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February 08, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-08

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__ __

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II i{itore yjote


fI( COlta WAR, it seems, has been en-
tering a new phase lately with the par-
ticipants harking and growling over defense
Latest development in this new game is
Russia's offer of a non-war pact with
Norway, who in turn has sent her for-
eign mias(er, altvard Laun', to the
United States to se* if he can be admitted
to th _ proposed North Atlantic Defense
1 she uiakvs the grade, Norway will be a
member of the Wet:ern Block, of which the
North Atlantic Defense Pact would be a kind
of sub-division. Russia's proposed pact with
Norway, contrariwise, is something of a
warning to her to steer clear of the West-
- l is no small tragedy that the nations of
the world <aniot live together peaceably,
but bec;e they apparently cannot, the
network of pacts is necessary, almost in-
According to the charter of the UN,
all international squabbling should go on
within the walls of the security council
chamber. But the veto power, whereby one
nation can wreck any mutual defense
measures the others decide to take, makes
this body ineffective in stopping aggres-
While these factors were weighed when
the UN charter was framed in 1945, it wa!
hoped and assumed that the great powers
of the world coulpI get along.
But defense pacts among the several na-
tions remain the only insurance against
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written byv members of The Daily staff
anui represent the views of the writers only.

aggission. Vrthermore, Ihe IN~ elwartr
authorizes regional defet se agreements-to
be, however, definitely subordinated to the
power of the securit y council.
Thus both the Eastern World and the
Western world have made or planned net-
works of Pacts which will lasso the world.
Th mos imprat is t& Wester
Europ a n delenise :igreenmenv made last
yeUr' between Eilndantd l'raneq, the Neth-
S trka t .ds and Luxmlbourg wh icl will o-
ably grow into a North Atlantic efense
Pact, including the United iates, Canada,
and several others, possibly Norway.
President Truman okayed this plan in his
inaugural address.
Another important pact is the American
Hemisphere Pact, drafted in 1947 at Rio
de Janeiro, the basis of which was the
1945 Act of Chapultepec. The Arab League,
embracing many near Eastern nations is an-
other. The South Pacific nations (Australia
and New Zealand, possibly the Philippines)
are said to want to make one with the West-
ern powers for their area.
The Russians, of course, have made count-
less defense pacts with their satellites.
The ultimate in pactism, if there be such
a word, is the talked-of world-wide pact of
mutual defense which could be open to any-
body wanting to join, and which would cut
down the Soviet complaints.
As far as the Western world is concerned,
Russia is not the only potential aggressor.
Prance, for instance; fears a revitalized Ger-
many; Australia, a healthy Japan.
Defense pacts, though, have their faults.
As the New York Times has pointed out,
they are helpless against psychological
warfare and are impotent if the nations
signing them do not keep their word.
Instinctively, defense pacts seem to be a
warlike move, but if pacts can keep the cold
war cold, then out with all-powerful pen.
-John Davies.

Etlitor's Not e is Writ t4'flh'y
Ha~rriett IFriedmnt.

Mniging IEditnr

STRANGELY ENOUGH there are few real
mourners lamenting the death of the
University's Workers' Education Service.
It is strange because there was quite a
healthy out(ry when the service was first
8t1 pped. las sutnmmer. Of course a lot has
happenled ainlue th u-to explain the present
lack of t(,ars.
The Unions really howled last summer
because they had been enjoying one of the
best workers' services in the country. At-
tendance was high, and instructors, who had
worked with labor men as well as with
theoretical problems, were able to interest
their students in what are vital problems
for every working man.
Even after charges of "marxism" by a
general motors official had pushed the
university into closing the program, un-
ion officials came back to help rebuild
the service with the University. .... .. . .
But just when general agreement to pro-
ceed had been reached, the University came
out with a surprise list of courses and in-
structors which they had planned without
consulting the labor men.
Already irate over the University's meth-
ods, the union men took one look at the
pedantic respectability of the new plan and
told the University to keep it.
The result was rather unique. The Uni-
versity was giving courses which no one
attended. Thus the University's "sudden"
decision to drop the workers courses.
No one, therefore, need be very surprised
that the workers themselves aren't marching
in a funeral procession for that kind of
BUT THERE REALLY ought to be some
people in the - University who mourn
this death. Unfortunately,'the real mourn-
ers lost out long ago, when the University
first stopped the program, and they, too,
now have nothing much left to weep over.
Those who express sadness now, saying
the University really did its part with that
last excuse for a workers' program, are
merely sympathizing with a nice general
principle of spreading education to labor.
They cannot be real mourners for la-
bor's cause, because they never under-
stood it; they never tried to offer more
than a sickening compromise with un-
founded charges.
And finally, it should be obvious that
there will be nothing but cheering within
the neat offices of the motor companies.
BECAUSE THE UNIONS are gradually
building an education program of their
own to replace the University service, they
will not be the real losers.
It is the University which must really
suffer in the long run: We have seen how
readily the University bowed to the dictates
or persuasions of business interests and we
have witnessed its failure to act in good
faith with the union;.
But most seriously of all, we have seen
the University fail as an educational in-
stitE tOiOF.T

(Continued from Page 2)
- - - - - - -- -- - -
week. Fri., Feb. 18, is therefore
the last day on which new elec-
tions may be approved. The will-
ingness of an instructor to admitr
a student later will not affect the
operation of this rule.
Elig-ihiIty Cards bor the seuind
semester will be issued AFTER-
NOONS ONLY in the Office of
Student Affairs, 1020 Adminis-

Romber Scholarships.
Applications may be obtained
at, the Office of Student Affairs.
1020 Administration Building for
the Bomber Scholarships and
must be returned to that office
not later than Monday, Feb. 14.
To be eligible for one of these
scholarships a studeint must be a
veteran who can meet the follow-
ing requirements:
1. The candidate must have had
at least. one year's service in the

and onmuiity Health and to
t) of thee lectures. Tnsfer
Iuttl odeitsxi li rhmali;nstni
are ailso requ11 ti iret!~: (, the
sin iar coinse elsex eex uhi
h as been ate red iited here.
Upperela ssmn wi\"ho were here
as freshmen and who did not flil-
fill the requirement are request-
ed to do so this term.
These lectures are also required
of veterans x'ith f'eshmen sand-
The lectures will be i Aen in
25 Angel I1,1la t. at. and repealed
at 7:30 as per the folluxwung sched-

tration Building, beginning Feb. armed formes during the last war
8. Grade reports should be pre- (time spent in a college training
sented at the time of application program excluded.)
for a certificate. 2. He must have completed the
At the beginning of each semes- equivalent of two semesters of
ter every student is presumed to credit in an undergraduate school
be ineligible for any non-athletic or college at the University. tA
extra-curricular activity until his summer session may be included
eligibility is affirmatively estab- as one-half of a semester.)
lished by obtaining a Certificate 3. He must be an undergradu-
of Eligibility. Among those ate student.
who must secure such a certifi- Awards will be made principally
cate are candidates for class of- on the basis of need. Scholastic
fices or major campus commit- ability and character are also con-
tees, candidates for and repre- sidered.
sentatives in student government
groups, all students who hold of- Fellowship and Scholarship ap-
fice or serve on standing com- plications for the year 1949-50 in
mittees in student organizations, the Horace H. Rackham School of
all students participating in pub- Graduate Studies will be accepted
lic performances or rehearsals. through Feb. 15. Students now
Certificates will be issued to holding appointmen'ts must file
those qualified in accordance renewal forms if they wish con-
with the following requirements: sideration for reappointment be-
Second semester freshmen: 15 fore Feb. 15. Supporting letters
hours or more of work completed and papers must be in the Gradu-
with (1) at least one mark of A ate School Office on that date.
or B with no mark of less than C,_
or (2) at least 2% times as many Research Fellowships: Women
honor points as hours and with students are informed that in-
no mark of E. formation on research fellowships
Sophomores, juniors, seniors: announced by the National Re-
11 hours or more of academic search Council is now available in
credit in the preceding semester, the Office of the Dean of Women.
or 6 hours of academic credit in --
the preceding summer session, Kappa Kappa Gamma Graduate
with an average of at least C. and Fellowship Award:
at least a C average for the entire Women students are informed
academic career, that information on Kappa Kappa
Advanced Standing. Any stii- Gamma Graduate Fe'llowship
dent in his first semester of resi- Award of $500.00 is available in
dence holding rank above that of the Office of the Dean of Women.
freshman (over 26 hours of ad- It is available to any women stu-
vanced credit) may be granted a dent not over 30 years of age who
certificate of eligibility if he was has received her bachelor's degree,
admitted to the University in good or will obtain it prior to July 1 of
standing. where a chapter of this fraternity
is located. Awards are announced
Approved Student Organiza- as soon as possible after May 1.
tions must file on or before Feb.
18, in the Office of Student Af- Graduate Fellowships for Women,
fairs, 1020 Administration Build- Mills College, 1949-50:
ing, the following information:I These fellowships cover resi-
(1) a list of members for the sec- dence and tuition for the year.
nnr - -m ct- '7 ho c-ia pr n- . -'.a.-_- - ___S_-- .__-


Feb. 16


Mon., Feb. 7
Tues., Feb. 8
Wed., Feb. 9
Thurs., Feb. 10
Mon., Feb. 14
Ties., Felb. 15
(final exam) Wed.,

At the M iciian you will spare yourself that much misery. If
you don't see it at all, you will have two
ONE SUNDAY AFTERNOON. Dennis extra hours in which to cram for finals
Morgan, Dorothy Malone, Janis Paige, and next spring.
Don DeFore have every right to wear -Perry Logan.
disguises for a while.
IT'S NOT HARD to spot those few people At the State...
who were bored enough to attend the BLOOD ON TlE MOON, with Robert
Michigan Theatre this week. MitchEw
They do not raise their eyes. There are
ashes in their lair. They try to wear SOMEONE SHOULD be horsewhipped for
leatv the awful stigma of being (uped. this one.
They endeavor to laugh off their appall- Just to give you an idea of the stench-
in;g lack of foresight. "All I wanted to -ve would much prefer to. endure Roy
see was the cartoon," they say, or "well, Rogers and the smartest Horse in the
my date wanted to go." And they resolve Movies. For one thing, we feel sure that
never to date that individual again. Trigger could whip up more interest than
"Som times I'm lonely," Dorothy Malone anyon'e connected with this Super Stinker.
points out, registering passion. Its all about a group of men, women,
"I know what you mean," Dennis Morgan horses, and attle who can't make up their
returns brightly, wondering if he is in the minds just dhat the sauhila theyk'e tring
to accomplish. The thoroughly unsavory
How. Malone ask, lengthening the crew of people rides madly about, shoot-
scrpt. . ing at everything in sight as they go.
Sometimes I'm lonely too," Morgan ad- The cattle simply run like hell to escape
mits, giving us a peek at the Inner Man from such nonsense--much as the audi-
"Really? Are you lonely too?" Malone ence would flee if not engaged in a last
inquires, hardly daring to breathe in the ditch stand to get its money's north.
terrible ecstasy of this wild wild moment.Moc n d t han anoney's wo th
"A little," Morgan ieplies. A burden of More confused than anyone is Bob Mitch-
somesor senisto ave isapeaed rom um. lie is big and tough, and able to beat
some sort seems to have disappeared from up on anyone in the picture. Furthermore-
his waistcoat. It is his movie contract. because he is the star, we presume-he is
Both principals look the other way during
a I this b-ight t 1k. Malone has some sort utterly imprevious to even the most carefully
of urge to prove either that she is wicked aimed rifle shot.
or that she isn't. Morgan tries to give the And if the other characters in the pic-
impression he is not stupid. Neither is ture don't deserve to be roundly con-
successful. demned, they certainly don't deserve men-
"One Sunday Afternoon" contains a tion either.
smattering of every bad movie you've ever Just in case the title holds any sort of
seen, with all saving graces removed. You gory, perverse intrigue we hasten to say
get the feeling the script was rewritten that it refers, evidently to a few splotches
many times, and that what the cutting of crimson makeup on Mitchum's moon
department took out was inadvertently face.
released as the final product. Anything but this!
If you don't see this from the beginning, -Bob White.
False Solution

ona semes1Jt~ter,- . «) tine sined.tIa-

Fellowships in counseling and

ceptance of a member of the fac- guidance are available to students
ulty who is willing to act as ad- who serve as assistants in resi-
viser to the group for this term. dence halls. In addition trustee
Forms may be secured in the Of- fellows will be appointed to serve
flee of Student Affairs. Additions as departmental readers and lab-
to membership must be reported oratory assistants, in American
promptly during the semester. studies (history, literature or
Student organizations are re- philosophy); art; botany; chem-
minded that any changes in or- istry; child development; dance;
ganizational structure, objectives, education; English; health, physi-
activities, basis of membership, or cal education and recreation;
affiliaions with other organiza- home economics: music; psychol-
tions must be presented to the ogy; zoology.
Committee on Student Affairs for Fellowships and assistantships
consideration and may not be are open to women graduates of
constlmmated until approval is accredited colleges and universi-
given by that Committee. ties who Dresent evidence of fit-

You may attend at any of the
above hours. Enrollment will take
place at the first lecture. Please
note that attendance is required
and roll will be taken.
Anthropology (Sociology) 181,
Latin-American Social Systems
(Miner), will be given at 11, MWF,
4082 N. S. in the Spring Semester,
1948-49, and not at 10, 307 H H, as
is indicated on page 4 of the Time
Section 4, English 60 will meet
MWF at 10 a.m., 2225 Angell Hall
and will be taught by Prof. Rowe.
Students transferred from other
sections of English 60 will find
their names posted on the English
Department bulletin board, on
the door of Room 2225 Angell
Hall and on the door of -Room 25
Angell Hall.
History 106: Meet iin 229 Angell
Change in room nmunber for
Philosophy 188 (Prof. Burks'
Philosophy of Science). To be
held in 18 Angeil -all, not Haven
Psychology 51: A new section
has been opened in psychology 51
(psych. of adiustment) meeting
MWF at 8, 35 Angell Hall. If in-
terested in electig this course,
come to 3129 Natural Science
Sports Instruction for Women:
Women students who have com-
pleted their physical education
requirement may register as elec-
tives on Tuesday and Wednesday
mornings (Feb. 8 and 9) in Office
15, Barbour Gymnasium.
Organ Recital Postponed: The
organ recital by Marilyn Mason,
originail ymannounced for Wed.,
Feb. 9, has been postponed until
Wednesday afternoon. Feb. 16.
The IUniversity Musical Society
announces the following artists
and organizations for the fifty-
sixth annual MAY FESTIVAL (6
concerts) which will be held in
Hill Auditorium May 5, 6, 7 and
PIA TASSINART, soprano, Met-
ropolitan Opera Co.; SIIRLEY
RUSSELL, soprano, Royal Co-
vent Garden Opera; GLADYS
SWARTHOUT, contralto, star of
opera, concert and radio; TA1N
WILLIAMS, Welsh-American'
contralto; SET SVANHOLM, ten-
or, Metropolitan Opera; HAROLD
HAUGH, American tenor; MAR-
TIAL SINGHER, baritone, Met-
ropolitan Opera; ERICA MORINI,
SKY, Violoncellist; and BENNO
EUGENE ORMANDY, conductor,
sociate conductor; UNIVERSITY
SON, guest conductor, and LES-
TER McCOY, associate conduc-
US, Marguerite Hood, conductor.
All season tickets, not previously
ordered, are now on sale at the
offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Memorial
Student Recital: A program by
the Strming Quartet Class, pupils
of Paul Doktor and Oliver Edel,
will be presented at 8 p.m., Wed.,
Feb. 9, Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre. Open to the general public,
it will include Schubert's Quar-
tot in E flat, Op. 125, No. 1,
Haydn's Quartet in G minor, Op.
74, No. 3, and Mozart's Quintet in
E flat, K 614.

Events Today
Sigma Rho Tai, Stump Speak-
ers' Society: First meeting of the
semester, 7 p.m., 2084 E. Engi-
neering Bldg. General program:
Committee reports, new debate
topic, semester program, smoker I

ONE MIGHT HAVE supposed that the
collapse of China would have startled
America into a fresh examination of what
Communism is, how and why it wins, etc.
Certainly an event of this magnitude re-
quires that we approach the subject newly,
throwing away our preconceptions and our
patter, our vain underwriting of each other's
hunches, our grim adherence to remedies
that don't remedy. In a country like our
own, which prides itself on research, an ex-
amination of the whole subject, from the
beginning, as if nobody had ever looked at
it before, is long overdue.
But if there has been any such reaction
to the fall of China, I have seen no signs
of it. Instead, with incredible triteness,
we drag out the same old "answers to
Comniunismn," mostly along the line of
represiom, which China has used for
mmure than twenty years., and with such
spetacta~r lhek of success. The only reply
WI:h U e hiua story seems to stir in us

'Go West..
BELGRADE-Abandonment of the Krem-
lin's imperialist program is not a fea-
ture of the Soviet "peace offensive," judging
by the situation here in Belgrade. In fact
while Generalissimo Stalin is all sweet rea-
sonableness toward President Truman, he
and his lieutenants are grimly intensifying
their efforts to reconquer this rebellious and
heretical former province of the Russian
The new economic union of the Soviet
sphere just formed at Moscow will un-
questionably be used to increase pressure
on Yugoslavia, and if a political and stra-
tegic union of Russia and her satellites
results from Soviet Deputy Foreign Min-
ister Andrei Y. Vishinsky's "health cure"
at Karlovy Vary it will also be used in
the same fashion. In fact, the Karlovy
Vary meeting has almost certainly super-
seded a great rally of Cominform powers
--a rally with no purpose except to plan
MNarshal Tito's destruction-which was
originally scheduled in Bucharest in Jan-
The first question that therefore arises
is whether Tito and his band of heretics
can withstand the pressure that is being and
will be used against them on the political
For the present Tito and Kidric are in
a grave economic dilemma which is made
all the worse both by the proclamation of
popular Comnmunism" here and by Mos-
cow's political pressure. "Popular con-
munism" in itself implies a certain limit
on the state's ruthlessness toward its peo-
A second 'question thus presents itself. Can
Tito be forced to recant his heresy and
make peace again with Stalin? The answer
is that he cannot possibly do so, since the
would certainly be burned at the nearest
stake the moment he placed himself in the
power of Stalin's M.V.D. Tito's only remote

Student Prnt Loan C
Students interested inc
a- picture for the spring
may sign for a print at1
Gallery, Museum of A
Monday through Thursd
ing, Feb. 7-10. Students
quested to bring student
cation with them. A ren
50 cents will be charge
The West Gallery is o
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. T
will be distributed from
ministration Building (ba
the week of February 14
Students, College of L
Science, and the Arts:
Applications for sch
for the academic year 19
now available in 1220 An
All applications must be
to that office by MaYch
cants must have had at1
semesters of residence in
Applications for Stud
Foundation Scholarships
Applications are now;
for Student Aid Fo
Scholarships. Men may o
plications at the Office
dent Affairs, 1020 Adh
tion Building, and wome
Office of the Dean of

the West
rt, from
ay morn-
are re-I
tRl fee of

d Indiana University announces
pen from graduate assistantships in per-
he prints sonnel. They are equivalent in
142 Ad- value to a grant of $800 to $1,000
asement), per year. In addition to person-
. nel responsibilities in the halls,
the Assistants carry a part-time
iterature, academic program limited to a
maximum of 10 hours each semes-
tolarships ter. The Master's degree may be
49-50 are completed under this plan in four
gell Hall. semesters. The program is espe-
returned cially pointed toward positions in
1. Appli- the education field such as Deans
least two and Counselors of Women, Coun-
this Col- selors in Residence Halls, Deans
of Girls in High Schools, Direc-
dent Aid tors of Social Programs, and'
Guidance Workers in High
available Schools and Colleges.
undation Further information may be ob-
btain ap- tained at the Office of the Dean
of Stu- of Women.

ness for graduate work. Fellow-
ships are granted only to candi-
dates for the degree of Master of
Arts or Master of Education, or
the General Secondary School
Further information may be
obtained in the Office of the"Dean
of Women.

No matter how we try, we will never be as
good at it as a Russian czar or a Chinese
warlord. We don't have the talent, and, be-
ing Americans, we can never have an un-
complicated approach to it. About such
points it is good to be clear. For to realize
that there are certain dubious talents which
we do not have, may make us freshly re-
member better ones that we do have.
The answer to Communism is not to
1 hate the Communists but to love the
people. And one merit of this non-fero-
cious answer is that, for all its seeming
mildness, it raises theoretical questions for
Communism, which other approaches do
not always do. The man who hates the
Communists, and who also hates the
ideas of popular reform, is duck-soup for
Communism. He is the fellow the Com-
munists know; he is the character they
have expected to meet, in an historical
rendezvous; he is out oi their books; they
make their noltical livinas ot of him.

n at the


1514 Administration Building. All Bfile hM9e -1..-noocR1-.. .. ..
applications must be returned to Dr. Charles .I. tulfs, of Purdue
these offices not later than Feb. University, will speak on "The
21. Valence States of Rhenium," 4:15
To be eligible for aid from the p.m, 'rues., Feb. 8, 1400 Chemistry
Foundation, a student must show Bldg. All those interested are in-
outstanding achievement a n d vited.
have a definite purpose and plan
in continuing his education as
well as a. definite need for finan- ClttiC i'i0tt
cial help. Other qualifications Freshmen Health Lectures for
considered are physical fitness, Men. Second Semester 1948-49:
personality, soundness of charac- It is a University requirement
ter, social consciousness, and work that all entering Freshmen take
experience. a series of lectures on Personal




. ':

Your Throof DOES
look inflamed, Rarnoby. G
Dr. Brown ought to have

Hnm! Your mother's right,
m'boy-Quite right!

Hm! Yes-better get you to the
hospital and have them out.
I'll supervise it all--Naturally.

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