WVElNESD~AY, MARCH 30, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE; - - --------- THE MICHIGAN STORY: 'U' roessio 6al Schools,, ASSOCIATEDPRS Ro WCntinv 'd frrorn Pae 1I liam W. Cook, a former student, anno inced that he would give the law school a new building. Be- tween 1929 and 1933 three new buildings were completed - the present Law Quadrangle ---- the John P. Cook Building, the Wil- liam WV' Cook Legal Research Li- brary and Hutchins Hall. These took the place of Haven Hall. Still changing and growing, the Law School under Dean Henry AlE. Bates, and und~er present Dean E. Blythe Stason has continued to develop in accord with the original reqluiremient that it "shall give in- struction . . . to the end that its students may become prudent counsellors, wise legislators, and useful leaders." Euca i . . It was in 1879, during the ad- ministration of President Angell, that a Department of the Science and the Arxt of'reaching was first establih.c. Preside nt Angell was often aske-d to certify stdes for po- sitions as school a din in istrators and teachers. Of iDepresioii1 Ar'ouse (Opposition, 13y CL ARK BEACH WASHIINGiTON,. !P)- rIThe na- tlin's top economists h ave identi - fledl the germs whi.ch they believe' will ultimately (m ne a maort'-~ pression if anitidotes> are not de- veloped in time. Their general theory has not as yet been)- broadly disputed by busi- ness leaders and economists out- side the government. But the rem- edies they suggest have already met violent opposition both in Congress and among business men. THEY HAVE recommended im- mediate measures which they say will head off any further inflation, They have ;also proposed long term Projects, such asi a program to in- crease production capacity in cer- tain lines. 'The b~acteria which will eve'n- tually threaten our prosperity, they say, are the various mnalad- justmients now developing in our economy. The deadliest, as they see it, is the , steadily diminishing buying power of individual consumers. The crisis will come, in the opin- ion of members of the council, when government expenditures drop drastically-when and if for- eign aid and the cold war end. The need for some more direct, evidence of fitnesswasipparent. It, was provided, after a brief struggle with the Regents, through "familiar courses" dealing with techniques and philosophy of teaching and offered in the liter- ary college. BUT DURING the next 40 years it became clear that more was needed. In 1919 a special appropri- ation by the State Legislature au- thorized expenditure of $300,000 for a demonstration school in which teaching could be learned through Ipractice. This appropriation came asI the culmination of an 11-y'ear fight, but the money was not al- latted to actual building until 192~1, In that year also, the depart- went of education became the School of Education--independent of the literary college. One of the first professors in the new school, J. B. Edmonson, is the present dean. With the completion of thei University High School and in 1,,29 the University Elementary School, the present facilities of the education school were com- pleted, but the staff and enroll-s ment have continued to expand as the school grewv to its present position of importance.I flhIiiIE~S .I The first course in business aid- ministration at the University grew naturally out of the eco- nomics department. Initiated in 1890, these studies at first led to a bachelor of arts degree with a cer- tificate in business adrniristra- tion. Later, as industrial soc'iety grew and management detvel- 4)pe'( into a semi-professional occupation, the need for special - ized training became a'pparent. The demand for business educa- tion came primarily from busi- nessmen who readily saw its value. But most of the business schools in the United States wvere not An Amazing Offer by Pipe Mixture [he pipe that every smoker wants-DANA, the modern pipe, with brightly polished' alumi- ntum shank and Venuine morted brarbowl.. established until after World IN THEF LAST decade, enroll- War 1. men('ft has increased six times and IN 1924, the business adminis-I the number of faculty members tration school here w-as first estab- hsiae rm1 o5.Mn lished as a separate unit offering a graduates are bank vice-presidents master's degree. The first dean of and top officers in automobile the school-Edmund E. Day- is companies, and the business ad-! now president of Cornell Univer- ministration building is now out-' sity. standing in research and instruc- Then for 15 years until 194.3 tion facilities. the school grew and prospered Under the present dean, Russell under the leadership of Claire A. Stevenson, the school has de- E. Griffin who naw holds the veloped a service-to-business pro- honorary Fred X. Taylor Pro- gram in the state which has been fessorship in business economics. highly successful-the business Not until 1942 was a two-year administration school now occu- course leading to bachelor's degree pies the same position in rela.- in business established for stu- tion to business firms as the agri- dents who had completed two cultural colleges have long had in years of undergraduate work. relation to farmers. COLLECT>IS C I GA , ANIDS-ArthurAbrahami i04)fri: ge~u siti~ n '-eis of' Ai,,, staf ei.one un~it I-is 'II Ptl 13~vi'-~f iiinaona (iai' and Society, New York. I CE 5H 0 W [IN MI1A MI1--Susan and Tommiy 1La- Vonnle rehearse& their skating act for next season's "IHolidayv on tee" under Lthe eye of Georg e Tyson (right) director, At Miami, Fl". Only ~' with inside wrappers from 12 pocket tins of HOLIDAY PIPE MIXTURE BROWN NHEItGHW- NO, tyro-eyelet casual fea- tured in fine quality, mellow veal. Roomy moccasin-toe. Natural crepe rubber sole. A trim, popular priedftoxford in good taste for business or sports wear. In wilet' uback, pla in toe (.style 1014) VAN BOVEN SHOES 17 Nickels Arcade 'P AT' AtK K I1 LY S-Pat," a Bctrian camtel. boi'ii March 16, on the eve't of St. i'atrick('s I1)ay, miakes his uay aroundt a cage at the Central Park 'Loo, iii N. Y., guarded by his inothierr ""lsy." $ C M I N 0 L. E F A N 5 - Cal Abrams (right), Brooklyo ) odgers .{out; lder, chats xwith Seminole Indian Mary Tiger, and Son William atIDodlgers' spring training camp, Vera Beach, Fla. ._ ___ ____ __________________________________________________ __ . btincti V, VC, l2 L?0 0e n. SOMETHING HflS BEEN TRKEN AlWRY iny our Spring selection of sport coats there is a new twist. instead of the usual normal weight tweeds we are pr-esenting a inuch lighter coat. All wool... yet lig ht as a feather . . durable . . . lout soft ..and versatile due to the deft blending of colors. You will find this new sport coat a inost welcome add it ion to your wardrobe. Sport Coats from $35.00 Slacks from $15.00 0 { A TrCH - rs. Geniix' 7attli, of switaer- land, wvears a l:,) watch 1she- values at X100.000O at IN. Y. Antiqu tes Exposition. It bears diamonds, rubies, emeralds and sapphires. PUERTO RICO APARTMENT®..Tiisisoneof the mode-rnapartment houses erected in the San Juan area of Puerto Rico in boom that has seen 100 new buildings constructed. '1 1 Ii I ..., .