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April 12, 1949 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-04-12

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Cause of Kathy's Death Still Unknown

Three U' Professors
Receive SIdly Grants
Three faculty members of the ;leae from the University of owa,
University are among^ the recip- ilW write a critical monogra,
ients of Guegfenheim Fellowships n Johrn Done, Elizabethan p oet.
for 1949.

I ,
Continued from Page 6)

Cerce Francai .ill present "La 5 a.m.. Presbyterian church build-
'Bele Aventure.- a comedy in 3 ig. For reservations call Mr.
Sacts by de Caillavet. de Flers and Henderison. 2-4466 or Edward
Rey, on Tues,.,April19, 8 "p.m., Coleman.7879.

SAN MARINO, Calif.-(/P)-The
exact cause of tiny Kathy Fiscus'
death in a lost well still was im-
determined yesterday.
A story, heard even in police
circles, that she had been stran-
gled to death during the very first
rescue attempt, was emphatically
denied by the county coroner's of-
* * *
MINUTES AFTER the three-
year-old fell into the abandoned
well pipe while at play Friday a-
ternoon near her home a rope was
dropped to her.
But, said Dr. Harry L. Deutsch
of the county coroner's office,
she was not strangled by that
rope. Nor, said Dr. Dutsch,
could he immediately confirm
the diagnosis of the Fiscus fam-
ily physician, Dr. Paul fanson,
that Kathy died by drowning
100 feet down in the wall.
Dr. Deutsch said it would be
four days before he could establish
the cause.
LABORATORY tests and mi-
nute examination of the lungs will
be necessary, the autopsy surgeon
Dr. Deutsch said there were
no broken bones. Ie arreed with
Dr. Manson that the blonde,
Noted Teacher
From iin
To %-k TodayI
Prof. William A. Robson, dis-
tinguished British attorney and
Professor of Public Administration
in the London School ofE conon-
ics will lecture at H p.m. today in
Rackham Amphitheatre.
His topic will be, "Nationaliza-
tion in Britain."
Y *
PROF. ROBSON, here under
the auspices of the political sci-
ence department and the Institute
'of Public Administration, has held
a wide range of public posts in
Britain. Membership in the Air
Ministry during the war and serv-
ice as assistant secretary of the
Ministry of Civil Aviation in 1945,
are among his important former
A member of the faculty of
the London School of Economics
since 1926, he is the author of
many books and articles on gov-
ernment and economics. His
most recent books are "Plan-
ning and Performance" and
"Population and the People."
Prof. Robson will also lecture at
the Law School on Thursday and
Friday, and will speak to classes in
political science and public ad-
Civil Engneer
Speaks Today,
E. E. Howard, Kansas City con-
sulting engineer, will speak on
"Bridge Engineering" at a meet-
ing of the American Society of
Civil Engineers, student chapter,
at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm 3G ofj
the Union.
Howard's talk will be illustrated
with slides. Other features of the
meeting will be a final report on
the Engineering Honor system by
the honor committee and a talk
on the civil engineering survey
and geology camp in Wyoming.

"CAN YOU hear me, Kathy?"
she shouted.
"Yes," came back a faint voice.
"Are you lying down?" asked
Mrs. Fiscus.
"Yes," answered Kathy.
There followed more screams,
and the anguished mother fi-
nally made herself heard again.
"Kathy," she asked, "are you
standing up?"
Kathy's answer to this was still
another "yes."
THE FRIGHTENED little girl
had no way of judging her posi-
tion in the fearful black tomb.
Rescue workers lowered a line
50 feet into the rusty old well and
casing and shouted instructions to
Kathy. They told her to grab the
rope; to try to hold on while they
pulled. They thought they felt a
tug at the other end, and then,
gently, they pulled upward. The
noose dangled empty as it came
further down the well casing while
she was trying to comply with in-
structions to grab the rope.

ets en :tle at the bW: offie from
2 to 5:30 p.m.. April 16 and 18i
and from 2 to 8 p.m.. April 19,.
Free admission to members of the
club 'erept tax' upon presenta-
tion of thiir membership cards.
Delta Sigma Pi, Professional
business administration frater-
nity: Business Meeting, Wed..
April 13, 7:30 p.m., Chapter House,
1212 Hill

They are Prof. haroldi E. Weth-~
ey of the fine arts depaitment.
Prof. Wilfred Kaplan of taie
mathematics department, and
Prof. Austin Warren, , isiting pro-
fesscr in ihe Enlish department.

during Holy Wook at the Congre-
A TOTAL OF $395,000 was gational Church as follows: Tues-
awarded to 144 men and women. day and Wednesday at 5:15 p.m.'
The grants are made by the John I Thurs., at 5:15 p.m., and Friday at
Simon Guggenheim Memorial 9:30 p.m.
Foundation established by the -_

iav x xy ixxa i ucxct {late U. S. Senator Simon Guggen- . . rll.
ate i. . a n s tor ~iln memugry- Christian Science Organization:
THE AhdARDS are iwaiee an- tneTestimonial meeting, 7:30 p.m., Flying Club: Open meeting,
nually to help finance research Upper Room, Lane Hall. Wed.,nAprl1,:30p.
and other projects, Its purposes are "to add to Wed.. April 13,'7:30 l.m.. E. Engi-
and oter prjectee Bldg
Prof. Wethey will prepare a the educational, literary, artis- Canterbury Club: 7 p.m., Semi-
monograph on the work of Alenso tic and scienti 'ic power of this s<nar on "The Muaninef the Chris-
Cano, 17th century Spanish ar- country, and also to provide for tian Faith"; topic this week, "Be- Coed Folk and Square Dancing
tist and architect. the cause of better international liefs of the Greek Orthodox Club will not meet this week.
Prof. Kaplan will conduct re- understanding." Church." Father Sophocles will Meetings will be resumed next
search on the topological theory The Fellowships, for which any speak. week.
of functions of a real variable permanent resident of the West---
and on the qualitative analysis ern Hemisphere is eligible, norm- ~ ' eT s Westminster Guild: Informal'
of dynamical systems. ally carry $3,000-per-year stip- - 0 " 9 vent Easter mornin breakf.st prior to
Prof. Warren, who is now on ends. The Annual French Play: Le the Sunrise Servie on th ray.

Pawsover meals at the 'nai
B'rith Hillel Foundation will be
served at the following times:
Seders (April 13 and 14) at 7:00;
lunches from 12:15 till 1:15 and
dinners will be served at 5:30.
Westmister Guild, First Pres-
byterian Chure'h: Informal tea,
Wed.. April 13. 4 to 6 p.m., Rus-
sel parlor, church building.
Women of the Unliversity Fae-
ulty:Tea. Wed. April 13. 4 to 6
pm.,Rm D, League,
Young Progressives: Open meet-
in,-, a hound kable discussion.
Topic: North Atlantic Pact, Wed.,
April 13, 7:30 p.m., Union.
U. of ITheater Guild will com-
plete its casting of Maxwell An-
derson's "Winterset" and will be-
gin practice at 7:30 p.m., Wed.,
Apil 13, League.

... 10 feet down
a m-
blue-eyed daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. David Discus had beenI
dead about 48 hours when big,
hulkoing Bill Yancey * brought
Kathy's body from its prison.
Death took Kathy, apparently,
about 6 o'clock Friday night,
while her mother knelt at the
mouth of the well, her heart con-
stricted by fear.
If you are seeking a place of great
natural beauty, where you will find con-
genial young companions, and plenty
to do, where you can rest (breakfast
until 11:00), and play, and enjoy amaz-
ing meals--here is a lovely old home-
stead whose guests all are newly mar-
ried. It is friendly and informal with
just the right amount of privacy. You
may have a cottage all your own
(heated, with bath), or a cheery, in-
viting room with bath. Open ali year.
Rates include meals. Mention dates if
you wish our "Three Honeymoon Plans."
The Farm on the Hill, Bo 8510, Swift-
water, Pa.

11 3 S. Main

1 f

Gi bs secretarial training gives
college women "early-bird"
start toward a satisfying business
career. For illustrated catalog
write College Course Dean.
?30 Park.Ave., NEW YORK 17 90 Marlborough St, BOSTON 16
] E. Superior St CHICAGO 11 155 Angell St.. PROVIDENCE 6






npiatju9 Cqffee£p
1204 South University Avenue
7:00 A.M. to 1 :00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.
Closed Sundays

Freeborn is a wonderful thing ...

but the desert gets cod Inih

,to ° rin /

Others to 52.50
All Wool


The longest journey human beings ever took is
over for most of the Jewish Displaced Persons.
They started from a point in darkness.
Terror, oppression and death were their baggage.
And now they have arrived at the freedom sta-
tion-the new state of Israel.
Now they are free.
Pause and feel the word in your throat. It bursts
with joy. It is sunlight after darkness.Warmth after
cold. A healing hand on a scarred back.
But freedom is not bread. Freedom is not shelter.
Freedom is not medicine. Freedoin is not a plow,
a lathe, a brick. Freedom cannot unchill the wind
that bites into bones when it is night on the Negev.
and Contributions
to Hillel Fo dation
Jerry Freeman
Hannah Mintz
Doris Hatosky
Esther Kaufman
Dr. Ronald Freedman
Dr. Isadore Lampe

Freedom must be fed with the materials that
build life, materials that only we can supple:
Shoes for their feet. Lumber for their houses.
Medical helpso that they may use their new strength
to build the land they have come to live in freely.
Schools, so that torn minds may be healed and put
back to work for a better life.
All that takes money. Money that can come only
from you-from all of us-here in America.
You helped them live through the misery of DP
Camps. You helped transport them to their promn-
ised land.
WVn't you help them now to become free, self-
supporting citizens of their own free land?

Just Five of the Many Things
Your Money Will Accomplish in 1949
1 (losing of DP Camps in Germany and
2 Bring 250,000 Jewish refugees into Israel.
3 Make possible a housing program to speed
the absorption of the newcomers in Israel.
4 Provide for the rehabilitation of hundreds
of thousands of Jews in Europe and North
5 Aid Jewish refugees who enter the U. S. to
integrate themselves into the community.

For the Greatest Homecoming in History
Estraise $25 ,00,0 0 in 1949
For the resettlement and rehabilitation programs of
Joint Distribution Committee, United Palestine Appeal and United Service for New Americans
Henry Morgenthau Jr., General Chairman
--Michiaan Union -- TODAY -- 4:15 P.M.


cidk to Raliv

r " :" i



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