Pae Twenty-Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY AA^mrlniv. ra r snr 7.' 1 Qda Pai wnySxT-Fava %-. t, u n l v nIL.V IUQ~,«rlf! :i CLASSY CLASSIFIED W ANTED STEAMSHIP COMPANY needsosummer employees betwvern June lst and Sep- tember 30 for South Amenican, Eur- opean, and Asiatic voyages,.hoth Male and Female. Various jobs avail- able. Steomfittors. cooks, ships moor, diesel merhanie, radmo operator, welder, radar operator, technician, sales clerk, movie projector operator. j Moist belong to Maritime Onion, Write Sox 2325, staling references. WANTED - Short-haired, intelligenti giraffe for light cleaning in the Fild- honor. Preferably male er female. Maot rome Irons good family. Refer- eneo preferred but not neessary. Call Athletic Department, 2-3250 if interested. THIS IS A SERIOUS AD. Male studesst needo instrueting. If you hove ant free time that'o free I would probably be-interested. If youe free Oboe isn'eeIsilm.itbinrsedIte pends hose mush I think I con tearn from you and if it's worth if. Phonei 2-3256 if interesfed. MISCELLANEOUS AEE YOU INTERESTED in corr'espond- iug with an English major whls In terested in corresponding for obnoo- ious reasons? Also hsope to imzpro 's handweriting and ;punctusation, but that's not important. Wris' So\ 2 3250 if interestedl. DAILY CLASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS FOR SALE rFOR SALE -Coke msochine whichrs i- penses nosed deinks. Case of Sens-Sen - threowsn inon tire deal. t Ide recm- a pansion ext parties. Tisomnachine is tyrosyearsold asdeoften mixesdrinks witoutsmuncohScote. Auction wsll bei hseld onl Olag Mondoy after iJ-Hop. Mighest bidder storting at $25. PHIL OASOME USED CARS Wenmay hav'esomerunursual used ears alter iJ-Hopweekend. t -PHIL HADROME USED CARS FOR RENT - ROOM3S foeriJ-Hop Woeeksdirenow foaailable. Moteorussereservatonssby caliit,,2-3256 ironsdiately. Ossly sin- .--WANTED TO TRADE tUNUSED TEXTBOOKS in hre outse -iltade fos teolly fare to di-toot : parts. E USED CARS G0ING TO HELL-We Isave just she s ehirle to take you. Previous owner Ovicd sue to take it and go thsere. _ Havenst had tsise. Comsplete with stneosn lasscaps the wind-upCaesar, e t$02,000.00. See Will Ransoins ued t crsae trtf. LOST AND FOUND -LOST-teenraJordano and Cheats try1 bsuilding. Newaestsoopers oslwo ran ssosre s tmothea, hone 245;3.' TAKES A SOCK AT BIG FEET:. SL Shoos Shoes from Classroomns The Student Legislature took g.. .~~ teriorating buildings wo quick action last night on a Ui- vriyrequest to stoap wear and oto uk tear on ciampus buildings. Supporting the motion By a voe of 37 to i2, the Legs- Hollar said that on le: lature prohibited student front democracy would eevii wearing shoes in classroom build- ings in the future. :. ampus if all students Wezl The action came after a stormy SF lyithout shoes. hour-long debate which sawo the Legislatture split along party lines for theo first time this semest.r.TH MOINs-o yr Wanda. Daizy who claimer HILL SHIUMVAN+, speakino for f waO a violation of adenr the motion. said that would be the ; v. om if students were denii first step in the revival of the old she called, "Their inaliena] # campus traditions of Kutnming, 1toersost ls. IChina. wherre students have not tooersoe ls. worn shoes to class f or 2.000 years. Local clothing merchant the action as a 'i step Tent Clothoon objected, saying F n student government,b that thoousands of workmten slesman Danny O'Sulliv, M ould be thrown out of jobs in that it marked the firstn shoe factories and contractors, AV ERAG~E . STUDENT. 4 Z ward totalitarianism in with greedy eyes on rapidly do- brfotd o-enI et ould be on, John.. yment of ident ono 'e equal- posed by d that it nic free- ild wha~t~ ble right- is hailed forward but shoe 'an said move to-, student 0.l CRATIENE1TE presents Donegal Tw~eed CGears for Spring ., Sizes 10-16 $34.95 giR r~e U~ 55 Aii l5S i Complete Stock of Books and Supplies for VETERANS' ACCOUNTS CAPABLY HANDLED Join the vVERBECK 0OSTORE- 1216 South University Avenue Phone 4436 K _ , in -"_,m 1949 .eC4I SRNG an SIJMER W LKENS These New IMPORTED andDOMdESTIC FABRICS are the most beautiftul weaves and color effects we have ever shown for y our approval. Values are far superior to those shown for the past season. STOP IN at your convenience and examine them. No obligation on your part, we want you to see these woolens. See the $55.00 Special which is being shown in our windows now. ' 603 EAST WILLIAM STREET F. A. TiNKE, Manager ..........S' 16 The "SKOONER" It's another Cl. TIS frst, a sont , masculine atyle that ho ls theceyed d a sh o rih tradrtiosal,. Ris in-builtvalue -hatproves itself with many extra noe of comlorfleswear. Bart rfttl deep %vnere an-e heath heay s oe.'ihlired. TOWN iND PUS ;SHOES SHOES 0tS Y'L AND C0.1QFOR IIIi U niversity Ave.