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April 12, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-04-12

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Latest Deadline in the State


Office Aides
Found Guilty
Eight Convicted
Of War Crimes
NUERNBERG, Germany-(/P)--
A United States tribunal convicted
Baron Ernest Von Weizsaecker, a
veteran German diplomat, and
seven other high Nazi officials on
War Crimes charges today.
Some of the defendants were
convicted on more than one count.
Five were found guilty of plan-
ning aggressive war, four of crimi-
nal roles in the slaying of Allied
war prisoners and two of mass
atrocities against civilian popula-
tions in Nazi-conquered lands.
WEIZSAECKER, 66 years old,
ranked second only to the late
Joachim von Ribbentrop in the
Foreign Office. He was the most
prominent among the 21 defen-
dants in this closing case-the last
in a series of 12 American trials.
lHe was convicted of plotting
aggressive war and of helping
Hitler massacre Jews. Weizsack-
er maintained that he actually
had worked in secret against
There still were three counts to
be disposed of when the Court re-
cessed tonight. The Court had read
about a third of the way through
the 833-page judgment.
Besides Weizsaecker, others con-
victed are:
HANS HEINRICH Lammers( 69,
friend of Hitler and chief of his
Paul Koerner, 55, Goering's dep-
uty in the our year plan.
Ernest oermann, 61, chief of
the political division of the for-
eign office.
Wilhelm Keppler, 66, Hitler's
economic advisor and supporter of
Gestapo Chief Heinrich iimmler.
Gustav Steengracht von Moy-
land, 46, bright young man of the
foreign office who succeeded
Weizsaeckep as state secretary.
SS Lt. Gen. Gottlob Berger,
chief of prisoners of war affairs.
Karl Ritter, 65, called the For-
eign Office "hatchet man."
Seek Rivalry
For Debates
Three campus organizations are
ready and willing to debate under
the newly-established Michigan
But not one of them has an op-
ponnent, according to Ralph Sosin,
'50, chairman of the Student Leg-
islature's Forum committee.
* * *
THE YOUNG Progressives are
willing to discuss "Resolved that
the North Attanic Pact is a Step
towards War."
Lawyers' Guild has "Resolved
that the Taft - Hartley Act
should be Repealed" in mind.
And the Committee for Civil
Rights is ready on "Resolved that
the Trial of 11lCommunists is an
Abridgement of the Civil Rights
of all Americans."
ALL THREE groups have chos-
en the affirmative.
Student groups willing to

stand for the negative on any of
the resolutions must make ap-
plication to the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs, Sosin said.
Changes in the initial resolution
may be made if the opposing
groups can agree.
If more than two groups apply
for the right to oppose any resolu-
tion, the committee will decide
which will enter the colorful de-
bates, according to Sosin.
** *
THE COMMITTEE has added to
its membership Pat Hannegan,
president of Women's Judiciary
Council, and Harriett Friedman,
managing editor of The Daily.
ECA To Aid
Chinese Here
Chinese students enrolled in
technical and scientific courses at
the University may receive finan-
cial aid from ECA, it was an-

Students at CCNY
Battle With Police
Pickets Accuse Professor of Bias;
- 27 Arrested in Flurry of Fist-Fights
NEW YORK-(AP)-Police and youthful pickets battled on the
campus of the College of the City of New York yesterday as students
struck in a mass demand for the ouster of two faculty members.
The professors were accused by the striking students of anti-
semitism and racial discrimination.
* * * *
TWENTY-SEVEN jeering demonstrators, five of them women,
were arrested. Police lifted 25 of them bodily and forced theml
into a patrol wagon in a flurry of fist-fights. One student leaped on
the back of a patrolman, who hurled the youth to the sidewalk.

GOP Wins
city Posts
In Election
A near clean sweep was given to
city Republicans in the Ann Arbor
spring election, April 4, only three
Democrats managing to take city
Prof. Arthur W. Bromage was
the single faculty person running
who succeeded in his campaign.
Mayor William i. Brown, Jr.,
was returned to office for an-
other year, as was Council Presi-
dent Cecil O. Creal (Rep.) and
Municipal Judge Francis L.
O'Brien, (Dem.).
* * *
FRED C. PERRY (Rep.) won
his 11th and final victory in the
race for the City Clerk's job. At
the same time as they returned
him to office, Ann Arbor voters
approved an amendment to the
City Charter to make his office
appointive in the future.
The Democrats elected UJl-
berg to the city council and
Schumacher as supervisor in a
traditionally Democratic 4th
In the other city positions, six
councilmen and six supervisors,
the Republicans were elected.
The newaldermen.are as fol-
1st Ward--John Mellott (Rep.).
2nd Ward - Clare H. Fenn
3rd Ward - Lawrence Ouimet
4th Ward-Cornelius J. Ulberg
5th Ward-William J. Saunders
6th Ward-Prof. Arthur W. Bro-
mage (Rep.).
7th Ward -John S. Dobson
The rush is on!
There are only 500 Ensians left
for open sale from among the 5200
yearbooks ordered, so it's first
come, first served, according to
Bill Zerman, general sales man-
"THERE IS always a large de-
mand for the yearbook after it
has hit the street," Zerman point-
ed out, "but this year we- only or-
dered 500 extra instead of the us-
ual 1500. This means that many
of those last minute buyers are
going to be disappointed unless
they act now."

Most of the pickets arrested, po-
lice said, were students who tried
to block entrances to campus
buildings. They were charged
with disorderly conduct.
* * *
tin Dubin, was arrested on an
assault charge. He was accused
of slamming the door of a patrol
car on a policeman's hand and
then twisting the injured fingers.
The strike committee claimed
that more than 75 per cent of
the school's students had join-
ed the walkout. But a college
spokesman said a noon check
disclosed 45 per cent of the
7,230 day students attended
The strike was voted last Fri-
day by the student council after
a student body referendum. The
council said the walkout was a
protest against "administrative
inaction" in the caces of Prof.
inaction" in the cases of Prof.
man of the Romance Languages
Department, and William C. Da-
vis, economics instructor.
'UT' Decreases'
Fund Request
In the face of a budget-slashing
State Legislature the University
has drastically trimmed its re-
quest for new buildings.
The University now asks a
straight five billion dollars for the
construction of two new buildings
here. The money would be used
for an addition to the overcrowded
general library and a new out-
patient clinic at University Hos-
EARLIER, THE school had
asked more than eight million
dollars for the construction of an
addition to Angell Hall, the li-
brary and hospital. The Angell
Hall plans were dropped when
state lawmakers indicated that
little or no money would be forth-
coming for capital outlays at thet
University this year.
Even the University's reduced
request for new building faces
rough going. The University is
now desperately trying to stave
off attempts of state lawmak-
ers to trim normal operating
funds of the University which
amount to $12,500,000.
The additional five million
asked for new buildings, over and
above the operating funds, is con-
ceded little chance of getting byl
the Legislature.

Hoover Says
Services Pad
Finance Bids
Accuses Army,
Navy of Waste
WASHINGTON - (A') - Herbert
Hoover testified yesterday that the
Army, Navy and Air Force are
"padding" their.money requests to
Congress by millions of dollars.
He also accused them of "star-
tling" waste and extravagance.
* * *
THE FORMER President, ap-
pearing before the Senate Armed
Services Committee, cited an Air
Force request for funds to build
910 family homes in Alaska cost-
ing $58,350 each.
. He noted the Army wanted
$100,000 each to modernize 102
M-26 tanks it doesn't even have.
Then, he said, there was the
little matter of a $30,000,000 cler-
ical error in requesting $39,000,000
for 69 National Guard 155-milli-
meter howitzers which would ac-
tually cost only $9,000,000.
which declared:
"Applications (in the military
budget) for hundreds of millions
of dollars to retool industry should
be examined with the greatest
Hoover told the committee that
what the Department of National
Defense needs is a good bookkeep-
ing system.
"At the present time," he
said, "nobody can tell the cost
of any particular function in the
armed services."
Former Secretary of War Rob-
ert Patterson, following Hoover in
the witness chair, told the Sena-
* * *
say that in World War IT the cost
in duplication, competition and
disjointed effort directly trace-
able to the two-headed (Army-
Navy) system ran to billions and
Much of the public debt, Pat-
terson said, is "due to that divi-
sion of authority and responsi-
bility between the War Depart-
ment and the Navy Depart-
(There is no longer a war de-
partment; it is the Army depart-
Hoover's testimony prompted
Senator Byrd (Dem., Va.) to com-
"The entire military establish-
ment is permeated with waste and
But Hoover replied:
"Well, no one man is to blame,
Senator. It's just that the system
has grown up through the years
until it's completely antiquated."
* * *
BYRD and Senator Knowland
(Rep., Calif.) served notice they
will demand a thorough overhaul-
ing of military budget practices
after Hoover told the committee:
"It is difficult to escape the
conclusion that some padding has
been a fairly general practice."
World News
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Heavy sniping

against the Marshall Plan as a
spur to World War III and a
"steal" on American taxpayers
broke out in House debate on a
$5,380,000,000 European Recovery
Bill yesterday.
** * *
WASHINGTON-A cut of $508,-
750,060 in the amount President
Truman asked to run the Veterans
Administration next year was rec-
ommended yesterday by the House
Appropriations Committee.
* * *
WASHINGTON-Navy physi-
cians said yesterday James V.
Forrestal, recently retired Sec-
retary of Defense, is suffering
from "occupational fatigue"
which is "directly the result of
excessive work during the war
and postwar years."
* *. *
NANKING-A small Communist
force crossed the main Yangtze
Channel to an island near the
south bank yesterday, emphasizing
the threat to invade South China



Threat to

'U' Standing


. .t,.

HOME WAS NEVER LIKE THIS!--Eight more weeks' worth of engine school studies, neatly piled
on his desk at the Sigma Nu house, confronts Bob Linder, '50E. Linder is shown as he fearfully
returns from a carefree spring vacation. He reflects the mood of 21,000 University students who
resignedly went back to classes yesterday after a book-less nine days.
* * *



Two Students Meet Death
In Vacation Auto Accidents

Two University students were
killed in automobile accidents dur-
ing the spring vacation.
Dead are Donald J. Brown, 17,
a freshman in the literary college
from New York City and Richard
T. Rives, 26, a Law School junior
from Montgomery, Ala.
BROWN WAS killed instantly!
at 3:30 a.m. yesterday when a
car in which he was riding col-
lided with a railroad train near
Massilon, Ohio. The car was.
driven by an Ohio high school stu-
dent and had picked up Brown as
he was hitch-hiking back to Ann
Arbor from his home in New York.
Brown, a resident of Lloyd
House in the West Quad, was a
brilliant student who had at-
tained an all "A" average dur-
ing his first semester at the
University. H~e was the son of
Meyer M. Brown, a New York
Rives met death April 2 near
Jacksonville, Fla., while driving
toward Miami on the first day of
spring vacation.
* * *
THE CAR became involved in a
head-on collision with another ve-
hicle at 11 a.m. and the impact of
the crash threw Rives out of the
auto. He died three hours later of
head injuries without regaining
Tom Ford, a senior law stu-
dent who was driving the car,
suffered a broken back and is
confined to a hospital in Jack-
sonville. A coed riding in the
auto was not seriously injured.j
Rives, the son of MontgomeryI

attorney Richard T. Rives, was
a member of Phi Delta Phi legal
fraternity. He took his AB at Har-
Open Houses
TO Be Held for
SL Candidates
The Open House program for
Student Legislature and senior
class candidates will hit full stride
this week.
With campus elections a week
away, scores of dorms, fraternities
and sororities have planned get-
togethers to which all candidates,
independent or affiliated, have
been invited.
OPEN HOUSES slated for today
include Allen-Rumsey, 6:30 p.m.;
Betsy Barbour, 3:15 p.m., Delta
Delta Delta, 6:45 p.m., and KappaI
Delta, 6:45 p.m. All the open
houses are to be held in the house
Delta Delta Delta and Kappa
Delta ask candidates who wish
to attend today to make an ap-
pointment with the house presi-
The following sororities will
hold an informal open house any
night by appointment with the
house president.
Gamma Delta, Alpha Omega Pi,
Alpha Xi Delta, Chi Omega, Col-
legiate Sorosis, Delta Gamma,
Delta Zeta, Kappa Alpha Tau.

Fair Weather
Greets Return
Of Vacationers,
Sring Offers Solace
To Stolid Students
Spring was on hand yesterday
to appease 21,000 returning Uni-
versity students who glumly dust-
ed off texts and notebooks, un-
touched through the long week of
Many students barely made it
back to Ann Arbor in time to
trudge wearily through the balmy
air to morning classes. One coed
dashed in with her suitcase at
two minutes to nine, picked up
her 'cello and hurried off to a
music school practice session.
* * *
OTHERS, AFTER a week of
motoring freedom, reluctantly
handed back the keys of the fam-
ily car as the University auto banf
Several were relieved to give
up those keys after narrow es-
capes from death on the high-
ways. And they returned to Uni-
versity residences to be saddenedj
by news of the loss of fellow
Feminine vacationers returned
with an assortment of Easter fin-'
ery-some of it from swank Palm
Beach shops, more from home-
town department stores.
** *
BUT EASTER was still a long
week of classes away.
Slightly resentful of the way
the University calendar is treat-
ing the holiday, several students
brought back a liberal supply of
candy eggs and marshmallow
bunnes with which to observe
the lighter aspects of Ea'ter.

Ruthven Tells
State Editors'
OfDire Need
Says Faculty Too
Small, Underpaid
Top administrative officials
have warned that the University
faces the threat of lowered educa-
tional standards unless it can get
more money.
President Alexander Ruthven
joined other administrators in
sounding the warning at a hur-
riedly-called meeting of newspaper
editors throughout the state 10
days ago.
* * *
THE FUTURE of the University
is dark because of the desperate
financial situation, according to
the President. Newsmen at the
meeting listened intently as Pres-
ident Ruthven gravely outlined
the school's monetary plight.
Ile declared that millions more
are needed to hire badly needed
new faculty members and to
hike the salaries of present In-
An economy-minded state leg-
islature which threatens to slash
the University's $12,500,000 re
quest for operating funds is be-
lieved to have precipitated the ad-
ministration's plea.
* * *
GOV. WILLIAMS sliced $700 -
000 from the request in making
his recommendation to the legis-
lature. And veteran political re-
porters in Lansing told The Daily
that indications are that lawmak-
ers may trim the University's fund
request still further.
Because of these develop-
ments, Universityadiinistra-'
tors said they wanted the people
of the state to know the facts
of the school's financial situa-
President Ruthven revealed that
428 new faculty members are
needed to reach a desirable ratio
between students and teachers.
Now there are 18 students for
every instructor. In 1930 the ratio
was 13 to 1.
* * *
other colleges had been attempt-
ing to raid the University faculty
by luring top men away with high-
er salaries. In the last two years
23 top faculty men have been of-
fered deanships or department
headships in other colleges.
Ruthven said that most of
the faculty members turned
down the other offers because of
their desire to remain at the
University and the promise that
they would be taken care of
financially here.
President Ruthven traced the
financial picture of the University
since 1929, pointing out that ap-
propriations had neversrecovered
wholly from depression fund
* * *
ALTHOUGH the actual amount
of money granted the University
by the state has increased each
year, Ruthven said the funds have
not kept pace with increased en-
rollment and soaring costs.
He compared the University
of Michigan with other state
institutions of higher learning,
producing statistics to prove
that appropriations here are be-
low those of comparable col-
rollowing his plea for more
money delivered before. newspa-

permen here, President Ruthven
journeyed to Lansing where he
presented his case to the state
Senate. Editorials urging the state
Legislature to award greater funds
to the University appeared last
week in leading newspapers of the
000 fund request for the 1949-50
school year is now in the House
Ways and Means Committee. It
will probably be reported out of
committee within the next several
Then the appropriation's meas-
ure will go before the entire legis-
1ifn tn fr .riahn f rm nAavvnfaal

Aviation Engineer Describes
Newly-Designed B-45 Jet

A medium bomber when it was
designed, a heavy bomber by
World War II standards and a
light bomber by Air Force stan-
dards today.
That's the B-45, one of the Air
Force's latest jet bombers just de-
veloped by North American Avia-
tion, Inc., according to C. J. Han-
son, North American engineer who
spoke last night on the bomber.
* * *
IIA e SON TOLD the story of
the boinber's development, start-
ed in 1943 and climaxed by its
production for the Air Force. The
smooth, compact lines of the '451
are almost identical with the B-25
Mitchell of the type that first
bombed Tokyo during the war,
but the eare no revolutionary

In the work of calculating and
designing the B-45 and other
planes, North American produces
an average of 2,000,000 square
feet of blue prints each month,
he added. ,
* * *
WITH ITS FOUR turbo-jets de-
veloping more thah 22,000 horse-
power in the two engine nacelles
slung under the wings, the B-45
has three times the bomb load
and twice the speed and size of
its veteran sister, the Mitchell,
Hanson said.
The '45 carries a crew of four,
three less than many of the
World War 13 planes, accord-
ing to Hanson: pilot, co-pilot,
bombardier-navigator and rear
gunner. Because of the "near-

Freedom SThreatened

r: -

(This is the first in a series of arti-
cles reporting the results of the
Fourth National conference on High-
er Education held in chicago during

arises for the academic discipline
of a teacher suspected of subver-
sive behavior or adherence to or-
ganizations which might corrupt

that "insuring th' teacher's loy-
alty to truth is a responsibility of
the teaching profession."
It states that the profession


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