See Page 4
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Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LIX, No. 85
Five Minute
Stall Brings
Control Ball Beat
For five minutes last night,
Michigan's cagers played "cat-
and-mouse" with Wisconsin at
Yost Field House, and eked out
a 40-33 verdict over the Badgers.
The win strengthens the Maize
and Blue's hold on third place and
keeps the quintet in the running
for the Big Nine title.
WITH THREE quarters of the
game gone and the visitors closing
up to a three-point Wolverine
margin, the Maize and Blue called.
time out, and then began to put
the freeze on the bail.
From the time they started
until the end of the game, coach
Ernie McCoy's boys took and
missed a total of three shots,
but Wisconsin was held to a
similar number of tries in the
same period plus a two-point
tip-in by center Don Rehfeldt
with 15 seconds left to go.
During this time Michigan also
forced eight personal fouls out of
the Badgers, which saw two visi-
tors go out of the game on misde-
* * *
THEY WERE gaurd Doug Rog-
ers, who left with a minute of
play remaining, and Rehfeldt, who
went to the showers after throw-
ing a deliberate tackle on Wol-
verine guard Pete Elliott with two
seconds to go.
On seven fouls Michigan ele-
ed to take the ball out of bounds
instead of taking the shot, but
the block on Elliott was worth a
pair of charity throws, so Pete
took the bfrst and made it before
taking the ball out of bonds.
Harold "Bud" Foster, the Badg-
er mentor, admitted after the
game that Michigan guards Elliott
and Bob Harrison had put on an
excellent display of stalling, but
criticized the Wolverines continu-
ally holding onto the ball.
REPEATING what he said fol-
lowing the Badgers' 47-33 loss to
Minnesota, Foster complained
that the "possession type" of bas-'
ketball used by Michigan and the!
Gophers slowed up the game and
made it uninteresting for the fans.
But he added that "I would
use it too, if I had a lead to pro-
It was a slow game throughout,
with both teams way off in their
Michigan sank only 19.7 per1
cent of their throws from the
floor, while the visitors hardly
did better, dropping in 21A per
WISCONSIN outshot the Maize
and Blue from the court, netting
See UA DGER, Page 3
New Ieg eits
Commiiiittee To
xainile Ban
Ihe hotly contested political
speakers ban will be investigated
by a newly-appointed committee
of Regents.
Th egconmittee, appointed by
the Board of Regents, will prob-
ably confer with the Student Leg-
iklature and the faculty Senate,
according 'to Herbert G. Watkins.
assistant vice-president of the
University and secretary of the
Board of Regents.
speakers ban will be deferred un-
til it receives the committee re-
The formation of the com-
mittee is an outcome of SL peti-
tions calling for the ban to be$
li*fted, and a report on the ban
compiled by the conunittee of
the Faculty Senate.
At the i st meeting of the Re-
-gent.n delegation headed by
Blair Moody presented reasons for
SL's opposition to the ban.'
FOLLOWING this, the entire
Vaculty Senate, header' by Dean
Erich Walter, presented its re-
port to the Regents. Details of
this report have not yet been re-
n~ rr. ei.... ftio1.-
'U' Terminates
WES Program
After Boycott
' To
Build Sky-Scraper
Spring rollment Sets II
The University has cancelled its
newly - organized program in
workers' education-but this an-
nouncement came as "no great
surprise" to labor leaders.
In a three-sentence statement,
President Alexander G. Ruthven
indicated organized labor's boy-
cott of the classes brought on the
* * *
BARNEY HOPKINS, secretary-
treasurer of the state CIO, said
the University was responsible for
the boycott.
House OK's
Reform sPlan
Truman, Hoover
Seeni as VictorsI
House voted tonight to give
President Truman broad perma-
nent powers to reorganize the ap-
proximately 1,800 government
agencies as he chooses, subject to
Congressional veto.
House action was by 356-9 roll-
call. The bill now goes to the Sen-
THlE PASSAGE of the first mia-
jor item in Mr. Truman's legisla-
tive program was a victory not
only for him but for former Presi-
dent Herbert Hoover. Hlover,
head of a commwission studying
government reorganization, hias
strongly supported the bill. lie
said today a $3,000,000,000 saving
might result from a thorough
overhaul of the government.
Administration leaders fought
off a barrage of amnenden s
to the proposal, most of them
offered by Republicans.
Most of them were designed to
give preferred treatment to i~di-
vidual agencies or to revise the re-
organization procedure whlic h
would be set up.
HOOVER, at a news conference,'
had warned against exempting
any agencies He said "Propagan-
dists" are behind such moves and
that if they arersuccessful, the en-
tire reorganization effort would
be destroyed.
Thessize of the final vote for
the bill poted up general bi-
partisan support of its general
objectives of economy and ef-
ficiency in the huge executive
branch of the government
Under it, Mr. Truman or any
.nLicceing president could send
gover nmental 1'eoirgiagniz a ioi
plans to Congress. and they would
become effective unless bothuSen-
ate and louse dgfapproved the-n
within 60 days.
PrOF. JAMES K . Pollock ,
chairman of the University's po-
litical science department, and a
member of the Hoover Commis-
sion, called the ouse action
~very gratifying."
"If the Sente acts as prompt
ly, the President will be able to
immediately get to work on our
recomendations.w ongfressonal
interest in the re-orgaization
proposals is most emcouraging,"
he said.
h Text Exchange I
Open ratiUnion
Used texts may be bought and
bold this week at the IFC-spon-
,ored student book exchange in
inn 3-C of the Union
'The exchange will be open from
1 to 5 p.m. each day,
Those selling texts will set their
own price, a spokesman explained,
and fill out a form when they
leave the book. Checks will be
mailed next week, he said. Unsold
books may be picked up next week,
The exchange will be run on
a non-profit basis. The ten ter
cent fee collected on each book:
will cover the cost of printing the
forms and the Michigan sales
Labor leaders have previously
said the University did not ade-
quately consult with them or
with the workers' education ad-
visory committee before setting
up the new program.
They have charged that Gen-
eral Motors employe Adam K.
Stricker's claim that the former
program was "Marxist" led the
Board of Regents to fire Arthur A.
Elder, former director of the pro-
gram, and revamp the courses.
AFTER A NUMBER of meetings
with the workers' education ad-
visory committee consisting of
University, labor and public rep-
resentatives, Extension Service
Director Everett J. Soop an-
nounced that seven courses would
begin the week of Feb. 1.
Labor immediately announced
its boycott, saying final agree-
ment had not been reached in
the committee meetings.
Three classes were held. No one
came to the first, one student ap-
peared to register for the second,
and none attended the third.
** *
IN ANNOUNCING dicontinu-
ance of the classes, President
Ruthven said: "We regret that
the response of the workers for
whom the program was designed
has not matched the efforts which
the University has made to serve
their needs.",
Hopkins said this "comes as
no great surprise to labor, . . We
will, however, carry o i our own
service now in effect . . . with-
out the assistance of the Uni-
But, he said, "if there are other
state institutions that we can
work with, we'll do it."
* * *
AND IF Federal funds are ex-
tended for workers education, "as
we expect," the labor organiza-
tions' program might be only
"We are willing to work with
State agencies," Hopkins said.
IFC To Study
Problems of race prejudice and
the fraternity will be aired at an
Interfraternity Council meeting at
7:30 p.m. today in lam. 3-C of the
The meeting will help deter-
mine the campus fraternities'
views on an anti-discrimination
clause proposed at the National
Interfraternity Council meeting
last fall.
The clause would outlaw preju-
dice in fraternities on a national
basis. Objection to it was raised
largely by those who felt the issue
should be decided by the indivi-
dual chapters.
A limited number of J-Iop
Dailies will go on sale at the
Student Publications Building
Containing 28 pages chock
full of pictures and stories
about the J-Hop, this special
Daily will serve as a lasting
souvenir of the biggest annual
campus social event. All pro-
ceeds from sale of the J-Hon
Daily go to the March of
Yesterday's all-campus sale
of the special paper by Ment-
bers of the "M" Club netted
nearly $400 for the polio fund.
Final Mark
Expected To
lop 20,000
Decrease See lin
Vet Registration
Early tabulations of the Uni-
versity's spring enrollment show
that 19,829 students have regis-
tered for classes, setting a new
record for the spring semester.
Although this figure is lower
than the fall enrollment, it slight-
ly exceeds University expecta-
tions for the spring semester.
Registrar Ira M. Smith said that'
he anticipates that the final en-
rollment will pass the 20,00 mark.
FOLJOWING a substantial
graduation of veterans last se-
mester, officials reported a signif-
icant decrease of 6.3 per cent in
the number of veterans enrolled
compared with last fall's record.
An even greater decrease in the
percentage of veterans is antici-
pated next fall.
A breakdown of the enroll-
ment figures show that 15,012
men and 4,817 won have reg-
istered. 862 students less tbami
last semester's total of 20,691.
Although veterans still out-
number non-veterans by 195,
there are still 673 less veterans
than last semester.
The literary college reported the
largest enrollment of 6,726 stu-
dents, followed by the Graduate
School with 3,943 and the engi-
neering college with 3,509. These
figures do not include approxi-
mately 10,000 students through-
out the state taking credit and
non-credit courses in the Exten-
sion Service.
dents was executed more smooth-
ly than usual, according to As-
sistant Registrar, Edward G.
Groesbeck. "The cooperation of
most students in arriving at their
appointed times enabled us to
maintain lines of usually less than
20 students," he said.
To protect waiting students
fron the cold winds outside of
Waterman Gym, the lines were
routed through the weight-lift-
ing room in the basement for
the first time this semester.
Although several departments
reported slightly decreased en-
rollments, Professor Lewis G. Van-
der Velde, chairman of the His-
tory Department reported a re-
ord enrcllneut. of 4,02 Nearly
100 students had to be turned
away from the History 180 course
as the doors were closed when
the room capacity of 266 was
WITH HUNDREDS of students
jamming local bookstores, store
managers experienced especially
harrowing days. One manager
said that many students had ap-
parently forgotten about buying
books over the big .J1-Hlo4 week-
Although molt students sr-
vived the first day of classes with-
out serious mishap, it was renort-
ed that one freshman girl arrived
at a men's basketball section in
Waterman Gym.
Plans Call for
UNDERWATER ATOMIC BOMB BLAST-Shown above is the scene at Bikini moments after the
uipderwater "Baker" explosion. The cloud massing contains more than fifty per cent of the
radioactive nmIter given off in the blast and will soon descend in a lethal shower which will make
1)de royed ships below "booby traps," according to observer David Bradley,
Bradley 71 Dscsss BmbControl
World law m.riwt b, substituted
for world war-- there is no other
solution to the urgent problem of
the atomic bomb .
#. That is the opinion of Dr. David
Bradley, iedical observer at Bi-
kini and author of the best seller,
"No Place to Hide," who spoke in
a University lecture last night.
United Nations Aonie Energy
Comnussion he called 'ineffee-
tive" and "unworkable." "Every
other alternative seems to lead
straight to war." Among those al-
ternatives, he listed defensive alli-
ances, pacts. preveutive wars and
secret treatties,
World government is the only
possible solution to living in an
atomic age," Dr. Biradley corn-
men ted,
Hie compaired the late of civlib-
zation to a carefree citizen of Hir-
oshima who was ciosing a bridge
when the( filrsi atomic bomb blast
cccurred. He became only a light
shadow on the charred bridge
where his body had protected the
structure from the full force of
the exPlosion.
"Wit$ 'R S OUR friend now?"
Dr, Bradley akd
"'Thriee s i're miles of Hiro-
shira were -not just turned to
rubble, but actually pulverized.
Damage in a Factory more than
a mile away was almost 100 per
cent," he said.1
r. Bradley reviewed the Bi-
kini underwater bomb test which
he rersenally viewed from a
I Plane fifteen miles from the
"The Navy had to give up its
motto: 'Don't Give Up the Ship,'
after vain attempts to salvage
vessels that survived the test," he
said, "Every method of removing
lethal radiation particles short of
sandblasting failed="
Dr. Bradley's lecture was sponi-
sored by the University Lecture
Committee and the Phoenix Proj-
ect War Memorial.
* * * *
"We cannot afford another war,
but if we are to have one, we must
know what the price will be," Dr.
David Bradley, explained yester-
day in a Daily interview.
That is Dr. Bradley's explan-
ation of why he wrote "No Place
World News
At Glance
By The Associated Press
BUDAPEST, Hungary - Josef
Cardinal Mindszenty and his six
co-defendants were scheduled to
be sentenced by the People's Court
of Communiit-dominated Hun-
gary at 9 a.m. today (3 a.m. EST).
* * *
States today was reported con-
sidering a protest tb Hungary
against the trial of Josef Car-
dinal Mindszenty on charges of
plotting against Hungary's
Communist regime.
NEW YORK-A Federal jurist
today barred defense use of con-
fidential government court papers
in the trial of 11 high American
Admission of the papers, Judge
Harold R. Medina ruled, would
reveal "all details of the admin-
istration of Justice * * to those
who, perhaps, may misuse them
i some way."
SHANGHAI - A wartime Na-
tionalist guerrilla leader has
crossed Chinese Communist lines
north of Nanking*to talk peace
with the Reds, the North China
Daily News reported today.
From Peiping, AP correspon-
dent Spencer Moosa reported
three members of the Nanking
unofficial peace delegation were
received today by Gen. Yeh-
Chien-Ying, Communist director
of the military control committee
for the Peiping area.
tration asked Congress today for
$5,584,000,000 to run the Marshall
Plan until June 30, 1950.
Vts To Apply for.
Bo-mber Awards
To Hide," current best seller which
explains the atomic bomb and also
began an extensive lecture tour
last night at the University.
*.e * *
ophy of making known the "facts"
about the bomb to those who
would "think the facts too dan-
gerous and believe that the people
should not be told a thing."
"A common sense understand-
ing of atomic radiation is essen-
tial if people are to fit into a
defense program against its use
and avoid the danger of hysteria
or its opposite, complacency,"
Dr. Bradley commented.
He explained that the inspira-
tion for his book's title came
when he explained in a diary of
the Bikini tests-which was later
_xpanded into the present best-
seller-that he recalled the title
of a spiritual, "No Hiding Place
Down There."
* *
dropped when publishers discov-
ered that the name had already
been used and the present title
was chosen as an alternative.
'Dail.y' Opens
Doors to New
The Daily will open its doors
to new staff members this week.
Students interested inw riting
for The Daily will meet at 4 p.m.
tomorrow in the Student Publica-
tions Building. Tryouts for the
editorial staff, which covers cam-
pus news, the sports staff and the
women's staff will meet at that
THE BUSINESS staff will hold
its first tryout meeting at 4 p.m.
Thursday. '.
Any student who is a second
semester freshman or higher
and is eligible to participate in
extra-curricular activities may,
work on The Daily.
Tryouts for the editorial, sports
and women's staff will learn the
basic operation of The Daily the
first semester and become report-
ers next fall.
* * *
BUSINESS STAFF tryouts will!
learn the fundamentals of adver-
tising, layout and circulation.
Members of any staff may
write editorials.
The Daily offers fay for drama
and music critics as well as record
columnists, popular and classical.
Students interested in criticism or
in writin a nlimn .haiinrni i_
New Hall To
Oen in 1950
Residence Will
House 1,150 Men
The University will have a new
eight-story men's residence hall
Wy the fall of 1950 if present plans
go smoothly.
The plans for the structure,
which would house 1150 men stu-
dents, are still in the tentative
stage, however, according to Uni-
versity Vice-President Robert P.
THE PROPOSED dormitory
would be situated Just south of
the Union and the West Quad-
rangle, in the block bounded by
State, Madison, Thompson, and
Monroe streets.
Fraternity houses on State
Street and the corner of
Thompson and Madison streets
would not be disturbed. All the
other properties in the biogk
would have to be acquired, how-
ever, to make room for the new
building, Briggs said,
The University already owns
some of the properties in the
ALSO, AS PART of the tentaw
tive program, the triangular piece
of land bounded by Madison,
Thompson and Packard streets,
may be purchased for recreatior-
al purposes. At present there is
only one private residence on .hi
Although the planning has
progressed sufficiently so that
the Universlty has requested
property owners in the block
to permit appraisers to examine
their properties, three main
hurdles are yet to be cleared
Briggs emphasized.
He pointed out that the ulti-
mate success of the program de-
pends upon the University's abil-
ity to:
1-Acquire the property at rea-
sonable prices.
2-Obtain financing for the
building, and,
3-Arrange a satisfactory con-
structiori contract.
* * *
A NEW MEN'S dormL ,ry is
long overdue, Briggs pointed out.
"Since the war, our enrollment
has increased by more than
8,000," he declared: "In the same
period the only men's dormitory
to be constructed is the addition
to the East Quadrangle," he point-
ed out.
At present about 150 students
live in the block on which the
building would be erected. These
students would not be required
to move this semester since con-
struction would not be started
before the end of the college
The present inhabitants of the
housing in the block generally
agreed that they would regret
moving but that a new dormtory
seemed to be a necessity.
* d 9
mother, who lives in a Monroe St.
apartment, agreed that students
should have clean and comfort-
able places to live, but thought
that it was too bad that good
living quarters should have to be
torn down to make room for the
new dormitory.
Teh Fu Yu, '49 BAd., express-
ed concern for the future hous-
ing of foreign students.
One of the fraternity men whose
house would be spared said,
"We've put up with the West
Quadrangle thus far, and I guess
we can stand another dormitory,"
as he glanced at a snowball-bro-
ken window. "I graduate in June,"
he added.
Tenors Needed
For Union Opera
New ail Apointent Anonnced
-__ -,
Twenty three new amoint-
ments to the editorial and busi-
ness staffs of The Daily have been
made by the Board in Control of
Student, Publications.
?NAMED TO THE semor staff
as associate women's editor was
Mary Ann Harris. '50, who as-
sumes her new duties today.
~ev. - mNg am ii meri .tn
carrying out the circulation and;
advertising functions of the paper
during the sprug semester, They
L oril Advertising Managerj
Jim E hm'sole, Assistant Local
Advprnrjc ti.-.n i 1 '. J.. erra nrik
Montrose and Fred Thompson, Qualified candidates for the an-
Promotions Manager Roy Wel- nually - awarded $100 Bomber
lington, Assistant Promotions Scholarships may obtain applica-
Maarm flnma Cadv anBo Rnh ir-. *t,.m1-- h..4Aa. 4., Mi.. f"offir
' "