False Hope
CONTROVERSY about Communists in ed-
ucation has been brought into the Mich-
igan State Legislature in the form of a
proposal to bar all Communists from teach-
ing. The bill provides only that:
"No past or present member of the
Communist Party shall be employed as a
teacher in any school, college or univer-
sity in the State of Michigan."
There are no provisions for enforcement.
The bill is intended "as a statement of
policy." But, if passed by the Legislature,
it would be a law; officials of the State
would be charged with the responsibility
of keeping Communists and ex-Communists
out of teaching.
This is neither a legitimate nor an ef-
fective measure.
It is based on the theory that any per-
son who is or has been a Party member
is incapable of "objectivity" in teaching. No
matter how many Communists and ex-
Communists there are who can teach, say,
mathematics as well as anyone, this theory
would be written into law if the bill passed.
One might as well pass a law providing
"as a statement of policy" that the ratio
between the circumference and radius of a
circle will be 3.00000.
Not only is this bill unjustified; it is a
tactical error. The only Communists who
would be caught by it are members of the
Central Committee who must be named be-
fore the Party can get on the ballot. Unless
a Communist admitted his membership,
there would be no way to find him out short
of wholesale investigation based on the
traditional J. Parnell Thomas methods.
The fatal weakness in this bill is the
supposition that Communists or any other
group can be categorically legislated out
of the teaching profession without destroy-
ing free education. Only a vain hope can
lead us to try to preserve education by
restricting the freedom to evaluate ideas.
An important fact about the proposed
law is that it is not the work of a neo-
fascist or crackpot. State Senator John B.
Martin, who introduced the bill, is an honest
and capable man. He is a liberal Republican,
and a vigorous opponent of corrupt political
But the fear of Communist ideas must be
overpowering, for it forces men like Martin
to act on a false and futile hope.
-Phil Dawson.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
School Spirit Plan
Pro ..
Letters to the Editor-
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Students will vote on a
school spirit }flan in Tuesday's elections. To
provide its readers with further information on
this issue, The Daily presents arguments on
both sides of the question, the "pro" by the
plan's author, and "con" by other student leg-
islators who propose alternatives.
TI E PROPOSED Freshman-Sophomore
week would take place about a month
and a half after classes commence next fall.
Throughout the week freshman would wear
"beanies" during class hours for identifi-
cation. Both classes would hold rallies to
organize and arouse interest. Later in the
week a well supervised tug of war with fifty
men from each class would be held across
the Huron River. The "beanies" for recog-
nition, the organizational rallies, and the
tug of war will build up to the main fea-
ture of the week a talent show. This show
would consist of freshman and sophomore
talents striving to outdo each other in show-
manship. The show is designed to be con-
strutive in helping to develop the partici-
pant's talents early in their college careers.
This plan has no room for the old tradi-
tional hazing. It is not a plan to bring "rah-
rah" back to our scholarly campus. It is
a plan conceived to start the freshman off
feeling, as thought they "belonged." The
plan will start them in activities when they
first reach the campus. A brass band and
cheerleaders should be able to induce many
more than seventy-five students to see the
top football team in the nation off to a
game. Last Fall's election fiasco when only
one third of the student body voted in an
all-campus election would not be repeated.
Due to this early aroused interest, campus
organizations would be more efficiently run.
Interested, more experienced people would
hold class offices. Besides these improve-
ments in campus life, the students partici-
pating would receive valuable experience in
dealing with their fellow students.
Some students feel that after participat-
ing in this week the freshman or sophomore
will never again open a text book or attend
a lecture or a concert. Never before' have I
heard of a person who participated in an
athletic contest or went to a talent show
who experienced any curbing of intellec-
tual curiosity. Still others feel that the plan
might get out of hand in the coming years.
These do not understand that any change
of policy in the plan must pass through the
Student Legislature and the Student Affairs
Committee for approval. Due to the plan,
we should have competent men in these po-
sitions then.
An alternative plan has been advanced
by these students which consists of dorm
supervisors to help new students get ad-
justed, and a series of skits on campus activ-
ities. While there is nothing disagreeable
about this alternative plan, the new students
would not get a chance to take part. In-
stead of entering an activity themselves,
freshmen will have to sit and watch people
already in activities participate in another.
For this reason I do not believe that this
alternative plan can possibly arouse suffi-
cient interest to produce the benefits that
would result from a Freshman-Sophomore
-Bill Gripman.
OO FEW of our students participate in
campus affairs.
And our freshmen orientation program
with its primary concern with the physical
facilities of the University, neglects the more
basic problems of integrating the freshman
into university life.
Recognizing this basic weakness, the Stu-
dent Legislature has been considering ways
of correcting this condition.
One proposal. has been to attempt to re-
vive pre-war "Rah-Rah" activities. Its sup-
porters hope that a Frosh-Soph week will
instill "school-spirit" through the develop-
ment of class consciousness.
Others, recognizing Michigan's great tra-
ditions of high scholarship and participa-
tion in extra-curricular activities, feel that
the integration of all students into the uni-
versity community as a whole is of far great-
er importance and should be the SL's prime
It is quite true, that during Frosh-Soph
week some new students would get acquaint-
ed with each other. But, the more quiet,
stay-at-home students, the very ones which
the SL should be concerned about, will no
doubt avoid the activities, and thus remain
as isolated as they are now.
The Frosh-Soph week proposal then fails
to reach this basic problem of orienting the
incoming students into campus life and ac-
While there is perhaps nothing too detri-
mental about activities like a tug-of-war
across the Huron or "Freshmen Beanies,"
the RahRah program would divert a great
deal of SL energy which could be applied
to the solution of the more important prob-
lems which confront freshmen.
The alternative proposal which appears
on your ballot Tuesday is an SL sponsored
orientation project to definitely aid incom-
ing students in adjusting to the University
and in working into campus activities where
they can participate with students from all
classes within the University.
Three of the specific elements in that pro-
posal are:
1. Use of upperclass "Dorm Coordina-
tors" to introduce freshmen to extra-curric-
ular activities.
2. A dramatized presentation of the ac-
tivities of campus organizations at a Fresh-
men assembly held near the end of the first
semester when the new student will soon be
eligible to participate in activities. -
3. A reception during orientation week
where the freshmen can meet each other as
well as SL members and other campus lead-
Many of us feel that such a program will
make a significent contribution to campus
life and to the individual student.
We oppose the Frosh-Soph Week idea be-
cause it presents University life in a false
and superficial air and will detract in time
and energy from a concrete attack upon the
basic problems of orientation and integra-
tion which face our freshmen.
On Tuesday we urge you to vote against
"Rah- Rah" and vote for the SL Freshman
Orientation program.
-Walt Hansen
Tom Walsh
At the Orpheum...
Cervi and Adriana Benetti.
HERE at the Orpheum is the perfect anti-
dote for AnnArbor's week-end weather.
Four steps in the Clouds offers all the
warmth and tenderness and sentiment that
one associates with spring. Although not
as sound, dramatically, as Open City or Shoe
Chine, its contemporary Italian efforts, it
equals them in being first-rate entertain-
A large part of the movie's excellence
stems -from its similarity to Noel Coward's
Brief Encounter, a movie which I assume my
readers regarded as highly as I did. The
basic situations in the two movies are par-
allel. A married man, Paolo, finds a few
brief hours of a new kind of happiness with
the young and beautiful Maria, only to
have to return eventually to his wife and
Paolo meets Maria; and because he is
kind, she asks him to accompany her
home posing as her husband. Maria is
unmarried and pregnant, yet innocent;
and this is the only solution she can conjur
to temporarily avert her father's wrath.
Paolo, reluctant but compassionate, con-
sents to help the young girl. The resolution-
of Maria's difficulty with Paolo's aid
offers the opportunity for the beautifully
tender and, moving scenes which follow.
The mood of the movie is by necessity
rather passive; but an excellent cast keeps
the lack of action from falling into monot-
ony. Adriana Benetti, Maria, has one of the
most expressive faces I have ever seen on
the screen; and Gino Cervi, as Paolo, gives
his performance the sincerity and convic-
tion essential to his completely sympathetic
Worthy of particular mention, are both
Maria's father and grandfather, the latter
of whom offers the comedy sequences which
are as delightful as the serious moments.
-Jim Graham.
College Strike -- Two Views
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructivernotice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
on the daypreceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LIX, No. 135
University Senate: Meeting, 4:15
p.m., Mon., May 16, Rackham Am-
To Members ofbthe Faculty:
Notice has been received of op-
portunities under the Fulbright
Act for American citizens to un-
dertake advanced research or to
serve as Visiting Professors in the
United Kingdom, France, Italy,
Greece, Belgium-Luxemberg, Bur-
ma and the Philippines. Awards
are ordinarily made for one aca-
demic year, are paid wholly in the
currency of the foreign country
and are intended to cover all liv-
ing and travel expenses. Applica-
tions for all of the above countries
except Italy and Burma must be
mailed by midnight April 30. Fur-
ther information on these grants
may be obtained at the Office of
the Graduate School.
Bureau of Appointments: Ling-
nan University, China, is in need
of two elementary teachers for the
school year 1949-50. These posi-
tions are in a school for American
children. For further information,
call at the Bureau of Appoint-
History Lecture: "The Universi-
ties of Germany," John A. Haw-
good, Professor of Modern History
and Government, and Chairman,
School of History, University of
Birmingham, England; auspices of
the Department of History, 4:15
p.m., Tues., April 19, Kellogg Audi-
Academic Notices
Graduate students who wish to
be admitted to the doctoral pro-
gram in Social Psychology should
submit applications to Prof. T. M.
Newcomb, 103 Haven Hall, on or
before April 20.
Algebra Seminar: Sat., April 16,
9 a.m., 3010 Angell Hall. Miss Bur-
roughs will speak on "The Volume
Element of the Unitary Group."
Doctoral Examination for David
Mackenzie-Stocking, English; the-
sis: "The Ideas of John Jay Chap-
man," Mon., April 18, 3223 Angell
Hall, 7-10 p.m. Chairman: J. L.
Student Recital: Elizabeth Rob-
inson, Organist, will present a pro-
gram at 4:15 Easter Sunday after-
noon, in Hill Auditorium. It will
include compositions by Buxte-
hude, Bach, Mozart, Roger Ses-
sions, Vierne, and the first per-
formance of Burlesca by Marilyn
Mason, a member of the School of
Music faculty. Given in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Music,
the recital will be open to the gen-
eral public. Miss Robinson is a
pupil of Josef Schnelker.
Events Today
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Picnic Party. Meet at Lane Hall,
7:30 p.m. rain or shine.
Saturday Luncheon Discussion
Group: Lane Hall, 12:15 p.m.
Coming Events
Forest Management Group. Mrs.
Paul S. Newcomb, Supervisor of
the Lower Michigan National For-
ests, will discuss "A Supervisor's
View of National Forest Manage-
ment," 7:30 p.m., Mon., April 18,
East Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg.
All those interested are welcome
to attend.
Water Safety Instructors' Course
-Postponed. The course originally
scheduled for April 18 has been
postponed. It will be held between
May 2 and May 13. First meeting,
May 2, 7:30 p.m., Intramural Pool.
General Semantics Study Group:
Sun., April 17, 3-5 p.m., Interna-
tional Center.
Graduate Outing Club meet at
Northwest entrance, Rackham
Building, 2:15 p.m., Sun., April 17,
for afternoon of casual observa-
tion of spring fauna and flora in
vicinity of Ann Arbor .
Society of Women Engineers:
Meeting, Mon., April 18, 5:15 p.m.,
Chemical Engineering office. All
women engineers are welcome. In-
structions will be given for the
Engineering Open House.
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Dixieland Jazz program, Michigan
League Ballroom, Sun., 8 p.m.
Sociedad Hispanica: Social Hour,
Mon., April 18, 4 to 6 p.m., Inter-
national Center.
A.D.A.: Meeting for members
and those interested in joining.
Report of convention, committee
reports and program planning.
Mon., 7:30 p.m., League.
Young Progressives, meet Her-
bert C. Phillips, former Washing-
ton University rofessor, Sun., April
17, 4 p.m., Michigan Union. Topic:
Freedom of the university teacher.
Congregational Disciples Guild.
Meet at the Guild House at 5:20
a.m. or at the Geddes entrance of
th Arboretum at 5:30 a.m. for an
Easter Sunrise Service.
Wesleyan Guild: Easter Sunrise
Service on Top o' the World. Meet
at the Wesley Foundation, 5:30
a.m. Breakfast follows the Serv-
ice. Reserve for transportation
and breakfast by calling 6881.
I.Z.F.A.: "Modern Seder," 7:45
p.m.,-Sun., April 17, Henderson
Room, League.
Louise Strong has been writ-
ing how wonderful the Soviet sys-
tem is. Then earlier this year she
was arrested by Russian secret
police, held prisoner, cross-exam-
ined and then deported from the
Soviet Union as a spy. Now she
has written a series of six articles
describing how unfairly she was
It certainly is remarkable how
a personal experience can throw a
lifetime of impersonal "observa-
tions" into a different focus.
-St. Louis Star-Times.
The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
Icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
To the Editor:
RE: MANAGING Editor Harriett
Friedman's editorial on dis-
crimination in Friday's paper. It
is without question that the prob-
lem in general has not been effec-
tively handled on a "we'll work it
out ourselves" atitude. That this
is true is evidenced by previous
records of national fraternity con-
ventions. But since the upheaval
must come from the sincere mo-
tives of the individual members,
and chapters themselves, or else
a blanket striking out of the dis-
crimination clauses prompted by
threat of campus disbarment
would be meaningless, the recent
action of the Student Legislature's
resolution asking the Student Af-
fairs Committee to not recognize
"discrimination-clause organiza-
tions" is rather questionable. At a
recent business meeting of our
chapter, a resolution was adopted
calling for the striking of the dis-
crimination clause. The first
hurdle' will be a district conven-
tion in Detroit this fall and fol-
lowing that a national convention
in Minneapolis, Minnesota in the
fall of 1950, if the resolution is
still intact after the district con-
ference. It is in this manner that
we think the desired results can
best be obtained, not through top-
management directives.
-Robert B. Vokac,
-Pres., Alpha Kappa Psi.
* * *
To the Editor:
AS A SOMETIME fraternity man
and recent critic of The Daily
concerning things racial, I would
like to compliment Miss Friedman
for her discussion of the Student
Legislature's anti-discrimination
resolution. That column was the
finest bit of editorial comment I
have seen in The Daily in the
past three years. It put The Daily
right where a student newspaper
ought always to be-in the middle
of the fight, at the head of the
democratic forces.
In support of Miss Friedman's
contention that fine things can
happen when fraternities are
pressured a little from the outside,
I quote from. a recent copy of the
Chi Phi Chaket:
"Your attention is called to the
appointment of the following com-
mittee to study . . . opinions con-
cerning the elimination of the
word 'Caucasian' in the Chi Phi
Constitution. The immediate dis-
cussion concerns the decision of
the Amherst Trustees to ban any
chapter which does not conform
to their ruling concerning mem-
bership by Feb. 1, 1951."
This is not exactly the kind of
pressure even Miss Friedman pre-
fers. She would like it to com
from the students themselves in-
stead of from the Board of Re-
gents, to which body the Amherst
Board of Trustees corresponds. Yet
look at what has happened. As a
direct result of the Amherst ban
a Negro has been initiated into a
"white" fraternity and nationa
fraternities that want to kee
their local chapters at Amherst
are being forced to examine them-
selves as never before.
There is an unfortunate tend-
en : Ito equate this kind of bar
With a drinking or necking o
speaking ban. All are sometimes
setr"as undesirable impositions of
authority from above, as limita-
tions of student freedom. Nothing
could be further from the truth.
The ruling of the Amherst Trus.
tees actually increases studeni
freedom, both directly and indi-
rectly. In addition to its effect
at Amherst, it gives democrats ir
Chi Phi, for instance, a powerful
weapon with which to fight.
I, for one, wish our own Board
of Regents would give us the sam
freedom and the same weapon. I
suggest that there is something
unsavory about a Board whose
members talk a great deal abou
democracy but refuse to give
such freedom to the students un-
der them. No university can be
truthfully called a democratic in-
stitution so long as it continues
even passively to approve racisn
in its own student organizations.
As students, we must no longer
allow ourselves to be tricked by
the half-truth that the impetus
toa d freedomn must come only
frioi our own ranks. Ultimately
this is so, but immediately it is
clearly and unmistakably the Re-
gents duty to follow the lead of
the Amherst Trustees. Until they
do so, their denunciations of Com-
Imnism and their affirmations of
a democratic faith will continue
to sound \very hollow indeed.
---lomer Swander.
To the Editor:
AT THE LAST meeting of the
Student Legislature a vote of
tremendous importance was taken:
by a vote of 27 to 17, the Legis-
lature passed a resolution asking
the Student Affairs Committee to
rule that no new organizations be
recognized which restrict mem-
bership on the basis of race or re-
ligion. (Recognized student organ-
izations have the use of campus
facilities-paid for in great part
by taxes which are collected with-
out regard to race or religion.)
This vote effectively divided the
Legislature into two sharply con-
flicting groups. By their votes, one
group proved that it believes that
democratic living is best taught
by keeping it securely tucked away
in an old, dusty, and tightly locked
filing cabinet which is distinctly
labelled "Theory to be used only
for thinking about, study, July 4th
speeches, discussion, debate, war
slogans, and vote-getting." The
other group, which fortunately
was in the majority, has the idea
that democratic living is best
taught by living democratically.
They voted for practicing democ-
racy rather than talking about it.
The seventeen votes cast against
this resolution should serve to
dramatically remind us that stu-
dent legislators are elected by us.
We should know before elections
how the candidates will vote on
such issues. But another integral
part of representative government
is holding elected representatives
responsible for their actions once
they are elected. For this reason
the vote of each student legisla-
tor should be made public, partic-
ularly on vital issues such as this.
Only then can voters distinguish
between those who merely speak
against discrimination and those
who are willing to back their
words with the necessary votes.
Those who voted against this res-
olution were: Bill Clark, Bill Grip-
man, Knight Houghton, Jake Ja-
cobson, Howard Johnson, Jody
Johnson, Jim Karras, Tom Kelsey,
Jack Kunkle, Paul McCracken, Bill
Moil, Dave Pease, Rosemarie
Schoetz, Gil Schubert, Maria
Trapp, Stan Wiggins, Kay Wood-
ruff. 300 words to the wise is
-Leon Rechtman.
MANY HERE may be tempted to praise
the strike of New York's City College
students to force the firing of two instruc-
tors, one of whom is accused of being anti-
Semitic, the other of having engaged in color
discrimination while in charge of a vet-
erans' dorm.
But let anyone who defends this action
beware of self-contradiction. Among those
who favor the City College strike are stu-
dents who, a few months ago, loudly casti-
gated Olivet College's President Ashby for
removing several teachers accused of hold-
ing the "wrong" convictions.
The City College students are attempt-
ing nothing better than President Ashby's
action. They disagree with the views of
the two professors, thus force their ouster.
This is by no means a defense of Pres-
ident Ashby's action. It is, rather, a protest
against the disorderly tactics of the City
College rioters. In a mood of violence and
hysteria, they broke the law to push the
removal of two men who are no more and
no less entitled to their personal views than
are the faculty members at Olivet.
Investigations of the professors' deeds
may not have been satisfactory to all par-
ties. But the strikers, however, much their
case may deserve hearing, cannot be jus-
tified in their overt action.
Dr. Harry N. Wright, president of City
College, seems to have kept a clear head and
an admirably fair point of view throughout
the violence. His words are worth quoting:
"I despise discrimination on the basis of
race, religion or country of origin .. . Pro-
fessor Knickerbocker and Mr. Davis have
been exposed to orderly processes of inves-
tigation, and action was taken where jus-
tified. Accordingly, to respond to pressure
from any direction which would violate the
civil and tenure rights of these men is
unconscionable. It is equivalent to lynch
Rather than trying to say who is right
or wrong, we can only wish for more con-
sistency and fair-mindedness on the part of
all students and administrators in dealing
with personal viewpoints, as expressed pri-
THE CITY COLLEGE walk-out sharply
points up several sore-spots prevailing
not only in the New York school, but in ed-
ucational institutions throughout the coun-
In Michigan the same problem, that of
eliminating discrimination from our schools,
is now before the State Legislature in the
form of a Fair Educational Practices Bill,
and is being handled on campus through
the CED, the IRA and the SL sub-committee
on Discrimination.
The action of these groups indicates a
recognition that when proclaiming educa-
tion as the best method for completely
eradicating discrimination, we must first be
sure that discrimination is wiped out of our
educational institutions.
It has been charged that the City College
strikers are inconsistent in their thinking,
as those who demand the ousting of Pro-
fessors Knickerbocker and Davis loudly pro-
tested the dismissal of Olivet College pro-
fessors by President Ashby.
In both cases, however, the fight is for
academic freedom. A teacher who prac-
tices discrimination is violating the basic
principles of academic freedom just as
thoroughly as a college president who se-
lects his teaching staff on the basis of
political beliefs.
The City College students are dramatically
presenting their case through a strike ap-
proved by the Student Council to "force the
trial and removal" of the two professors
accused of discriminating. Their original ih-
tention was to hold a peaceful walk-out, but
as repeated cases have proved, "peaceful
walk-outs" have a remarkable tendency to
turn into uncontrolled mob-scenes.
Mob violence cannot be condoned, but
we can be sympathetic with the circum-
stances which would force the Student
Council to resort to a strike to win their
Newspaper and radio commentators, while
ignoring quiet negotiations to solve a prob-
lem will jump when the issue develops into
the sensational proportions of a college-stu-
dent strike. So the very neople who are
Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students ol
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control oi
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Edito
Dick Maloy ...............City ]Cdltoz
Naomi Stern.......Editorial Directoi
Allegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editoz
Al Blumrosen ........AssociateEdito
Leon Jaroff .........Associate Ediitoi
Robert C. White ......Associate Editol
B. S. Brown...........Sports Editoi
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed
Bev Bussey ...Sports Feature Writel
Audrey Buttery.......Women's Editoz
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editol
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
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William Culman ....Finance Manage
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Looking Back
_ ,
Total attendance for the year 1898-99 was
3,059 with summer attendance at 236. The
T1 witprr ",nllo iapm. aatmt muith 1 .>2$ 5with
He'llprobably rush out first
tit:,, 1,.- .:t A/-
I hope he won't be too '
disappointed to find
the sandwich and the-
--- r
Look! Mr. O'Malley's
come back! He got
Pop's letter OK-
. 4, ' 50MkU . PALxh.& U. dYPak
Pee, Pop, you're a PAL!