LOBBY Bee Page 4 Li Latest Deadline in the State *4 uit6p A 'I, ~ ~ VOL. LIX, No. 137 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1949 PRICE FIVE UANTS Students Expected r Throng Polls .. * * * Communists Prepared for Chma Attack Red Deadline To ExpireToday NANKING - VP) - Communist troops one million strong were poised yesterday to storm across the Yangtze River today - the deadline for Chinese Government surrender expires. Nationalist military 1e ader made no pretense that they could prevent it, although some sort of fight is almost certain. ACTING PRESIDENT Li Tsung- Jen was reported to have appealed for an extension of the deadline, but this gloomy capital had small hopes. The prevailing opinion was that the Red demand, including free crossings to the south bank at ten places, left no room for argument. Government officials admitted privately that, stripped of a few face-saving frills, the Red terms were total surrender. They could see no prospect but amalgamation of Nationalist troops into the Com- munist army, creation of a so- called "coalition" government, and their own gradual but com- plete ouster from power. THERE WAS a report that an emissary had been sent to Chikow, south of Shanghai, to ask the opinion of the "retired" president Chiang Kai-Shek. Another report circulated that Chiang already had decided to order withdrawal of the entire Shanghai-Nanking garrison souethward. He could do it, for these 300,000 troops are co- manded by> Gen. Tang En-Po, loyal to Chiang and no backer of U's peace efforts of the past three months. It is no secret in Nanking that Chiang favors sacrificing the Yangtze line for a stronger last- ditch defense in the South. TANG'S MEN are believed sure to put up some kind of opposition to the Red's Yangtze crossing, whether Nanking yields or not. They then are expected to fall back on Shanghai, whence some would be shipped to Formosa and others would march south for a later stand. It is on the island of Formosa, where most of the Nationalist )Air Force and most of its gold and silver now are located, that final Nationalist resistance is anticipated. Engineers To Hold Annual OpenHouse A limited supply of brass souve- nir bookends and paperweights will be on sale by the Metal Pro- cessing and Metallurgy Depart- ments in their Engineering Open House display Friday, according to George Wolf and Jerry Hilbers, chairmen of the department ex- hibits. The two departments will co- operate in displaying the foundry in the East Engineering Building. Here. induction furnaces will be running .in the morning and the cupola, a miniature blast-furnace for melting iron, will be in oper- ation in the afternoon. Steel from the cupula will be used for pour- ing molds. * * * IN THE METAL Processing De- partment, the machine and ma- chinability labs will be open in the East Engineering Building. These labs contain more than 150 ma- chines including grinders, screw- ers, lathes and others. The measuring and grinding laboratory will also be open to visitors. Here the temperature is kept at 68 degrees and the humidity is controlled to as- sure accurate readings from the machines, which record up to millionths of an inch. Panel Favors New Atom Labor Board U.S. Opposes UN Proposal, Reports Say _T WASHINGTON - (P) -A com- mission appointed by President Truman recommended yesterday a special procedure for handling labor disputes in vital atomic en- ergy plants. It included the creation of a new labor board, the "atomic en- ergy labor relations panel," which could step in as a last resort and delay a threatened strike or lock- out. * * * THE COMMISSION, headed by Accuse Reds Of Organizing Paris Confab Claim Intimidation of Scientists Is Goal WASHINGTON - (A') - The House Un-American Activities Committee said yesterday that Communists have engineered the Paris "peace" conference to stir atomic and other scientists to dis- obey their governments. The Paris meeting, opening to- morrow, is one of a number of such events inspired by Commu- nists throughout the world "as a part of a campaign against the North Atlantic Defense Pact," the committee said. * * * IN A SPECIAL REPORT, it ac- cused the Communists of striving to get American atomic secrets spilled to the Russians. It called the Paris gatheripg a mobiliztion of scientists for "civil disobedience" against free nations. "Ideological confusion" easily' could "pass over into outrightj treason," the report declared, add-' ing: "IF THE COMMUNISTS could succeed, by playing upon the no- toirious political naivete of phys- ical - scientists, in inciting scien- tists to 'strike' against their own government, or sabotage, it would be a real achievement for the So- viet fatherland." The committee said the sci- entific and Cultural Conference for World Peace held in New York during March was a fore- runner of the Paris conference. It said this New York meeting "was actually a supermobilization of the inveterate wheelhorses and supporters of the Communist Party and its auxiliary organiz4- tions." The committee accentuated the "civil disobedience" angle at the New York meeting, saying: "A member of the Commu- nist party struck the main chord of the. conference in his out- right advocacy of civil disobed- ience. Chosen for this role was Richard Boyer, who spoke open- ly as a member of the Commu- nist party." Rural Housing Conditions Hit By Sen. Frear WASHINGTON-VP)-Some of the nation's worst housing condi- tions are in rural areas, Senator Frear (Dem., Del.) said yesterday during brief Senate consideration of a multi-billion dollar housing bill. Senator Flanders (Rep., Vt.) told his colleagues they would have to do little more than glance out their office windows to see the need for better housing in the cities. * * * THE HOUSING BILL provides, among other things, for the con- struction of 810,000 public hous- ing units during the next six years and for a $1,500,000,000 five-year slum clearance program. Flanders, one of the chief sponsors ofsthe long range housing measure, told a report- er that probably two or three more das n debate will he William H. Davis, former chair- man of the war labor board, urged that the panel be used rarely and that the labor relations in the atomic industry be-as far as pos- sible-normal, voluntary, and free from government interference. It proposed no new legislation. It came out aganist outlawing atomic strikes. But the unions and the companies in the in- dustry would be required toc on- tinue operations-in any case urgent enough for the "labor relations panel" to enter-until 30 days after the panel had issued recommendations for a settlement. The"'commission consisted of Davis, Dr. Edwin E. Witte of the University of -Wisconsin, and Aaron Horvitz, an arbitrator in New Work City. ,* * THEY VISITED Mr. Truman today and handed him their re- port. He made it public and said he will give it "careful considera- tion." The commission's major rec- ommendations were: 1. That management and labor in atomic plants "wholeheartedly accept" a special responsibility to seek peaceful settlement of dis- putes in vital portions of the in- dustry. 2. THAT the atomic energy commission have "absolute and final authority" on all matters of security, and that such matters not be considered proper for col- lective bargaining. 3. That aside from the really vital operations in the industry, all collective bargaining be car- ried on normally, free from governmental interference. 4. That all collctve bargain- ing contracts in the atomic plants provide that any disputes involv- ing the interpretation or appli- cation of the contract be settled without work stoppages-by arbi- tration if necessary. * * * 5. THAT in critical disputes, people "at the very highest levels" of management and labor be brought into the negotiations. 6. That management and la- bor make every effort to deter- mine questions concerning the se- lection of unions to represent the workers by means of agreement and "consent elections," instead of having bitter contests before the National Labor Relations Board. Voters Okay Expansion of PublicSchools In what was termed the heaviest school vote in years, Ann Arbor voters yesterday cleared the way for a seven million dollar public schools expansion program. With 3500 voters participating, a measure to issue $5,800,000 in school bonds to finance a building program was passed 2,252 to 769. A special millage issue which gives the school board power to levy up to $9 per each $1000 of as- sessed evaluation to meet bond payments was passed 2,538 to 876. Remainder of the money will come from other funds, most of which are already available. Schools Superintendent Otto Haisley last night hailed the vote outcome as evidence "of fine pub- lic response to the needs of the school system." Daily-Howe PROF ZECHARIAH CHAFEE ,. * * Cha'feeHits 0 e0 Injustices of Equity law By PAUL BRENTLINGER Lashing out at "puritanical" justice, Prof. Zechariah Chafee opened the current series of Cooley law lectures yesterday by declar- ing that equity must come down from the pedestal which it occu- pies in much present day legal thinking. Prof. Chafee, Langdell professor of law at Harvard and a leading expert in the field of equity, chose the topic "Going Into Equity with Unclean Hands" to launch this year's Cooley series. * * * THIS TOPIC he contrasted with the traditional and time-honored maxim of equity that "he who comes into equity must come with clean hands." This means that the plaintiff in an equity case must have a spotless record if he expects relief from the court. The "clean hands" doctrine, according to Prof. Chafec, has been applied in many cases in such a manner that actual in- justice often results. As the Cooley lecturer pointed out, this happens because equity, which was developed to offset the rigid limitations and formality of medieval English law, is imbued with a sense of "ethical" and "moral" right. * * * CITING A COLORFUL series of court decisions, Prof. Chafee showed how this "ethical" justice could lead to some bizarre results which are not consistent with any true natural or moral justice. Thus, it often happens that plaintiffs are denied relief which they would ordinarily receive from the courts simply because they have not met the ethical standards of the court. At the same time, the other party in the case, whose hands are probably "just as dirty," es- capes without paying the conse- quences which society would ex- pect him to pay. "THE CLEAN HANDS maxim often misleads judges into dis- regarding the more significant hu- man actions affecting the case," according to Prof. Chafee. The second of the Cooley lec- tures will be delivered today as Prof. Chafee deals further with problems of equity. Today's talk is scheduled for 4:15 p.m. in Rm. 100, Hutchins Hall. Sigma Delta Chii To Meet Tonigt The campus chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalism fraternity will meet at 7:30 p.m. today, in Rm. 3A of the Union. Cuba Asks Check Of Religion Trials LAKE SUCCESS-(A')-Ameri- can opposition was reported last night against a proposal for a spe- cial United Nations committee to look into the Iron Curtain trials of Josef Cardinal Mindszenty, Lu- theran Bishop Ordass and 15 Bul- garian Protestant clergymen. The proposal was made by Cuban delegate Dr. Gustavo Gu- tierrez, who said he wants the UN also to check on reported religious persecution behind the iron cur- tain. INFORMED sources said the United States turned thumbs down on the Cuban idea at this time. These sources said the U.S. wants the UN to call attention to the way provided in the peace treaties with Bulgaria and Hungary for settling disputes. The U.S. also was said to fa- vor some censure of Hungary and Bulgaria in a UN resolution. If the peace treaty machinery falls down, these sources said, the UN then could be a last resort for nations favoring action in the trials of the religious leaders. * * * GUTIERREZ surprised the United States and most other dele- gations by putting a resolution be- fore the Assembly's special politi- cal committee, which got to the Mindszenty and similar cases to- day. The committee called off its afternoon session so the dele- gates could study the 1,000- word document. There was little or no prospect that the proposed committee could get inside the Soviet orbit but it would be set up in Geneva to gath- er all the evidence that could be pieced together in Europe. M ortarboard Members Tap 16 'U' Women Cap-and-gowned members of Mortarboard, senior women's hon- orary society, marched into wom- en's residences after closing hours last night to tap 16 surprised jun- ior women. New members of the group, chosen on the basis of scholarship and campus activities, are: Joyce Atchison, Edith Andrew, Betsy Bousfield, Virginia Camp- bell, Nancy Cupples, Marge Flint, Dorothy Fogel, Ruth Anne Han- sen, Mary Ann Harris, Joanne Johnson, Carol Neilsen, Patricia Reed, Louise Steele, Lois Steere, Mary Stein and Betsy Vinieratos. Today the coeds honored by the national honorary in its an- nual tapping ceremony will wear the society's symbol-the mortar- board-to all classes. Doctor To Discuss Medical Coitrol "Government-Controlled Social- ized Medicine" will be discussed by Dr. Edward J. McCormick of To- ledo at 8 p.m. today in the Rack- ham lecture hall. NEW YORK-(A')-A Georgia Negro who said he was trained in Moscow testified yesterday that a Negro nation was to have been forged from America's deep South by the flames of violent revolution. William O'Dell Nowell, a federal Priest Ousted For Views on College Dispute BOSTON - VP) - Archbishop Richard J. Cushing of the Boston Roman Catholic Archdiocese last night deprived the Rev. Leonard Feeney, S.J., of his priestly func- tiQns a few hours after the latter. took the stand of three Boston College instructors who accused the school of heresy. The Archbishop said that Fr. Feeney now "is without ecclesias- tical recognition and cannot say mass, preach or teach religion." THE SEVERE penalty, he said, was for "grave offenses against the general laws of the Catholic Church." Archbishop Cushing also backed Boston College in its dismissal of the three lay in- structors who were fired last Wednesday for accusing the Jesuit institution of heresy. He also said that Catholics who attend St. Benedict's Center, headed by Fr. Feeney, "forfeit their right to receive the sacra- ments of penance and holy euch- arist." S* * * government employe, told a jury at the conspiracy trial of 11 top Com- munists that he once was a stu- dent of revolution at the feet of party leaders in Russia. THERE, he said, Red Army in- structors schooled him in "the science of civil warfare." Other instructors, he testified, lectured on "the violent over- throw of the capitalistic system and the establishment of a pro- letarian dictatorship." Out of this blood bath, Howell said, was to come a new Negro na- tion, conceived in violence and dedicated to extending the Com- munist revolution throughout the United States. * * * IT WAS TO extend from Vir- ginia to the Mississippi Delta, Nowell said-the "black belt of the South," where Communists claimed Negroes were in the ma- j ority. "The revolution in the South," the witness went on in a hushed federal courtroom, "would aid the northern industrial workers in bringing about revolution in the North and hence through- out the whole country." Nowell told Federal Judge Har- old R. Medina and a jury: "I objected to this segregation movement because it would isolate the Negro in the South and use him as a tool to create revolution in the United States and because it would sacrifice these unsuspect- ing people, as they had the least understanding." WPJR Owner MVay Give Up Voting Control WASHINGTON - (P) - G. A. Richards of Los Angeles yesterday asked authority to relinquish his voting control of three major radio stations which have been under Federal Communications Commission investigation. The Richards petition filed yes- terday asked the FCC to grant permission for him to transfer, the voting power of his majority stock in the three stations to three trustees. The applications said that Dr. John A. Hannah, president of Michigan State College at East Lansing, Mich., L. P. Fisher, vice- president of Fisher and Co., De- troit, and Harry J. Klinger, Bloomfield Hills, Mich., vice- president of General Motors, had agreed to act in the trustee ca- pacity.' -An Editorial STUDENTS cannot fall back on the well-worn "I-didn't- know-anybody-so-I.didn't.vote" excuse in today's election. Climaxing the fiercest and most elaborate campaigning this campus has seen in local elections, SL officials are hoping for another record-breaking vote and a clear mandate to con- tinue their constructive work. The Legislature's part in lifting the speakers' ban, the newly passed discrimination resolution, and the whole roster of accomplishments during the year prove unequivocally that SL deserves your backing-and prove that you need SL. Without your support, SL cannot operate with any sem- blance of effectiveness. To make student government an even stronger force, vote today or tomorrow at one of the six campus booths. -The Senior Editors. TRIAL TESTIMONY: Says Reds Proposed Southern Negro Nation o a SL Officers See Record 8,500_Vote Fair Weather Now Forecast By CRAIG WILSON Chances for a record campus election vote today and tomorrow zoomed last night as weathermen revised earlier "rain" estimates in favor of higher temperatures and clearing skies. Only a trace of rain and a few wisps of cloud will mar hopes for The Daily presents a com- prehensive analysis of the cam- pus elections and statements fronm candidates on page seven and eight of this issue. Clip it out and take it to the polls with you, an 8,500 record-smashing turnout today when 116 student cam- paigners compete for 43 offices and seats. * * * TOMORROW WILL be even warmer, but forecasters hesitated on whether there was any chance for showers. But if rain would disappoint Student Legislature officials, 73 student politicos would be dis- appointed-they will lose. The See STUDENTS, Page 7 CamCrlpaigns Hit Climalx With Open Houses Big West Quad Rally Ends Electioneering A high-geared, hard-fought stu- dent government election cam- paign rolled to its climax yester- day with four open houses for can- didates grabbing the spotlight. Biggest rally of the day, and the campaign, was a spirited, infor- mal one held at West Quadrangle. There more than 30 candidates in- troduced themselves to several hundred men who sat on dining room tables and chairs to cheer wildly or make wise cracks when- ever they felt like it. ENTERTAINMENT of an infor- mal nature included a number by a German band and a hillbilly piece on a guitar by one of the candidates. Guest speakers includ- ed former Men's Judiciary Presi- dent Ev Ellin and IFC President Bruce Lockwood. A sparsely-attended AVC rally held in an echoing Union Ball Room discussed the problem of whether or not the University should refuse to recognize cam- pus organizations which have discriminatory clauses in their constitutions. Legislators Leon Rechtman and Gil Schubert opened the pro- gram by supporting the affirma- tive and negative sides respective- ly. Then about a dozen candidates pelleted them with questions, later expressed their own, stands on the issue. OPEN HOUSES were also held at Jordan Hall and Greene House, where about 20 candidates, bearing name tags, circulated among about as many guests to defend their views on every issue from coop- erative bookstores to the value of fraternities. Campaigning went beyond the attending of open houses to in- clude the spattering of the campus with posters of every color and size with messages of varying dig- nity. And many a candidate is tuck- ered out from just forcing a beam- ing smile and glad hand on so many potential voters he has tramped all over the city to con- vince. Texas Solons Vote r"- '-. 'W-. ~ r-ua ST. BENEDICT'S is a Catholic religious educational center near Harvard College in Cambridge. Earlier last night Fr. Feeney said the center "is sponsoring a movement in the Catholic world to appeal to his holiness, Pope Pius, XII, to make an infallible pronouncement in the issues involved." Fired by the Rev. William J. Keleher, S.J., Boston College pres- ident, were James R. Walsh, a philosophy instructor, Fakhri Ma- luf, assistant professor of philoso- phy, and Charles Ewaskio, assis- tant professor of physics. The three instructors accused the school of heresy by teaching students (1) there may be salva- tion outside the Catholic Church; (2) a man may be saved without admitting the Roman Catholic Church to be supreme among all churches; and (3) a man may be saved without submission to the Pope-. Pope. TORONTO ECONOMIST LECTURES: Radio Opens New Phase of Civilization fi Radio introduced a new phase into Western civilization, Prof. Harold A. Innis of the University of Toronto said yesterday, in the first of two economics lectures at Rackham. "The failure of newspapers in Presidential election campaigns shows that radio can dominate i * * * v ium assumes a bias-and its peculiarities eventually lead to a catastrophe, and a new med- ium replaces the old one." He traced the impact of tech- nology on public opinion, and dis- cussed the media associated with the civilizations of the world. Later, parchment replaced the less durable papyrus. It meant a monopoly of knowledge by eccles- iastic groups, small libraries and decentralization. . * * * COMMENTING on more recent times, Prof. Innis discussed the something is happening. Western communications have reached a stage where a sane approach is impossible." * * * ACCORDING TO him, radio means more centralization, news- papers mean decentralization. He ....m