COLLEGE DISCRIMINATION See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State ~Iaii4 CLOUDY AND COOLER VOL. LIX, No. 133 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1949 PRICE FIVE GENTS I i® -' , Red Chief Lashed By FBI Agent Declares CP Behinid Strikes NEW YORK - (P) - An FBI agent yesterday quoted a Mich- igan Communist leader as saying the party was "behind all strikes, auto, steel, electric and meat." The agent, Fred Cook, did not amplify the statement for a Fed- eral Court jury at the conspiracy trial of 11 top American Commu- nist leaders. * * * HE SAID Carl Winter, Mich- igan State Communist Party di- rector and one of the trial de- fendants, made the statement at a meeting in Detroit in 1946. A Detroit FBI agent, Eugene H. Stewart, told the jury of a "Lenin memorial" meeting in Detroit Jan. 3, 1946. The speakers were Winter and Tim Buck of the National Labor Progressive Party of Canada, Stewart testified. WINTER TOLD the open meet- ing, the agent testified, that "the time was soon to come when Len- in's teachings would be put into action." Stewart quoted Buck as using the phrase "we Communists" and as saying the United States is "the sole remaining imperial- ist nation." Stewart was called hurriedly by the prosecution after the defense had waived its right to cross-ex- amine Stewar and an earlier wit- ness, Frarik S. Meyer of Wood- stock, N.Y. The defense asked that the cross - examination be postponed until the next session of court, saying this was "desirable to have an overnight check" before pro- ceeding. But Federal Judge Har- old R. Medina ruled against the request, saying it might set a precedent for similar delays after every other witness had testified. Scholarships Granted To 140 For Next Year Scholarships and fellowships with a total value of more than $80,000 have been granted to 140t students who will attend the Uni- versity next year, Dr. Ralph A.E Sawyer, Dean of the Graduate1 School, has announced. Granted to students from uni- versities and colleges throughout this country, the awards will be- come effective at the beginning of1 the fall semester. A number oft foreign students are also included on the list of scholarships, which are granted on the basis of high scholastic standing. * * * THE GRANTS include ten Hor- ace H. Rackham Predoctoral Fel- lowships of $1,500 each, 11 Horace H. Rackham Special Fellowships" of $1,000 each, 44 University fel- lowships valued at $750 to $950_ each, 36 University scholarships of tuition, 21 State College Scholar- ships of $750 each, and a group of 18 special fellowships from various trust funds and gifts managed by the University. Recipients of the Horace H. Rackham Predoctoral Fellow- ships and their fields of study are Morris Bornstein, eco- nomics; Robert Brower, Far Eastern Literature; Howard Crum, botany; I-Ming-Feng, mechanical engineering; Roland Good, Jr., physics; Robert Mc- Larty, history; Ruth Riemer, sociology; Robert Short, zool- ogy; David Saletan, chemical engineering; Lester Wolf son, English language and litera- ture. Grants of Rackham Special Fel- lowships were awarded to: Law-c rence Bartell, Andrew Berger,t A nti-Disc rimina tion Rule * * * Passes SE t * * * * * * NSA PLAN'IMPOSSIBLE': Merchant Opposes Purchase System Merchant cooperation with NSA's Purchase Card System is im- possible, an Ann Arbor merchant's official told The Daily yesterday According to Chester Roberts, president of the retail merchant's division of the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce, the NSA plan which allows students merchandise discounts ranging from 10 to 25 per cent is "economically unsound." *' * * * ROBERTS CITED four major reasons for the opposition of retail merchants to the purchase plan. They are: 1. Increased overhead due to higher labor costs, rents and taxes-would cause a discount of even 10 per cent to result in un- profitable operation. Thus a larger volume of trade would merely mean larger losses. SL Slates 'R ah-Rah For Ballot Legislator Bill Gripman's "Rah- Rah" program was pushed onto the campus ballot by the Student Legislature last night after more than an hour's heated debate. In a session that dragged to 11 p.m. and while the quorum hov- ered at around thirty, weary rep- resentatives tried vainly to get over one of the largest agendas in SL history. * * * GRIPMAN WAS empowered to take his plan to revive student spirit on campus to the Student Affairs Committee if the campus referendum is favorable. With severe opposition to "Rah-Rah" developing as moves were made to dodge reaching a final vote last night, the ref- erendum; was worked out to enable a decision to be made without SL having to fight this issue out. Delay in passage would postpone SAC considera- tion of the proposed-program and make putting it into effect difficult, according to Gripman. The Legislature also unanimous- ly approved setting up a three- committee program to offer aid to the University towards getting the appropriations it has request- ed of the Michigan Legislature. A post card campaign was suggested. * * * THEY ALSO accepted a letter from the Regents refusing an SL request for a modified "Meet Your Regents" program, on the basis that the board is "looking for- ward to meetings not only with representative students on cam- pus, but also with representative faculty groups." SL officials said the results the Legislature sought would be achieved through the board's counter proposal. 2. The fact that the discounts are available only to students, and then only to those with Purchase Cards. "Why can't other groups also qualify?" he asks. 3. Only one Ann Arbor retail merchant honors the cards. R~oberts excluded four other co- operating establishments on the grounds that they are not "re- tail" distributors. 4. Merchandise priced under the Fair Trade Laws could not be sold at a discount. * * * ON CAMPUS, however, Pur- chase Cards are running high in student favor. According to Cathy Houston, '50, chairman of PCS, over 900 cards have already been sold and sales will be resumed next week. She said that many students reported using the cards over vacation in stores across the nation wheih had signed con- tracts with NSA. Use of the cards in Ann Arbor is restricted to a flower shop, shoe repair, record store, beauty shop and an automobile supplies store. Miss Houston emphasized that NSA was confident that other merchants would eventually sign up. * * * - ' ONE OF THE merchants coop- erating with NSA, Robert Ward, explained that like all other mer- chants he is in business to make a living. By concentrating sales through the Purchase Card sys- tem, he thinks that his volume may be upped enough to make the discount sale profitable. "I am willing to give the plan a try," he declared. Ward is not a member of the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce. SL Questionnaire All candidates for Student Legislature posts must hand in their questionnaires from 9 a.m. to midnight today, at the cashier's desk, Student Publi- cations Building. Forms may be obtained from Quent Nes- bitt, SL committeeman. Would Ban Clauses in New Groups Final Approval Rests With SAC By DON McNEIL A history-making anti-discrimi- nation resolution was passed in a heated Student Legislature session last night. It was the first such recommen- dation ever to come out of a Mich- igan student government. BASED ON Vice-President John Ryder's Committee on Discrimina- tion report, the resolution asks the Student Affairs Committee to re- fuse recognition to any future or- ganization which prohibits mem- bership because of race, religion or color. It was passed by a 27 to 17 vote over cries from the oppo- sition that it was "unfair" Legislator Jake Jacobson said "It is not something for SL to take care of" and referred to a Big Ten IFC meeting at Minnesota in May which has been called to combat discrimination. * * * SUPPORTING the motion Don Rothschild charged that "As rep- resentatives of the students we can't endorse University recogni- tion of groups which have dis- criminatory clauses." A second resolution, recom- mending SAC action to obtain copies of all constitutions for a permanent file, including those of already recognized organiza- tions, passed 24 to 18 although several legislators charged "ul- terior motives." Both resolutions had the support of the major campus housing units, including IFC, Panhel, As- sembly and the Quadrangles which had voted yesterday in a meeting of the discrimination committee. * .* * THE HOUSING groups had sub- mitted results of a survey taken independently and reported to the SL, indicating the amount of dis- crimination already in existence. IFC's report indicated 22 fra- ternities with 33 restrictive clauses and 13 without. Four fraternities have not yet been checked. Of those covered, ten were anti-Jewish, four pro-Jewish and three prohibited member- ship to Catholics. Approximately twenty are restricted to Caucas- ians. Panhel's survey showed three sororities have restrictive clauses. Among the Independents, only the quadrangles reported that race or religion was a criteria, and they said that this was during the freshman year, when there is a "tendency to assign students to roommates with similar back- grounds." BRUCE LOCKWOOD, IFC President, praising the Commit- tee's work, indicated three ways that action can be taken on the question by the fraternity group. He said that the first step was the Big Ten Conference next month. A second is by individi l fraternity action to get their na- tional organizations to change their Constitutions, and a third is letters to the national organi- zations and the National Inter- Fraternity Council on the sub- ject. Lockwood stated that the Na- tional IFC does not, at present, admit Negro fraternities to mem- bership. Hopwood Entries Daily-Lmanian WORKING OVERTIME-With a constantly dwindling quorum, Student Legislature officers ran last night's SL session until 11 p.m. in an attempt to cover its agenda of business. President Jim Jans fought steadily to maintain order as amendment after amendment view with points of order. No women Legislature members were present to vote on the last two motions and the meeting broke up with much business yet untouched. Left to right are: Jake Jacobson, chairman of the varsity committee; Bailiss McInnis; John Ryder, vice-president; Jans, and Hugh Greenberg, cabinet member. Seven Die as Shock Splits MajorCities Tacoma,- Seattle, OlympiaRocked SEATTLE--(A)-Fear and wide- spread damage rocked through the Pacific Northwest at 2:55.54 p.m. (EST) yesterday.. The worst earthquake in the region's history brought death to seven persons and injury to many others. It cracked buildings. It cast bricks and glass into city streets on the heads of many of the thousands who fled the sway- ing structures. IT HURLED two houses into Puget Sound from Fox Island near Tacoma, Wash. They were be- lieved unoccupied, but the Coast Guard sent a boat to investigate. It cracked the earth. It dis- rupted rail traffic for two hours between Portland, Ore. and Seattle. It was felt over a 500- mile long area of the coastal northwest, hitting hardest the Puget Sound cities of Olympia, Tacoma and Seattle, A Seattle man, Alfred Welander, 60, died of a heart attack two hours after the shock, and a heart attack claimed Konrad Sorenson, 71, in Cosmopolis, Wash. SIXTY MILES south of Seattle the capital city of Olympia took the brunt of the shock. A woman died of a heart attack; a man was smashed by falling bricks. Tumbling bricks also killed a schoolboy in Tacoma and a col- lapsing corner of a school building wall crushed the life from.a boy in Castle Rock, Wash. The front of a building fell on a man in Centralia, Wash., crushing hit fatally. Scientists at the University of Washington said it was a quake of number 8 intensity-next door to catastrophe on the scale which rates number 12 as total destruction. Water tanks split like overripe melons. Water mains burst and automatic sprinkler systems popped in many buildings. Parked automobiles were crushed be- neath tumbling debris. Windows jumped from their casings, or cracked in stars or jagged lines. TWELVE PERSONS were hos- pitalized from injuries in Tacoma, 10 in Centralia, six in Seattle and officials said there were "scores" reporting shock, bruises and minor cuts. The casualty list was concen- trated in the west central Wash- ington area. Injuries were re- ported from many western Washington cities. The total may run to scores. The quake struck violently in Olympia, Wash., damaged eight major state capitol buildings. Two were ordered vacated immediately, and an official said damage to state structures alone would amount to uncounted millions. All Olympia city business buildings were ordered closed. Colleges Seek Wide Training, BLOC VOTING ENDS: AIM,est Quad Consent To Withdraw Newsletters Outright bloc voting ended on campus last night, as both the Association of Independent Men and West Quad withdrew plans to circulate controversial news- letters. AIM president, Ray Guerin, blamed a misunderstanding of what constituted bloc voting after the announcement of plans for the newsletter. The letter was to have named only AIM candidates and given their qualifications. HE PROMISED cooperation in the circulation of a Student Leg- islature newsletter which states the qualifications of all candi- dates. Thoburn Stiles, president of the West Quadrangle Council, said WQ would "stay lily-white and not put out a Quad news- letter." FC president Bruce Lockwood praised both actions and said his group would also refrain from any attempt to "educate" the students to any particular group of candi- dates. s. * * * MEANWHILE, bits of bloc vot- ing were uncovered by The Daily: Michigan House open houses will be "open" only to the three candidates from that particular house, Stu Hertzberg, '50, pres- ident of Michigan House said. And a member of Alpha Xi Del- ta reported that five fraternities had called her house within one day this week in attempts to bar- ter second place votes in tradi- tional bloc-voting style. All offers were refused, she said. * * * LOCKWOOD said he was pow- erless to stop these tactics and commented that under the Hare System they usually worked to the sole advantage of the frater- nity candidate. Open houses scheduled for them to attend today are: Stock- well, 6:30 p.m.; Lloyd House, 6:30 p.m.; Winchell House, 7 p.m., and Williams House, 7 p.m. All candidates desiring to speak before fraternity groups were ask- ed by Lockwood to contact IFC member, Don Calhoun, 2-3189. World News Round- Up By The Associated Press NEW YORK-A City College of New York spokesman claimed that the Communist Party was trying to take over the three-day-old student strike. Meanwhile 500 students marched on the City Hall demanding a reduction in the po- lice patrol at the scene of the campus picketing. , *- * WASHINGTON - The House overwhelmingly approved a $16,- 000,000,000 military money bill, the greatest in American peace- time history, last night after less than two days of whirlwind de- bate. WASHINGTON - The three Western powers ruled yesterday that 159 German 'industrial plants previously marked for removal as reparation payments will be retained as part of a new program to revive Western Germany. * * * NEW YORK-Israel's hopes for early admission to the United Nations were dashed yesterday by a surprise UN Assembly decision for a full review of the Zionist state's right to join., Britain Says Russia Has Broken Pact LONDON-(P)-Britain accused Russia yesterday of breaching their 20-year friendship alliance. She said Russia had violated every clause in the Potsdam ac- cord relating to the alliance. * *.* THE NOTE, a reply to Russia's protest against the North Atlanic Alliance, was made public as a diplomatic specialist in German affairs reported that Russia has made a new conditional and infor- mal offer to lift the Berlin block- ade. The informant, who declined to be identified even as to na- tionality, said the Russians re- cently launched feelers through Polish representatives in Berlin on a deal to lift the blockade if four-power negotiations on Ger- many would be resumed. The story could not be con- firmed in Berlin, Frankfurt or Washington. GEN. LUCIUS D. CLAY, Ameri- can Military Governor in Ger- many, said there was no indication the Russians were planning to lift the blockade and that he was ask- ing for more planes to strengthen the airlift. Meanwhile in New York Aus- sia launched a full-scale attack on the North Atlantic Pact, charging it is an aggressive move "directed against the U.S.S.R." The attack came from Andrei A. Gromyko, Russia's No. 1 deputy foreign minister, in his first speech before a plenary meeting of the present United Nations Assembly. Gromyko also made a detailed defense of the Soviet use of the veto. BUSY LEGISLATORS: Sub-Committee for NSA Hard est Working in SL Sawyer Says (Editor's Note: This is the second in a series of four interpretive articles designed to acquaint students with the Student Legislature -- to which they will elect 25 representatives next Tuesday and wednesday.) By CRAIG WILSON Despite a structure that makes a molecule look like simplicity it- self, the Student Legislature's sub- committee for the National Stu- dent Association (NSA) has more work than any other SL commit- tee. "It acts as a tie between the campus and student activities throughout the nation and most Sale of Purchase Cards on Cam- pus - part of a nationwide PCS drive by NSA-was recently be- gun, as part of the fight to lower the prices of merchandise stu- dents must buy, Hooker pointed out. THE FOREIGN Travel Bureau, which also handles information on foreign correspondence, has been opened this semester, in an attempt to coordinate all infor- mation available on student trav- el. SHAPE O' THINGS TO COME: Hefty Males Seek Cure Via Pills Though present day colleges want broadly trained teachers who are masters of an area rather than a specialized field, this is not what they get, according to Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the graduate school. Dean Sawyer spoke last night on "The Training of College Teachers" in the latest of the cur- rent series of special lectures sponsored by the education school. HE POINTED out that industry and government offer opportuni- ties for high paying jobs to stu- dents with doctoral degrees in highly specialized fields. Few stu- dents are willing to pass up such opportunities in order to get the Guarding their hour-glass waist- lines, men students now outstrip coeds in their purchase of reduc- campus are combinations of saccharine and a B-vitamin, the sugar-sweetness serving to kill out losing weight, according to Health Service doctor Margaret Bell. "We've had several student>