r________ tAli. RIGHT: Farm Plan By SAMUEL GRAFTON MOST OF THE ARGUMENT against the Administration's new farm price sup- port plan is argument in a vacuum. It is being said that the plan will cost a great Jeal of money. So it will. But so will any price support plan, and our choice is not between a plan and no plan. So our choice is between plans. Under the present set-up the government supports the prices of certain commodities simply by going into the open market and buying. It has spent many millions of dollars, for example, buying potatoes at better than 2.5 cents a pound. This supports the price of potatoes effectively, but then the govern- ment is stuck with the potatoes. It can't sell them as eating spuds, because it would then be competing with the same farmers it has gallantly rushed in to save. So it sells them where it can, to alcohol produ- cers; or to livestock raisers for feed, letting them go, in the latter case for as low as a penny a hundred pounds. Some rather fantastic things happen; the price of potatoes stays up, during a potato surplus, while other food prices are going down, and some of the best quality potatoes go into industrial and livestock feeding use, while potatoes of somewhat lesser charm go into the retail market. But even these effects are not the worst; the worst is that the consumer hays twice; he pays once in taxes to sup- port the buying program, and again, in the form of the higher prices his own pro- gram secures for him. As against this, there is the new plan, put. forward by Secretary of Agriculture Brannan. Under this plan, the prices of certain perishable commodities, such as meat, milk, eggs, and, I suppose, potatoes, would be allowed to fall as they pleased, to whatever natural market levels they might reach. And the government, without interfering with these prices, would keep farm income up by paying cash subsidies to the farmer. There are other advantages. The govern- ment proposes to reserve most of the bene- fits under the new plan for small, family- sized farms, thus giving aid specifically where it is needed, instead of spreading it around, ,whether needed or not. (Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation) SL Ame Pro .. . EDITOR'S NOTE--Students will vote on a pro- posed amendment to the SL constitution in Tuesday's elections. To provide its readers with further information on this issue, The Daily presents arguments on both sides of the ques- tion, the "pro" by the plan's author, and the "con" by Meni's Judiciary president. THE ELECTIONS STUDY Committee of the SL since last November has studied various means of making our student gov- ernment more meaningful. Among other things, the problem of qualification for candidacy for the SL was studied. It was thought that better student legislators would result if there were some prerequisites for appearing on the ballot. At present the only thing a student must do to be on the ballot is get 150 signatures on a petition. The election Study Committee felt that this did not sufficiently separate the glory- seekers from the students actively interested in furthering student government on the Michigan campus. Further it was felt that while the ideal use of petitions was good, that in practice having a friernd pass around the petition defeats the purpose of a peti- tion. There is no way to insure that the candidate himself neets every person who signs his petition. Our recommendation to the SL, (which was passed by more than a two-thirds vote) stated that a person in order to appear on the ballot must comply with the Election Rules. Under Election Rules can come such things as active participation in a pre-election training program. At present the training program for prospective legis- lators has no teeth in it. A candidate does not have to take part to be on the ballot. Petitions could also come under Election Rules. For those who feel that this term is too broad, Men's Judiciary and SAC have a constant guard over the Student Legisla- ture. If we fail to express student opinion, our constitution would be revoked. There- fore we could not formulate any election rules which would restrict democratic stu- dent representation on the legislature. The committee was not opposed to peti- tions but rather they felt that petitions should not necessarily be required. Peti- tions can be strongly recommended and even included under Election Rules in the chang- ed Article I of the SL constitution. Our major concern was putting teeth in the candidate's training program. Under the present SL constitution this is impossible. The proposed amendment will make it possible to enforce the training program. The Student Legislature has proposed this amendment to the students for ratifica- tion. The student legislature feels that bet- ter legislators will result if this proposal is approved. So if you feel that the calibre of all legislators is not what it shoud be, if you feel that a training program should be made mandatory, then we urge you to vote YES for the proposed amendment. -Duane Nuechterlein Chairman, SL Election Committee nrdmen t Con... IT IS MY OPINION that the amendment to the Student Legislature Constitution concerning a change in the election pro- cedure for SL candidates that is to be voted upon at the coming election should not be adopted. The action of the SL in proposing this amendment is commendable. They seek, as they should, to frame the requirements for eligibility to office in such constiutional terms that the best qualified:,tudents are placed on the ballot. It is my understand- ing that this was the propelling reason for the amendment. However, in their desire to perfect election procedure, it appears to me that the SL has drafted an amendment that will, in effect, remove the constitutional guarantees to the student of the right to run for office. The present clause of the constitu' ion, Article I, Sec. 3, provides that any eligible student may become a candidate by submitting a petition of 150 names. The proposed amend- ment on the other hand reads in substance that any eligible student may become a candidate by filing application with the Citizenship Committee of the SL and "by complying with the election rules." My objection stems from this underscored clause. The effect of it is to place the rule- making power concerning Student Legisla- ture elections in the hands of the above- named Citizenship Committee, subject to the two-thirds ratification of the SL body, instead of in the student body voters. Al- though my fears that the SL will ever abuse such additional power are at a minimum, nevertheless, an amendment to this effect is objectionable from a constitutional and good-governmental standpoint. It is con- ceivable that an election may come to pass in which no election rules would exist by virtue of the Citizenship Committee's failure to have election rules adopted by SL two- thirds vote; or, assuming that rules were passed, they would be merely the result of hasty and compromising legislation. Fur- ther, it is conceivable that election rules be subjected to yearly, or even bi - yearly, change, at the whim and fancy of the SL Lastly, the effect of the amendment is that present SL members will be put in the unique position of determining the proce- dure by which their successors will be elect- ed. My conclusion is: The aim and objective of the SL is excellent, but its method is wrong. Therefore, the amendment should be denied. -William G. Reitzer, President, Men's Judiciary Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff nd represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: CRAIG H. WILSON Aries, Scietia, Veritas Letters to the Editor- "You going. Daily-Hampton to the big Frosh-Soph tug-of-war Tuesday?" bAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Sacred Halls T HE OTHER NIGHT a fearsome foe de- filed that venerable shrine of Michigan maledom-the Union. Three disrespectful coeds dared chal- lenge divinely-consecrated male suprem- acy by attempting to leave the institution by its front door. But fortunately in the nick of time, a brave, selfless employee rushed to the exit and thrust himself bodily between the fe- male heretics and the hallowed portals he had sworn to defend unto death. Jist when his struggle tb uphold the right seemed on the verge of success, an unorient- ed male student, observing what his feeble mind considered an injustice, freed the coed from the clutches of the Union guar- dian. This stalwart scurried off to seek rein- forcements from higher echelon.. But by the time the hireling returned with his superior, the three females had made good their exit. However,, the worthy up- holders of the law set out to wreak revenge upon the dastardly traitor. That unfortunate, when overtaken, offer- ed as his only defense a confused protest against the ungentlemanly means employed to protect the sanctity of the gentleman's retreat. It is indeed heartening to observe in this age of anarchic social change one ad- mirable institution standing as an imper- vious bulwark against such undermining pressures as the female liberation move- ment. By its courageous effort the Union is do- ing more than merely preserving a single laudable tradition. It is sounding the clar- ion call* to the defense of that most worthy of all isms-MALEISM. Surely these champions of all that is near and dear to every red-blooded Ameri- can man are deserving of that most glor- ious of all Claghorn awards- the Lead Octagon for the Preservation of Anachron- isms. In the Union there is strength! -Buddy Aronson -Jack Barense Attention Taxpayers ! OVER THE RECENT vacation we had the pleasure of visiting Washington, D.C., and getting a good example of gov- ernment something-or-other. We ordered a 10 cent bowl of Scotch broth in a cafeteria directly below the Senate chambers in the Congressional Building. After savoring about nine-tenths of said broth, our spoon struck a metal object with a dull "clank." Peering down past a green bean and around a section of carrot we discovered a Buffalo nickel. Our friends say this represents gov- ernmental maladministration. But confi- dentially, we believe it's rank subsidiza- tion! At Lfast ! +ART + N A SHOW THAT makes up for the usual objects, the artist nevertheless generates French modern emphasis, the University considerable movement through lines and Museum of Art is currently presenting shapes. prints and paintings by the German ex- Two other paintings of the thirties, "Sea pressionist, Max Beckmann. Shore at South France" and "Lilacs and Unpleasant as some of his violent works Green Gloves" are somewhat stiff, though are to view, there is something very com- the depth they take on at a distance makes pelling in Beckmann's strong style. This up for this to a certain extent. Their calm probably accounts in part for the consider- mood is in sharp contrast to the more re- able recognition he has been gaining here cent "Begin the Beguine" and "Academic since his arrival after the war (following Mood" in which Beckmann lets go a torrent an escape to Holland from Germany). of feeling. Distorted figures, often brilliant color and Best combination of the two moods is slashing lines, indicate that Beckmann is seen in the really delightful "Circus". The still painting in the fashion of the Germans soft, gray curve of the elephant's head of the thirties. In such works as the litho- and trunk establishes a fine design with graph, "Hunger", done in 1919, he shows the figures of the two performers. a close relationship to his compatriot, To me, Beckmann's prints are much less George Grosz. satisfactory than his paintings. The dis- A definite comparison is often made, too, torted shapes and criss-crossing lines re- between Beckmann and the leading French main, but the force is considerably dimin- expressionist, Rouault. The latter is prob- ished. Again, the crudeness of drawing ably more skilled in his use of black to w'hich Beckmann's paintings can sustain, emphasize and divide color areas on the somehow does not hold in the prints., canvas. However, although the works of A handful of the drawings are excellent, both artists are highly emotional in con- however. The simple linear pen and ink, tent, Beckmann's show much more dynamic "The Detective", is very clever. "The Tan- movement and spirit. go" is also a nice line drawing. A simple Even the subtle rose tones of his "Still head, "Portrait of Zeretelli", is likewise very Life, 1934", cannot overcome the general fine, as is a figure composition, "The restlessness of Beckmann's style. Here in Negro." a nicely patterned and arranged study of -Joan Katz 'V tHE (Continued from Page 2) Doctoral Examination for David1 Mackenzie Stocking, English; the- sis: "The Ideas of John Jay Chap-t man," Mon., April 18, 3223 Angell1 Hall, 7-10 p.m. Chairman: J. L. Davis. Concerts Student Recital: Elizabeth Rob-1 inson, Organist, will present a pro-t gram at 4:15 Easter Sunday after-1 noon, in Hill Auditorium. It will include compositions by Buxte- hude, Bach, Mozart, Roger Ses- sioris, Vierne, and the first per-I formance of Burlesca by Marilyn Mason, a member of the School of Music faculty. Given in partiall fulfillment of the requirements forl the degree of Bachelor of Music, the recital will be open to the gen- eral public. Miss Robinson is a pupil of Josef Schnelker. Student Recital: Martha Ham- rick, graduate student in the School of Music, will present a pi- ano recital at 8 p.m., Tues., April 19, in the Rackham Assembly Hall.- Miss Hamrick is a pupil of Helen Titus, and her program, given in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Master of Music, will be open to the general public. Student Recital: Evelyn Wohl- gemuth, Mezzo-soprano, will pre- sent a program at 8 p.m., Mon., April 18, Hussey Room, Michigan League, as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. Miss Wohlge- muth is a pupil of Arthur Hackett. Program: Works by Handel, Lawes, Horn, Debussy, Barber, and Schumann. Open to the public. Events Today Easy Chair Group meets at Lane Hall, 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker; subject: "The Psychic Faculties Latent in Man." Congregational Disciples Guild: Meet at Guild House, 7:30 p.m. John Sargent will give a program of dramatic readings with musical accompaniment appropriate to the Easter season. Roger Williams Guild: Supper, fellowship at 6 p.m. At 8 p.m., the Easter drama, "The Dawning," will be presented in the church. Canterbury Club: Communion Service, 7, 9, and 11 a.m. Supper and fellowship, 5:30 p.m. followed by panel discussion entitled, "How Can a Christian Work for Peace?" moderated by Rev. John Burt. Lutheran Student Association: 4:30, Choir Rehearsal at Zion Par- ish Hall. 5:30, dinner and worship service; special Easter program. Lenten contribution boxes are to be turned in at this service. Lutheran Student Club, Gamma Delta: 5:30 p.m., supper and pro- gram. Colored slides will be shown on the Easter story. Michigan Christian Fellowship: Dr. William H. Jellema, Professor of Philosophy at Calvin College, will speak on "Christianity Is Christ," 4:30 p.m., Fireside Room, Lane Hall. Everyone is welcome. The Inter-Guild Council will not meet this Sunday as formerly planned due to the fact that this is Easter Sunday. Graduate Outing Club: Meet at Northwest entrance, Rackham Building, 2:15 p.m., for afternoon of casual observation of spring fauna and flora in vicinity of AnnE Arbor. General Semantics Study Group:E 3-5 p.m., International Center. Young Progressives: Meet Her-, bert C. Phillips, former Washing-t ton University professor, 4 p.m., Michigan Union. Topic: Freedom of the University Teacher. I.Z.F.A.: "Modern Seder," 7:45] p.m., Henderson Room, League.; U. of M. Hot Record Society: Dixieland Jazz program, Michigan League Ballroom, 8 p.m. Coming Events Bureau of Student Opinion would like all interviewers to put in some time on April 18, 19 or 20. Interviewing will continue through first half of next week. All stu- dents who have been requested to come for an interview and have not appeared, may come to Rm. 206, Tappan Hall, between 9 and 5, on above dates. La p'tite causette: " Mon., 3:30 p.m., Grill Room, Michigan League. The Annual French Play: Le Cercle Francais will present "La Belle Aventure," a comedy in 3 acts by de Caillavet, de Flers and Rey, on Tues., April 19, 8 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tick- ets on sale at the box office from 2 to 5:30, April 18 and from 2 to 8 p.m. on April 19. Free admission to members of the club (except tax) upon presentation of their membership cards. Water Safety Instructors' Course --Postponed. The course originally scheduled for April 18 has been postponed. It will be held between May 2 and May 13. First meeting, May 2, 7:30 p.m., Intramural Pool. Sociedad Hispanica: Social Hour, Mon., April 18, 4 to 6 p.m., Inter- national Center. Society of Women Engineers: Meeting, Mon., April 18, 5:15 p.m., Chemical Engineering office. All women engineers are welcome. In- structions will be given for the Engineering Open House. Forest Management Group. Mrs. Paul S. Newcomb, Supervisor of the Lower Michigan National For- ests, will discuss "A Supervisor's View of National Forest Manage- ment," 7:30 p.m., Mon., April 18, East Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg. All those interested are welcome to attend. A.D.A.: Meeting for members and those interested in joining. Report of convention, committee reports and program planning. Mon., 7:30 p.m., League. Gilbert and Sullivan Society: There will be a rehearsal for all principals and chorus, Tues., April 19, Michigan League. This is the last chance for costume measure- ments to be taken. The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which, they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exeeeding 300 words, repeti-I tious letters and letters of a defama-l tory character or suchletters which1 for any other reason are not in good1 taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. I Guerin Reply To the Editor: N AN EFFORT for sensational- ism the Daily has, in the opin-j ion of many students, distorted thet facts in relation to the bloc-votingi issue. "Bloc-Voting" appears to mean many different things tof different people. I would like to1 offer my personal poinion con-i cerning this matter. AIM has never stated an objec- tion to an open newsletter freely distributed on campus by any group, but has only objected to se-1 cret agreements designed to tradeI second and third place votes with- in closely ,knit groups. That is the original meaning of bloc-voting as I undei-staand it. In past elections it has been1 AIM's policy to issue an open newsletter in order to inform the1 electorate which independent can-1 didates were running for office. An opeln newsletter, which certain- ly does ,not constitute bloc-voting,i was pla'nned some time ago to be1 published for this election if theI Student Legislature did not issue a newsletter of its own in suffi-I cient quantity, and if it did not entail duplication. The AIM coun- cil left the tentative plan for a; newsletter in the hands of the ex- ecutive committee. They were to decide if the Student LegislatureI was issuing an adequate newsletter of its own. AIM was never inormed of op- position to its proposal until last Wednesday, in spite of the fact that an article appeared on The Daily front page some weeks ago announcing such a proposal. AIM has not deceived any group. Fur- thermore, it was not until last Wednesday afternoon that the ex- i ecutive committee was fully in- formed as to the extent of the Student Legislature's publication. When Duane Nuechterlein, chair- man of the Student Legislature Election Committee, explained that two thousand copies of their news- letter would be published, the ex- ecutive committee then decided not to duplicate the work of the Student Legislature and to help in the distribution of their newsletter. -Ray Guerin Bishop, Director of Industrial Re- lations, Piasecki Helicopter Corp., Morton, Pa., will be in 1523 E. Engineering, Tues., April 19, to interview Mechanical, Civil, Elec- trical, and Aeronautical Engineers. There will also be a speaker from Piasecki, 7:30 p.m., Mon., April 18, Rm. 3G, Union. Sigma Rho Tau, Stump Speak- er's Society, Meeting, 7 p.m., Tues., April 19, 2084 E. Eng. Bldg. Pro- gran: Project Speech Contest pre- liminaries; also, The Unofficial Council of the Stump will work out. The U. of M. Theater Guild will resume casting for Maxwell An- derson's "Winterset," 7:30 p.m., Tues., April 19, Michigan League. Acolytes Meeting: Tues., April 19, 7:30 p.m. in the W. Conference Rm., Rackham Bldg. Prof. G. Rainich will speak on "The Phil- osophy of a Mathematician." Open to the public. Delta Sigma Pi: Open Meeting. Daniel L. Beck, Director, Executive Selection and Training Institute of Detroit, will speak on "How To Sell Yourself." Tues., April 19, 8 p.m., Rm. 130, Business Admin. Bldg. U. of M. Radio Club W8AXZ: Open meeting, 8 p.m., Wed., April 20, in I-M Bldg. downstairs golf range. Guest speaker, Mr. Tom Talpey, EE Dept. Lecture and dem- onstration of Electronic Golf Ball Machine. School Spirit To the Editor: THE STUDENT LEGISLATURE has referred the so-called Grip- man Plan to revive school spirit to the campus in a referendum in the April 19 and 20 campus elections. Briefly, the plan- consists of a freshman-sophomore week made up of four parts : 1) a tug of war across the Huron River, 2) pp rallies for class organizations, 3) a freshman-sophomore talent com- petition, and 4) "beanies" whih all freshmen are to wear. The most easily apparent ob- jection to such a plan is that in a few years it could easily develop into a tradition of general hazing of freshmen. No supervision could be so close as to guarantee that this would not be the outcome; indeed it seems that this is the logical result of tugs of war and "beanies." However, we who have opposed this plan in the legislature see that there is a more basic objection than this to the Gripman Plan and we write this letter to make our objection clear. Granted that more "spirit" is desirable on campus, we fail to see how this plan will accomplish thAt' end. The plan in effect separates the freshmen and sets him in op- position to other classes in his school. A more constructive pro'. posal would be to help the fresh- man orientate himself by making" him a part of the University, not by setting him aside. The resi- dence halls and the I-M sports program could be utilized in mak- ing the freshman a part of the University rather than a part'of a class. Further, it is well to remember that the University of Michigan has a well established and proud tradition of scholastic excellence and scholarship. While the incon- ing freshman should most certain- ly be encouraged to take an inter- est in his school by participation in and support of extra-curricu- lar activities, the recognition of the prominence of scholarship concerned in any hierarchy of values must be emphasized. An alternate proposal will ap- pear on the referendum which out- lines a plan for integration of in- coming freshmen through the use of upperclass coordinators in the residence halls and the dramatiza- tion of extra-curricular activities available to the incoming student, Such a plan is designed to empha- size school spirit rather than class spirit. We would suggest that the vot- ers consider carefully their deci- sion on these proposals. -Walt Hansen Herbert Van Burgel Bud Hagen l Fifty-Ninth Yea? Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ....Managing Edito Dick Maloy ...............City Editor Naomi Stern .:......Editorial Director Allegra Pasqualetti...Associate Editor Al Blumrosen ........Associate Editor Leon Jaroff.........Associate Editor Robert C. White......Associate Editor B. S. Brown...........Sports Editor Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed, Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery......Women's Editor Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor Bess Hayes ..................Librarian Business Staff Richard Halt .......Business Managet Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager William Cuiman .....Finance Manage Cole Christian ...Circulation Manager WE'RE A LITTLE LATE with the word on Stan Kenton's latest Encore album (Capitol, CC 113), but there was good reason to shy away from it. The album represents the end of a fabulous career for one of the most influential bands in the world of pop- ular music today because "Manly Stanly" has given up the band business for higher education. To say that these sides are disappointing is nothing short of dramatic restraint; Ab- straction, Somnambulism and Concerto for Piano and Bongo follow in the impression- istic vein of what Kenton calls "progressive jazz." The effect is identical to many of the other things Kenton has recorded in the nast. June Christy gets a vocal shot at something entirely different is done on their latest release, Cu-Ba and Lonely Street (Capitol, 15417). Cu-Ba was written and arranged by two Dizzy Gillespie alumni, and it sounds a good deal more like Gillespie than Kenton; the first sixteen bars or so come out much like Dizzy's Things to Come. The score is done in the popular Afro-Cuban style with bongo drums et al. We're getting a little tired of bongos and maraccas punc- tuating every other new record with a South American beat, but this one is well done. Les Brown, who apparently won't change his style for anyone, couples a new tune wit an evergreen on his latest Columbia re- lease, Oh, How I Miss You Tonight and Just Research Club of the University Telephone 23-24-1 of Michigan: Forty-first annual memorial meeting of the Research Member of The Associated Press 'lub, Wed., April 20, 8 p.m., Am- The Assodiated Press is exclusif* ohitheatre, Rackham Bldg. Ad- entitled to the use for republiW&tl 'reseS y PofesorsHeny W of all news dispatches credited to it or' resses by Professors Henry W. otherwise credited to this newspaper. Mordmeyer and Harley H. Bartlett All rights of republication of all other wvill commemorate the two-hun- matters herein are also reserved. ]redth anniversary of the birth of Entered at the Post Office at Ann Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail Members of the Women's Re- matter. search Club and of the ScSenC Subscription during the regular vesearch Club are cordially inviwud 'hool year by carrier, $5.00, by mail. o attend. Interviews: Mr. Walter W. BARNABY I'm so interested in Barnaby. We know imaginary playmates aren't infrequent, but this fairy godfather of his- You'd do that for Miss Dixonj 1'd like to do an article for the Child Psychology Gazette, and get Barnaby to tell me all about this Mr. O'Malley in his own words- ziv You'd do that for Miss Dixon, wouldn't you, Barnaby dear? It's OK with me. But I i u