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March 27, 1949 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-27

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by b. s. brown, sports editor

C OLLEGIATE BASKETBALL has its opportunity to put oil some-
thing of a "new look" riext year With the Rules Committee of th<
National Association of Baskel~tball Coaches meeting today and to-
morrow to decide on the proposed changes of the 116 cage mentors
who are confabbing out in Scattle, the conflict between conrtiol-typt
hall-handling 4and the fast-moving clubs who run up the scores may
the i p~u a xed wic ,r1on next I rr-ix_;ber rolls around.
The coachles yesterday presenLted suggestions to the committee
which will, ;11 careiicd throughl, change the entire complexion of
the gamne. TIhe bos limortant rproposal revolves around a single
word. Where the ul in cstion now states that an official
"ma1y" Lab Er a1ju , bl w."en a closely-guarded player is
Withl,diug hba i Y, an iay, the coaches would substitute the
word "must."
And it directly affects the,- Michigan style of play.T Most of the crit-
icismn levelled at the Wolverine cagcrs last year arose from their
style of play in the last few minutes of the games in which Michigan
was in the lead, stalling for time by employing a "cat anti mouse"
attack. The proposed change would make it mandatory for officials
to call a jump ball when this technique is employed. Last year,' the
officials would have been tarred and feathered if they attempted
to use the policy under the "may" rule.
But if the proposal is accepted by the rules committee, the
referees would he free to go ahead in an attempt to male
a ball game out of' what often lbecomes a farce. 'T'here is no
reason in the world why a team should stall for two, three,- four
or even five minutes, eveni though it has earned a slight lead
throughout the rest of the game. Why not stall after making the
first basket of the game and go on to win 39 minutes later, 2-0?y
Basketball, like any other sport, is an attempt to find the better
team. Stalling can be construed as a part of the game, denoting the
worth of a team's defensive maneuvers. But in the final analysis, the
games have to please the fans, who support the teams, and stalling
has already proved itself to be highly unpopular.
Most of the other suggestions which the coaches made were
not made into proposals for obvious reasons. Oklahoma's Bank
Iba would have a jump ball mandatory after every free throw
in the final two minutes, whether the point was made or not.
Here, the tall teams are given the advantage, one which they
do not deserve Thei center-jump rule was abandoned for that
very reason. Other coaches suggested doing away with the two-
minutes rule which stops the clock on every out-of-bounds and
every jump ball in the last 120 seconds, but that would be too
much in the favor of t he stalling team.
Another suggestion called for giving a teamn two shots on every
foul in the final two minutes. Perhaps it would cut down on the
fouling by the losing team, but the advantage to the stalling quintet
would be too great. Finally, it was suggested that the defensive team
he given the under-the-basket position on both sides of the key
in lining up for a free toss. The innovation was tried this season
Fin the Pacific Coast Conference, but with the odds of the ball coming
directly down after the shot so great, I can't see where the rule
would make much of a difference.
THlE BIG NEWS out of England yesterday didn't come from
No. 10 Downing Street. It seems as though the Communist news-
paper' in London, Thle Daily Worker, a few days back predicted that
Russian' Hero, a 66-1 shot at host time, would win the Grand Na-
tional. At the time of the Worker's prediction, the odds were 50-1
and overnight they rose to 100-1. Well, chalk up one for the Soviet's
fourth estate. Russian Hero took the race and the Daily Worker
.'today has the right to claim a victory over capitalistic equines.

Goif ers Drill for S~cisoi
Opeuter at Wake Fworesi
With its season's opener only a I his most consistant golfers ar~e re-
few days away, the Wolverine golf tEm illg alotia writh a "mu of pvor-
team is driving the little gutI a ,, ( 7.'!" ~
percha sphere bito I ie -M hihl
ing nets. x
When possibh', the linklie5-ar
xVorkint; out on i t jii; ~ i~
Course ii P111' i.I ' li ~
southern trip, itr i '1 t
Duke, Wake Forst, and North
Carolina during prngvacatio..
The smie three team ns last s;eason
'gave the Mai: e and Bluze i dis-
iouraging star!t, sendinp,*them
)ack north w it.!) li w iln and tw o ls e . '

.1 iihia. S '1~i..!i E(st lOut j111 I lic
lii i l isii f'f(it I e f N t
tisui X l A un'h' I an hl.lr

Gfonzatles Indoor Net Champ
NL'\VY(~l. I' RchrdI'll!) OFF IN PST
UI) ti c46t. ,-nitedSatesIndoor,
National Tournament here " O' '"X'E
Sngtby beating out Bill Tai- Spiring 1Football Drill1s Give
ar ien I ii boy. inl the
V~ciC Ia'; ~'' '.:L': t~e t.; G

he.' W l1i11 1ifi~, 1)x;111,Sharing
Mis. Rirharld A. 1t' of New York;
c~ Oan'sVtNidMYinfor the eve-I
-i , ra tZe pirt nthe mixed
'(' 1 L : 01 ~i \' el, as

chreeof Mli hi_ ;n1s key me inil
spring drills w hich stairt monda.jv
Chuc'k OrIiIllann? and Leo Ko-
cekstellar backs--, are, both put-
tingc their bid in fer a spot on the
Wolverine baseball squa,wille
Harry AMi,. paekikncnl, is
shot-putting with t[ieitrack lteam.1
T HL'-' T'T1A.T W\e'esIi-
and wich BonniOostcrbau in l-
tends to loilow.

LAST SrF~Aj. '. i , nhw
ats defendant Xi n accix
'JioD1S, CORPI)iCzi(;i i~ a a'"
Ater that southern dcis e . u'c-
ping juLItone Imatch oPrdei
late season play.
'then at Nortiuwes ti, i the
Big Nine Chfampsionsh tips , the
roof caved in on the Mai~e Eane
Bluie. When the last man had
holed out Michigan was perchedL
sadly in the number four spot.
However, chainle ;s ..,z lb if~
for the Wolverines this season. De,-
spite the fact thy:tI.:Buru Katzen- k
meyer has lost three lett ermen in
the persons of Ken Berke, Dlave
Barclay and Doug .Beath; three of

VEiRO BEACH, FIii ---"the Crisler felt that a man c,)uldl
Brooklyn Dodg;ers sold pitcher ' gt just so much football, and
Ilank Behrinan to the New York that if he was out for another
Giants yesterday for a sum esti- sport, thus remaining in shzape
mnated at x;40,000. more or less, he would not be
ljelhrman, pow;terful right-handed compelled to dren it in favor of
:zhrower, has been in the Br~ooklyn , participating in the spring 'rid
I 101150 for l' i' 'i1i ; i iolaitAis! piracetices.
;'~ ri e i.~a1 x'a intheBig In line with the-, feeling that the
~iti-s in 1946. players would tend to go stale play-
lie wvas sold to Pittsburg h inI inl, football -in the spring too is the
1947 and then returned to the fact these sessions are filled mostly
Dodgers. Last year he was sent with freshmen and sophomores.
to Montreal and then recalled. r

C 11 crAiddby.he olr player
who are lr 1eady on theI va(,1',rsit.
Evidence of the value Of this
s ystemn can be seen in the devel-
opmlents in the past two spring-
practices. Al Wistert, two sea-
sons ago as a sophomnore, re-
cciMd the Chicagno Trop>hy as
the n~stimprvcd tlayr and
last fall was nme an All-
Gr ien achance to show what
hef c'ould do, Ko, F.kti won the tr]o-
phy last year ' as a soph'.omtore, and
was a Vital cog in Michig-an's fo )t-
ball machine last fall.
Til OUTSTANDING prospect.'
expected to turn uip at the drills
this spring are Edward Kozanek,
Tom Johnson, and Ralph Stribe at
tackle: Joseph Beel, John Gabel
and Dichard Rateliff at guai rd:
Johnl Mclntyre aIt center; and Tom
eleyand -Bob i) ~nan at end.
Thie backfield prospects inclde
Don Zanfagna, Don Peterson, Bill
Putich, and Jim Eldridge.
DO YOU KNO .. . that the
Detroit "tigers can lay claim to
only one no hit game in their last
fifty years of competition.

Da~il 1
MIDWVAY AMEDLEY---oia swept the 30[t _t-vai'd dley ea i
tory', 0513 finished second while cihgnsta 'iiOudo
Bob Sohl, Bill K~ogen and Ber'nie aN rIb y-p assed Yae ciBd
Washington to place third in the N(AA swiimming meat. Iowa's
winning time was 2:54.1.
le Ciis .Laday , tuetAssociation:
Graduate Outing 1Cluab: Meeotat! KurIt NV iCeirino, flili te Univer-


(Continued from Page 41)
Student Recital: Robert Sohn,
Clarinetist, will present a program
at 8 p.m. tomorrow, Hussey Room,
Michigan League. H~e will be as-
sisted by Patricia Penman, pianist,
and Robert Pfeuffer, bassoonist.
Mr. Sohn is a pupil of William
Stubbins. Compositions by Fiorillo,
Dvorak, Decruck, Bernstein, Ben-
nett, and Glinka. The recital is
presented in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music in Music Educa-
tion. The public is invited. !
Student Recital: Melvin Bern-
stein, pianist, will present a re-
cital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of'
Master of Music, at 8 p.m., Tues..
March 29, Rackham Assembly
Hall. Mr. Bernstein is a pupil of
Joseph Brinkman. Compositions
by Gpdowsky, Mozart, Chopin,
Bach, Skryabin. The public is in-

j2:15 p.m., northwest entrance,
Rackham Bldg. for first hike of
the spring. Sign slipper' list, lZack-
ham checkroom desk before no00n
Saturday. Graduates welcome.
U. of M. Hot Record Society:.
Bessie Smith program presented
by Mr. Phil Diamond, 8 p.m.,
Michigan Leaguie Ballroomi.
U.W.F.: Study Group Meeting,
Apt. 2, 822 Arch St. Topic: "Worldl
Government Yes, But."
Student Religious Groups:
Rogier Williams Guild: Supper,
fellowship, worship at Guild
House, 6 p.m. Guest speaker': Dr'.
Val H. Wilson, Director of Student,
IWork for- thle Northern 3Baptist
I Convention.?
Michig;an C'hristian Fellowship:{
Dr. Leslie R. Marston, PsychlolO{
Bishop. F'ree Methodist Chtircl,
weill speak oni "Youth Psye'holo-:
and the Christ ian Ci uallen ,''"4:210,
p.m. Lane H-ail.j

r1 Viy c 0 1 dicI(.lJiR'1IA.'.J1 11 ty. %viii1
be the speaker.
(7o~iiii" reiit
Wometi's RIesearch. Club: 8 p.m.,
Mo.. March 28, West Lecture
Room, R ickhlan I3ldg. Miss Mar-
g arel, 5mb th will speak on "h
IRole oe i. aP Rlefcl1('(' Librarian ini
the 'University (f itM'ic~ an IA-
bra+- y."
i teconomic Club: Professor How-
aid S. Ellis, of the University of
California, will speak on "Is Mone-
tary Control Obsolete?" Mon.,
March 23, 7:50 p.m., Rackham
Amphitheatre. The public is in-
m ite d.
Phali lis aKappa: annual nmeet-
in Wd. lla rch :30, 4:1.5 , pnm.,
iur'ged to a ttic 1(1.
ActuarialI StudN-ats: Visit, to 11l)e
S itat(e lieja ii iitii. o f lsii'an-L'
anid BaIkin g ha s been arrnne-d
! foi. 'I'hurs., March .31 . Le, ave An11

er's Society: Meeting, Tues., Mar.
29, 7 p.m., 2084 Engineering Bldg,.
I 'iogram: Prelinin aries for the
Hall of Fame Contest, Exchange.
Speeches, also the Detroit Inst. of
Tech, debate team will be present.
Trennzis Ball Publ)icity Commit-
tee: 3 p.m., Mon., March 28, Rm.
3-M, Michigan Union.
Russian Circle: Meeting, Mon.,
March 28, 8 p.m., International
Center. Speakier: D'. C. Sheppard
su1bject : Medieval Church Archi-
tecture ill Russia.
Sociedad Hiispanica: Soc:i al1
Hour, Mon., March 28, 4-6 p.m., I
International Center.
Phi Eta Sigma: Candidates who
haebeen invited to membership
in Phi Eta Sigma may pay their
tivities window in the lobby of the
!Administration Building between
:3 and 4:30 p.m. Thurs., Fri., or
M~on., March 24, 25, or 28.
jLa p)tite ('a usette: Mon., :3:30
ln.. Grill Room, Michiigian
Legu e.
IT. of Al. Yoting Republican
('mbl: 7:30 pan., 'Tues. March 29,
Cave Room, Michigan League.
Election Meeting - all members
urged to be present.


IT ALSO gives the younger crew
a chance to develop andi show
what they can do without being

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at~ 5 00/0 off

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Opposite Goldman Cleaners

C''anterbury Clib: 5:30 P.M., Arb)or-. 8:1 Cia .m. ::! l ret urn 3 orl
supper followed by a talk by Prof'. 4 pm. T1ranslpoltat ioln will be pro-
Fiank Huntley on "Religion as { xicled chargecs for the r ouind tGrip
Applied to MVarriage." Coffee Haouri ntar rruni up to $1 per person.
9 .in.i Please sia>,n up in the MatheMics
Wi ast iisteu' Guild: 1etow~ship Office );y Mon., Ma:' Ii 28. Alf'm -
meectingt, 6:30 p.m. To-pic: "'te beis with autos are ie it s l oso
1"eiux ship of' the' CocreIii. In-l indlicate alien the,' xi , Ii


Museum of Art, poor ty Modern!.
Dr~awings, through April 4; Somel

tenit ax'<, 9:30 to It) :30 a..: ol b'i'

is blended arnd shuped to your
facial features -- preci!sely a
work of cert. Try One!!
Liliel ly off Slate


erionalized STATIONEY
Writing paper with your name and address
printed in SEVERAL TYPES and COLORS.
As many as 150 sheets and 75 envelopes
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a $1300 - $18100

One and Two Piece Styles
This Includes a Group of Formal 'owns
Sizes 9 to 15 - 10 to 44 - 121/2 to 24 ?/z
$45.00 - $55.00 - $65.00
Tweeds -, Gabardines --- Wool Crepes
Sizes 9-15- 10-44 - 161/2 to 241/2

Recent Accessions, tb i-ighif April
8; Oriental Art, through April 10;
Alumni Memoial H1 all, daily 9-5,
Sundays 2-5. The Public is invited.
University Museums. Rot-a tda:
Early Indian Pipes, Beads and,
Wampum. fron t he Northeastern I.
United States. Daily 8-5; Sun-l
days 2-5. Descriptive lceif 'leI )i-n
free distribution.
Rackhani Gaihie s: .Lxhibill
of Children's Pitii;IILoil
March 30. Nursery School to fhigh
School work; shown in all media.,

Sand I oils. 9 a .11.
I'Vesleyan Ctlild : 5:'30 p. ?t.151
deniit, anuil:.''S tudon t,Cliristiani
Citizenaship onl Camzp'.' Suppaer',
6:30 1p.m1.
Evan.-eical andI llt''oimtdStu-~
dent Guild: 5:30 p.iui. lhv. Pre. s
wrill speak on "Thie 11 ,to.ry cif'
the Evangelical a ml 1 efcor rout
Gamma. Delta, Lutheran iu--tl
dent Club: Supper ;andtj p'od t'an
5:30 p.m.
t'on Ye ,ativonal-I)isci; leY4 Cuild:
5 p.m.. supiper', Memorial Chr'istian
Chur111ch. Program: "'I'll( Cross j
Triumphan t.-''

CLt'l le c ut I% ' ,'' a t nwill
acts by 0"dl' ailla ', ci0" u!,I'.:s am
Lytdia Miide lroliii 'I'leatcr.
-'l1 i'hlAde las I u~jrs'
:a'i'tby the So'i-:it'dd li:s i'
\Veti. aa111(1 'ltws., Al:, rcla i 3 O SI~t3
8, . 2n1.. IJycdia Mendr 11issin 'I h(1 S ~tC'
t ie. lieke is on saleMei.. ane Ii
28.2 . t heatr'esv:ci ice
&n'Irrd(t'k Such it y :i eiulg
iiIlait'h 29, 7:30 p.m., Room ,.31).
Tvichifxaii Union.
Sigmia Iho 'Far Stump Speak-

g?:omiweaIravble ties. as gwodi s you
,,ouud lilac to r'eceiver, uand we wlll
trent-l you (G d iffe'rent, tiesatl halld-
oecify coloirs (cle'et. "Your 'slitis-
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Lace trimmedtailored, Bur
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Student Pubieations BlddEI








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