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March 26, 1949 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-26

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'I tl t,, Itt I t A

>R t 3ViAT,-Wtai tA 2$ 1 3S

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J'orid Pecice CE,,ferciace

U NDF.RSCO ED by blatant crie,; that it.
rep:re>sentts :1 " ,nounling boIat'd for ('om-
munilist prop)-a il1 1 ii n t~"(.IlaborA Ic ef-
fort to disguise e d o ad ffort,",
fhe much-publicized !Cultural and Scientific
Conference for World Peace yesterday en-
d1eavored to justify its calling.
Nobody knows as yet what will be tde-
ckled., if anything. Nobody is certain that
world peae. will be the main b~one of con-
tenttion. Ittt repercussions from all sides
have labeled the conference as a veitalble
hotbed of something or other.
"A propaganda agency" seems to be the
most widely used term explaining its pur-
pose. As a retaliatory measure, Gov. Thomas
Dewey has offered his support to a rival
~neeting planned for New "York City tomor-
rowv by the Americans for Intellectual Free-
dom group.
Meanwhile, constant bickerings over the
outright denial of visas to conference dele-
gates from Britain, Italy and France have
occasioned firm stands by both factions in-
volved. Sponsors of the conference pro-
tested vigorously to Secretary of State Dean
Acheson over this refusal of visas, admittedly
demanded as a result of decisions by Amer-
ican consuls in London, Paris and Rome.
They went on to explain that they must
disagree with the "arbitrary action of our
consular officials" and urged State Depart-
mnent officials to reverse the action already
taken to prevent delegates' Arrival into this
Editorils publish,- l in The Michigan Daily
are wurit/en by .1embhers of The Daily staff
and represent ther vi-'s of the writers only.

COM Let li a eUr!"tii id It 0 ~n1u4oit-i-
(uJt~' hni f agIL tt41:c Nodel lx Il uiti Scit
ity l'at i1(1tat Z~t ;i ll Oflte :>Uil od ispon-
sors were ,,,,,s( ifte(lwith Communist-
front orgatniz-.azt.., the c(mmittee-i-
icharge deno>unced :tiii-conference charges
by calling tiwina "arttmpts to sutppress
the truth. Ad 1wfeytovor jpitch heightened
as the -roulp rebelled :.;Aganst visa deial
to jprolnllitnt 11011-t( 'omanist leaders.
mleuitioliig lProf. .1. 1). BeritalIt ritish
scientist who helped plant the D)-Day in-
vasion of' Normandy and Abbe Jean
Boulier, Catholic priest and1( an auothority
onl in ternatiounal lain.
Now we are confronted with the fact that
mass picketing, by angry anti-Communists,
will further a itent 14, 1 toall,(conferuenepro-
ceedings. No fewv "flies inl the ointment'" will
be caused by this ijicketingl, pamphletecering
and street demonstrations designed to ex-
hibit a wrathful American reaction to an al-
leged "lace curtain Comnuinist meeting."
Catholic War veterans group oig.inated the
action and drew iniediate backing from
otheir interested orai-za tion s.
Communist-inspired attacks on U.S.
foreign ptolicies constitute the theme of
the parley, according to claims of the
State Department, "Baloney" seems to he
the overall sentiment in direct answer to
the alleged debating point of world peace,
as renewed protest to the meeting springs
up from all sections of the country.
And when smoke fronm the a-day battle
has cleared awvav, we shall see l lainly if
there has been any (definite actionl taken
t0 flrUlate a lbasis For Cici world peace,
or if ilt has . l berl aliot.1her ('unmnslflt-
IA led thon ini lile "'ides t11, < delnoc alie
andi we1-wishiii ,Auwiric;iuil ltil lit .

Courageous A.,wardi

FOR TE IRST TIME in its history,th
Sciences awarded the Oscar for the best,
picture of the year to ia British picture,
"Hlamlet," and the same award for the
year's best male performance to Laurence
Olivier for his role in that same picture.
'1 it; is a most pleasant move b~ecause
it shows that Hollywood's leading citizens
are not thinking along petty, provincial
In a sense, this took a little courage as
wvell as objectivity. After all, here are many
leaders of the American motion picture in-
dustry indicating to the American public
that, try as they would, a better product
was made far across the sea. Perhaps it's
stretching a point, ,Jo say that; it would
be most .surprisingv for- the American auto-
m1obile, die .asting or fertilizer industry
to admiit thai;,,t better product was made in

And, siijwrIbas lacnlet' is, the crop (if
American motio-n Iiictxr industry pro-
duced elloug Ii m11a hre, uIrt istiec inemnas to
give the Acade jumy all easy ut itf it decided
to be narwa ITW:i ti li ting. Certainly
nobody wooIl l cry too) lood i f''"Ihe Snak e
Pit,'" "Johnny Belinda- or "Tlreasure of
the Sierrai Niadre lhad wlke(d Off Witlh
the honors.
And, lastly, thec move is anothe r inica -
tion that, Hollywood, for all its comniner-
cialism and childish ballyhoo, has x hinge,
if not preponderant. niumber o1 matureC, re-
sponsible leaders.
It is another step along the path broken
by the indlustry's leaders which have had
the guts t~o tackle such I l~rblemsas ill
treatment of the na1Cri lly ill ini "The Snake
Pit, r'' iti-so iit jn in '( ih I.leiin,''s pAgree-
ment"' or aid ii iol isro Iin '"1w c Ii iW eekend"~
in ima iite, sober tilun,,.

tiLPROSECUTIION and Sentencing of
suinbat hers; in this clay andl age is an
;r riaw nro iri . pure a1,10 sill il. Sunbat hing
ji: one of thei 1110:4, iri lorioy u ti s extat,
Many people consider sunshine beneficial to
the human skin and find the desire to get
an even Suntan logical. To them, the human
body is no more immoral than the human
figure presented in works of art, than the
bodies of lower animals or any other aspect
of Creation. They refuse to be ashamed to
be as God made them.
Nudism is practiced all oveth ie world
b~ut it is not an international, subversive
movement, like Communism. In some so-
('ieties, people have never worn clothes.
while in many other cultures clothing has
been functional or decorative, but not
moral. Those cultures are not necessarily
"inferior" from ary view point,
Elsewhere, tradition has enforced the cov-
ering of certain parts of the body. Adam and
Eve clad themselves modestly in fig leaves
that would no longer appear modest to many
Americans. Chinese womnen had to hide
their feet. It is anathema for an Arabian
woman to show her face in public. In the
Western world, the amount of clothing is
suggested by functional relations. What is
comnme .il faut on the beach wouldl never be
permitted in the parlor.
All but the most conservative will con-
cede that clothing requirements vary with
time and place. Where British movies re-
strict the exhibition of female legs, the
Johnston office is wary of excessive de-
colletage. Not so many years ago, coedu-
cational swimming or nude bathing by the
sexes would have been considered un-
thinkable, -and( the showing of early Twen-
teth Century bathing sits never fails
to provoke general merriment. Bll i
Finln da t nd Japani mixed bathing has
had no stigma attached, and hony Sot qu
Nudists have only carried a trend to its
logical conclusion. They have discovered
that they can get, along without clothing.
Nudist colonies generally consist of respect-
able citizens, often whole families, who can-
not be accused of celebrating unatu ral
orgies. Asa,:t ratter of fact , of the nine de-
fendants convicted of "obscene and indecent
co~nduct" in the Monroe County trial, only
one woman was unmarried. Four married
eoniles made u the u rest. of thei list
We shall certainly grant than any idivi-
dual has a right to have religious and moral
scruples against nakedness, and the ma-
jority of us will continue to wear clothes.
But the suppression of an inoffensive mi-
nority must be regarded as an invasion upon
civil rights, and we hope that in the future
a more enlightened interpretation of the law
will be accorded to similar cases.
-John Nefeld.
Leu ide rs hip
rphI NATIONAL Students Association
(NSA) has brought an unusual and im-
portant program to Michigan this week-end
which students should be prompt to take
advantage of-the student leadership pro-
Beginning with talks last nlight which
were intended to stimulate discussions of
student problems, the conference evolved
into discussion panels or bll sessions this
morning. Each panel deals with a differ-
ent phase of campus life. There are panels
on student leader-student relations, stu-
dent leader-faculty relations, and student
leader-administration relations, all im-
portant fields in the never ending exrta-
curricular problems of the student body.
Due to the fact that the conference is
being held in connection with the Regional
Conference of the NSA, there is an added

advantage to be gained from the meetings.
Colleges from all over the state will have
representatives here to explain how they
have settled their problems and to seek
solutions to some which Michigan students
may have handled.
From the bowl of information totaling ap-
proximately 150 delegates expected to at-
tend, we can extract invaluable information
for the furthering of student government
Members of the faculty and administra-
tion will be taking advantage of the oppor-
tunity to hear student discussion of their
problems. It is hoped that the student body
will do likewise.
-Don McNeil.
The library issued an average of 812
books a day during 1898, and accommodated
an average of 338 wvomen and .512 mien
a day. In addition, the students in seminars
and other classes boosted the total afttend-
ance to 1200 ax(lay.
A bill passed by the state legislature made
physical examinations compulsory for cooks,
waiters and other food handlers in dormi-
tories, boarding houses and restaurant. Dean
Victor C. Vaugihan praised this measure as
a safeguard to protectig students froml- con-
tagious diseases.

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News oft dire Week


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1Th i Dlly j4 cmtls ts reatders ite
privilege or' ,t tti i g w frltl.,s for
pruhlit'atlion hi tIs colon. tSubject
to SpaeP hhnitallions, file generval Iil -
ICY Is to Publki hin flte dr in Ihich
they are received all Ilters hearingt
the writer',; signture anrd additreSs.
ILe trrsexceeding :31110 wirr+ls, rveplI-
tioUs letters anld lettrs of, a defamna-
tory charac ter or slch lt terswhichI
for- any other reasonit are tnt in Igiml
t:1a stwill not he rhikireil. 'lie
edlitors reserve the ltr'ivilrlcof cun-
dewsliag- letters.
tiavern or's 11r1e'
To the Editor:
1 THE FOLLOWING is a telegrami
received yesterday frominTGov-
ernor G. Mennen Williams ad-
dressed to the cast and staff of
Froggy Bottom :
Congratulations on a wonderful
show. Best of luck for a success-
ful revival
1o tile Editor:
N o ONE "can deny," as Manuel
Guerra (March 17) said, "the
allegiance of Roman Catholics
everywhere to the spiritual man-
daite of His Holiness in Rome."
To Catholics the Pope is their
spiritual leader, but Guerra insists
that the Pope is wrong in swear-
ing "political anti - Communist
oathi," that IHis HolinesN should
stay clear of politics.
No onle call denly, saty T, f he
allegkia rice of Commun711ists ever~iy-
where to the political nanda lIte of
dtatheirpolitical leader, but why tMen

1.14> ie arsallforeeS tot destroyV
Intorr tt t r'owLectthe spiritual
life of the millions of Christians
andt nont-Christians ailike, the Pope
has hlad to stimulate every morll
method txossible to combat thle
tpirit natl lholocutst of Commlu-
[ 115111.
Earl Bi'owdier in "'What is Coin-
in uiistl?" said, "we Communlttists
dio not (listinguish between g-oodl
and bad religions, because wce
think: they arc al bad for the
m1asses. We are nob interested in
the locaitionl of God's residence."
'Io Communists the Catholic.
E1rotetant and ,Jewvish religious~t
ai'e canicerouls to their ungodly
aims. No wonder Lte Pope uises
tereiy means to defend all reli-
gions, to fight for our spiritual
f reedom.
More recently, Bezboznik, a
Communist publication, has car-
ried numerous illustLrations show-
inig Christ as a grotesque figure
being swept into an ashl heap or
ridiculing Christ's birth and other
feast clays. These appear in John
Chapple's book "LaPollette Road
to Comm unisml."
Surely anyone must realize that
the Pope and other religious lead-
ers do not fight Communism be-
cause they are opposed to reason-
able changes nor because they
seek to preserve vested interests
or to resist the progrTess of the
Russian people. They believe the
philosophy of Communisms is basi-
all1y wrong aend they oppose, it
With Chris itn, principles that
t~hey\ know 1k be right and good
andl .irrst,
--.zanies A. Htoule.

The Jitters

W ASHINGTON--The classic description of
Tmeaningless maneuvering is given in the
ancient quatrain: "The good old Duke of
York; he had ten thousand men. He
marched them up the hill; then marched
them down again." It is pretty important to
realize that the Kremlin's current moves
probably have been very little more prac-
tical meaning than the doings of the mnut-
ton-headed duke, despite the jitters they are
causing everywhere.
At the moment, for instance, those who
want an excuse for opposing the Atlantic
Pact are saying that the inclusiono
At the Orphewn
CLANDESTINE :Georges Rollin and Suzy
I F MEMORY serves me, the outstanding
virtue of the Italian Open City was its
realism. Someone has suggested that Clan-
destine is the French counterpart; and I
say, "the hell it is." Clandestine is a pho-
ney; a lousy third-rate movie that doesn't
merit reviewing, much less attendance.
Certainly I am not alone in being weary
of Gestapo big-wigs sporting large black
limousines and swaggering around in ex-
pertly-tailored uniforms. Gestapo chiefs
with Oscar Wilde mannerisms but hearts
of the purest, blackest gall. Mighty men
who butcher with a relish but who are
uable to find a sizable (hence, not too
eaisily hid) group of saboteurs lurking in a
neairby wood. I don't~ believe it for a minute!
This particular number is so fall of loop-
holes, it would exhaust your patience and
mine to enumerate them. Its the usual
conflict between thle undergro ud and the
German occupation forces in France in
1944; then thueres an added bonus in a

Norway was "needlessly provocative." This
directly results, of course, from a care-
fully calculated campaign of' threats to
keep Norway out of the Atlantic fact
which was launched months ago.
At that time the Soviet Ambassador at
Stockholm, Chiernychev, began to wvork on
the Swedes. Finland, he roared, would be in-
vaded if Norwvay .joined the pact. Perhaps,
he muttered, Norway would be invaded too.
The Swedes, who wanted to preserve Scandi-
navian isolation in any case, were easily
convinced. They in turn persuaded the more
nervous European foreign offices. Even-
tually, the story showed up here. It was
given added color' by a series of shrewdly
planned episodes, such as the Soviet note to
Finally, this par'ticular engagement in the
war of nerves reached its climax about a
fortnight ago. "Pr'avda" roared a few deci-
bels more loudly, against the "uncooperative"
Finns. The Soviet Ambassador at Helsinki,
General Savenkov, behaved witha rudeness
that was unusual even for him.
These developments accidentally coin-
cided with a period of temnpor'ary political
difficulty for' the independent, Conmmu-
nist-free go ernmzent of Soc'ial Demnocr'atic
Premier Fag erholun. 1he)(-wor'dlinstanxthy
went out that there was to be "another'
Czech coup." Or it was said that the
Finnish ('0mm unists-.-a relatively small
minority-would rise against the govern-
nient withm arms 5supplied ftr'om. the Soviet
b~ase at hlangoe.
The Krenilin's pr1essure campaign against
the Yugoslav heretics miust be taken much
more seriously than the threat to Finland.
But lucre again, thle 'ondit ions for at coup~
on the Czech patter'n simply do not exist.
The obviously plante(d rumors, such as flhe
story that four Y ugos lav generals were going
to liquidate Marshal 'Tito lest weekend, do
not deseveserious consideration. 'Vito's 400,-
000 men are the conly real force in t~he Bal-
kans, capable of maaking mincemeat of the
Romanian and Bulg arian units moving aim-
lessly about on the frontiers. And the Yugo-
slav secret police have shown every evidenice
of being able to cope wvith the --guerrillas"

Atlantic Pact..
Terins of the 20-yv' er NortIh Atlainltic All iance'( wee revealed. The
lust oric a unca ue~ut (t tiina i kock 01 i ally01on'of Ithe siua t oryina t ions;
was an aittack ol all of Iheinn. lchat ~ iol ws tedgedl to ome to the
aid of an attacked signa tory n ~ion withI sucr a sist tne ''s it dees
necessary, including the tse of ar'med force."
Leaders of the Western powers generally favored the past. Sena-
tor' Vandenber'g (Rep., Mich) term'nid it "aI powerful insurance policy
against Wold War III." But. a Russian broadcast charged that "This
pact means war on the Soviet Union.'' Secretary of State Acheson
branded as a ''lie'' the Mu ssiauu charigs ItIhat,. the allince is aggessive,
and( Baid ''I his (ollt iy i i:;nl tlaiiinie(i make \vwar gailst anyone.''
The 'pac-(t lhas yot l, bei'ra iic'itby cite tritd(t tlsoi'5 al'ou .
Atantic Power )efensc Plan s .
The Atltantic a llia ice e rs\ (Ievealled plans t) set Ill) a "'(omtnlilo
stria tegic plan''for' defense i:igaiist !z ssia, which would be a major
lask of aIjoirnt de'fen se c'omriitteec 14) 1 e uintthoi mied by tle Atlantic
Council, ia body set 1u1)b1),V the 1)14'
Peacee Conrferelive .
A World Peace Confere'nce pso 1i4rd( by thle National Council of
the Arts, Sciences and Profession, whose cairman is Prof. Harlow
Shuapley of Harvar'd University, op~ened in New Yok. Secretary of State
Acheson termed it "a souinding boud for Communist propaganda,"
and State Departnient officials described it as a move to oppose the
North Atlant ic Pact.
Itent C(ontrol .
Th'ie Senate passedl a ''homne rule'' bill to ex tench rent cotrol 12 to
15 months and allow some rent- boosts il) Ito 10 pr' cent. States would
be permitted to uemove remt curs, audi wit h tIhe governors' permis-
sions, cities amd towns woul, also. Admtniiistration Democrats said the
home-rule featu'e would wreck the entire federal rent control pr'ogam.
The House had already passedl a bill for a flat 15 month extension,
and the Senate-Hotuse differences were scheduled to be sbmitted to
a joint conference.
Veterans' Pension .
The House sernf back to ('0omm1ittee' a nmilti -billion dollar veteans'
pension bill by a vote of 208 to-207 'fle bill was introduced by Rep.
John Rankin, D-Miss.
Embezzlement Charg-e .
High state officials entered the investig ation of alleged embezzle-
ment of Washtenaw County funds. Circuit Judge James R. Breakey,
Jr., launched a one-mvan grand jury investigation into the alleged em-
bezzlement. Further'. former treasurer Clyde D. Fleming, who served
from 1941 to 1948, was c'a'ed in Municipal Court wiitl fougery of
public recor'd.
A committee of five out-of-State educators launched an unofficial
inquiry into the ,year-old feuid ovem' the University's Workers Educa-
tional Service.
IUion Oper'a :
"Froggy Bottomi." the first Michigan Union Opera since 1941,
opened Wednesday at the Michigan Thleatre and was considered to be
a success. Governor G. Mennen Williams, who attended the opening,
was loud in his praise, of the show "It was very good; I enjoyed it im-
mensely," he said. He also remar'ked that- le thought the Union Opera
was here to stay.
The setting of "Froggy Bottom" was a veterans' housing project,
and the plot of the opera certered arouind difficulties between the
veterans and their wives.
Regent Talk..
Alfred B3. Connable, member of the Board of Regents, declared
that he had no fear of' Conlmn~tisrn on the Michigan campus. He spoke
at, a Youing Republican meeting, and a1lso said that 'there is no more
loyal group of people in America t lion the student s and faclty o hetu
University campuses."
Campus Elections ...
Exactly 108 students sinnedl up to scrap it out for 37 class offices
and Student Legislature seats in the Student Legislature Spring elec-
tion, scheduled for April 19 and 20.
Block Voting .. .
The East and West Qiiadrangle announced that they wouldn't ut
up slates for the spring SL eletionis, bt instead would try to wok
for more intelligent voting by holding open horses.
Faculty Evaluation..
Associate Dean Lloyd Woodburn Of the liteay college praised the
faculty evaluation program and~ revealed that the faculty eauned a "B''
a ver'age.

10:45a i.. (iiiel uservice a nil
4:30 p.m..li_ sir roi)
5:3(} p.m., Pot -lucsaipper.
Mon., Mai'clu 28, 8 p.m., Coopera-
tive Nurser'y Board. Faculty Wives'
Club Executive Conmittee.
Tues.. March 29, 8 p.mn., Wives
Club. Ilobby Show. F~ash iou Sh ow
---Local Talent.
"Wed., March 30, 3:45-4:45 p.m.,
Primary children's play group.
(Sponsored by internominational
chuu'ch) , r
8 p).m., Ceramrics. Bridge for be-
t innrers. Fre'neli.('lass.
Thur's., March :31, 8 pnCer'-
amI~ics. 'Wate-color. Met al work.
University Lectures in J ournral-
ismn: Stanley S. Swinton, Associ-
ated Press foreign correspondent
and alumnus of the University of
Michigan, will address a campus
audience of journalism majors
and o them' interested University
students Mon., March 28, 3 o'clock
Rm. B, Haven Hall. "Covering
Asia's Revolutions" will be his sub-
ject. Sigma Delta Chi member's
will preside at the coffee hour fol1-
lowing the lecture.
Acadeic Notices
Electrical Engineering Collo-
quium: Mon., March 28, 4 p.m.,
2084 E. Engineering. Mr. W. C.
Brown of the Raytheon Corp. will
speak on Microwave Magnetron
Engineering Development Pm'ob-
Sports Instruction for Women:
Women students who have com-
pleted- their physical education;
requir'ement may register as elec-
tives on Monday, Tuesday, and
Wednesday mornings (March 28,
29 and 30) in Office 15. Bar'bour
The Chicago Symphony Orches-
tra, Fritz Busch, guest conductor,
will be heard in the last concert
of the Choral Union Series, Sun.,
March 27, 7 p.m. Program: Ver-
di's Overture to "Luisa Miller";
Haydn Symphony in G major
(Oxfor'd): Brahms' Variations on
a Theme by Haydmn; and the
Beethoven Symphony Nc). 2 imu D
Tickets are on sale dlaily, up to
Saturday noon. at the offices of
the University Musical Society,
Bumton Memor'ial Tower; and will
be on sale at the Hill Auditorium
box office Sunday, at 6 p.m.
Events Today
Saturday Lunucheoni Iisc ussion
Grouy: 12:15 p.m., Lane Hall.
The Michrig'an Christian Fellow -
ship: Rev. Howarmd F. Yeager of
the Zion Luther'an Church willl
preside oveu' a discussion on "Whiat

(c'oftinilifd fri'ou 1'age 3)

is4 a P;oitllictl("Cr'stian Life'"
7::30) pil.. i i reside om,001 L ane
(" t' i r'e ti nalt- )i ; ilts +GtuildY
will concludec its seu'ies of programs
on "P~romu Friendship to Marriage"
:it a Fireside discussion, Guild
House, 438 Maynard St. 7:30 'pm.
and 9p.mi.
"One Great htotr" a new radlio
program sponsom'ed by the Federal
Council of Churches of Christ in
America will be heard over CBS,
NBC and Mutual networks at 10
p.m. Memnbers of the Congrega-
tional-lDisciples (Guild will meet at
the Giuild House and listen togeth-
4' r',
Mu tiou Picture: "Grand Illut-
sioni," a French film., presented by
Art Cinema League and A"VC. 8:30
p.m., Bhill Auditorium.
(Con tinued.con Pge5)


Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
fthe University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor
Dick Maloy ................~ City Editor
Naomi Stern ........l~ditoriai Director
Allegra Pasquaretti ...Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen ........ Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff ..........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ...... Associate Editor
B. S. Brown ........... Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal . .Associate Sports Ed
B3ev Bussey ...Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery ......Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's k3ti
Bess Hayes ............... Librarian


Business Staff
Richard Halt ......BUufsiness
WIliliam Culman ....finane
'Cole Christian . .. Clrctilatioii


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