EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State A6F 743 41v pp t 14P -, ti1 . .... , + RAIN BECOMING SLEET VOL. LIX, No. 134 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS s' I At Last Appearance PASS FROM; CAMPUS SCENE-Val, Theta Xi boxer, and Humphrey, Beta bulldog, popular mascots who died this week, pictured during their last public appearance together at the "Open Doghouse" held for Humphrey in Mid-December of last year. Two Canine Personalities Meet with Sudden Deaths By HAROLD JACKSON Two campus personalities have uttered their last bark-Hum- phrey, the Beta bulldog, and Val, the Theta Xi boxer pup, are both dead. In less than a week a speeding truck and an internal disease have ended the two mascots' career and set eight youthful feet on a road which, their masters contend, can lead only dog Heaven. HUMPHREY WAS KILLED instantly in front of Angell Hall at 11;05 p.m. Wednesday after finally catching up with one of the huge --rucks he'd been pursuing down Trees Must Be Bared of SL Posters Petitions Cleared By Men's Judic Poster - minded election cam- paigners must get their signs off all trees and telephone poles on and off campus and off arcade buildings by 5 p.m. today or face disqualification. The warning came last night from Duane Nuechterlein, '5BAd, chairman of the Student Legisla- ture elections committee. He said city officials were cracking down -for the first time in recent years -on the handbills and posters that go up around town before campus elections. THE DECISION was made by the committee following repeated warnings to the University from city officials. Placing signs on trees and poles is prohibited by city ordi- nance, Nuechterlein said. Violators of the 5 p.m. deadline will go before Mens' Judiciary and also face possible fines, SL offi- cials said. MEANWHILE, candidates had one worry they could forget-all petitions have been cleared by Mens' Judiciary, president Bill Reitzer, '51L. Spring elections Tuesday and Wednesday will be free of the scandal which raged last se- mester when 52 candidates peti- tions were thrown out on charges of forgery, signature duplication and other charges. Announcement by candidates for Michigan Union vice presi- dencies were announced last night by Bob Holland, president. They are: For the Literary College: C. Richard Foote, '50; James O. Kistler, '50; Burton R. Shifman, '50; and Lee W. Sunshine, '50. For Engineering: John Kistler, '50; Ray Okonski, '49E; and Leo J. Romzick, '50. For hte Law School: Robert H. Simmons, '51L. For the Medical School: Thaddeus H. Joos, '50M; and Merl Townley, '52M. For the Dental School: Hugh Cooper, Jr., '51D. One will also be chosen for all other schools combined. Compet- ing are: Franklin Drake, '50BAd; Morgan Ramsay, '50BAd; and William L. Wise, '50BAd. *i * * UNITS THREE AND FOUR of the new Women's Residence Hall will hold an Open House for any SL or senior class candidates at 6 p.m. today. T1' Rates Fall Reduce Funds In addition to being threatened with lower state appropriations, the University is now faced with the added financial problem of declining rates of income from ex- isting endowment funds. At the end of the last fiscal year the University reported a total of $18,205,000 in endowment funds, with an interest yield of less than three per cent. This represents a' decrease of more than two per cent in the interest rates since 1939, according to President Alex- ander G. Ruthven. Emphasizing that only the in- terest ondendowment funds can be spent and cannot be used for gen- eral operations, President Ruth- ven said, "Almost without excep- tion the income from all funds must be spent specifically in ac- cordance with the wishes of the donor." Mad Hatters LONDON-()-Pink Easter bonnets for men! The time has come, say the "mad hatters". They're a newly-formed Bri- tish Society for the Promotion of Brighter Hats for Mfales. They promise to wear some il- lustrations in Sunday's tradi- tional Easter Parade in Hyde Park. "Why shouldn't men wear mad, gay hats?" founder-mem- ber Issy Bonn said yesterday. "Why should men be submerg- ed by feminine fripperies? Let London's lovelies beware-we'll be there." Foreign A id Bill Passed 'In Congress By The Associated Press Congress unanimously passed a $5,580,000,000 foreign-aid bill yes- terday, while Secretary of State Acheson flatly opposed a senator's proposal to give Nationalist China $1,500,000,000 in military and eco- nomic aid. The foreign-aid measure, when signed by President Truman, will keep American aid flowing to Eu- rope in the next 15 months. It pro- vides just about everything the administration sought. * * * NOT A CENT was trimmed off the total requested by Truman and only minor changes were written into the legislation. A con- ference of Senators and House members adjusted final differ- ences Wednesday. The bill merely sets a limit on how much may be spent to keep U.S. aid rolling to the 16 Marshall Plan countries of Western Europe until June 30, 1950. Actual cash for the pro- gram will be provided in an ap- propriations bill, subject to a new vote in each house. Meanwhile, Acheson's opposition to nationalist China aid apparent- ly ended once and for all China's hopes of getting,large-scale Amer- ican help in its losing battle against Communist forces. * * * HE SAID that if this country undertook a program of such magnitude the outcome would be "catastrophic." The secretary pointed out that despite the fact that China has gotten "over $2,000,000,000" in U.S. aid since V-J Day, the military situation there has crumbled to the "point where the Chinese Communists hold almost all the important areas of China from Manchuria to the Yangtze River." The Red forces are capable of "eventually dominating South China" as well, he also declared. "There is no evidence," Ache- son stated, "that the furnishing of additional military material would alter the pattern of current de- velopments in China." Crane To Tallk On Synch roton 'U' Lab To Be Open For IRE Members Prof. H. R. Crane of the Depart- ment of Physics will speak on "The Synchroton, a New Type of Electron Acceleration" at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphithe- atre. The lecture, open to the public, will be sponsored by the Mich- igan Chapter 'of the Institute of Radio Engineers and student branch of Radio and Electrical Engineers. ar PROF. CRANE'S talk will de- scribe the principles of opera- tion of the synchroton. After the meeting interested Institute members will have an Daily-Barth GOOD FRIDAY AROUND THE WORLD-The student pictured before the stripped altar of St. Mary's Student Chapel symbolizes students and citizens all over the world who will worship in the traditional Good Friday to be held from noon to 3 p.m. today in commemoration of the crucifixion and burial of Christ. In Ann Arbor, merchants will close their doors for the three-hour period. In addition to the regular church services, two union services will be held under the aus- pices of the Ann Arbor Ministers Association. Campus and east side churches will celebrate at the First Methodist Church and west side churches will congregate in the Orpheum Theatre. CLUB 211 TO OPEN: Eating Club Food Can Be Tried at Regular Prices Plan To Open SLI Office for bias Hearing The Student Legislature's Com- mittee on Discrimination will open an office in the Union in the near future to hear complaints from students, as a follow-up to Wednesday's report and a continu- ation of the prejudice investiga- tion. Chairman John Ryder empha- sized yesterday that the report was a progress report and that the Committee would continue to work on a solution to the Discrinination question. * * * HOWEVER, ACTION against the clauses in 33 fraternity and 3 sorority constitutions will have to come from the members them- selves, to be effective, Ryder said. "The Committee realized that local chapters may well be against discrimination, but have to approach their national or- ganizations concerning striking the clauses out," he said. The Committee will await re- sults of the Interfraternity Coun- cil meeting of Big 10 schools at Minnesota in May before meeting again to discuss further action. ALL CAMPUS housing units are represented on the Legislature Committee. Mary Stierer, presi- dent of Panhel; Arlette Harbour, President of Assembly, Bruce Lockwood, IFC president; ,Lloyd Appell, President of East Quad; Thoburn Stiles, President of West Quad; Nick Datsko 'of Inter-Co- operative Council; and Legisla- tors Leon Rechtman, Don McNeil, and Ryder make up the group. The resolutions passed Wednes- day night, forbidding future cam- pus groups from having prohibi- tive clauses and calling for copies of the Constitutions of present or- State St. but since he took over his duties as Beta Theta Pi mascot four months ago. The 20-month-old pedigreed i4nglish bulldog, [received na- tionwide publicity when the Betas threw an "open doghouse" in mid-December to start Hum- phrey off on the right foot in the campus canine world. And it was at this party that Val, or more properly "Duke of Gowry, Earl of Valcar" also made his first appearance on campus. He was only six months old when he died of "peritonitis" at 9:30 p.m. Saturday. * * VAL WAS THE only male of a litter of six puppies born on Oct. 25, 1948 to Lexy, prize winning boxer belonging to University President Alexander G. Ruthven. One of Val's sisters now belongs to Dick Wakefield, Detroit Tiger outfielder. Few who attended the "Open Doghouse" will ever forget either of the two dogs. Hum- phrey was a glowering, chip- pendale-legged. host,. and . re- ceived his guests clad in black tie with typical English auster- ity. Val, although the smallest of the fifteen visitors that included a Saint Bernard and three Dalma- tians, was the noisiest and most socially minded of all. HUMPHREY probably became the better known of the two, be- cause he roamed the campus at will, visiting classrooms and freely exercising his prerogative to go to sleep during stuffy lectures. Val, because of his youth, stuck close to the Theta Xi house, but captured the fancy of every visitor and proved conclusively that one dog could serve 40 masters. Club 211-the eating club that will serve 19 meals per week for $9.50-is starting off with a trial period today and tomorrow to give students a chance to try the food at regular cafeteria prices. Prospective members can also Democrats Not Ruled by CIG, Griffiths Says The recent newspaper charges that the Democratic party is run by the CIO is just Republican propaganda, Hicks Griffiths, Dem- ocratic state chairman declared last night. Speaking at a meeting of the Young Democrats, he stated that many of the laborers in Detroit were Democrats "long before the CIO was a gleam in Walter Reu- ther's eye." * * * REPORTERS in Lansing are very fair in their treatment of the Democrats, he said, but "what the reporters show us they wrote, and what appears in the papers after rewrite men get the stories is quite different." Griffiths pointed to the Dem- ocratic state platform in 1948 as an excellent program, but blamed the Republican-con- trolled Legislature for failure to carry out Gov. Williams' pro- posals. "We elected a governor in No-' vember, but we forgot about the Legislature. In some areas, the Democrats didn't even have a candidate running for the Legis- lature. charts showing how the $9.50' membership fee will be spent, ac- cording to Mel Bondy, Grad., one examine next week's menus and of the organizers of the club. * * * THE CLUB will start operating on a regular basis next week, serv- ing three meals every day but Sunday in a State Street cafe- teria. "The basic idea," Bondy ex- plained, "is to have a student group controlling the quality and kind of food it pays for." Club committees will help plan menus, receive complaints and confer with the proprietor. * * * THE ENTERPRISE needs about 300 members the first week to succeed, Bondy estimated. "It's the responsibility of the students to get lower food prices for themselves," he said. "If not enough join the first week, the club will fail and the conclusion will be inescapable that stu- dents don't care about lowering prices." Initial plans call for lunch and dinner menus including soup or juice, meat, potato, choice of vege- tables, choice of salads, an un- limited amount of bread, choice of dessert, and milk and/or cof- fee. Breakfast menus will include choice of juices, choice of cereal with milk or egg, milk or coffee and a doughnut. CED Meeting Offf The meeting of the Committee to End Discrimination, sub-com- mittee of the nter-Racial Associa- tion, scheduled for today has been postponed until 4 p.m. Monday in the Michigan League. A VC Plans Rallyor SL Candida tes Campus AVC members last night mapped skeleton plans for an open air rally at 3 p.m. Mon- day on the library steps to ac- quaint students with Student Leg- islature candidates. The group's proposal, made on the heels of recent open house in- vitations extended SL hopefuls by various campus groups, would at- tempt to air opinions on' the Uni- versity's discrimination issue, ac- cording to AVC chairman John Sloss. * * * STARTING THE verbal ball rolling will be a formal pro-con debate between two current SL members, on the question: "Should all fraternities, soror- ities and similar groups recognized by the Office of Student Affairs, whose charters contain discrimin- atory clauses, be expelled from campus?" AVC intends to contact the debaters sometime today, Sloss pointed out. Following the formal debate, limited to five minutes for each speaker, is planned an infomal parley among SL candidates, he said. * * * THE DISCUSSIONS are ex- pected to terminate in. a general question period, thrown open to the audience, he added. "Although the rally is de- signed primarily to familiarize students with campaigning leg- islators' views, we hope most of the questions come from the candidates," Sloss said. He issued a standing invitation to all SL aspirants who "wish to expose themselves," and suggested that candidates wear name cards for purpose of identification to students. Bill To Affect All Schools In Michigan Would Also Bar Ex-Communists LANSING-(3)-A bill to bar Communists from teaching in any school or college supported by the State was introduced into the Michigan Legislature yesterday. State Senator John B. Martin, Jr., a Republican from Grand Rapids, presented it as an amend- ment to the school code. * * * HIS BILL, similar to a measure recently enacted in New York, provides: "No past or present member of the Communist Party shall be employed as a teacher in any school, college or university In the State of Michigan." It is one of the shortest bills introduced in the current session. The Senate has yet to take action on it. * * * MARTIN BEAT the unofficial deadline for filing bills to get his proposal before the Senate in reg- ular session. (A classmate of Gov. G. Men- nen Williams, Martin graduated from the University Law School in 1936 after studying at Ox. ford under a Rhodes Scholar- ship.) His bill would provide a require- ment in addition to the oath of allegiance to the United States and pledge to uphold the Consti- tution which teachers in many school systems now sign. No polit- ical party is mentioned in them. Martin said he had been in- spired by a recent editorial in a Detroit newspaper. The editorial said it was "impossible for Com- munists to teach objectively." * * * UNIVERSITY officials asked to comment on the bill declined to state an opinion before reading its provisions. Red Trial Will. Be Discussed In Open Rally Lawyers Guild, AVC Will Meet in Panel A heated pro and con discussion of the current New York trial of 12 American Communists is pre- dicted for today's joint AVC-Law- yers' Guild panel at 4:15 in the Union. Taking' the floor will be two University professors and a prom- inent Detroit attorney. Professor Preston W. Slosson, of the history department and 1948 Democratic candidate for Con- gress from this district, will lead off the parley. He will be followed by Prof. Paul G. Kauper of the law school. The third figure is Ernest Good- man, a Detroit lawyer and member of one of the law firms handling the defense in the New York trial. Ten minutes will be granted each speaker to air his argument. The panel will then be turned over to questions and discussions by the audience. Sentences on 19 Nazis End Tribunal's Job NUERNBERG, Germany-(RP)- A United States tribunal sentenced Baron Ernst von Weizsaecker and 18 other veteran German diplo- mats and ministerial officials yes- terday to prison terms ranging from four to 25 years. All were convicted of participat- ing in war crimes perpetrated by Adolf Titler's regime The sen- NationalNewsRoundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-The House voted today to cut the Selective TEARS FROM CHILD'S KISS: rowds Flock To ee Statue weep ---- SYRACUSE. N.Y.- (P)-Devout IVTAV nT. TT-Tii' s:rid orror in_ f I fn - -V 4.1- . w. , .... --A -4.1---- 1