T V, F FR RUUR Y 8 9 'LIEt. i i~~GA 1i1A1L1. Registrcation for Sorority Rlushing' To -)Be Held cit Lecague Tomorrow' ]eit ta i>;rlin fur all wle Whoi plan to 1'I this seme:-ter will bet held from f m o 10 p.m. to- mnorroW' in i h c.ter previous to rushaiganid who has taken less than 15 hor.; :nave an overall scholastic average o f "C" or better are eligible. I Tr'iansfer students who were ti admitted to the Unive~rsity this r a p 1alt andt have comnpleted 12 hours with a "C" average or b ette r may register. A transfer{ k~l;tlvl( txt terillg the University :il ipru*hiiai y of this year , with F) not less than 12 hours of ad- ,r }> i 1 vneedcredits may register for rushing pridI~ing she can ob- 1 ~tarn anl eligibility card in time. Panhellenic Association will I sponsor a compulsory mass meet- ing for all rushees at 8 p.m. to- morrow in Rackham Amphithe- eer in atre. Rushing procedure will be et de- explained by Christine Blair, rush- COURSES ' ihg secretary of Panhellenic. Dean OFFERED Alice Lloyd will speak and house )Cs s ruhingchaimen illbe intro-, ho redutc ed. 10 are Stenographic Rushees are requested to bring Secretarial; their rushing booklet and a pencil. rse as ExecutiveI Any questions wvhich have come mnents. Secretarial up will be answered at the meet- assis- junior ing. m . In a ._ ...a Bridge Fans To Fan Hands In Tournametnl~ltI IElimination rounds for the Na- tional Intercollegiate Bridge Tour- nament will be held at. 7:38 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 9 and 16 in the Mfichigan Union Ballroom.I Tlie ieight: winners fron i1t, two { ess ions will he eIlgible to0 coulpetoe in t he {ntercollegfi it o t'ryout's Reb. 24. They will then comnp ew in a; naail mound withb thewcollege:sin: 'M'Dames To Convene At Rackhm University of Michigan Dames invite all prospective members to attend their first general meeting of the second ~emester, to be, heldi at 8 p.m11_t od'- -inl thle A + el'nl\ Roomi of O ;L'fhuLitaiiar. Btl ing. : Miss MarloIu Mag, a x1, L~tii ores from Ypsdail xI, xv ill be gui.,,tC speaker of thle evening'. She Wvill Complete Stock of Books and Suppl ies .- for LAW - MEDICINE PI li II 'The GreatLakest area. ith Iperiences as a writer of detectiv.~ The wo ighet wnner intheand Juvenile fiction. area will be sent to Chicago April 23 and 24 with all expenses paid. 'l'lt ACHIGAN D'IME'S is a In Chicago the winners wil corn- pete with other finalists through-I camnpus organization for w ives of outl the c'o1]flfrx' students, internes, and student. VETERANS' ACCOUNTS C/ -DENTISTRY 3A[Ti APABLY HANDL-ED 'OKSTORE Phone 1136r '4 Opns Feb.9 Nights sforting Feb. 10 Q ,uuifiy lot an interesting cart ca busirney offrice, in time to mee pression co;ni.;c lit ioit We are rcciving scovercil tim many colts nas we cani fill. There v. splend~id oppont unitecs for thone wi wxe-rained for {}five vwort; aft war. You will a Ivoar c in your tour rapidly a-, you complete assigflt You will be centitled to the active tance of cur Placement Departmei just ai few wos, you Will earn morn you hove ivse in y;-}ur 10mmni Phone for free information. VETERANS Inquire about free training, BUSiNESS COLLEGE Any undergr1aduate student , i aesTh raizfi~fitn o eligible to compete in the Union- to avitaesocvialtandedlwomen. sponsored contest. The committeeadntgsfrteewm. emphasizes. that students must Mlember; of tle Club may a, .t- participate in the two qualifying tend the general meetings held rounds to be eligible to enter the the second 'Tuesday of eachl finals, month and any or- all of the Elimination rounds will be held following interest group meet- Feb. 9 and 16 in conjunction with ings, also held monthly: Bridge. the duplicate bridge tournament Book, Child Study, Handicraft, now being held through March 2 interior D~ectrating, Sewincg. at the Union. Scores of these two Mutsic. l9 r::a, F ii'.iirt£ sessions will also coun~t for thoseE Clefl ('hit1). people who are entered inl the Th1e Dames I a11u e an advisor" : present tournamient, board made up of two faculty Several of Detroit's bridge ex- members and eight wives ofi Uni-t perts will be guests at the Feb. versity administrative officials andt 9 session. Among them will be faculty members. These women Cliff Bishhop and. Mirs. Gracjc assist in furthering the social and Brab, the outstanding mixed educational program of -the or- doubles team in Michigan, and ganization and serve as sponsor s Irvin Deuter, Michigan singles l of the interest, Pi'oliup i) eev bridge champion, considered by p)assible, many experts to be the greatest Thsoilroamfrtef bride aalys inthe ounry. ture includes a dance to be held After the session the experts. April 23. Plans are also being will answer questions. A charge formulated for the annual spring; of fifty cents will be made for this banquet which will take place in session only. May. 1216 South University Avenue OVERtBECK DOi ATTENT.14)XI ... University Stindento,16 :tit. Itt e than 1t3, I. t" Accountfing Machine Shorthand Review Courses Business Machines William At State Phone 7831 League Notes Save your-selv8es time and m ioney The Ann Arbor Business School 1 Scenery Committee of will meet at 5 p.m. today Cave of the League. J.G.P. in the offers you classes in BePrepared for that big dote!t Send yotir.shirts to cour modern plant for Fi ugh. est Quality work. r i r - ./ y ; t+ I ,Y' u . _._ { IAl:wi 1%+. DlMA&Kf, fsr. Central Committee of J.G.P. will meet from 4 to G3 p.m. to- morrow inltHe C Room, of the Leaguet . hIorfni itory Candy Booth man- ager's will meet at 5 p.m. today in the League. The room will be posted on the League bulletin board. Mortar Board will meet at 5 p.m. today in the Cave of the Leag;ue to make final plans for the "Pay-Off" Dance. WAA NOTES i Merle Norman COSMETICS Sold and IDemnonstrated Vogue Beauty Salon 300 South Thayer Phone 8384 Team competition in the wom- en's basketball tournament will continue this week with the f ol- lowing teams playing: Tuesday at 5:10 p.m.--Mosher IT vs. Stevens Coop Z~, Jordan VII vs. Alpha Delta Pi I; 8:15 p.m. Hollis House vs. Stockwell VII, Stockwell XIV vs. Chi Omega III; 8 p.m. Kappa Delta I vs. Chi Omega I, Bar'bour I1 vs. 'Tnr Delta IT. Wednesday at 5:10 p),m.-Mark- ley I vs. Gamma Phi Beta II, Zeta Tatu Alpha I vs. Stockwell 1II, Thursday at 5:10 p.m.-Jordan V vs. Delta Zeta I, Alpha Phi II vs. Chi Omega IV. Athletic managers of sororities, dlormitories and League I-louses will meet with the W.A.A. Board for a preview of the spring sea- son at 5 p.m. tomorrow in thel W.A.B. The meeting' dates of sports club which will organize or reor-, ganize this spring semester willcj be told and club managers whose sport will come in season will give short talks on their activity. The house managers will also meet the W.A.A. Board and in- formally discuss plans for coopeir- ation during the coming seasons. An additional feature of this , month's manager's meeting will be refreshments. Archery Club -Ani organization- al meeting will be held at 5 pm. Thursday in. the W.A.B. At this m neeting xwomnen may sign up for 1ihe all campus Wom- enis' Archery Tournament to be held from Feb. 7 to March 28. Those unable to attend the meet- ing can (call Beverly Hawes, 2- 5579. SHORTHAND and TYPING Before completing your next semester's schedule arrange a convenient lime for your typing and shorthand classes offered during the day or evenings. For full particulars call in person or phone the ANN ARBOR BUSINESS SCHOOL 330 NICKELS ARCADE PHONE 2-0330 Read. *. and (Ise Classified Ads _ ._ ____ , .. _ __.. - -___._. . ,__ ... . _._. _____-__.____ ._ ___. ---___ _._._ _. e_----- . r 4. Sis beautifully laundered 22c each (except silk or fancy) 1215 South University 814 South Bute 627 South Main ! I 11 w~e/cOme2 :1 I Save i 1 49 at MA S AL ' CT HATE 23 5 S. State - State Theatre next to us Phone 5933 -Feb. 8th-9th Tues., Wed. ""SPRING SEMESTER SALE"' . . Hospit ity Thua-t All Aerica understands Southern Tissue Toilet Paper 6for 39c "extra soft" Unbreakable Drinking 19C Glasses ... ~ 100 5-gram Aspirin 9c ENGRAVED U. of M Seal Stationery 60 SHEETS 50 ENVELOPES all for $100 SHOWER CLOGS $1.00 Value 59C I always-LI NGE F >, y -9 N _ / 'S: > )h7 t tv K );)~YI~.Ky sCURRENT CAPTIVATORS Rope Pea rs-to wear singe or doule. Knit ted 0 okers and Dog Collar s, n(JIQ to triple, too. 2.00 I I Unbreakable Sca Dishes 9 C HERSHEY BARS Reg. 5c 6 for 19c KOE .MOAD ESS TAM PAX- FIBS -M EDS "Ready Wrapped" We Deliver Phone 5933 VwALEN TINE Valentine CNDIHARSGive Wines Greeing Whiteman's - Gilbert'sfo J ohnstons -- Sh raftis VE $1.00 Soap Flakes Hal cShmponCaay Soap Ivory Snow 7c2fr19c Ivory Flakes 2orcMennen Reg. 20c Skin B~racer10Asin 2 for 19c and 110 AsirinPlavina Cards 1.1 qtf Tailored or be-ruffled-- Slips---panties---gowns. Black, white and lovely pastels. $3.50 to $14.95 "L4"" ,1 V-4f GLOVE _ . .. . I as a., p .,1 t. AM . I I I 11 I HANDBAG