11AT1JirEA, tx Tv iRCU2, i19419 TW ti tA fiiiY ..... -- -------------- Chairman of Frosh Weekend Dance, Style Show Is Named QI f7 lt ;l ."tt(1 JOV('t ;IJV't. A JI irnittu ee, and . 111 ice 1 Ja Sit halve been) atllted genera!i and ue Sea's are hanidling pub- 2hairmien) of the F'shWeekenid licity. :,nlees which Wijll het ld Friday , Assisting the co-directors of the an1d atturday, Aprl t~ ..t Iii :f 'flyerview are Alice Hlouston, "'hile Caitheine "o ir and Jo Am iii vatha Tompkins, Joan Robinson n'll wece ir~l~ c-ietid IC Nanrcy- lsolamy*. i"Whrat anId WIf-het We1 ( . I' '1tere will be two) central corn- Show,' al fako-olf on1 .t t J~. t t l;('e 101' thle dal Ies((:. TI Ic actiia I view" which %%ill be hlell d i, liision of chairmn has not been MayI~ ' lJaone, butt, plans are being nade to ( iaimensh ;lips fr' 1,1e co0rii separate the committee chairm-aen fees for Frosh lWeekenld were all- into groups under the two general iounced yesterdaiy by A.semrbly 1rhairmnen. 'nd Panhellenic Ass ociatiorns. Assemrbly and Panhellenlic are * combining forces to give fresh- OTHER C OMMVITTEEi) inembeors men ani opportunity to get at'- include :,ssistat g-enera.l ch air.- qu~aiintedc arid becomre familiar mienl, ianta Llhid. and1( Mary Mtul-l Withi I ~eai'jie funct ions. lel., flo~orshowV chairmen 'l'ra ttld fehl.tehaF~ iri nej ' i, L Ja :I (n I S-yx1 £ThhctLunmbcL Delts ListEligiles' e ~ii#>'1ir i i ii1il hut1 l 11 ittli Ieir iI l I1' l u iilae! or ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10 frsiii i n i A 1IIa K IajaAJyF hrKcimn I n i I) itaiI l i, "i Jd I. . T :1 wr hi Anntw'11t'n' Off c of II c Uca ii Of11'1Women1 a .I d :hinsT I : 1',,11' I ~,V h . ('ol'.411L bi i. Tar i --10Monday01Marc! 1('I128.111 1 i hu t Ni 1ii aI rJe u' ell. N i Wv .Io n . 11 1; 111Pyekinary Joan 1 1 m rhw 11.i 1,1 011~);. , ,i 1. 11ci, M i \ A. 1Math 1 Si.)'lunik i ll.,is. a ry 1K1 . ,Ili i'tM, Niar2a re A.I I tl's* Pd tH.M 101i1(m~ l' JAL t It e I ol,. . ia p a v 4. i ',t ! akJ J. i x~t omen wI io IIiin f.i Ileiv ,4ep--etpicI t i Parker 51" ParALLERS 717 North University Near Hill Auditorium Ono" SfI 1/A4, DAILY OI1ICmA IABLEI a ot I I i (2aid uh.elln yee;pat~ronis rchairmen, Nancy Porter and lairr iine ade; and tickets eiair- men, Beverly Myas and Sally Fish. The list continues with Nancy Watkins- and Jackie Ihorning in charg$, of decorations, Tulane JItkoftf and Margaret Ry )un. tauk ing care of programrs, ]!miily BlIair arnd Beverly 'Young are heading the awards and judges League To Present Record Concert A uw og ram of recorded music will b hearid at 7 pm. tomorrow in the 1 'LagueLibrary. ,7clection,, to be heard arc flb en. &: u~rcnn's "Carnival Suite for Piano op. 9," Edward Elgar's "Dream Children"'rand IDi n ditri .hostakovich's "Synip io ay No. 5 op. 47." The program continues at 7 p.m. Sunday with Antomin Dvorak's "Slavonic Dances," Vincent ID'Indy's "'Symphony on a French Mountain Air op. 25," and~ Sergi RZa(haninoff's "Rh~lapsodly for iiano and orchestra oip. 43" and "Variations on a. theme of Paga- nini ." ' «* Scholarships Any junior woman interested in applying for the Delta Delta Delta 110Y NI'1' S ("AI~t.[--1'i 1La11bd(1 Scholarship may do so at the Of- and Sanm Altman (boy) r'ehearse f'ice of the Dean of Women. skit f'or' lillelzapoppin' to be gi This scholarship is given with toriII~Ik. respect to financial need and ac- cording to the degree of useful citizenship the applicant shows« promise of having. V tre A t o TIhe applicant must, also hiave.V rey csC maintained a scholastic average H .AI i'1 exeedcing tile, all campus women's ( Ant1w 1.(VUi itll C} average by .2. Last year the all (ampuis average was 2.62 and the a applicant was required to have a fBeginngii o ui ,l it ratp.m1.111t(ile 2.82 average. This year ain aver- waills of PI t l 111Allditor'ium will age of 2.85 is necessary. 1 esoundl( with I laug Ihtefr of the It is stressed that all juniorCapacit'y croW(1 Wwi! nessing Ihis women, affiliated or independent, I year's preseitation of "Ililielza- if they are registered in regular poppin.' " standing are eligible to apply. The show is composed of a Applications for dormitory program of six skits written, pr'o- scholarships are still'being. accept- cluced and enacted by various ect Approximately 25 women have groups of hlillel inembers. The already applied for the Betsy Bar- dramatizations compete with one bour, Helen Newberry, A de l ia another' for possession of an hion- Cheever and Stockwell scholar- or ary cup which is passed on from ships, the preceding year's winners to Lii' ii r J)I, . I ~ . rn t n o,).Vl4L,) vloin a t'i's (eurge tt lv 1 ;e oileof' the ii uiib#i'.lfromin thir. iven. tonigtit I tP! Ieli ll Auii - I.ti, 1? a 'k 0111 l ub: . ItMn b riSni l il plk ''t rlfAD:I '17 I~l tia illt ( I i'Oi NI 0: ) 17.T11. lMt!i. I 1 (11 ch 21, 11:. 5 t3 t1).1 Lyia iMendeissohit llc Ire. Tilae1s onl Sale Mon., March 28, 2 1p._, ti ealibox office. 'Ieiiiis 11all Pubtlieity C'omm~lit- tee: :3 P.11.. Mon., Marchli283, Rill :3-M, Miehii ,ani Unionl. so(iedltd llislaili('Zt: So i a I fIHour, .Mon., MVarch 28i, 4-6 p.m,, lit ernat ioiia ICent er. +(Iadu Laing Outing (lobt: Meet Su., March 27, at, 2:15 p.m., nurt hiwest cutrlan'e. IR.aek Viami lld;. ftor first; hike of Itle spring. jSirdi >1 Ippt' I list ., Rn kchamn (Alec'k - l'uondc(i'.k b~eor'e lnoonil:a iirctlay. U. '.11X.Hot ev"u'd Society f i>.^,Sn il ipro.,ram plresefn l t by' Mr. Phil DiamondI, Sunl., 8 p3.m.. .Aiciiigan Le~ague Ballroomn. J S.ll ~npetc7oJnti(Yht fast YA ch e~~kn! Tan won Itle cup at t lie contest last Year'. COMPEI,,iI1TORS inlt onight' production in('lude Pi Lambda Phi, Sigma Delta Tau, Zeta Beta Tau, Phi Sigma Delta, Alpha Epsilon Phi and the Traumatic Players. ~aninilltin t'f ('Ii a I ihi l:. Iin a- silted Miss Gabermanm are: find Frank, tickets anid finance; Ruthj Frankenstein, stage crew; Marilynj Kobelpr'ogr'ams: Rosaline ayr 11tv'lring ; Ilis SchulOl i,)pU011iity' M~airian Freedm-an, nuiak(-uil) ai id Esther Sklar, mtlsit'. awrdHie culd)i! to Ha;Xli, wii laye'rs cotnsists5 of mis., III hi'lM- Cormick, Prof. Samual JL1ev- ('1(1l, Plof. 'VI eotore Nexx 111) Pf'o. Garnet RI. (Gnior id I Prof". WilliamnC.(U Morse. "1111[LELZAPOCPPI' " had its beginning during thewar years. Its purpose then was to raise funds for war reliefs. Each year since, its popularity and stuident par'ticip~ation have conitinued to growx. Proceeds Irei101 s-w al pin -- dutctions 5of 'Hillclzapoplsinl'''hv been d(o1nalt'dto Ow11'Unit edtlv, ii)l ae ftxv icke'ts fti h Ile >showix.,ill left.. lTihese liekvets, will Jwoni'1isal aIt the box offitce' efore thle pin- forinanee.E 1X2XA 71 .ot ceCs f All ''.ilflts inl 11he woiiiuwit'- s bs-. " PteblairyeI' l; l jei'ass,. c> ~dy by, the ("tit o ', ; hutSli 1'i.-s; p 10('d by th1e S'e~lIi.~ai' BeterLate TanNever! Monday Afternoon and Tuesday THE PERFECT SUIT-MATE I It. COUSINS has tile "pring I inudl)ag to Imatch ll Egray, nlavy, :1nd(1Cocoa bi~owll.ItL's a handy ('laztch purse inl sllootl s uede leathe r. 5,5.. A NEC ESSAk~Y ACCESSORY is a new pair of gloves-and wily not in nylon? Esp~ecially fine design andI precise cutl thtt t~ right with every costumh e. ItANDALL 'S features them inl white, black, and navy for only 1.69. Sites 6-71 . ick Clinic W/edd ings &l C ENDS TODAY.! SAurdaiy's the la st day. s Have the Schick Factory Expert clean, adjust "i« and lu bricatfe your t ' Schick Electric Shaver-,I 'W without charge. C M A L SEY F RI DJEW EL ER'S' 304 South Main Engagements N ichols-Bently Mr'. and Mrs. ll'askill L1. N>ich ols of Jac'ksorn Vavye aninounceit'e ll Ve engagemlent of their daughterv, Mary Elizabet Ii, to Jack Pa rker Bentiley, 5soil of Mr. and Mi's. II a IBei 11Icy of Amon Arbor. Miss N it'hols is a so!phomore11'it,) Medical Sch ool andl is affiliated wit-liAlpha Xi I tlki aaid(IAlp!iha Lambda Delta. Mr'. Bentley was gr'adulatedl fromt the it ei'ary collc" c andl is now en- rolled in the School of Medicine at W(ayne' University. Ile is a flnil- her of Alpha 'Tart megat. Le l vo-Mc Lea n M 1%i'. 1)iih i\:i . I A. L( ix'o t7i eiugag I'' lnent ('I l aiivuiS , ,ai t.. anne ' t)olVobeit A. Ji itairc, soti i the late Mr. 1)0(1 ilr. . 1N"1c- Lean of lrewistaoii, ~iilia. Sm~all heart-shaiped car'ts i'e- vealed Ite engagement 1ata tr'adi- tional dinner act the Alpha Clii On'ega IIoitmfe. Miss Leivo is a junior in thle literary college and is affiliated with Alpha Chi Oea Mr. Mc- Lean attends t~c l(V City College, Grove City, Pa. The coulplans a June wed- ding. 11 for Fraternities and Sororities Now, S//D COMMERCIAL STOKER NUT Coll-1pon1ior to theICfomotis S;"D Residential Stoker Nut ., j. 4S ! . .. LOVELY TO LOOK AT are young legs filmed with Phoenix Nylons, Proportioned just for you in small, average, or tall. Wonderful new shades at I'111: ELIZABETH DILLON 51101 that. kyle-e-nd. 1.95. IF THE SHOE FITS And it. does at MVAST'S SHOE S11011. Easter musts in attrac- live pumps11) an(d flats. Beauty and comnfor't in mild weathfler sole-mates. b(' played in ilsl heen i'tcli't1) y. it ll il11 olday. 'Monday at 5:10) 1.Sini vs. Alpha Phi 11, Alpha. Xi De~tlt a vs. Kappal Kapp l. G anlon a : 7 :1,5 pam. -Mark ley I v's. Ctor.'.o1 is11. rIiaesdiay at( 5:14) p.mi. f'Ktppn. IKlpp a (1,11"111 1a[Cxvs. \Xtit'l' in - ax-is T vs. Alpia RFi 1j1). AiiiAa frborI als x's.=t it l:m I )oltia 'm I; :5 A Mla 'Ni 'I} hlt.1 vs. K'ip:pa 1 C1t~:i iarmna 1 Io St uekxllXIV tApa li eR 'i 1. i Cancel lation WHOlFoundta tioii l,:=s;anH- nmoun(ced timle cancellation of tlie baridge tbol Ittnient orig intl ll= schied uled for Sun day. The'lieIew (itte lor I u' v etiln hads been Set lii' r iiti y, 'April , I) I I JIGH FUWSING MEDIUM ASH DAUST [ [55DFLIVERY R[DUCL% I H A TIN COSTS Free Consuta~tion~ Service by Qualified Representative POLKA DOTS 1 BLAESS COAL CO. 124 W. Sumnmit Street Phone 4247 I j 11 A' rvA BI III I_ SPECIAL NOTICE by Robert Starling fj/ c A JASSCIA TED ,Go ps! Wrong Switch!" - rf~ ~inepiaAeaiueka present Jean (5Q- iiIon-reach-women-con't-bc-wron ) Gab in The Most Savage and Tender Anti-War Film 'pe te ppinlg; out all over. The 4ARTHA BARRETT S11O1 al~res these in a new line of "alifornia cottons. Also, see the ridescent chambray sun-back nens, and the new, new pr'ints. NE"W AND FRESH as the first clay of spring. Your Easter outf it needs a differ- ent hair style for that crown- ing~ touch. MAIE'S BEAUTY SHOP1' gives natural - looking permanents in oily or creme wave solutions that zip lustre Ahd gloss into winter locks. ALL THAT GLITTERS can be found at EIBLER JEW- ELRY STORE. A touch of spar'kle and good taste in pins, necklaces, and bracelets to sof- Sten that new outfit. I Single concert TICKET SALE begins Mon.. Mr. 28.9 A.M. with Erich 'Von Stroheim, Pierre Fresnay i-tnfrmnmv It is not good to leave k ' III III ,I 11 !I