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April 17, 1949 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-04-17

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flnnuaIFC Bail To Be Presented May 6 in IM


Music Blue Barron Way'
Will Reign 9 P.M. to 1 A.M.

IFC will "cover the waterfront"
at their 18th annual IFC Ball to
be presented from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
F1riday, May 6, at the Intramural
Blue Barron and his orchestra
gill provide danceable music for
the affair. His "Music of Yester-
day and Today" combines swing
with sweetness, smoothness and
Barron, a graduate of Ohio
State University, started his mu-
sical career while in college, where
he played for various school dan-
WAA Posts
Will Reopen
WAA petitioning for League
House, archery club, and square
dancing managers will reopen to-
morrow and continue through the
Any eligible woman, except first
semester coeds, may sign up for
an interview in the undergraduate
office of the' Women's League. In-
terviewing will take place from 3
to 5:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday
in the offices of the Women's Ath-
letic Building.
The League House manager is
in charge of relations between the
WAA Board and the League House
group. She also manages one in-
tramnural tournament.
Archery and square dancing
mranagers organize clubs. The Ar-
chery club is active during the
spring and fall months; the square
dancing club which is coeduca-
tional functions during the winter
Any woman who has already pe-
titioned for WAA Board positions
and who wishes to petition for the
positions now open should call
Gwen Sperlich 2-2569.

ces. Sharing the spotlight will be
Bobby Beers, Betty Clark and
"The Three Blue Notes".
THE THEME of the dance is
based on the song "I Cover the
Waterfront". Travel posters, pen-
nants and murals of waterfront
scenes will create the proper at-
mosphere in the foyer of the In-
tramural Building.
A ferry boat will be moored at
one end of the ballroom with a
skyline waterfront scene carry-
ing out the theme at the oppo-
site end.
Glittering stars, suspended from
the ceiling, will give the effect of
an outdoor spring atmosphere.
The bandstand will be transform-
ed into an authentic wharf.
* * *
FRATERtNITY houses will have
three-dimensional booths repre-
senting the buildings of a water-
front skyline. Some suggestions,
offered by the committee, for the
construction of the booths are
warehouses, soup kitchens or sea-
men's employment offices. Booths
will be judged and winners will
receive trophys donated by local
Tickets for the dance will be
sold, beginning tomorrow through
representatives in the fraternity
Applications Due
For Scholarships
The Ethel A. McCormick and
Mortar Board scholarships will be
awarded to women who have par-
ticipated in extra curricular activ-
Application blanks will be avail-
able tomorrow in the Social Di-
rector's office to eligible coeds.
Women may sign up for inter-
views at this time.
Interviewing will be held from
4:30 to 6 p.m. April 27, 28, 29.

Soph League
Petitions Due
Junior exteoutive posts in the!
League with an eye to experience
fer the future include several as-
iant f~ips fori whi oh sophomores
will be handing in their petitions
to morrow.
Four junior assistants will fill
posts on the orientation committee
with one acting as chairman of
transfer crientation, on social
chairman for orientaticn, two
handling the information booth
and one sicretary,
'T he mnerit-t utorial committee!
will also need four junior assist-
ant;3 to handie recording of wo-m-
en's activities and securing tutorsI
while six junior positionsare open

ISR To Sponsor Decorations
Contest for International Ball
One of the most colorful events tinents rather than of one par- of Frank Tinker, regu
of the campus !.ear ha been set ticular nation. at the Union, and the
for Friday, May 6. * * * thms of Ramon Cerda
This is the Seventh Annual In- TIHE DEADLINE for the decor- South American orch
ternational Bail which will be ations contest is Wednesday, April featured at the Stath
held in the Union Ballroom from 20. Detroit.
9 p.m. to 1 a.m., unde: the aus- Decorations for the Terrace An elaborate flo
pices of the ISA. Coeds will be have already been selected. Visi- plannedefor intermi
granted 1:30 permission. tors to this room will find them- talent being drawn
To find the most effective de- selves transported to one of the corners of the work
corations possible for the main most charming scenes of Old Eur-
ballroom, the International Stu- ope-the Rathskellar. Featured will be a t
dents' Aesociation is offerina a In a romantic atmosphere of tarantella now being c
cash prize for the bet sketch sub- candle-light and checkered ta- a renowned choreogra
mitted. blecloths, couples may chat lection of American
The desitn will be chosen on leisurely over cokes. native dance by one
the basis of its originality and TeUintpomwl lob versity's most talent
the asi ufit' oniineityand The Union taproom will also be coeds, a few Old Engl
international appeal. The Ball open for those who wish other a w Hld n
committee urges that the pattern types of refreshments. Surpri H ,
be representative of all the con- THE CENTRAL Committee of Tickets will go on
the Ball assures continuous music week in the League, T
by presenting two bands. They book stores and at ti
offer the alternate sweet strains tional Centre for $3.60

I (

on the social committee.
S * * *
FOUR OF THESE junior women
will be in charge of the Ruthven
teas and two will handle special

Blue Baron, who started his musical career while in college,
will be featured at the 18th annual IFC Ball.
Women To Parade Easter Hats
O Varied Styles, Colors Today

events including a variety of func-
tions, such as record dances, skat-
ing parties and others.
Getting women to usher for
plays, recruiting hospital volun-
teers and all other varieties of
workers will be the job of the
four junior assistants to the
League personnel committee.
Publicity assistants, totaling five
this year, will count three juniors
working on scripts for the radio
program and two working on post-
ers and other forms of publicity.
THE JUNIOR assistant to the
secretary will be responsible for
posting all of the latest campus
news on the office bulletin board
and clipping all pertinent League
material from publications.
All petitions for junior posi-
tions will be due at 5 p.m. to-
morrow in the League Undergrad-
uate Office.

. ,

Easter bonnets will reign today
of various sizes, colors and shapes.
But, they are "even prettier
than they have ever been before,"
stated Helen Polhemus, Ann Arbor
millinarist in the midst of the last
minute rush on milady's hat
Pink will be a dominant color
this spring with a navy in par-
ticular or black background, while
the size will tend more toward
the small hat with the wide brim.
* * *
net will compose the garden on
hats espied during Easter services
today. Posies will come in every
variety grown as well as in every
spot imaginable.
Dotted veiling and French

veiling will take the scene with
emphasis, while the spot for the
veils will be not only all about
the hat and the head, but tied
under the chin as well.
Feathers too will be added with
any thinkable sort of fluff, while
straw predominantly and soft ma-
terials in general will go into the
making of the hat proper.

I -~ n


: , i
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tj S: .


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Jclerhj at a yarl
tripes are
the spice
of life !
And this air-cooled sundress
is the love of your life! It's town-
or-country-minded, depending
on your whim, and on the
little slip of bolero. It's made
In coof; cool chambray... in

"""k/ i/I 0)Wip4
Officers for the summer term of the University Club, formerly
Faculty Wives Club, have been announced.
They are Mrs. W. W. Gardner, president; Mrs. J. P. Davison,
vice president; Mrs. William Kerr, secretary; Mrs. Philip Bedient,
treasurer; Mrs. Thomas Ross, social chairman, and Mrs. Fred Bart-
man, project chairman.
PLANS FOR THE annual spring fashion show will be made
Monday night at the meeting of the board of Student Wives Club
at University Community Center.
Mrs. Jack Blandenship is chairman and club members will serve
as models for clothes from the Marti-Walker Shop in Ann Arbor.
MRS. DAVID JENKINS is chairman for the Monday meeting of
the literary group of Student Wives Club. The topic will be "The
Naked and The Dead."
The group meets at 8 p.m. at University Community Center and
anyone interested in literary discussions may attend.

Play in the women's golf tour-
nament will continue this week.
All women interemted should
play nine holes on the University
golf course, then turn in their
scores to WAB before 5 p.m. April
27. The four low women will com-
pose the University women's team
until next fall.
The four coeds with the next
lowest scores will be the alter-
nates. These eight women will
have the privilege of playing free
on the University golf course.
Coeds do not have to belong to
the Golf Club to participate.
Bowling Club-There will be a
regular meeting of the Bowling
Club this week. This is not a make
up week. The club ends Thursday.
Officials Club-Members of the
Officials Club are to sign up for
softball refereeing with the WAB.
The tentative date for the nation-
al written examination is April
25 in Barbour Gym.
Pitch and Put-Advanced golf-
ers of the Pitch and Put Club will
meet at 3 p.m. Tuesday at WAB
putting green for their first les-
They should bring a No. 5 iron
and 25 cents dues.
Beginning golfers will meet at
3 p.m. Thursday on the WAB put-
ting green and also bring a No. 5
iron and 25 cents dues. Member-
ship will be closed after these
In case of poor weather, golfers
will meet at 5:10 p.m. at the WAB
golf cages.
Tennis Ball-Publicity Commit-
tee will meet at 4 p.m. today, Rm.
3M in the Union.
Publicity Committee
The Publicity Committee of
the Blue Team of Frosh Week-
end will meet at 7 p.m. tonight
in Suite 2, Women's League.


S.M 4s 6e4 ee4. These lovely rings represent fine
quality and sound value to the fellow who buys them
but they are the "ultimate" in pride of possession in
HER eyes. Yes, Genuine Orange Blossom rings have
both beauty and unquestioned fine quality. They are
recognized as the standard of perfection by which
all others are judged.

Of Salyna ... little boy collar can be worn open or closed. Smartly
accented with gold on the leather belt and on the buttons too.
Style 1234
Cottons .. $5.95 to $22.95


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