4_TE MICHIGAN IA IY VAC DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) Professor Jean St. Fare Garnot, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, The Sorbonne, Paris; auspices of the Department of Near Eastern Studies. 4:15 p.m., Thurs., April 14, Rackham Amphitheatre. University Lecture: "The Poetry of Wallace Stevens." Dr. J. V. Cunningham, University of Chi cago; auspices of the Department of English Language and Litera- ture. 4:15 p.m., Fri., April 15, Rackham Amphitheatre.. American Chemical Society Lec- ,ure: Dr. Henry Eyring, Dean of the Graduate School, University of Utah. "Application of Modern Re- action Rate Theory to Living Sys- tems." Fri., April 15, 8.p.m., 1300 Chemistry Bldg. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Ed- win Lavern Cooper, Zoology; the- sis: "Age and Growth of Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill), in Michigan," Fri.,! April 15, 3091 Natural Science' Bldg., 9 a.m. Chairman, K. F. Lag- ler. Preliminary examinations for the doctoral degrees in education will be held Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, May 25, 26, and 27. All applicants who are planning to take these examinations should notify Prof. Harlan C. Koch, Chairman of the Committee on Graduate Studies in Education, 4012 UHS, in the immediate fu- ture, indicating their fields of spe- cialization. Seminar in Applied Mathemat- ics: Thurs., April 14, 4:15 p.m., 247 W. Engineering Bldg. Prof. C. L. Dolph continues his talk on "Non- linear cigenvalue problems for Sturm-Liouville Systems." i' Geometry Seminar: Thurs., -gp:il 14, 7 p.m.. 3001 Angell Hall. r. K. B. Lcisenring will continue ;n "Doubly Parabolic Geometry." Ann Arbor Extension Course: ART. Painting and Composition. Open to those who are interested in doing creative work in painting and composition, using still life, model or freely chosen subject matter. Designed for the beginner as well as for the mature student. Lectures, group discussions, and studio activities. Noncredit eight- week course which can be taken both Tuesday and Thursday nights for the fee of $15; or one ight a week for $7.50. Mr. Gerome Kamrowvski. Thursday, April 14, 7:30 p.m. 415 Architecture Bldg. Mr. Frank Cassara. Tuesday, April 19, 7:30 p.m. 415 Architecture Bldg. Concerts The University of Michigan Rep- ertoirc Orchestra, Paul Bryan and Thomas Wilson, Conductors, as- sisted by the Arts Chorale direct- ed by Maynard Klein, will present a program in West Lodge Audito- rium, Willow Run, 8 p.m., Thurs., April 14. Compositions: Schubert, lizet, Stainer, Bach, Holst, Cop- land, Moussorgsky, Crause, and Gounod. Open to the public. Good Friday Choral Service, 4:15 p.m., Hill Auditorium. Uni- versity of Michigan Choir, May- nard Klein, Conductor, Marilyn Mason, Organist, and Philip Duey, Nlarrator. Compositions by Paids- trina. Bach. and Heinrich Schutz. Open to the public without charge. Student Recital. Ford Mont- gomezry, student of piano with John Kollen, will present a pro- gram at 8 p.m., Thurs., Rackham Assembly Ball, in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. Com- positions: Mozart, Schubert, Grif- fes, Mcdtner and Brahms. Open to the public. Exhibitions "Art for Beginners," an exhibit of work of non-professional stu- dents. First Floor, Architecture Bldg. Through April 16. Events Today Anthropology Club: Meeting, 8 p.m., 3024 Museums Bldg. Film on Southwestern archaeology. Marketing Club: Meeting, 7:45 p.m., 131 Business Administration Bldg. Mr. Louis P. Butenschoen of the Dow Chemical Company will speak on some of the practical problems in marketing. All stu- dents interested are invited. American Society for Public Administration: Social Seminar, 7:30 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Guest speaker: Prof. Lynton K. Caldwell, Syra- cuse University, Coordinator of the New York State Internship Program. All those interested in public administration are invited. Alpha Phi Omega: Meeting, 71 p.m., Union. Members are expect- ed to attend. Arts Chorale and Education Chorus: 7:10 p.m., 506 Burton Tower. Sociedad Hispanica: Tickets for "Tropical Byways," to be present- ed in Pattengill Auditorium on Sat., April 16, may be purchased by members today, at the special rate of 40 cents, main lobby, Ro- mance Languages Bldg. Gilbert and Sullivan Society: Rehearsal, 7 p.m., Michigan League. It is important all members attend, since final cos- tume measurements will be taken. Those who cannot attend must make arrangements for their fit- tings through Jim Schneider. Forester's Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium. Mr. Karl Lagler will speak on the experiences he has had in the field of fishing. Business Meeting and refreshments. La p'tite causette: 3:30 p.m., Grill Room, Michigan League. Student-Faculty hour: 4-5 p.m., Grand Rapids Room, League. Po- litical Science department will be guests. Co-sponsored by Assembly and Pan-hel associations. International Center weekly tea for all foreign students and Ameri- can friends, 4:30-6 p.m., Interna- tional Center. U. of M. Rifle Club: Meeting, 7 p.m., ROTC rifle range. Young Democrats: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Union. Speaker: Mr. Hicks Griffiths, State Democratic Chair- man. AVC: Roundtable discussion, 8 p.m., Rm. E, League. U.W.F.: Meeting, 4:15 p.m., League. U. of M. Dames Sewing Group: Meet at the home of Mrs. James Delesdermeir, 1033 Packard, 8 p.m. Lutheran Student Association; Communion Service in Trinity Lu- theran Church, 7:30 p.m. Friday,! morning, 7:35-7:50, devotions at the Student Center, 1304 Hill Street. Friday noon, 12-3 p.m., Communion Service, Trinity Church, and Worship Service, Zion Church 1:30-2:30 p.m., Fri- day, 7:30 p.m., Communion Serv- ice, Zion Church. Congregational Disciples Guild: Vesper services during Holy Week, Congregational Church, Thurs- day, 5 p.m., Friday, 9:30 p.m. Roger Williams Guild: Holy Week Vesper Service at Guild House, 5:10 p.m., tonight, Friday, and Saturday. Motion Picture: "The Well Dig- ger's Daughter," French picture featuring Raimu, Fernandel and Josette Day, presented by Art Cinema League. 8:30 p.m., Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. All seats reserved; boxoffice opens 3 p.m. Phone 6300. Cominig Events "The Synchroton," Dr. H. R. Crane. Fri., April 15, 8 p.m., Rack- ham Amphitheatre. Sponsored by Detroit Section IRE and Student Branch AIEE-IRE. Bishop, Director of Industrial Re- lations, Piasecki Helicopter Corp., Morton, Pa., will be in 1523 E. Engineering, Tues., April 19, to interview Mechanical, Civil, Elec- trical, and Aeronautical Engineers. There will also be a speaker from Piasecki in 1504 E. E., 7:30 p.m, Mon., April 18. Committee for Civil Rights: Open meeting, Fri., 7:30 p.m., Un- ion. Elections and discussion of the case, "The Trenton Six." Alpha Lambda Delta: All women who are eligible for membership in Alpha Lambda Delta and who wish to be initiated this spring Interviews: Mr. Walter W. must register in the Women's 1 SOUTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE SPEC ALS AMPLE PARKING SPACE inn rGo Q aste, t (rowing "tiCen o P inf ter . 2 4 Stores To .Satisfy YOUR Shopping Needs IiI r League lobby Friday, April 15, from 2-5 p.m. Dues are $3.50. Pins, if desired, may also be ordered at this time-plain pins $3.50, jew- eled pins $5.00. AVC forum on Communist trials: Professors Kauper, and Slosson, and attorney Ernest Goodman. Fri., April 15, 8 p.m., Rm. 3A, Un- ion. German Coffee Hour: Fri., 3-4:30 p.m., Russian Tea Room, League. Students and faculty members invited. Hillel Foundation UJA Central Committee: Meeting for all cap- tains, Fri., 4:15 p.m., Rm. 3N, Un- ion. , ' L ',4 Ii Spring Brides We~dding(J-AIutnLufc.cIBa-ns anIalivtiouts Expertly IPrinteItd MEDICAL DENTAL LAW BOOKS and SUPPLIES OVERBECK Bookstore 216 South University WAR SURPLUS CIGARETTE CASES Genuine, top-grain Leather $7 reduced to 79c $5 reduced to 59c U LRICH'S BOOKSTORE "HOB" GAINSLEY offers you Mobilgas "Friend/ly Serv'ice" TIRES BATTER I ES ACCESSORI ES EVERYTHING FOR THE CAR We are equipped to do process printing, engraving, and raised letter printing to, your complete satisfaction. Also, you may choose from a side selection of type facing. Our work is above comparison. RRMSaY- CfNFIELD I n c o r p o r a t e d Engravers ... PRINTERS ... Stationers 119 East Libcrty Phone 7900 RADIO and PHONO REPAIR At Prices You Feel Are Right! FREE PICK UP and DELIVERY also - flop - Sweet - and - Swing YOUR CAR PROMPTLY CALLED FOR AND IELIVERED Telephone 9286 S. University at Forest BARGAIN COUNTER AT WARD'S RECORD SHOP 1209 S. University Phone 6330 Right across from the parking lot. , i L.G. BALFOUR CO. FRATERNITY JEWELRY t RINGS k MEDALS s TROPHIES P GIFTS yo TRADITIONAL NASSAU MUGS P FAVORS p PROGRAMS p EXPERT WATCH REPAIR Michigan's largest and most complete fraternity jewelers, home of the official Michigan rind 1319 South University Phone 9533 'I FOLLOW THE FOUR WINDS IN by SANDLER OF BOSTON JUMPIN' JIMINIES* super thick plantation crepe-.:a.-... $7.95 TIPPECANOLEMOCCASIN* motop shell, handsewn vam1p*.... 0 $.93 DIANA SANDAL* barefoot freedom for today's goddess. $8.95 CRAZY QUILT* colors saddle the faithful cqssic . $7.9 WAS H TENAW AVENUE MUN/CIPA L PARK/NG L07 CAMPUS f,2 III QUAO In EVENING SPECIAL with choice of CUBE STEAK or, HAM STEAK,,. or PORK SHOPS with french fries, salad, bread and butter 65c ittle A RESTAURANT 1211 S. University (opposite parking lot) Open 'til 1 A.M., Fri. and Sat. Try our 11 ... all I *Origtno! designs, U.S. Pct. 0fF. RENTAL TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES OF PORTABLES (on easy down payments) Guaranteed Repair Service on all makes of typewriters WIDE SELECTION of EASTER CARDS 5c and up OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. 1116 S. University We have everything for your summer needs and comfort Sun Glasses Sun Tan Lotions Liquid Stockings Sunburn Aids Light Colognes Summer Cosmetics CARLSON PH ARMACY GIFTS.... FAVORS 1209 SouTH UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS Phone 8887 BURR, PATTERSON & AULD CO. AMERICA'S OLDEST FRATERNITY JEWELERS BADGES ...FAVORS ... RINGS (Ulrich's Annex) Ph, 2-9409 1112 S. University Phone 5533 Flowers for Easter! Dial 4422 FLOWERS Superbly Styled VARSITY FLOWER SHOP 1122 South University fflhjug Colfee LAVp 1204 South University Avenue ... serving ... BREAKFASTS, LUNCHEONS and DINNERS SANDWICHES and SALADS from 7:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. Closed Sundays In Stock .. . FINE SLACKS Venetian Coverts Gabardines Flannels - Worsteds IN THE NEW SOFT SPRING SHADES 13.50 - 20.50 Capol o'. Tailoring, Furnishings 1119 So. Univ. Ph. 9520 ;"": i ....:.: : .. :v : .:_' ;.:." ::.: ::.:.: :::::i':i":_:"?:}:_:tii:"_i _: :"i.:ii" -::i'.... .........: ..... :.: :::: ......... :' : . . ..:::.: : . - db I im A" -4 v 71W T a -- 0-i ACI-A - -- - -