Latest Deadline in the State
743- it]y
~i P
See page 4
Sponsor Defends
Bill Banning Reds
Communists Should Not Teach
In MichiganSchools, Martin Says
The bill to ban Communists from teaching in Michigan schools
and colleges is a "narrow provision," according to State Senator John
B. Martin, Jr., Grand Rapids Republican who introduced the measure
Martin told The Daily that he is "not interested in the liberal or
radical; the problem is Party membership and the discipline it re-
* * * *
THE BILL, which is before the Senate Committee on Education,
consists of one sentence:
"No past or present member of the Communist Party shall
be employed as a teacher in any school, college or university in the
Children Die
From Smoke
In Local Fire
Two small children were suffo-
cated early yesterday morning
when flames swept a Willow Vil-
lage apartment, filling it with
dense clouds of intensely heated
The children, Lilly Mae Thomas,
6, and Mary Louise Thomas, 4,
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. William
Thomas, were asphyxiated by
smoke as they slept in their home
at 1478 Swansea Ct., according to
Coroner Edwin C. Ganzhorn.
FOUR OTHER occupants of the
house, including an 18-month old
boy, escaped from the burning
home with only minor injuries.
Willow Village and Ypsilanti
township firemen, called to the
blaze at 4:30 a.m., said the fire
might have been started by a
lighted cigaret butt burning in an
over-stuffed chair in the living
room of the apartment.
With the actual flames con-
centrated in a small area around
the chair, firemen were able to
quickly extinguish the blaze and
keep It from spreading to other
apartments in the six-unit
Earlier, the children's father
and uncle had vainly tried to fight
their way through the heavy
smoke in order to save the chil-
dren. The uncle, Joseph Thomas,
who had been sleeping in the same
room, said that he was unable to
find the children in the smoke.
S* * ak
LATER FIREMEN using masks
finally reached them but they
were already dead.
Previously this year Village resi-
dents were shocked by another in
a long series of fires in which a
baby girl was killed.
Bridges Asks
Query of U.S.
Aims in China
Decries Acheson's
Opposition to Aid Bill
WASHINGTON-(I)-Se n ato r
Bridges (Rep., NH) demanded a
Congressional investigation of the
State Department yesterday to
find out exactly this country's pol-
icy toward China.
In a bluntly-worded statement,
he accuses Secretary of State
Acheson of what "might be called
sabotage of the valiant attempt of
the Chinese Nationalists to keep at
least a part of China free."
*, * *
THIS REFERRED to Acheson's
opposition to a proposal by Sena-
tor McCarran (Dem., Nev.) for the
United States to give China $1,-
500,000,000 loan for military and
economic purposes.
In a letter made public Thurs-
day Acheson said such a move
would involve this country in an
undertaking of so great a mag-
nitude that it "would almost
surely be catastrophic."
In this letter to chairman Con-
nally (Dem., Tex.) of the Senate
Foreign ;Relations committee,
Acheson said that China had been
given more than $2,000,000,000 in
U.S. aid since V-J Day but that
this had not stemmed the Commu-
nist forces.
"THREI5 o videpnce thtI
State of Michigan."
No provisions for enforcement or
penalties are made in the proposal,
which would amend the school
code (rules and regulations con-
cerning the operation of schools).
* * *
MARTIN SAID "a Party mem-
ber can't teach anything except
with the slant the Party discipline
puts on it; it is within the bounds
of educational freedom to exclude
Party members from teaching."
The bill also would bar ex-
Communists, Martin said, be-
cause "there is always the dan-
ger that they haven't turned farI
enough from the paths of the
Past membership is often used
as an excuse for continued activ-
ity, he added, and frequently peo-
ple who are still members will say
they have left the Party.
* * *
THE BILL "is not a witch-huit-
ing proposal," Martin said. "It
might miss somebody who consis-
tently followed the Party line, but
it's better to err on that side than
to infringe on our freedoms."
Commenting on the lack of
provision for enforcement, Mar-
tin said the measure is "a dec-
laration of policy."
But it would also be state law,
he explained. The Superintendent
of Public Instruction would have
enforcement responsibility in the
schools, and the Board of Regents
for the University.
IBarkley Will
Speak at State
Normal Event
Vice-President Alben W. Bark-
ley will speak in Ypsilanti May
19 to open Michigan State Nor-
mal College's three day centennial
The talk will be followed by a
parade which will begin at noon
and the dedication of Pierce Hall,
a new classroom building.
THlE PARADE will depict his-
torical episodes in the development
of the" 100-year-old institution
and stages in the evolution of
teacher education.
Later in the day the new
Pierce Hal will be dedicated.
On Saturday, Governor G. Men-
nen Williams and University Pres-
ident Alexander G. Ruthven will
speak at the formal inauguration
of Normal's new president, Eugene
B. Elliot.
AS THE BIG DAY draws near,
college' officials are desperately
attempting to locate lodgings for
the 5,000 alumni and guests who
are expected for the celebration.
Fraternities and other groups
have announced a beard growing
contest, with prizes to be awarded
to most splendiferous soup strain-
Law Sehool
Dean Dies
Bates Succumbs
To Heart Disease
Prof. Henry Moore Bates, dean-
emeritus of the University law
school died yesterday morning at
the home of friends in Berkeley,
His death was attributed to a
heart disease, although he was
just recovering from a short ill-
ness of pneumonia.
GRADUATING from the Uni-
versity in 1890, Dean Bates en-
tered the Northwestern Law
School and earned his law de-
gree in 1892. After practicing law
in Chicago for 9 years, he be-
came a member of the Law School
faculty in 1903.
Prof. Bates was appointed
Dean of the Law School in 1910
and remained in that capacity
until he retired in 1939 at the
age of 70. It was during his29
year administration as dean that
the Law School received gifts
and endowments from W. W.
Cook estimated at $14,000,000.
It was these donations which
made possible the construction
of the present Law Quadrangle.
Paying tribute to Prof. Bates,
President Alexander G.rRuthven
said, "Henry Bates was undoubt-
edly one of the leaders in legal
education of his time. His in-
fluence was felt not only in the
Law School of the University of
Michigan, which consistently
gained strength during the period
of his deanship, but throughout
the entire country."
"His sudden death is deeply
mourned by the wide circle of his
friends at the University and by
hundreds of alumni throughout
the United States."
- *
ven's sentiments, Prof. E. Blythe
Stason, who succeeded Prof. Bates
as dean of the Law School in
1939, said: "Dean Bates' many
friends and admirers will be deep-
ly grieved and shocked at the
news of his passing."
Expressing deep regret at the
death of Dean Bates, Prof. Paul
A. Leidy referred to the impor-
tant part he played in the de-
velopment of the Union.
"With the passing of Dears
Henry M. Bates," he said, "the
University has lost the one man
who exercised the greatest influ-
ence in bringing the Law School
to its present high position, and
the man to whom shall be given
the greatest credit for the Mich-
igan Union, as we now know it."
See FORMER, page 2
Truman Plans
Health Battle
WASHINGTON - (P) - Presi-
dent Truman is planning to battle
for his national health program,
labor leader William Green said
after a White House visit yester-
Green predicted that Mr. Tru-
man will lay the compulsory in-
surance plan before Congress next
week, and also may take to the
radio to tell the people about it.
Green, president of the AFL, was
one of a group which called on the
President to submit a report de-
claring that organized medicine
has "choked the development" of
comprehensive health insurance
The report was presented by the
committee on the Nation's Health
headed by Dr. Channing Froth-
ingham, past president of the
Massachusetts State Medical So-
Embassy Insists
On Release of
U.S. Relief Aide
No Answer Yet Given to Demands
That Social Worker Be Freed
PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia-(AP)-The United States embassy de-
manded yesterday that Czechoslovak authorities quickly release Miss
Vlasta Vraz, an American relief worker who now has spent a week
in jail.
Thus far there has been no reply from the Czechoslovak foreign
office to the embassy's note. Foreign office attaches said "there is no
* * * *
MISS VRAZ, of Berwyn, Ill., is head of the Prague office of
American relief in Czechoslovakia. Under the auspices of that organi-
zation, she has distributed about $4,000,000 worth of food, medicine
and clothing in Czechoslovakia'
RED TRIAL DISCUSSION-Speakers in a panel held last night on the indictment of Communists in
New York, were Prof. Paul G. Kauper of the Law School, Prof. Preston Slosson of the history
department and Attorney Ernest Goodman, member of the law firm defending the Communists.
* * *
* * *
* *
Panel Discusses Legality of Red Trial
The spotlight was thrown on
constitutionality of the current
New York trial of 12 American
Communists, in a panel discus-
sion yesterday sponsored jointly
by Lawyers' Guild and the cam-
pus AVC.
Presenting their views were
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department, Prof. Paul G.
Kauper of the law school and De-
troit civil liberties lawyer Ernest
Goodman, member of a law firm
handling the defense at the trial.
Prof. Kauper .. .
"The language of indictment
can be attributed to one clause of
the 1940 Smith Act, which states
it is unlawful for any organized
group to advocate or encourage
governmental overthrow by violent
"It also declares the unlaw-
fulness of affiliating or conspir-
ing with such a body," Prof.
Kauper added.
Fresh Assault
Launched by
Reds in China
NANKING-(RP)-The Commu-
nists were officially reported to
have launched a heavy assault on
Taiyuan, northwestern capital of
old Marshal Yen Hsi-Shan, while
an uneasy truce held sway along
the Yangtze.
The government's military news
agency said two Red army groups
(150,000 men) had been hurled at
Taiyuan and fierce fighting was in
progress. The scene is nearly 600
miles by air northwest of Nanking.
MILITARY observers said the
attack apparently had no relation
with the general curb on other
Communist operations.
(In Shanghai, the commercial
journal said the first stage of an
agreement on a coalition govern-
ment for China had been reached
at the peace negotiations in Com-
munist Peiping.
Fighting had ceased along the
Yangtze River that divides Red
North China from the Nationalist
* * *
THIS WAS taken in the capital
as a strong indication that the
government had yielded to the
peace terms which the Commu-
nists have been demanding since
World News
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
TEHRAN, Iran-Soviet Ambas-
sador Ivan Sadchikov left Tehran
for Russia yesterday in an atmos-
phere of strain developed by re-
cent diplomatic exchanges and
border incidents.
* * *
LONDON - Western diplo-
mats mae a new study yester-
day of Russia's relations with
her Balkan satellites in the light
of the announcement that Bul-
garian Premier Georgi Dimitrov
is visiting the Soviet Union.
* * *
DETROIT - More than 16,500;
Detroit auto workers took an early
start on Easter vacations Friday
The actual questionis not gen-
uine legislative authority, Prof.
Kauper pointed out, but rather
whether the First Constitutional
Amendment (rights of free speech.
thought and press) voids the
Smith Act insert, as linked with
the problem of national security.
"TWO CLEAR CUT distinc-
tions are involved in the trial,"
he said. "One is the conspiracy
charge made through the Com-
munist Party as a whole."
Equally important, he thought,
is the naming of particular de-
"That procedure raises the
question of whether the 'indi-
vidual' statute is constitutional
or not, according to Smith Act
sayso," he added.
"It is an open or shut case,
for either side, he commented,
"but because of the possible mis-
interpretations of the "free speech
amendment," I feel the govern-
ment's position is weaker than the
Prof. Slosson . . .
Seaking "purely from a stand-
point of public policy," Prof. Slos-
son declared he had "not the
slightest sympathy with any of
the defendants."
But he remarked that the men
on trial were fortunate in being
permitted to spend six weeks to
choose their jury. "In Russia, such
a practice would be unheard of,
and defendants would be lucky to
have any- jury at all," he said.
The ciux of the case lies in the
evidence, according to Prof. Slos-
son. "As. yet only general evi-
dence has been produced, Defi-
nite evidence is needed to render
a suitable verdict," he main-
* * *
Ernest Goodman .. .
The prosecution is not based on
any act the defendants are alleged
to have committed, according to
the Detroit lawyer, who sat in on
several of the recent sessions.
"They are not charged with an
advocation of, attempting to or
actually overthrowing our gov-
ernment. The only real charge is
organizing a political party which
has been refused acceptance by
the United States," he said...
"Thus it is essentially a polit-
ical trial, and the government
must take a position to outlaw
the Communist ,party here." The
indictment will do just that, de-
spite the lack of definite evi-
'U' Synclroton Important Aid
in Atomic Research, Crane Says
since 1945.
Police arrested her at her
office last Saturday, but told
her she would be released later
that day after questioning. The
American embassy was not noti-
fied by the Czechoslovak gov-
ernment, but learned of her
arrest from other sources.
After being held incommuni-
cado for three days, Miss Vraz
finally was allowed to see a United
States consul. She told the consul
she thought she was being de-
tained for an investigation of the
political activities of others.
* * *
IN ADDITION to demanding
her early release, the embassy also
asked to be advised without de-
lay "of the facts and circum-
stances surrounding the case, in-
eluding specific charges, if any,
against Miss Vraz." Inquiry also
was made as to whether she could
obtain a lawyer of her own choice.
It was understood at the em-
bassy that Rep. Adolph J. Sab-
ath (Dem., Ill.) has sent a letter
to President Klement Gottwald
asking for her release and that
further action is contemplated
in both the U.S. State Depart-
ment and Congress.
Both Americans and interested
Czechs are waiting to see what
welcome a Czechoslovak trade-
seeking delegation will get in
Washington in view of the recent-
ly developed facility of Czecho-
slovak government offices for los-
ing or ignoring representations
from the American embassy.
Miss Vraz is the third Amer-
ican to land in a Czechoslovak jail
cell and stay there in recent
Tears Called
Catholic Chancellor
Comments on Statue
SYRACUSE, N.Y. - () - The
Chancellor of the Syracuse Cath-
olic Diocese termed today a "phe-
nomenon" the appearance of liquid
drops on the face of a broken St.
Ann statue when kissed by a
school girl.
No miracle was claimed.
Shirley Ann Martin reported
that the liquid, which many wit-
nesses called "tears," no longer
appeared in the eyes of the three-
inch plaster head when she
pressed her lips to it.
In the first official statement
from the diocesan office, the Rev.
Robert E. Dillon, Chancellor, said:
"From the number and the
character of the witnesses who
have observed the phenomenon,
it is certain that drops of liquid
have appeared on the face of the
Deadline Today
The deadline for 25-word
statements from all class offi-
cer candidates and Union vice-
presidency candidates has been
extended to 6 p.m. today. They
must be turned in to Craig Wil-
son, at The Daily.
Much research has been going
on in the attempt to split atoms,
and the University's 300,000,000
electronvolt synchroton is one of
the biggest steps to making this
job cheaper and easier.
Prof. H. R. Crane, of the physics
department, told a meeting of
electrical and radio engineers last
night that electrons must be
charged to very high energy be-
cause atoms are "very tough nuts
to crack."
Faculty Split
DETROIT-(/P)-The split of
Olivet College into two separate
schools was virtually complete to-
The school's Board of Trustees
accepted seven faculty resigna-
tions, cutting 16 persons from the
present 30-man staff. President
Aubrey Ashby disclosed that there
would be no trouble filling the
vacancies for next term.
Meanwhile, Tucker P. Smith,
leader of the dissident faction at
Olivet, announced that plans were
shaping up nicely for opening of
a new college in New York state.
It was Ashby's policies, directed
against the liberal group, which
caused the rift last year, and has
now resulted in plans for a new
college at Sacketts Harbor, N.Y.
physics work, charged particles
were sent through vacuum tubes
at 1,000,000 volts or more to speed
them up in order to split them,
but ordinary laboratories could not
do this because sparks would
bounce off the walls and ceilings
and be very dangerous to opera-
tors, he said.
And this is where the synchro-
ton comes in, Prof. Crane added.
In accelerating the electrons,
the synchroton utilizes a "race
track" type of tube rather than
the circular tube characteristic
of earlier types of "atom smash-
The race track is the large
squarish "donut," made of steel
and about 10 feet in diameter, is
the characteristic feature of the
synchroton. This type of track
eliminates the direct use of high
voltage, he declared.
* * *
ELECTRONS are shot from an
electron gun, generating 400,000
volts, into the tube where they
are given boosts by negatively
and positively charged points
along the "race track." After they
are accelerated they are bombard-
ed against metallic targets, Prof.
Crane said.
It takes 1-80th of a second and
450,000 revolutions around the
tube to achieve this speed, Prof.
Crane pointed out.
Pontiff Asks
For Free Cit
In Jerusalem4
VATICAN CITY - () - Pope
Pius XII called yesterday for in.2
ternationalization of the Jerusa
lem area and establishment of a.
"true peace" in Palestine.
Roman Catholic bishops
throughout the world were asked
in a papal letter Good Friday to
work for peace and Catholic rights
in the Holy Land The Pope said
the armistice was welcome, but
real peace was still to be achieved.
THE UNiTED Nations Parti-
tion Plan of 1947 proposed inter-
national rule for Jerusalem, but
war upset the arrangements.
Trans-Jordan holds the old city.
Israel controls the new city and
claims a right to all Jerusalem.
Pope Pius also called for:
Safe-guarding of Holy Places
in Palestine, with free access for
pilgrims and measures against
-profanation by the operation ot
"worldly and sinful placesY
Conservation of the "rights
Catholics have accjuired during
many centuries in Palestine sol-
emnly and with virtue reaffirmed
by the Popes."
* * *
THE POPE made his appeal in
the second Encyclical he has writ-
ten on Palestine in six months.
From its opening Latin words,
the Encyclical will be known as
"Redemptoris Nostri (from our
Redeemer)." He said he was still
receiving protests against damage
to churches in Palestine.
In the previous Encyclical, dat-
ed Oct. 24, he demanded that
holy places in Palestine be inter-
nationalized and expressed sor-
row at the fighting then raging
between Israeli and Arab forces
where Jesus Christ and the Apos-
tles had lived.
* * *
P'ope's Appeal
Gets Varied
Reaction Here
Pope Pius XII's appeal for inter-
nationalization of the Jerusalem
area was greeted by varied reac-
tion here in Ann Arbor.
Father Frank J. McPhillips, pas-
tor of the St. Mary's Student
Chapel observed that if any city in
the world should be international-
ized today, it should be Jerusalem.
* * *
"IT IS TO be hoped that this
desire of the Holy Father will be
greeted by fairness and be wel-
comed by all peoples the world
over," he said.
Rabbi Herschel Lymon, Di-
rector of the Hillel Foundation,
pointed out that the Israeli gov-
ernment has been pressing its
claims for Jerusalem because
they feel that it has played a
tremendous part in Jewish his-
tory and tradition and they feel
that they have a legitimate
claim to the city.
"I sincerely believe that if the
Israeli government were given
control of the entire city the holy
places would be freely accessible
to all people, regardless of their
faiths," he added.
Plan Six Booths
ers and sideburns.
Future To Bring Camp s
No Relief froa Fertilizer
Long suffering students and fac-
ulty members can expect no im-
mediaterrelief for bruised olfac-
tory nerves.
According to the plant depart-
ment, the fragrant organic matter
which has been adorning campus
lawns for the past few weeks will
not be spaded into the soil.
* * *
may find themselves enacting
the less attractive portion of
many a nightmare.
Campus librarians are under-
stood to be anxiously awaiting the
disappearance of the offending
matter. They have been observed
busying themselves with perfume-
saturated hankerchiefs on many
an open-window afternoon.
* * e
Alumnus Describes Resistance to Japs
A B.A. from the University was
a poor excuse for not cooperating
with their invasion of the Philip-
igan graduates working for us,"
the officer told him.
The Japanese didn't accept
his other reasons either-that
underground previously, he had
helped supply world news to the
Philippine populace in an effort
to buoy morale.
"Onaw. ek later, ,r.i,.,