 0 l% l. Six questions were asked of the 61 Student Legislature candi- dates by the SL elections committee. Each student was given fifty words in which to amplify any of his answers: * * * * 1. DO YOU FAVOR the continued use of the Hare System over a districting plan based on geographic districts, residence units, cam- pus organizations, or college and school units? Yes, No, No Opinion. * * * * 2. WOULD YOU FAVOR the inclusion on the SL of non-voting delegates from the League, Union, SRA, Aim, IFC, Pan Hel, and Assembly rather than 'having the SL coordinate campus activities through an advisory committee containing representatives of all ,ampus organizations? Yes, No, No Opinion. Editor's Note: The Daily feels that this is "loaded", in that neither plan is part of the present SL set-up. Readers are warned that the answers do not necessarily reveal favorableness to either plan.) 3. DO YOU FAVOR the two semester Legislature term over a three semester term? Yes, No, No Opinion. 4. DO YOU FAVOR the prohibition of bicycle riding on campus sidewalks? Yes, No, No Opinion. 5. DO YOU FAVOR discontinuing the use of candidates' peti- tions? Yes, No, No Opinion. 6. DO YOU FAVOR the establishment of a Freshman-Soph Week including the following projects: A. Beanies for Freshmen recognition? Yes, No, No Opinion. B. Get-acquainted pep rallies? Yes, No, No Opinion. C. Freshman-Sophomore tug-of-war? Yes, No, No Opinion. D. Talent show to climax the week? Yes. No, No Opinion. * * * * . STARRED CANDIDATES are those who have been credited by the Elections Committee with having participated in the highly- recommended SL training program. To qualify, candidates must have attended at least two of the four training sessions and have worked actively on a Legislature committee during the tryout period. popular candidate. Bikes on cam- pus sidewalks during change of classes may lead to serious in- jury. Because of the amount of traffic between classes, there can't be too much gained in rid- ing anyway. *Robert L. Granacher. . 1. Yes; 2. Yes; 3. No; 4. Yes; 5. No; 6.(a) Yes; 6.(b) Yes; 6.(c) Yes; 6.(d) Yes. The Hare system is more ad- vantageous to the student if the block system of voting is abolish- ed, and I believe that this could be done. The Hare system entitles a voter to support more than one candidate and to get an individu- al in office who supports his ideas. *Hugh Greenberg ... 1. Yes; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. Yes; 5. Yes; 6.(a) No; 6.(b) Yes; 6.(c) No; 6.(d) Yes. 2. When the SL was formed there were two possibilities for its make-up. There could be repre- sentation of students or of groups. In the interests of closer represen- tation and campus unity, the pres- ent plan was adopted. Putting the proposed members into the Leg- islature would divide the group into partisan segments. Ray Guerin... 1. No; 2. Yes; 3. Yes; 4. No; 5. No; 6.(a) No Opinion; 6.(b) Yes; 6.(c) No Opinion; 6.(d) No Opinion. Like many other students I am tire dof splitting Hare's under the present electoral system. I would like to devote time and energy in an effort to establish a better system. As for Freshman-Soph week, I think the electorate should decide for themselves in a referendum. Adele Hager ... 1. No; 2. No Opinion; 3. Yes; 4. No; 5. No; 6.(a) No; 6.(b) Yes; 6.(c) No; 6.(d) Yes. No. 6-The spirit of introduc- ing the Freshmen to the campus is admirable-but can be over- 2 -- +1- m :_._ _ of - .- experienced legislation. Candi- dates petitions serve to keep down number of candidates. Soph- Frosh week provides for more school spirit which University badly needs. *Polly Hodges.. . 1. Yes; 2. Yes; 3. Yes; 4. Yes; 5. Yes; 6.(a) No; 6.(b) Yes; 6.(c) No; 6.(d) Yes. Although I do not favor block voting which is prevalent under the Hare system, district voting would be unfair because; 1. there is no fair method of apportioning delegates; 2. good material would be cut out when from two excel- lent candidates in one district only one could be elected. *Mary Lou Hook ... 1. Yes; 2. Yes; 3. Yes; 4. No; 5. Yes; 6.(a) No; 6.(b) Yes; 6.(c) No; 6.(d) Yes. 4. Menace is not enough to pro- hibit. The type of riding should be controlled. 5. The manner of passing them around campus hin- ders their value. Use optional. 6. Many events already take place during the year and too many would be injurious to campus co- ordination. Only the best campus traditions should be held. William E. Huff... ' 1. Yes; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. No Opinion; 5. No; 6.(a) Yes; 6.(b) Yes; 6.(c) Yes; 6.(d) Yes. The Hare system represents the popularity of candidates on the campus in general. Including non-voting delegates on the legislature would bring confusion, whereas a committee could do a more efficient job. The University definitely needs a revival of undergraduate life as in the pre-war days. Jack Hulburd,. . 1. Yes; 2. Yes; 3. Yes; 4. Yes; 5. Yes; 6.(a) Yes; 6.(b) No Opinion; 6.(c) Yes; 6.(d) Yes. Through the use of a "ripe" fer- tilizer the campus sidewalk situa- tion is unbearable, and also criti- na1 ci ofh - inErnlo n"-nf nl ordinate campus activities. Inclu- sion of non-voting groups would weaken SL's position as a repre- sentative of the whole student body. Do not discontinue candi- dates petitions. If used with the proposed application blank, they can be valuable for securing votes through personal contact. *Caryl Daly ... 1. No; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. No; 5. No; 6.(a) No; 6.(b) Yes; 6.(c) No; 6.(d) Yes. 1. Voting should be by units of the University so each school is fairly represented. 2. An advisory. Representatives of organizations can always be called before SL when it is deemed necessary. 5. Six months participation on an SL committee is a better criterion for candidacy. *Richard Freeman ... 1. Yes; 2. Yes; 3. Yes; 4. No; 5. No.; 6.(a) No; 6.(b) No; 6.(c) Yes; 6.(d) Yes. (No comment) Martin E. Gluckstein ... 1. Yes; 2. No; 3. Yes; 4. Yes; 5. No; 6.(a) No; 6.(b) No; 6.(c) No; 6.(d) Yes. 1 rr -In - cn , 1^ ..IA 1- -tr- TREASURER Donna DeHarde ..'. A Senior Class, indoctrinated with spirit and cooperation, will leave to the school lasting mem- ories of practical value. I shall work toward this end. Dick Entenmann ... I should like to increase the du- ties of treasurer for a more active Senior Class on campus and a more unified Alumni Class of '50. Harold K. (Jake) Jacobson .. . I will concentrate on three pro- jects: using my experience for a good Senior Ball, giving a lasting gift to the University, and having terrific reunions. SLight Errors Made in Ballot Ina Sussman Given Ai a C' .