tTN AY, APRIL 17, 1949 CHE MICITTVIAN "GAMY LTW MTT1T- ...'.:T NVEGRO MUSIC HIS HOBBY: Rev. Kenna Started Career on Bicycle * * * * By JANET WATTS T. About 20 years ago an 18-year- old youth began his ministerial ca- reer on a Sears and Roebuck bicy- cle to "ride the circuit" in Texas. That man was the Rev. James Brett Kenna who has been direc- tor of the student guild and pastor at the First Methodist Church for the past five years. His Mississippi birthplace was characterized by deeply religious surroundings. This background coupled with the Negro life he saw about him influenced his own life significantly. * * * THE MINISTER combined this interest in Negro people with a husky baritone voice and a flair for singing which led him to spe- cialize in the study of Negro music. And more than once this spe- cialty provided financial support when he was putting himself through Northwestern Universi- ty, according to Mr. Kenna. The' Rev. Kenna has lectured on the Negro and his music more than 2000 times throughout the nation and in England where he toured as an exchange preacher in 1938 and 1947. After graduate work at North- western and Columbia, he won his doctorate at Iowa Wesleyan. He has served as pastor in New Jersey, Kansas and Iowa. IN 1944 he came to Ann Arbor as minister of the Methodist church. The north wing of the large white stone church at Wash- ington and State Streets is devoted entirely to the Wesleyan Guild, an organization for Methodist stu- dents. Festival... (Continued from Page 1) Ii MAN FROM MISSISSIPPI-From bicycling preacher to pastor of Ann Arbor's First Methodist Church-that's the road traveled by the Rev. James Brett Kenna, here seen giving a student some personal advice in his capacity as student guild director. * * * * The Michigan chapter of the guild was one of the first to be established on a college campus. As guild director, the Rev. Ken- na serves as business manager, public relations director and pas- tor for the group. BUT HE also is a religious guide for the students, most of whom call him "Doc." His office is usu- ally filled with students who have come to "Doc" for advice on per- "sonal matters ranging from re- ligion to marriage. Because students turn so often to Mr. Kenna for advice on love problems some members of the church term the guild a "mar- riage bureau." But "Doc" thinks it's a good thing. "There's no better place than a person's own church to find a congenial comrade for mar- riage," he says. Conference Will Discuss Christianity Students from most Michigan colleges will gather April 30 at Rackham for the 1949 Michigan Student Christian Convocation. The convocation theme, "Stu- dent: Christian and Citizen" is de- signed to point up the areas in which the student's loyalties con- flict because of his status as a Christian and a citizen, according to Merle Smith, general chair- man. REV. REINHOLD Neibuhr, of Ghe Union Theological Seminary, and Prof. Joseph Haroutunian, of McCormick Seminary, headline the list of conference speakers. Twelve other religious leaders will direct discussion group sem- inars . Subjects listed for seminars in- clude conscientious objection, marriage and the family, capital- ism, campus life, political action, military life, labor and industry, discrimination, scientific research and Communism. Students may make reservations for the convocation by contacting Mrs. Elizabeth Lemm at Lane Hall. Elections ... (Continued from Page 1) Union Ballroom, replacing prev- ious arrangements to meet on the Library steps. "SHOULD THE University re- fuse to recognize fraternities, sor- orities and similar campus organ- izations which fail to remove dis- criminatory clauses from their charters? will be thetopic dis- cussed by all Student Legislature candidates. Legislators Leon Rechtman, '50, and Gil Schubert, '50BAd will take the affirmative and negative respestively, opening the verbal free-for-all. All ean- didates will then speak on the question. Jordan Hall will claim the polit- ical spotlight from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. with an all-candidate open house, Greene House, in the East Quadrangle will claim the candi- dates at 6:30 p.m. Voters from all eight EQ houses will be out to inspect politicos. 4 * * * CLIMAXING the last day of campaigning, West Quadrangle, will stage a gigantic rally at 9:30 p.m., complete with German Band and Hill-Billy singers to enter- tain wearying candidates. The end will be abrupt. Tues- day candidates must see that no campaigning for themselves goes on within 50 feet of any polling place. By PHIL DAWSON "School spirit." which may re- turn to the University after many spiritless years, has flourished un- interruptedly at a number of cam- puses. Most freshman-sophomore class contests take place in the autumn, but a few of these picturesque frolics occur in the spring. * * * ADRENALIN flowed freely in a recent freshman-sophomore class struggle at Purdue University, as the frosh succeeded in downing soph opposition to the burning of the green beany hats freshmen are required to wear. As the Purdue Exponent de- scribed the traditional event, "800 screaming, torch-bearing freshmen successfully burned their green pots in a ceremony that rivalled any previously seen on the campus." Aoout 200 torches shed their yel- low light on a block-long proces- sion of green-hatted freshmen who marched to the stadium to hold their rites around a huge bonfire. THE EXPONENT reported that after "the off-tune singing of Hail Purdue,' a great roar went up as the hats were thrown into the blaze." Meanwhile, the sophomores [DORM NEWS (Editor's Note: Contributors to What's Up in the Dorms should contact Dolores Palanker at The Daily or 145 Betsy Barbour.) The first in a series of faculty dinners was held Thursday at Bet- sy Barbour followed by an after- dinner coffee hour in the lounge so that residents might get ac- quainted with the faculty members attending. Faculty guests at the dinner were Prof. William B. Willcox, of the history department, and Mrs. Willcox; and Mr. and Mrs. Schott. WEATHER PERMITTING, wo- men of Martha Cook will conduct an egg rolling contest this morn- ing on the side lawn. Tal Hoyt is chairman of the affair. * * * HAY WAGONS will take the women of Unit III, New Women's Dorm, and their dates to a barn dance scheduled for 9 p.m. Friday at the Circle 7 Ranch. COLLEGE ROUNDUP: 'School Spirit' Flourishes on Campuses playng t Comunis. EgineringBuiling were getting ready to lay out the welcome mat for the freshmen's return to their houses. Basement entries were flooded, hoses squirted and fire-crackers exploded in the concluding epi- sodes of the spirited ceremony. * * * ALSO AT PURDUE, fraternities were reported to have reached a new high. The assistant to the Di- rector of Student Affairs said: "Purdue is the only school in the Big Ten and midwest that during the past four years has not had a single fraternity with bad publicity in either local or national papers." This record has been helped by the institution of Greek Week, a Fraternities-in-Life period which emphasizes "the value of fraterni- ties to their members" and "the ideals and principles of fraternity life," according to the Exponent. P C s 2 HE SPICE 'I / A BILL in the Texas legislature would outlaw high school "secret societies," fraternities and sorori- ties as "inimical to democracy," according to the Daily Texan. At the University of Wisconsin, the first Negro ever to affiliate with a white fraternity there re- cently pledged Phi Sigma Delta. The student is Weather Sikes, chemistry senior from Chicago. The fraternity, previously an all- Jewish organization, has no re- strictive membership clauses in its constitution. * * * IN SPITE of the Great Pollsters' Fiasco last November, the student opinion survey is still a widely- used weapon in the hands of col- lege newspaper editors. Few of the polls claim to be scientific, but that doesn't prevent them from examining student opinion on everything from card- playing to Communism. Campus Calendar EVENTS TOMORROW Laboratory of Vertebrate Biolog3 -Prof. Laurence H. Snyder, dear of the University of Oklahomi graduate school and " outstanding authority on human heredity, wil discuss the relation of "Heredit; and Modern Life," 4:15 p.m. Kel logg Auditorium. Hiawatha Club-Movies on the upper peninsula, including "Mich igan Moose," "Michigan Cano Trails," and "Timber Harvest. Social hour after the progran and business meeting. 7:30 p.m. Cave Room, Michigan League. Engineer Talk - W. Z. Step niewski, of the Piasecki Helicopte Corporation, Morton, Pa., will tall to engineers on opportunities witl his company, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3G Michigan Union. Following this the Piasecki Corporation will in terview men for jobs in 1523 Eas Engineering Building. FOR T 1 ' OF YOUR F99I LIFE .--.e. i..'.rErigoo I I Open House To Give Engineers Holiday from Classes Friday actress, was coaxed out of retire- Ment to play the leading role in Luigi Pirandello's "As You Desire Me." Miss Abba won her initial success in this country in "To- varich." "The Heiress" will be highlight- ed by Basil Rathbone in the role he created in the original produc- tion on Broadway this season. Starred with hi mwill be Martha Scott, University graduate. Members of the Ann Arbor Drama Season committee are Pro- vost James P. Adams, Mrs. M. Rees Hutchins, Dean Hayward Keniston, Prof. Herbert A. Ken- yon, Dean Alice Lloyd, Prof. Al- bert M. Marckwardt, Prof. Earle V. Moore, Eugene B. Power, Neil Staebler and Roger L. Stevens. All classes and laboratories will be suspended in the engineering buildings for Engineering Open House to be held from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, according to Walt Dublonica, open house chairman. Dublonica issued a call for all "literary students and non-engi- neers to come over and see how the other half lives on the south- east corner of the campus." * * * THE PHYSICS department, one of the 12 sections holding displays, will throw open to observers the cyclotron, synchroton, electron mi- croscope and other, machines in, the Physics Building used for physics research, said Ken Bay, physics chairman. g CoorColor everywhere! The brightest footlight this season . . . and adaptable to almost every other thing you own. $995 (iif The electron microscope will have virus specimens on display, enlarged as much as 100,000 times, he declared. Bay is also chairman of the ra- dio amateurs' exhibit. This exhibit will feature a real short wave ra- dio station in the East Engineer- ing Building, which will relay ca- blegrams to anywhere in the Uni- ted States, Canada and areas oc- cupied by the armed forces. This service will be free to anyone wish- ing it, Bay said. ** * THE CHEMICAL engineering exhibit, under the direction of Ralph Hillman, will have in oper- ation several chemical laboratories in the East Engineering Building. BROOKINS Smarth oe 108 East Washington Phone 2-2685 iiiiiiii The Elizabeth Dillon Shop SOUTH STATE, JUST OFF NORTH UNIVERSITY for $1000 Group iL Values to $25.00 Taffetas - prints - crepes - gabardines - Boucle knits - grand choice of styles -colors - all sizes - $1500 Group Values to $29 Prints - crepes - ga dines in fashion favorit to wear - everywhere such wonderful values you'll want several. 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