THE MICHIGAN DAILY W *. M R SP 14 _ _ _._ Responsible Students T WAS WITH A REAL sense of pride that the Student Legislature's delegates par- ticipated in the Centennial Symposium on Student Government at Wisconsin last week -a sense of pride because it was apparent that Michigan stands head and shoulders above most other universities in various phases of Student Government. Particularly striking was the fact that the University administration has placed more responsibility on students than many other university administrations have. While most schools have joint student- faculty committees similar to the Student Affairs Committee, ours is one of the few on which there are more students than faculty and administration members. Similarly, many schools do not have Judi- ciary committees with power to rule over certain infractions of university regulations and in some cases colleges have thought it necessary to have a faculty advisor on the student governing body itself. It was also apparent, however, that many student governments have not ac- cepted the responsibility given them in the spirit that University students have. Many seem characterized by a lack of or- ganization and centralization with some- what autonomous divisions handling their own sphere of activities independently of the central government and in some cases, at odds with the administration. Through a mutual sharing of responsi- bility and a sincere effort to act in the best efforts of the entire campus our student government should be able to work in close harmony with the University administra- tion and faculty. The Student Legislature, Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff nd represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: CRAIG H. WILSON along with the Men's and Women's Judiciary Committees so far have proven that they are capable of living up to the responsibil- ities which have been placed upon them. As long as these groups continue to show this deep sense of responsibility there is no reason why they should not be given more and more authority. Students, for instance, should be given at least some voice on the University Lecture Committee which plays such a key part in the life of the campus. Again, it seems reasonable that students should have some representation on the Committee on Student Conduct since it deals specifically in student affairs. -Jim Brown. Socialist Leader NORMAN THOMAS, long time leader of the Socialist Party in America, arrives in Ann Arbor for a two-day stopover today. A veteran in the political arena, Mr. Thomas has gained respect of people of all political complexions for his honesty, in- tegrity, and intelligence. The newly-formed Democratic Socialist club deserves highest praise for making his trip possible. A small group with an even smaller treasury, they have put long hours and hard work into outlining a program which should enable a substantial portion of the student body to meet or hear Thomas during his stay here. A dinner, a lecture, and a Lane Hall sponsored reception are planned for to- day. Tomorrow, Thomas will lead, dis- cussion in classes in the political science and sociology departments, and will be interviewed on a radio program later in the day. Thomas, famed for his sparkling oratory, is a most welcome addition to the Univer- sity's guest register. -Roma Lipsky. (41n ted (Pen ONE SUBJECT on which unanimous agree- ment can be found among international leaders is the destructive effect of the press on attempts to promote cooperation among nations. All that the press (a term used in its broad sense to include all forms o news reporting) is interested in. they chin, is blowing up dissension to sensational pro- portions, ignoring areas of agreement. Even when compromises and settle- ments are reported it is done in a bellig- erent spirit. We do not hear of a "vic- tory for international cooperation" but of an "American or a Russian victory." This, of course, leads the other parties involved to feel that they have been had and does nothing to make negotiations easier the next time. Even worse is the national persecution complex which the press is fostering. "No one is going to put anything over on us" it cries and goes around looking for insults and snubs where none exist. A vivid example of this is given in the news reels shown at local theatres this weekend, both of which in- cluded a report on the return of the "Mil- waukee," a ship loaned to Russia dui ing the war, to the United States. One reported the event from the -ngle that "Russian sailors were rushed from the ship to keep them from saluting the American flag. Another picture showed the American and Russian captains ex- changing papers with the comment that they exchanged "strictly formal" salutes. (The obvious implication-don't worry, we weren't nice about it either.") "The other company used the same pic- tures but a less hysterical commentary which simply described the return of the ship. The difference in the effect on the audience is obvious. In one case there was a factual report of an incident in the relations be- tween two nations, in the other insinuations that can only add unnecessarily to anti- Russian prejudices. This does not imply that the press should go to the other extreme and ignore conflicts. They are news and it is important that the public know what is going on. But certainly the press has a duty to report the good as well as the bad and should feel some respon- sibility for encouraging a public state of mind that aggravates disagreements with- out cause. Russia, who it might be helpful to remember was our ally only recently, re- turned a ship she had borrowed from the United States. Why try to make it any bigger than that? -Allegra Pasqualetti. Sailor Beware Letters to the Editor- The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they arereceived all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. * * * Public Spirit To the Editor: THE UNIVERSITY of Michigan students, faculty and admin- istration-are to be sincerely con- gratulated on their fine public spirit. On March 22, I made an appeal for blood donors for a Chi- nese student who is ill in Univer- sity Hospital. Within a day four- teen persons registered to give their blood for the purpose. They DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN' KnockouDt Blow THE IDEAL of academic and intellectual freedom, weak and staggering from a series of rabbit punches, has been dealt a knockout blow in Texas. The Texas Senate unanimously passed a law instructing state college presidents to "investigate and, expel" students and faculty members found to be Communists. The measure, which had previously passed the House, was not even debated by the august Isenators. Undoubtedly the legislators acted from the purest motives, wishing only to protect the minds of American college students from pollution. One can almost picture the thought processes at work in the mind of a Texas Senator as he prepared to lift his voice In support of the bill. "Let's see now . . . the prime aim of a follege education it to % en' views . no, that can't be it. Increase critical fac- ulties so that people who attend college will have a firmer basis for forming opinions? Certainly not." And then the bright light of compre- hension breaks on our Senator's face as his mind finds the formula it's looking for. "A college education should inculcate the American Way of Life. Ergo we must re- move all obstacles to this process." This is the sort of one-rotten-apple-spoils-the- whole-barrel thinking which leads inevi- tably to ousting students from college for holding political opinions differing from "The American Way of Life." Texas legislators are suffering from a sad misconception of the functions of educa- tion. Higher education should equip the stu- dent fortunate enough to obtain it with standards which enable him to evaluate ex- periences and contacts with new ideas. The more new experiences and philosophies de- nied a student, the less chance he will have to gain a realistic view. No one, college students included, can be:convinced of the superiority of the demo- cratic way of life by seeing democratic proc- esses perverted. It's up to Texas lawmakers to learn something about basic human psy- chology, and then repeal this law which is Undemocratic to the point of being fas- cistic. -Fredrica Winters. J141n MATTER OF FACT: First Big, Test By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-Dean G. Acheson is about to meet his first test as Secretary of State representing this country on the very highest level of international negotiation. Ernest Bevin and Robert Schuman are offi- cially coming to Washington for the formal unveiling of the Atlantic Pact. But while the British and French Foreign Ministers' are here, Acheson will also try to get agreement on the German problem. This will be his first test, and, it must be added, none could be more difficult. During the last year, while nobody worried and everybody squabbled, the Ger- man problem has been allowed to become shockingly acute. Britain, France and the United States agreed at London over twelve months ago to create a West Ger- man government, and to merge their zones of German occupation. Since then, how- ever, nothing has been done to carry out the London agreement, or to find some other way to liquidate the increasingly pernicious system of direct military gov- ernment of Germany. Within Germany, the political effects of this Allied aimlessness are already grave. They will shortly become disastrous if the dissension continues. Acheson has got to achieve some sort of practial solution. Yet he has almost all the cards stacked against him in the effort now ahead of him. To begin at the beginning, the American policy makers were far from agreed, until the last, hair's breadth moment, just what the German solution ought to be. Mr. Ache- son himself had not followed German policy closely before he took office. He was influ- enced by the barrage of propaganda against General Lucius D. Clay. And he was even inclined to regard the whole plan of a West German government as a sort of brass hat fantasy. The State Department planning staff was also having a period of acute doubt edness, Acheson now seems to have won through to the heart of the matter. He will not go into the meeting as completely briefed as he might be, but he has a lawyer's talent for absorbing a problem quickly. And he will at least have a fully agreed policy paper in his pocket. The finishing touches were given to this paper when State Department planner George Kennan returned from studying the situation on the spot, in Berlin. The aims are now, very briefly, to set up the West German government and merge the three Western zones, as agreed at London; and further, to provide that this new Western Germany may later become an integral part of a united Europe. The American program at least is sensible. But Bevin and Schuman must approve the American program. For his part, it was only on the ocean that Foreign Secretary Bevin promised to stay over in Washington long enough to discuss Germany more than casually. He is not as yet accompanied by the technical experts without whom the British never really reach major decisions. As for Foreign Minister Schuman, he is certainly the most sensible of all French leaders on the German problem. His hand has been greatly strengthened by the re- cent French elections, with their resound- ing centrist victory. This victory will also nullify the most persuasive of all the French arguments against practical meas- ures in Germany, which has always been the rather ghoulish chant, "DeGaulle (or the Communists) will get us if you don't watch out." The fact that Schuman wants action is attested by his intention to stay here much longer than Bevin. Yet getting the French to carry out the London agree- ment in earnest will still be worse than pulling teeth. To complete the list of complications, the experts think the Soviets are gettink ready CONCERT, DIZZY GILLESPIE BAND A HANDFUL OF anxious listeners, who were gathered at Pattengill Auditorium last night, saw and heard a great band fight a battle against tremendous odds. The Dizzy Gillespie band came to play a concert for the people of Ann Arbor but was forced to leave early due to some unfortunate cir- cumstances. The band was tired, having been on tour for the past few months; the p.a. system was terrible; Dizzy wasn't feeling well and the crowd was too small to demand much response from the musi- cians. In spite of these unfavorable con- ditions, the Gillespie outfit was able to put on a fine show, mixing.vaudeville with good music. The small but appreciative audience en- joyed Dizzy's antics while he was directing the band, and though good musical taste was occasionally sacrificed for humor, Dizzy and company gave an exhibition of their ability to produce some new musical sounds. Johnny Hartman, the featured vocalist, has a smooth style that should go over in a big way with the record collectors when some of his new sides are released. Dizzy and Joe Carroll exchanged bebop scat ideas dur- ing two numbers. Joe pretended that he was a saxophone, and the resemblance was astonishing. Although the show may have been a financial fiasco, Dizzy Gillespie was able to show why his band is one of the biggest influences in the world of popular music today. -John Osmundsen [Looking Back 50 YEARS AGO: The largest and most complete line of Spring Suiting and Pantings in the city. That's what one local haberdasher had to offer-suits, from $14 to $40; pants, $3.75 to $10. Happy rumors were flying in Ann Arbor that the Michigan College of Mines (MCM &T) at Houghton would be, moved to the University as a part of the engineering school. Officials argued that the little col- lege in the Upper Peninsula has only 100 students and is asking $170,000 in appro- priations, whereas the University is only getting $180,000. 201 YEARS AGO: (Continued from Page 2) Faculty of the College of Liter- ature, Science, and the Arts: There will be no Faculty Meeting in April. The next meeting will be held May 2. Hayward Keniston Automobile Regulations, Spring Vacation. The automobile regulations will be lifted for all students from noon on Fri., April 1, until 8 a.m., April 11. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for DROPPING COURSES WITHOUT RECORD will be Sat., April 2. A course may be dropped only with the permis- sion of the classifier after confer- ence with the instructor. Students, College of Engineering:I The final day for REMOVAL OF INCOMPLETES will be Sat., April 1. Petitions for extension of time must be on file in the Secretary's Office on or before Sat., April 1. Platoon Leaders Class, Marine Corps Reserve: Applications and information concerning the sum- mer training program offered by the U.S. Marine Corps are now available for freshmen, sophomore and junior men students, and all women undergraduates. Further details concerning the program which leads to a commission in the U.S. Marine Corps or the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve may be ob- tained from Capt. R. L. Valente, USMC, North Hall, NROTC Head- quarters. The University of Buffalo an- nounces a number of teaching fel- lowships in Economics, Statistics, Accounting, and other fields, for the year 1949-50. For further in- formation, call at the Bureau of Appointments. Representatives of the Overseas Personnel Office, Standard Oil Co. of N.J., will be at this office on Thursday and Friday, March 31 and April 1, to interview SINGLE women teachers between the ages of 25-35; and who have had two to five years of experience in the following fields: Kindergarten- 8th Grade: Music, Spanish; and English-Social Studies. The only opening for a man is in Mathe- matics-Science. For further infor- mation, call at the Bureau of Ap- pointments. The US Civil Service Commis- sion, announces an examination for Elementary, Secondary and Vocational teachers for duty in the Bureau of Indian Affairs. For fur- ther information, call at the Bu- reau of Appointments. Lectures Clifton Fadiman, noted critic and radio personality, will be pre- sented tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium as the final num- ber on the 1948-49 Lecture Course. Tickets on sale today, 10 a.m., au- ditorium box office. Season pa- trons are advised the Rebecca West tickets will admit holders to the Fadiman lecture. Lecture, auspices of the Depart- ment of Fine Arts. Third of three lectures on "The Buddha in the Cave" (illustrated). Professor Al- exander Soper, Bryn Mawr Col- lege. 4:15 p.m., Wed., March 30, Kellogg Auditorium. Mrs. Bertha Frayer, Visiting lec- turer in textiles, College of Archi- tecture and Design, will talk on "WOOD AND TEXTILES," March 30, 7:30 p.m., East Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg. All furniture students are ex- pected to attend and other stu- dents, particularly those following the Wood Technology Curriculum, are welcome. Education Lecture Series: "The Relation of the Beginning Teach- er to Professional Organizations," by Miss Mary Ellen Lewis, former President of the Michigan Educa- tion Association.Wed., March 30, 7 p.m., University High School Auditorium. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Herb- ert Henry Meyer, Psychology; the- sis: "A Study of Certain Factors Related to Quality of Work-Group Leadership," 3:15 p.m., Wed., March 30, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman, N. R. F. Maier. Concerts The University Symphony Or- chestra, Wayne Dunlap, Conduc- tor, with Harold Haugh, tenor, and Arlene Sollenberger, contralto, so- loists, will be heard at 8 p.m., Wed., March 30, Hill Auditorium. Pro- gram: Stravinsky's Divertimento from "Le Baiser de la Fee," and Mahler's "Song of the Earth." Open to the public without charge. Student Recital Concelled: The recital by Gloria Gonan, mezzo- soprano, previously announced for Thurs., March 31, Hussey Room, Michigan League, has been post- poned until Sunday evening, May 22. Organ Recital: George Wm. Volkel, Organist and Choirmaster of All Angels' Church, New York City, will present a program at 4:15 p.m., Thurs., March 31, Hill Auditorium. Compositions by Gig- out, Couperin, Handel, Brahms, Bach, Widor, Vierne and Franck. The public is invited. Events Today All freshmen women are request- ed to attend a mass meeting, 5 p.m., Michigan League Ballroom. House Directors' Institute: Final meeting for staff members in Women's Residence Halls, League Houses and Sororities, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., Michigan League. Sub- ject: "Attitudes in Counseling." Lois L. Waterman, Director of Student Personnel, East Grand Rapids High School. Union Opera, Froggy Bottom, cast and staff only, meeting 7 p.m. Finance report, play back of entire show, recordings, photo- graphs, discuss possibilities of per- manent organization. Delta Sigma Pi, Professional business administration fraterni- ty: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Chapter House, 1212 Hill. Graduate Student Council: Meeting, 7:30 p.m. West Lecture Hall, Rackham Bldg. Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences: 7:30 p.m., 1500 E. Engi- neering Bldg. Presentation of I.A.S. competition papers and plans for spring picnic. All mem- bers are asked to attend. Modern Poetry Club: 7:30 p.m., 3231 Angell Hall, Prof. Greenhut will lead a discussion of the poetry of E. E. Cummings. Flying Club: Open meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1042 E. Engineering Bldg. Board meeting, 7 p.m. U. of M. Sailing Club: Shore school, 7 p.m., 311 W. Engineering Bldg. U. of M. Theater Guild: Try- outs for Maxwell Anderson's "Win- terset," 8 p.m., Cave room, Michi- gan League. Women of the University Facul- ty: Tea 4-6 p.m., Room D, Michi- gan League. There will not be a tea on April 6. Westminster Guild: Informal tea and talk, 4 to 6 p.m., Russel parlor, church building. Canterbury Club: 7:15 a.m., Holy Communion followed by Student Breakfast. Roger Williams Guild: Weekly "chat" and tea, 4:30-6 p.m., Guild House. Michigan Christian Fellowship: Bible Study, Book of Acts, Chapter VII, 7:30 p.m. Upper Room, Lane Hall. I.Z.F.A.: Beginning Study group, 7:45 p.m., Michigan Union. IIILLEL UJA Central Commit- tee: Meeting, 4:15 p.m., Michigan Union, for all members and other interested students. Coming Events Sigma Gamma Epsilon invites all members of the Geology De- partment to 16mm Kodachrome movies on Newfoundland Field Parties, 1948. Presented by Dr. A. K. Snelgrove, head of the Depart- merit of Geological Sciences, Mich- igan College of Mining Technol- ogy, 12:15 p.m., Thurs., March 31, 2054 Natural Science Bldg. Actuarial Students: Visit to the State Department of. Insurance and Banking, Thurs., March 31. Leave Ann Arbor, 8 a.m. from in front of Angell Hall; return 3-4 p.m. Transportation will be pro- vided round trip, $.65 per person. Sign up in Mathematics Office by Wednesday morning, March 30. Gilbert and Sullivan Society: Sign up in Mathematics Office by principals for "Patience." 7 p.m., Thurs., March 31, Michigan League. Arts Chorale: Meeting, 7 p.m., Thurs., March 21, 506 Burton Me- morial Tower. Tennis Ball Entertainment Committee: Meeting, 4 p.m., Thurs., March 29, League Soda Bar. Bring eligibility card. International Center weekly tea for all foreign students and Ameri- can friends, 4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., March 31, International Center. included a professor, a member of the administration, at least two girls of the secretarial staff and the rest students, both men and women. Thenlong tradition of coopera- tion with our student guests from abroad has again been upheld with this excellent demonstration of campus appreciation of the old Biblical injunction "But the stranger that dwellest with you shall be unto you as one born among you and thou shalt love him as thyself." -Albert B. Klinger. Asst. Counselor to Foreign Students. * * * Superb Work To the Editor: TO THE MEMBERS of the pro- duction staff (and especially the stage, costume and property crews), I extend in congratulation the collective hand of those people who had the good fortune to see the Speech Department's fine presentation of "Tovarich." The superb work of this group contributed greatly to thessuccess of the play as once again, the value, helpfulness and cooperation of those "behind the scenes" proved to be an indispensable part of the theatre. The praise these people deserve has indeed too of- ten been neglected. -Lee Nelson. * * * Confunsion To the Editor: APPARENTLY my last letter to appear in this column left some confusion as to where I stand on the matter of revision of our SL elections. I am opposed to the Hare Plan, but more basically to the setup which will force the voter to choose from 67 candidates in the coming election. I have proposed the idea of di- viding the campus into residential areas for election purposes. This is akin to the idea of electing Con- gressmen from states rather than from the country at large. Imagine everyone in the nation casting an effective vote for one representa- tive out of the hundreds of can- didates who would run to fill that many offices. Other plans are di- viding the vote by schools (Lit., Bus. Ad., etc.) or by class. It doesn't matter what form the im- provement takes, but as Jani Stephenson said, every step in the right direction helps. It's up to the legislators and the students who elected them to put aside any personal considerations and revamp the election setup so that students will be able to vote intelligently rather than take pot- luck from 67 names. -Dlick Fleischman. t I Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the. authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor Dick Maloy ................City Editor Naomi Stern ........Editorial Director Allegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editor Al Blumrosen ........Associate Editor Leon Jaroff ..........Associate Editor Robert C. White ......Associate Editor B. S. Brown ............Sports Editor Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed. Bev Bussey..Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery.....Women's Editor Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor Bess Hayes ..................Librarian Business Staff Richard Halt .......Business Jean Leonard ....Advertising William Culman ....Finance Cole Christian ...Circulation Telephone 23-24-1 Manager Manager Manager Manager Deutscher Vereip: Meeting, p.m., Thurs., March 31, Union. 81 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclus ily entitled to the use for republiod.tion of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier,$5.00, by mall, $6.00. Ishpeming Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., March 31, Cave Room, Michigan League. Election of Officers and plans to be made for a spring vacation dance. All members are urged to attend. BARNABY So then I wondered if I could-have a fairy No, I'm sure But Mom any fairy go said ... faking caret there oren'fA odparents of you, h) / Whot this house needs is d couple of good fairy godmothers ...