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March 30, 1949 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-30

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_____ _____ _____ ____T ICIH1GAN iDAilly

r 1 t++; t ei , F Y:

Lowdown on All Art Media
Will Boe Souo-ht by Council

Future Bright for W illow Run Airport

What is art, why is art and
how?-that is the question.
The newly formed Inter-Arts
Council is out to track down the
answer. Various groups from the
art,. architecture and music
schools, assisted by the play writ-
ing, play production, modern
dance and ballet group have join-
ed in the quest.
"Irrespective of the fact that
these arts are expressed through
different medium, they are still
trying to convey the same funda-
mental concepts," explained vice-
president James Kirkemo.
THE COUNCIL has worked
from this hypothesis. "Through an
initer gra ted approach, to artistic
creation it hopes to broaden all
the sister fields of student art.
The Inter- Arts Council grew
out of plans centered about the
Beaux Art Ball. Encouraged by
the success of a co-operative ar-
tistic enterprise, it has under-
taken a Creative Arts Festival,
to be held May 13 and 14.
Representative student works
fromn separate schools will be dis-

played. The University Concert
Orchestra will play a symphony
composed by Leslie Bassett. John
Cook has written a play which
Strowan Robert:son will direct..
The music school is adapting mu-;
sic to it and the work will be in-
terpreted by the modern dlance
and the ballet group.
ROBERTSON will present a
masque that will attempt to dnra-:
matize the spirit behind the or-
ganization. As plans stand nox,
each visual artist will be beside,
his work. so that lie can explain
why he chose a certain color lor' a
particular shape and why one linie
goes this way and not th1 at.
Thomas Wilson, Grad. SM,
president; James Kirkamo, '50A,
vice-president; Lora Angell, '50A,
secretary; Ed Ch adacoff, Grad.
SM, music director; Strowait
Robertson, Grad, play producer;
Bob Shedd, Grad., assistant play
producer; Eugenia McCalluin, '49,
assistant play producer; Carol j1
Vander K~look, '49, program chair-
man are the newly elected 6i>ffi-

11:11 fTo 'S NOT1:: 111kis i the 1lat
ini r~ries of :irt i lei m1on Un rrsily- E
inlr 1 illow 1:1111Airport.)t
IRecent developments in the De-
troit airport situation have raised
conjecture in nany quarters as to{
the future of the University's Wil-
low Run Airport.
It now seemis fairly certain that
evenitually a large international .
airport will be constructed in
Windsor, on the Cmnadian side of
teDetroit River, only five and a
lial miles from dlowcntown Detroit.

propPosed iit prntina l 1 i 01 aI leh are
not builtovernight.
.'len. too. the" fact Ithat heprO-
bulilt oil foreign so;til a Itit iher
comphlications. 1Befor the uti
Ai iuct ion can_01even e b gin, I le
State De'partm en tmtri t negot:,iat
leminent (coa('erning sitel iital
quiestions as immigtion a adcus -
l~egal ,iuri-dict ion eoerI1lhe air port
Existilg federal 'a1d(1state air-
iort l Jd1tn%%ill also 11.1 c ttj

gr ,;1eaeXpansles of unu-sed hangar
I!pace andl (It he latest developments
in blind landiing, devices. At pres-
( ut oly 2 per.cent of its Capacity
i becing taxed by the seven leasing
Also to be considered is the
saty f 1ac tor. While the site of
the new international airport is
locate'd within centers of dense
poplation, the three mile area
surrounding Willow lKiln is not
Lixilt "p.
jSeen1 in this, lighit, the excellence
4f Willow un'.s facilities and the
trend towardl an increase in air
I !;r :ie seem c1 to assure a;1 futurle of
coal t xd 1)111lic serv ice forit' xe,
a lirpaIvIt

--Wisconsin Daiily ;ardin:i P[]'hut
INTE'YItVIEWING "SOAPY"... Sporting bright bow ties, members of the Student Legislature's ddIee-
gation to the Centexinial Symposium on Student Government at Wisconsin last week met and inter-
viewed Michigan's governor, Gi. Mennen Williams, who opened the Symposium. Pictured left to
right, John Ryder, '.,-0; Hugh xeentberg, '51, Governor Williams; Associate Decan of Studcents, Walter
I:. Rea; and Jinm Brown, '.i1.

}IN 'THWEVE:N':l' of the cOMPle- Irbe ; nvenfled in order toy le;ili,eI
tion of1tis~pooe pro)SCItmj, et.,it the pruoposed t'1)
A lAl t>;now Icasiag facilitis i hrt c blev ha W.xxi.m
V~ r'ii Min hRun rm the U hi ,ersity110i11nal afiri rt cInioIxbecONe: e
old t islettheir operations to slity upich before moBE1'; =ii Eo e in.itrain hti e il't1' l 1u By I i':'I
thenul ecovenef intrnaion l t 1 advances1i aer]IloxIlt U1
enieeigwilhverdce i



T( '1 / foiri

Twit], Brothers Revive
Faleorn ' . are, If I1I(

As pl'rictxic(il

as they are beattlif fi !

/4, VanRacilte

So light-so lovely to :feel,

so beautifully fitting!


they're -wonders for wear,
wonders to care for. Wash
'em in a flash--they're dry
before you know it, and
nevcr need a bit of ironing.
In Tea Rose, Blue and White.

$" %f:': )

lI takix-clad (college woimenti wll
be on t lie ree6i vi a line daits sian -
mrer when soxneoxne .tells it to the
For the first time in the Marine
Corps' p-eacet ime history, quali-
fying women will h ave a chanace
Ito) colet e withI their mnale -otta-
t erp~art sas txl ic Qia iio. V:x. six -
kvWeek st itimer ia xxxi se ssion.
CALLED IIff Wonmon's Officer
Training Program, a branch of
the Marine Platoon Leaders' Class,
the ideaxiil enable interested
women to work toward a regular
or a xi(eserve Marine coixjimission,
dependit xg ornthei r ci lice.
Tlwo types of lprogr'amus are
offeredl the wvomen, according to
Captain ilaymnond L. Valente,
campus Marine instructor:
Freshmen and sophomore wom-
en must pursue two six-week
courses, in two consecutive sum-
mei' periods. They will receive a
corporal's salary, $90 a month.
Application bianks, along with
information of requirements, may
be obtained from Capt. Valente
at his North H-all NROTC office,
he said.
NSA's camnpus travel bureau will
reopen today for students who
hope to go abroad this summer.:
Applications wil be available
for NSA work camps and Summner
Seminar in Soxrrento, Italy, from
4 to 4:45 p.mi.. today and tomor-I
row, in PRn, 1010 Administration
Building. Students will have to
air-mail forms in to beat the
March 31 deadline, according tol
Sue Sirus, '50, chairman of the
travel bureau.
The bureau wil remain open
each Wednesday and Thursday for
he remainder of the semester, in
ordIer to provide in formation to
st ud(ents ott other travel programs.

Bay l'rt'E II TON
Soneic hrdople say thle "Sport, of
kings" is dead.
It may not be as lively as in
the (days of yore when medieval
kings p~racticed this sport of fal-
conry, but, two University students
h avye so~irl Iproof of itsSurivVal
I ud:ly.
'I'V 1 ARE' Frank and John
Craighead, ':38F&C, who have
spent much of their spare time
in practicing this hunting sport,
more commonly known as hawvk-
'Thlese twill botlhers are Work-
ing 1' or' their doctors' degxrees
with a speeciai~y in the study of
results of birds of prey on the
general bird population of North
They became interested in the
sport during high school, and fol-
lowed it through college when they
climaxed it in a trip to India at
the invitation of Prince K. S.
Dharmakumarsinhja, brother of
the maharaja of an Indian Pro-#
vince north of Bombay.
WHEN THEY arrived in India,l
the Craigheads donned Indian
garb and played the part of gen-
nine native aristocrats. The only
un-aristocratic thing they did was
call the prince "Bapa" for short.

s00lxe inSide tipts ox110%VtoIttnlin
anxd ixiaz itt'i ihawks.I
Some of the mnore wel-know"
sp~ecies of hawvks are the durck-
hawk, most popular8 in the middle
atee Iletarget' PtsiP.]Al 'ateice
lhe G osh awk : atlld the coa dxt
isllxt'owlxaw k. 'I'e plaitry oft Ic1(c,
birtis rarie '~ltit si~xttW.; atl
small trodexlits to bidsc&;as lat"re
as a1, turkey, tihiy said.
THE 'I'Wt) basic types arc.' lhe
lon..-xxngan the shiort-wing.
'T'he long-wvinger's are the trute <l-
cons, anad prey on i c rds el ,is
kites and theliebis.
Their type of litthxck is tit(
"r inging- flight,'' a type of nat-
ural "dog -fight'' in which the
falcon gets above his victim.,
makes a short dive, and becomes
entangled with the prey as both
birds fall to the grouxnd in a,
dead weighit, the ('raigheads ex-
Another type of attack is by
the short-xving birds, the hawks.
Their flight is the "waiting-on
I flight" where the hawk xvaits in
the air for quarry to be flushed.
and makes a lightnin;--speed (dive.
often reaching nmoire t hatn 80 rmiles7
an hour.
Andee Seeger. Gxad., has been
elected national cornuniti ecioinan
of the Young Democratic Clubs of
IMichigan, it was aninounced yes-

Th'Iis has led solle to cowixcde r
that Willow Uit' ill -sBare the t
fate of xnmany other wtar surplus i
! airports which hiave beeni con-C
j verte(L iito race tracks, athletic
!field;, fair grournds or just large
expainses of weeds anxd cracked,
hi' the hlit, of long-range aero-
ta tica 1 t rends and certain hard
fatcts, lprofessional observers say
,ttch :the ior'y appea rs to Ihe fali-
L( 1ARI: l.AilPOItTl'Slike theI
A V 11 rd S-C ivenl
"ii'forestry students were pre-
seated axwards yesterday at a F~or'-
estry School assembly in Rackham
Kenneth W. Henry, '49, received
th e annual Cl-ariles La throp Pack
la. say Prize for his article, "Mich-
igat111 Trout waters,'and PaulR..
Schiidge, Spec., received hionor-
ai ble mention. The essays con-
('eIrned the relation of fotr51y
to public welfare.
WVINNE1 OF' the Howard M.
Wight Awvard in V'7ldlife Manage-
mnent for the outstanding student
in this field wvas Ralph BTouch,
The Donald M~. Matthews
Award in Forest Management of
$50 was p~resented to Richard
The Forestry Alumni War Me-
morial award of $100 wvent to Hiar-
old C. Jordahl, '49. This alumni
scholarship was based on academic
record, personal qualifications and
leadership in forestry.
Forestry School and George Banz-
haf, vice-president of the Forestry
Alumnni Association, presented the
awva rds.

With your order

--- Additional paymeints

ac'ceptedl until fllfvpl d

()4IeI' Now!

'ruik(t UNlkIv:ti I'seitn
Willow E11) ti a1ripot'tis Ohe 7largest,
Commercial airp)ort, now iin opetra-
tion. ILtehas six leng'tn)Y runways.

ing .rees will re(lu!ire Iwo t' ev

Is your watch a--
U. of M. Wcatch?--always late.
Chil"'s watch?-can't tell time.
Devil's watch?---(one to- ---
Slue Front--Packard and State
West Lodge PAC--Willow Lodge

1,209 Soth iuniversity

Phone 8887

___ _ _



"ecaulse Yon Love Nice

Bapa, among
sp)orts, was a
man, and gave

his many royal
rabid falconry
the Craigheads


ISH 0!1.51MAIN ST PHONE 22934

LocallY Stocked.-

119 So. Mein St.

Phone 0924




t to a "teen's" tcaste!
you'll weair
mnore /hoursca daty than any other
- style in your wacrdrobe

A special represen-
tativc, will demon-
strate these wonder-
ful Brassieres for
you today and to-


Special "U" stitching for marvelous uplift.
Elasticized midriff for heavenly comfort, In
fins Avon satin. A anid B Cups; 32.38.
Just two of the models
.: shown -- other styles to
$3.50. Junior sizes too,
with AA cups. $1.50
Style #730
Shirred center for alluring sep.
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Avon satin. A and B Cups; 32-38.
Colors: Blue. White, Nude,
Black, Pink.

:I MT' ORt I J)


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Nfavy, black,

The highest Styled Cap of rill.

nl'~toonl, grey, tan, [rcIC hblueC, wvhite. $ 1.95
BASQUE,'1"' SI-IIRATS. 'The new T shirts
wit~h basque collars, in solids anid stripes.
Fine inlterlock cottons and mesh weaves.
Ihei 'Iaylored MOCCASIN, hand sewn in


zgel'xtitne si'aoked elk.


Because it's neat on your feel'
a "sntoothie" for looks, taps in any campus
society. And because it's PENOB.SCOr
TRAM PEZE it's mode to wear - mode to
take the scramble and scrimmage of
college life -- to mellow with age from

Penobscot LIRAINIPESL loafers and mocca-

Sin oxfords,

$7.95 and .'8.9 5

its supple leather uppers to the
Io~n q-veoring soles. A buy in any
lcmucugqe inCludln(j "S,4. f1

Corduroy jackets are top fashion ... and
even more so in McG regor's new Four
Pocket version. Four pockets . .. boldly
spaced and sized for that balanced look.
And McGregor's new Longer Line, broad-

An excellent stock of solid color flannels

- -e)j f -I- -a e . .




11 r


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