Baseball Season
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MSC Visited by iig Nine Committee
Wolverines Begin Title
Defense Against Purdue
Michigan's baseball team opens
its defense of the Big Nine title
today when it meets the Purdue
Boilermakers in the first of a two
game series at Lafayette.
Both the Wolverines and Purdue
are ranked high on the pre-season
dopesheetsand although OSU has
been given the favorite's spot,
either team could wind up as Con-
ference champ.
that he would send Dick Smith to
the mound in an attempt to get
the Wolverines off on the right
foot, countering with big Bill Taft
Opposing Smith is Mel Hen-
son who was responsible for one
of Michigan's two conference
defeats last year, hurling a five
hit, 5-2 victory in the nightcap
of a doubleheader.
Boilermaker coach Mel Taube
has a strong squad back from the
team that finished fourth in the
Conference last year, including
seven regulars. This could mean a
lot of trouble for the aspiring Wol-
CAPTAIN Stan Aders, a steady
receiver and consistent hitter,
leads the list of veterans. This,
along with the return of last yeai
outfield and second sacker Bill
Berberian has given Taube a
powerful nucleus to work with.
At third, Bill Sommer, a let-
terman back from 1945 seems to
have the inside track, while at
short, it looks like Glen Omholt,
with Bill Long on first..
Last year's outfield trio returns
intact. John Chinewicz; who
clouted the ball at a .373 clip in
Conference play in 1948 is slated
for centerfield. He will be flanked
by Ken Gorgal in left and Norb
Adams in right.
FOR THE Wolverines, Fisher
indicated he would string along
with the team that he has used so
That would have catcher Hal
Raymond in the leadoff spot,
followed by second sacker Bill
Bucholz and either Leo Koceski
or Willard Baker in left field.
Batting in the clean-up spot is
Ted Kobrin, ace Wolverine third
sacker, ahead of Hal Morrill in
right field, Jack McDonald at first
and Bob Wolff at short.
Rounding out the line *up are
centerfielder Vic Fryling and
pitcher Dick Smith.
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO-Michigan Baseball
Coach Ray Fisher opens his 29th
Western Conference campaign
when he sends his defending co-
champion Wolverines against Pur-
due at Lafayette, Ind., today and
THE ILLINI, who last season
tied Michigan for the title with
10 wins and two defeats, got a
jump on the Wolverines last week-
end by sweeping a league series
from Northwestern, 2-1 and 6-0.
The championship campaign
really gets underway the week-
end of April 22-23 with Wiscon-
sin at Ohio State, Indiana at
Michigan and Illinois at Iowa.
These will be the first Confer-
ence battles for Ohio State, a
strong title favorite, Indiana,
Iowa and Wisconsin.
Fisher, who came to Michigan
in the spring of 1921, has de-
veloped 12 Conference champion-
ship nines. Only three of his Wol-
verine teams finished below the
.500 mark and he has a lifetime
average of .610 at the Ann Arbor
By The Associated Press
Conference committee inspecting
Michigan State College as a pre-
lude to final Big Nine admission
kept mum yesterday about its
f indings.
Chairman Kenneth Little of the
University of Wisconsin said the
only purpose of this visit is to
give Michigan State College a
chance to completely adjust it-
self to Western Conference rules
and regulations.
Dr. Little said the committee
would report to the next meeting
of Conference faculty representa-
tines at Evanston, Ill., the week-
end of May 21.
The committee will leave thel
MSC campus tomorrow, Other
members are Dr. Paul J. Bloomers
of Iowa and Big Nine Commis-
sioner Kenneth (Tug) Wilson.
The chairman said the com-
mittee's main fields of investiga-
tion were the extent of faculty
control of athletics at MSC, the
program of financial aid avail-
able to athletes and the college's
academic standards.
The committee members said
the Spartans probably will not
engage as a member team in any
Conference championships until
the indoor season of 1950-51. They
will not be in the rnnin, fo any
Conference title unxtil a full shd
ule is played.
Wilson s:id he expected the
1953 and 1954 footbaJ:ll .sche.tdutles
to be made nxt Decembera;iif
Michigan State is acepted into
the Conference tley would plot
the full football cours starting
with the 1953 season.
First Spartan participation
likely would be in track, baeball
golf and tennis next sorint, the
committee said. Schedules in fenc-
ing, swimming,. and gnmasics
will be made at tlr My nct1tng.
e _.
CAPTAIN CONNECTS-Wolverine captain, backstop Hal Ray-
mond takes a healthy swing during practice session. Doing the
honors behind the plate is hard-hitting Pete Palmer.
High School Cindermen
Battle at Yost Saturday
Like Topsy the River Rouge
track meet "just growed."
The gigantic high school get-
together-largest single-day in-
door meet in the country-being
run off at Yost Field House Sat-
urday wasn't always of tremen-
dous proportions.
* * *
IT ALL STARTED as an ob-
scure four-way meet held at the
Michigan field house in 1940. No-
body connected with the meet had
any idea of what was to come.
But in 1941 a few more schools
were invited to attend the meet
and the great rush was under-
The war, with its transporta-
tion difficulties, held down the
size of the meet which neverthe-
less was soon attracting some.400
Michigan high school athletes by
the time Jimmy Doolittle got
around to dropping bombs on
the resultant headache to the Jap-
anese was nothing compared to
what happened to them when
Uncle Sam ended gas rationing.
In 1946 the number of ath-
letes in attendance rose to 825,
in 1947 it passed the 1,100 mark
and last season the total attend-
ance was figured at 1,340.
Faced with the possibility of
playing host to more than 2,000
eager thinclads this season the
bigwigs threw up their arms in
despair and ran for the rule-
* * *
WHEN THEY finally paused for
breath they had eliminated two
events, the broad jump and the
sprint medley relay, and had ruled
that no school could enter more
than one man in an event.
The total effect of these
changes was to cut the entry
list to 850 boys from 99 schools
which are divided into A, B, and
C-D classifications.
Michigan's varsity and freshman
trackmen have been recruited to
officiate in the meet which is
being handled by assistant track
coach, Elmer Swanson.
Swanson isn't losing too much
sleep over the eight hour mara-
thon though. He figures he'll need
all the rest he can get.
Bring in your electric shaver now. Factory experts
will clean, oil and adjust it without charge.
By The Associated Press
HICKORY, N.C.--The Cleve-
land Indianswon a home run slug-
fest from the New York Giants
here yesterday, 15 to 9, before
6,000 fans.
The Indians collected five hom-
ers, three of them in succession in
the eighth inning.
CINCINNATI - Ray Mueller's
two run homer in the fifth inning
gave the Cincinnati Reds a 2-1
victory yesterday over the New
York Yankees as lefty Ken Raf-
fensberger spaced seven hits over
nine innings to become the first
Redlegspitcher of the year to go
the distance.
BOSTON - Johnny Pesky's
one-on homer in the fifth inning
clinched the Boston Red Sox
6-2 win over the Braves in their
fifth pre-season exhibition clash
* * *
SAVANNAH, Ga.-The Phila-
delphia Athletics broke out with 20
hits, 14 of them on extra bases, to
defeat their Class A Savannah
farm team 13-2 yesterday.
MEMPHIS, Tenn.-Two homers
accounted for all Chicago White
Sox runs yesterday as the Ameri-
can Leaguers defeated the Pitts-
burgh Pirates 4-3.
* * *
TEXARKANA, Tex.-A five-
hit pitching job by Ned Garver
and five home runs by his mates
gave the St. Louis Browns a 9-1
victory over Texarkana of the
Big State League yesterday.
* * *
BALTIMORE - Joltin' Joe Di
Maggio's heel bothers him and so
do reporters trying to find out
how he's coming along, the New
York Yankee slugger said angrily
yesterday upon leaving Johns
Hopkins Hospital.
Obviously miffed after two days
in the hospital where he refused to
see newsmen, Di Maggio went to a
hotel where he will stay while con-
tinuing treatments for his ailing
right heel.
Newspaper reporters and pho-
tographers intercepted Di Maggio
as he hobbled through the hospi-
tal lobby on crutches. Asked if he
wanted to see the waiting press,
Di Maggio exploded:
"You're damned right I want to
tell them something. Don't you
think you've gone far enough?
You guys are driving me batty.
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Installed immediately for only $3.50.
SEE AND TRY Remington's new Blue Streak Five. Here's
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round head: Other Remingtons from $17.50.
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MANY a young man, looking forward to
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He wants a job that will allow him to
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Here of!vi-T vrccv. ~r p rL ,-cmrn,~p
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Of our 15 executive officers, six started
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Four others started in the head office,
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So you can see how this policy of pro-
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