See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LIX, No. 125
'M' Tankmen
Behind OSU
In Collegiates
Weinberg Wins;
Relay Team 2nd
(Special to The Daily)
CHAPEL HILL, N.C. - Michi-
gan's Dick Weinberg won the Na-
tional Collegiate 50-yd. free style
crown and Purdue's Keith Carter
astounded the swimming world by
upsetting Olympic breast stroke
champion Joe Verdeur in the sec-
ond session of the NCAA meet
held last night.
With five more events to be run
off tonight Ohio State held down
the top spot with 23 points, fivE
ahead of second place Michigan.
Yale was third with 16 followed
by Iowa with 15 and MSC with
eight points.
* * * .
CARTER, the perennial second
to Verdeur in their breast strok
duals held round the world, wa
far and away the hero of last
night's meet. The lanky Boiler-
maker swam at Verdeur's waist for
150 yards, caught him at the last
turn and then barely nipped him
at the wire in 2:14.8.
The time was only one-tenth
of a second behind Verdeur's
world record set at Ann Arbor
during last year's NCAA meet. It
was Verdeur's first defeat since
Dave Seibold of Michigan State,
the man that last beat Verdeur,
was third followed by Bowen
Stassforth of Iowa and Frank
Bruch of Dartmouth. Bob Sohl of
Michigan was sixth.
* * *
WEINBERG, making his last
appearance for Michigan, nipped
Henry Paton of Michigan State in
23.1 sec. to recapture the title he
had previously held in 1947.
Ray Reid of Yale took third in
the dash, followed by Bob Bus-
hey of Fenn College and Eastern
Intercollegiate champion Bob
Nugent of Rutgers.
Two new meet records were set
during the evening-Bill Smith of
Ohio State breaking the 220-yd.
free style standard and Yale's 400
yd. free style relay twice chalking
up new marks in their specialty.
SMITH, another of the host of
Olympic champions here, success-
fully defended his 220 title as he
cruised to a brilliant 2:08.5 clock-
ing. Wally Wolf of USC narrowly
edged Matt Mann III of Michigan
for second in nearly a dead heat
finish while Eddie Gilbert of Texas
and Yale's John Blum picked up
fourth and fifth place points.
The Yale relay team of Paul
Girdes, Bill Farnsworth, Larry
Munson and Ray Reid raced to a
new NCAA mark of 3:27 in the
finals after having set a new
mark of 3:27.4 in the afternoon
Michigan, with Charlie Moss,
Bill Kogen, Matt Mann and Dick
Weinberg, recorded their best of
the year, 3:27.8 to finish second
with Iowa, Rutgers and LaSalle
following in that order.
* * *
01110'S Bruce Harlan won the
1-meter diving as expected with
427.25 point followed by Dave
Brockway of Iowa, Hobie Billings-
ley of Ohio, John Conner of Duke
and Ralph Trimborn of Michigan,
who turned in his finest perform-
ance of the year to pile up 342.15
The 150-yd. backstroke went to
Bob DeGroot of Ohio in 1:34 with
Jim "Thomas of North Carolina,
Duane Draves of Iowa, Ralph
Knight of Ohio and Don Korten of
MSC trailing.
Grant Hearing
To Zarichny
James Zarichny, ousted Michi-
gan State College student, will be
granted a conference with MSC
officials to discuss his possible re-
admission, if he so desires.
This statement was made by
MSC Dean of Students Samuel
Crowe, who talked yesterday with
a delegation of University stu-
dents representing several cam-
pus organizations.
*. * *
WHEN ASKED the reason for
Zarichny's expulsion, Dean Crowe
replied that he had violated his
1L . s wrIir r .- - - - -S
Famed 'U' Surgeon,
Dr. MaxPeet, Dies
Death came suddenly yesterday to Dr. Max Minor Peet, one of
the world's foremost brain surgeons and professor of surgery in the
Medical School.
A heart attack took his life at about 10 a.m., in the Heart Station
at University Hospital, where he had gone for an electrocardiogram
after feeling ill during his 8 o'clock class yesterday.
* * * *
SURPRISE AND LOSS was expressed by Dr. Peet's many friends
rnd associates who felt, in the words of Dr. Albert Kerlikowske, Hos-
)ital director, "It's going to be very difficult to replace Dr. Peet. He
* * * 'will be missed not only in this in-
stitution but in the world at
s Outstanding among his nu-
Eisler Cited
As Potential'
merous contributions to neuro-
surgery was an operation to re-
duce high blood pressure-
splanchnicectomy - which he
developed and perfected.
Dr. Kerlikowske added that "he
ranked with the few outstanding'
brain surgeons in the world. He
was always willing and able to
help anyone, and usually per-
formed one or two operations
daily "
The reaction of Dr. Peet's pro-
fession was voiced by Dean Albert
C. Furstenburg, who said, "Any-
one who has had the good for-
tune to associate with him, either
as a student or colleague, will
never forget his courage, fortitude
and inspiration to achieve what
often seems an impossible goal.
* * *
preciates the work that was done
by Dr. Peet in pioneering and de-.
veloping the field of neurosurgery,
Dr. Furstenburg said.
"His indomitable champion-
ship of new concepts in surgery,
his unsurpassed diagnostic acu-
men and superb skill as a tech-
nician, have left not only an in-
spiring imprint upon the Med-
ical School, but have made it
possible for many people
throughout the world to receive
benefits of immeasurable value
from the science of brain surg-
ery," he declared.
Further tribute to the distin-
guished surgeon was paid by
President Ruthven who described
his death as "a loss to the Univer-
sity, the state and the nation. He
was a very friendly man, always
optimistic and a good compan-
Peet accompanied President Ruth-
ven in 1905 on two bird expedi-
tions to the Porcupine Mountains
and Isle Royale in the Upper
Speaking of Dr. Peet's inter-
est in birds, President Ruthven
said that "he became an ex-
pert in this field. I believe he
had one of the best private bird
collections in the state."
Dr. Peet, who was born Oct 20,
1885 in Iosco, Mich., was a long-
time member of the University
community, having received his
A.B. here in 1908 and his master's
and doctor of medicine degrees
in 1910.
Group Meets
On Rent Law
Still Disagree on
Extension Period
WASHINGTON -- ()-Senate-
House conferees on rent legisla-
tion last night agreed to let cities,
towns and villages junk rent con-
trols when the governor approved.
The conference committee,
however reached no agreement on
whether to extend federal rent
controls a flat 15 months as pro-
vided in the House bill, or con-
tinue them 12 to 15 months as
provided in the Senate bill.
THEY CAME to no agreement,
either, on whether to adopt the
Senate's provision for rent in-
creases up to 10 per cent, or the
section of the House measure re-
quiring that rents be fixed at a
level to assure landlords a "rea-
sonable return on the reasonable
value" of their property.
Earlier, Senator Maybank,
(Dem., S.C), head of the Sen-
ate conferees, had announced
that an agreement had been
reached to give the Federal
Housing Expediter a free hand
in restoring rent controls in any
area he decontrols after March
But, except on recommendation,
of the local rent advisory board,
he could not do so in any area
where controls had been dropped
before that date.
THE PRESENT rent control law
expires Thursday, March 31. The
House and Senate have passed
separate extension bills varying in
many particulars. Now represen-
tatives from both chambers are
trying to thresh out the differ-
Maybank said the conferees
will meet again tomorrow morn-
ing in an effort to complete the
compromise job.
In agreeing on a "home rule"
decontrol provision, the House ac-
cepted the Senate version with
some modifications.
The provision agreed upon says
the Housing Expediter shall term-
inate controls in any incorporated
city, town or village upon receipt
of a resolution of the community's
governing body.
SOCIO-DRAMA-A cast recruited from campus lie dramatizes the problems facing the student
leader when he meets the apathetic student, the overworked professor and the well-meaning
administrator at an NSA Student Leadership Con'erence last night. The "players" are (seated)
Robert W. Heyns of the psychology department; A rlynn Rosen, '49; and Mrs. Mary Bromage, Asso-
ciate Dean of Students. Standing are Ralph Sooin, '50, the student leader and hero; Arthur L.
Bryant, of the Bureau of Study and Training in Cmmunity Adult Education, Master of Ceremonies;
and Martha Sturm, Grad., interviewer.
- ~- - --~ - - - -- - - ---- ---* * * *
NSA Conferees Dramatize Problems
NEW YORK - (A) - Gerhardt
Eisler as a representative of inter-
national Communism influenced
the swing of U.S. Communists to a
"violent revolution" policy in 1945,
a Federal court jury was told yes-
Louis F. Budenz, first govern-
ment witness at the conspiracy
trial of 11 American Communist
leaders, identified the German-
born Eisler as the agent of the
Communist Internationale in this
'* * *
ficial in the American Party, Bu-
denz completed his third day on
the stand with a detailed account
of a party split in 1945.
This split, he said, eventually
resulted in the ouster of Earl
Browder as a party leader be-
cause he favored a soft policy
of peaceful solution of post-war
problems instead of the militant
program eventually adopted.
Budenz, who renounced the
party in October, 1945, and became
an economics teacher at Fordham
University, said Eisler was known
as Hans Burger in his role as the
Comintern representative in the
United States.
* * *
EISLER IS NOT a defendant
but has attended many trial ses-
sions as a spectator. He has been
identified before a Congressional
committee as America's No. 1
Communist but he denies it.
Budenz devoted most of the
day's testimony to a meeting of
the Communist Political Associa-
tion in June, 1945, which he said
was attended by seven of the de-
fendants. The main topic, he said,
was "the disposition of Earl
Browder and his policies."
ECA May Aid
China Students-
nese Ambassador Wellington Koo
said yesterday he "understands"
a $500,000 ECA grant has been
approved to meet emergency
needs of Chinese students in the
United States.
The envoy conferred with As-
sistant Secretary of State George
V. Allen on the proposal.
Of nearly 4,000 Chinese stu-
dents in the United States, more
than1,000 have run into difficul-
ties as a result of China's civil
war. Many are government stu-
dents supported by the Nation-
alist regime which has suffered
heavy blows from the Commun-
[17Q11f;,1IT ir* c~v 1
World Peace
Meet Opens
In Disorder
By The Associated Press
liams (Rep., Del.) told the
PRIOR TO HIS appointment to
the medical school faculty in 1916,
he taught at the University of
Pennsylvania and served as as-
sistant chief surgeon at the Phil-
adelphia General Hospital.
A leading educator as well as
surgeon, Dr. Peet received an
honorary master's degree in ed-
ucation from Michigan State
Normal College in 1934.
His high repute in neurosurgeryl
caused him to be appointed fellow
of the American Medical Associa-
tion and the American College of
Surgeons, American Surgical As-
sociation, American Board of Sur-
gery as well as numerous other
national and international socie-
DR. PEET is survived by his
vife, Grace Tait Peet, whom he
married in 1915, and three chil-
dren: Max Minor Peet, Jr., of Ann
Arbor, Stewart T. Peet of Chapel
Hill, N.C., and Mrs. Atwood R
McAndrew of Ypsilanti.
His body will lie at the Peet
home. Funeral services will be
held at 2:30 p.m. Monday in St.
Andrew's Episcopal Church.
ate late yesterday that books of
the government's Commodity
Credit Corporation "are $350,000,-
000 out of balance."
He asked unanimous consent to
have the agency's records brought
before the Senate immediately for
an investigation.
* *
WASHINGTON - Two offi-
cials who have played promi-
nent roles in the cold war with
Russia stepped down yesterday
from key positions in the Tru-
man administration.
Ambassador Walter Bedell
Smith, 53, resigned as U.S. envoy
to Moscow, a post he has held
since March, 1946. He is returning
to army service at his regular
rank of lieutenant general.
Fleet Admiral William D.
Leahy, 73, chief of staff to the
late President Roosevelt and to
President Truman, also resigned.
*. * *
DALLAS--Tornadoes and high
winds ripped through parts of'
Texas, Mississippi and Louisiana:
Thursday night and Friday killing
at least seven persons and injur-
ing 54 others.
The churning thunderstorms,
spun into the plains states yester-
day afternoon, threatening follow-
up blows.
'U' Fraternity NS.
'Heads Desert Le
Bloc Balloting W
Lockwood, Calhoun In
Say Slates Must Go
- - Thede
Campus fraternity leaders de- are activ
serted bloc voting yesterday.. passive l
Fraternity slates and vote swap- declared:
ping for Student Legislature seats ing sessi
must go, according to statements dents As
made by Bruce Lockwood, '49, In- dent lea
terfraternity Council President,detla
and Don Calhoun, '50E, IFC Co- Weisbc
ordinating Committee chairman. that th:
* *e*
FRATERNITY presidents, how- voted to
ever, have not yet had the chance which fa
to indicate whether they favor
and will follow their leaders' INSTE
move. address,
ical prob
If the abandoning of slates dent lead
by fraternities becomes a real- the facu
ity, bloc voting on campus for tion, wa
Student Legislature seats will, night's n
at least theoretically, be a thing
of the past. Thiss
for del(
East and West Quadrangle Michiga
dropped plans for slates early this hashing
week. Sororities and women's res- raised.
idence halls have never bloc voted
on a large scale. Studen
* * * ing syste
LOCKWOOD AND Calhoun dent gro
threw their weight behind the
Open House program planned byD
campus leaders last week. It es- ea
tablishes a series of open houses
to be given by affiliated and inde- I?
pendent groups alike. Each will
be open to all candidates who
wish to attend. Petitio
"Fraternity men will have to 1 ture sea
buckle down and get their own due by'
votes at the open houses rather Union vi
than just by virtue of being on Monday.
a slate or swapping votes," SL an
Lockwood said. are to b
He also revealed that a sched- of the A
ule of the open houses will be ,vindow v
made public next week by the Duane N
campus leaders who originated committe
the program and met, informally, Namesa
for a second time Thursday night. are to,
A number of them will take place should b
right after the dinner hour, he tions, he
added. Union
"I hope that by ending bloc vot- should b
ing on campus the best possible Monday
candidates for the posts can be the Unio
elected," Lockwood said, land, pre
'A Opens Three Day
iders hip Conference
eisberg Cites Delegates' Participation
Solution of College Con munity Problems
elegates at this conference
e participants rather than
isteners, Harvey Weisberg
last night after the open-
on of the National Stu-
ssociation three day stu-
dership conference.
erg, regional chairman of
higan Region of NSA, said
e conference will be de-
solving concrete problems
ace student leaders.
* * *
AD OF the usual opening
a dramatization of typ-
lems arising between stu-
ders and the student body,
.lty, and the administra-
as a high point of last
served as a spring-board
egates, representing 20
.n colleges, to begin
out some of the issues
it apathy, faculty grad-
ems, overlapping of stu-
oups, teaching methods,
dine Near
rs for Student Legisla-!
ts and class offices are
Tuesday and those for
ce-president posts are due
d class officer petitions
e turned in at the lobby
d., Building, at the same!
where they were drawn'.
Nechterlein, SL election
ee chairman said
of the candidates, as they
appear on the ballots,
be attached to the peti-
vice-president petitions
e turned in by 2:30 p.m.
at the student offices on
n's first floor, Bob Hol-
sident, said.
and lack of understanding be-
tween students and administra-
tors, were pointed out as areas
needing attention.
today with workshop sessions in
which issues raised last night will.
be thoroughly threshed out, Weis-
berg said.
"The function of these meet-
ings is to give each of the three
groups, students, faculty, and
administration, some insight
into the problems of the others,"
he declared.
"We want to set the stage for
cooperative effort in solving prob-
ems.* * *
which will start at 9:30 a.m., at
the Rackham Building, are open
to all interested persons, Weisberg
"A list of Student Legislature
members and candidates who
attend the conference will be
made public as an indication of
their real interest in solving
student problems," he declared
Delegates to the conference are
scheduled to attend a banquet at
6 p.m. in the League, at which
President Ruthven will extend a
welcoming address.
-ED Rep-rts
Of Prejudice
Replies to questionnaires con-
cerning discrimination 'have been
received from deans of three Uni-
versity schools, according to Leon
Rechtman, chairman of the Coin-
mittee to End Discrimination.
The questionnaires, sent out to
heads of all schools on campus,
mentioned the fact that requests
for data on race, religion, nation-
ality, ancestors and photographs
on application blanks could be
construed as evidence of discrimi-
nation in admission.
DEANS OF TH-E various schools
and colleges were asked to state
their opinions on a proposed re-
moval of such requirements on ap-
plication blanks.
Rechtman said that so far re-
plies had come in from the deans
of the literary college and the
Cousins Appeals
For Just Peace
Sessions of the Cultural and Sci-
entific Conference for World
Peace opened last night in New
York City's Waldorf-Astoria Hotel
in an atmosphere of hostility, ten
sion, and picketing.
Delegates first heard an English
philosopher, William 0. Staple-
don, deliver a keynote address in
which he warned America not to
count on all-out support of the
British people in any war against
* *x
STAPLEDON departed from a.
prepared speech in which he had
said that "the true Socialist in
Britain suspects America of em-
barking on a new imperialism, and
we are not anxious to sell our souls
to America."
Shortly afterward, Norman
Cousins, editor of the Saturday
Review of Literature, told the
conference that America would
reject peace "if the price of
peace is injustice. "
"Americans want peace," he de-
clared. "They will work for peace
and they will sacrifice for peace,
But they do not want peace at
any price."
* * *
BOOS, hisses and jeers greeted
Cousing several times as he deliv-
ered his speech, which was critical
of the conference and its aims.
There was some applause as he
ended, but it was almost drowned
out by jeers.
Meanwhile, hundreds of men
and women prayed and chanted
in a mammoth picket line on
Park Avenue outside the hotel.
The picketers were members of
various religious groups, which
condemned the conference as be-
ing allegedly Communist-domi
Patriotic songs interspersed with
prayers dominated the program of
the picketers, whose ranks were
swelled to 8,000 during the course
of the evening.
Secretary of State Dean Ache-
son has criticized the peace
meeting as "a sounding board
for Communistpropaganda."
Conference sponsors denied his
Stapledon's actual conference-
opening speech spoke in much
more general terms of the opposi-
tion to war by the British people
than did his prepared speech. It
also included a veiled attack on
former Prime Minister Winston
Churchill, who is now visiting
* * *
NO REASON WAS given for his
departure from the prepared text.
Cousins had turned down one
invitation to address the gather-
ing before changing his mind
and accepting a second invita-
Social Ideas
Of Churchmen
Ahead of Time
"Religious leaders advocated
some kind of progressive social
legislation 10 years before it was
publicly accepted," Rabbi Harry
Essrig told a religion-in-labor
conference last night at Hillel.
The Student Religious Associa-
tion is, sponsoring the two-day
seminar program on the role of
religion in labor-management re-
lations. The conference will con-
tinue at 9 a.m. today with discus-
sions led by Rabbi Essrig, Rev.
Franklin Littell, Rev. John Burt,
Prof. Ronald Freedman, Prof.
Clark Dickinson, Robert Stevens
and Gene Martinson.
* * *
RABBI ESSRIG will conclude
today's program with an address
at 2 p.m. in bane Hall.
In last night's address, Rabbi
Essrig pointed out that "in 1932
the church declared that labor-
management collective bargain-
ing must replace the outmoded
profit system.
But the church only advocated
it on paper; it took the common
man to sweat out such beliefs by
pushing them through Congress,
he declared.
President Little Proposed 'University College Plan
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
eighth in a series of articles pre-
senting the highlights in the history
of the University of Michigan.)
(Daily Associate Editor)
as a scientific scholar, a forceful
speaker, and a progressive educa-
* * *
WHEN THE Michigan delega-
ing neglected, and advocated a
more adequate consideration of
special individual capabilities. He:
also viewed the University's cur-
ricula as sadly deficient from the
offer all undergraduates a "com-
mon stock of knowledge."
He made his proposals to the
Regents, and it appeared at first
that the University College