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March 25, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-25

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FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1949

, ^I, i

Pension Plan

THANKS to tactics employed in the recent
battle over the filibuster, the Congress of
he United States has lost a little more of
he prestige which seems to be so gradually
lipping away from it.
However, the ultimate in impracticality
seems to have been reached in the House
debates over the proposed veterans' pen-
sion program. The very fact that the
United States Congress is giving serious
consideration to such a proposal represents
another telling blow to the waning pres-
tige of our supreme legislative body.
Economic considerations alone should be
nore than sufficient to incur the opposi-
ion of any thinking Congessman. By the
rear 2,000 the bill would cost approximately
4 billion dollars each year, according to Ad-
ninistration figures. This figure would be
approximately the equivalent of 10% of our
present national budget, which is already
well padded with money going for veterans'
Passage of this bill, which would give
$90 a month to all veterans of both World
Wars, regardless of need, would thus com-
mit a sizeable chunk of the nation's bud-
get for many years to come. Actually, the
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

full burden of the bill would not be felt
until about 1985 or 1990, when most World
War II veterans will have reached 65.
It hardly seems reasonable to make such
extensive economic commitments that far in
the future. We are living in a world that is
constantly changing with regard to political
and economic conditions. It is essential that
our economy remains flexible enough so that
it can be properly adjusted to future needs,
and the proposed pension would hardly be a
step toward more flexibility.
Government aid to disabled veterans is
obviously justified on an ethical, and even
on an economic basis, but the payment of
$90 each month to a healthy man who has
been capable of working for some 35 or 40
years just because he is a veteran hardly
seems justified on any grounds. The pro-
posal seems especially unfair in view of the
fact that several million veterans have al-
ready enjoyed substantial governmental aid
for their educational programs.
It appears that the only reason for giv-
ing serious Congressional consideration to
this bill as sponsored by Rep. Rankin is a
hope that it might provide votes for sup-
porting Congressmen. In view of the im -
portance of effective government in the
complex modern world, such action by
Congress is downright deplorable.
A prompt killing of the Rankin bill might
restore at least some of Congress' much
needed prestige. At any rate, the welfare of
the nation calls for a complete defeat of this
"Santa Claus" bill.
Paul Brentlinger

TIME WAS when it was considered best
for the church-like women-to stay out
of American politics. But lately it seems
that the church has been emancipated.
Protestant sects have come together
several times recently to sound out a uni-
fied voice in the political picture. At a
student ecumenical conference at the
University of Kansas in December chu'rch
leaders from all over the country tri TIo
find common ground for their various
political views.
And the Federal Council of Churches of
Christ in America met two weeks ago in
Cleveland for the same purpose. A state-
ment on the present-day Soviet-American
tensions was drawn up and presented to the
group for approval.
Although they had not seen the text of
the North-Atlantic Alliance at that time, the
group listed several propositions for the
government's consideration. They hoped
that the United States would enter into "no
defensive alliance which would appear as
aggressive to Russia as a Russian alliance
with Latin America might appear aggressive
to us." Regional pacts are desirable if based
on a natural community of interest but re-
gional military alliances are no substitute
for relief of human needs, they believed.
The group also went on record in regard
to Communism. They felt that the hys-
teria that accompanies Communism is
reflected in some of the methods of the
Un-American Activities Committee. They
believed that some of these methods
should be condemned and discontinued.
And they ended their proposal on the
following note: "There should be no at-
tempt on the part of our government or any
other non-Communist government to de-
stroy Communist institutions or to interfere
with the right of any nation to choose freely
its own form of political and economic or-
By issuing a united voice on such matters
the church may not have an immediate
effect on governmental action, but it will
have a tremendous force in molding long
range American political opinion.
-Janet Watts

Pyramid Club

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Letters to the Editor-


The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or suchrletters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
To the Editor:
"Froggy Bottom," in addition to
being a real student show, has
some music which has the mark
of professional excellence. It seems
particularly right that our veter-
ans should4>e the important char-
acters 'in the production. "Froggy
Bottom" will take its place along
with the better Union Operas. Our
students, who made it their busi-
ness to revive the Union Opera,
deserve the highest praise, since
they had many obstacles to over-
come. Congratulations to them all.
-E. A. Walter,
Dean of Students
Well Needed


Our Mistake .
To the Editor:
HERE at Michigan teachers of
English try to show their stu-
dents that a liberal education has
some practical value. They assign
them to read and compel them to
discuss moving essays on the com-
forts of philosophy and the value
of the classics. The Daily too does
its share. The notion of printing
a write-up of Professor Ehrhard's
lecture on "Existensionalism" in
which we are told that "Platon"
and "St. Augustin" are "French
and German theorists" may help
to convince some of the uncon-
vinced that a liberal education is
as practical for a reporter as it is
for one who just wants to find
amusement in his daily paper.
-David Park
(EDITOR'S NOTE - The Daily
shamefacedly recognizes its error. We
are, at present, taking up a collection
to send the reporter in question to
* * *
Mark Twain Letters
To the Editor:
Mark Twain's estate, of which
the undersigned is one of the trus-
tees, has a very important collec-
tion of Mark Twain papers and
letters which will eventually pass
to one of our great universities.
Mark Twain was one of the
world's great letter writers. There
are literally thousands of Mark
Twain letters in the hands of the
Mrk Twain's daughter and his
estate have arranged for an offi-
cial volume of Mark Twain letters
to be published by Harper &
Brothers. All holders of Mark
Twain letters are invited to com-
municate with Mr. Dixon Wecter,
Editor Mark Twain Papers, Henry
E. Huntington Library, San Ma-
rino 15, California.
Certain unauthorized persons
have been soliciting copies of Mark
Twain letters. While a Mark Twain
letter may belong to its holder,
the publication right belongs to
the estate of Mark Twain. The
public should not be misled. It is
right and in the public interest
that the facts should be made
known. As Mark Twain said, "Al-
ways do right. This will gratify
some people, and astonish the
-Thomas G. Chamberlain






__ _ __ i

t the State ...

MOONRJSE, with Dane Clark

and Gale

IEREWITH-the tragedy of a reviewer
who just couldn't make up his mind.,
As we watched the picture we were beset
with an almost electric alternation of good
and bad opinion which has continued until
;he present moment. ,
On our way to the typewriter we en-
countered a fairly typical collegiate movie-
goer. She said flatly; "It was lousy."' This,
I presume, will be the majority decision.
I think, however, that I'll cast a dissent-
ng vote.
Although "Moonrise" undoubtedly fails to
attain the high goal that it set for itself, it
loes reach some extremely satisfying

heights. Those commendable points that
the picture does possess don't generally arise
from either the story or the acting. It is in
technique that special distinction is won.
The use of music is excellent, a fairly real-
istic situation is viewed by the camera in
ways that are novel and arresting, and the
overall dramatic effect is one of considerable
Dependably mediocre Gail Russell walks
about the set in shadowed beauty, Dane
Clari shows an honest effort to fit the
picture's dark mood, and Ethel Barrymore
hardly has time to get warmed up.
If you're looking for entertainment-you
should probably stay home.
But for an example of motion picture
technique that is quite refreshing--see this
-Bob White.


religion and Labor

ALMOST EVERYONE will agree that next
to discrimination, labor and manage-
ment relations constitute the most perplex-
ing problem in the United States today.
Many of us don't know just what attitude
to adopt toward labor unions and business
The Student Religious Association has
recognized this popular dilemma and in its
effort to help students find a solution, the
SRA is presenting an Institute on Religion
and Labor-Management Relations today
and Saturday.
Many may wonder what an institute com-
bining religion and labor would include. The
title merely indicates that labor will be dis-
cussed in the light of the responsibility of
those who believe in the Golden Rule. Labor
and religion by means of education and or-
ganization both want to set up better stan-
dards of living and opportunity.
Students should feel their social responsi-
bility, as citizens in a democracy which de-
pends so much on strong labor unions. Only
At Lydia Mendelssohn.
TOVARICH, with William Bromfield,
Marilyn Begole and Clarence Stephenson.
done more than just justice to this ever
witty play-they've added lustre and profes-
sional gleam to an already brilliant comedy.
Its acting is inspired, and executed with
a spirit essential to such a comedy, a sort
of carefree self-assurance that makes the
whole production move quickly and gaily.
"Tovarich" is a blending of Russian
aristocracy and Bolshevism in a French
bourgeoise setting. It is remarkably funny,
both' in its lines and in its situations, and
the cast presents the whole drama with
hardly a blemish.
William Bromfield, as Prince Mikail, is
magnificent, and to him must go incidental
credit for his nonchalance in righting a wine
bottle, which came within millimeters of
crashing to the stage. With presence of
mind he averted a nasty mess and eased
an entire audience back from the edge of
their seats.

by studying the problem can they gain an
understanding of prevailing conflict between
the employers and the employees.
The objects of this Religion and Labor In-
stitute are to give students a religious inter-
pretation of the labor situation as it exists
today, and to point out the social responsi-
bility and ethical significance of the labor
I think the SRA should be commended for
sponsoring such a timely and worthwhile
project. It is about time students attempted
to discover the impliications of our "religi-
ous faith" and tried to apply them to the
economic and industrial aspects of our
-Joan Willens
At Hill Auditorium...
GRAND ILLUSION, with Jean Gabin,
Pierre Fresnay and Erich Von Stroheim.
WHEN THE FRENCH film Grand Illusion
goes on the screen at 8:30 p.m. this eve-
ning, it will probably not play to a capacity
audience. Those few who do attend, however,
will see one of the finest jobs of acting and
directing ever to come from the other side
of the water. Grand Illusion was an early
link -in the chain of foreign pictures that is
slowly coming to make Hollywood realize
that they might do better with a little less
money and a little more talent.
* * *
JEAN GABIN (pronounced as Fred Allen
would) plays the part of a French officer
who is interned in a German prison camp
during the first World War. The fact that
it is a camp for officers only, results in the
most polite war that this writer has ever
seen reproduced on film. The guards and
the prisoners treat each other to cigarettes,
wear white gloves, apologize for shooting at
one another, and in general kill each other
with kindness. In spite of this inattention
to what the facts probably were, no one
in the picture seemedsurprised, and I for
one am willing to go along with them.
If there's such a thing as a French
"Oscar" or "L'Oscarre," as the case may
be, it should have gone to Erich Von

ANOTHER INFORMAL view of the works
of some well-known contemporary ar-
tists is being given in the Alumni Memorial
Hall galleries, with the showing of a col-
lection of forty Modern Drawings from the
New York Museum of Modern Art.
The Museum of Art's own collection of
modern drawings, still on view in the
"Recent Accessions" exhibit in the West
Gallery, stands up by comparison as the
better art. There is more variety in style
however, in the new show, which includes
Futurist and Suprematist examples,
among the usual modern sketches.
"States of Mind: Those who Stay" by
Umberto Boccioni is well worth a study as
representative of Futurist technique in keep-
ing with the Futurist idea of expressing
motion, the artist uses curved vertical lines
to show the movement of people along a
street. The total effect is an achievement of
a certain amount of depth in a rhythmic
The Suprematist, Malevich, who carried
abstract art to its utmost in such works
as "White on White", is here represented
by two pencilled squares, which he has
entitled "Suprematist Elements". Another
interesting, and more enjoyable produc-
tion of modern experimentation is the
joint undertaking, "Cadavre Exquis".
Drawn in colored chalk on black paper,
it is the work of four artists: Hugo, Bre-
ton, Tzare and Knutson.
Pastel, brush and ink, on green paper are
combined to give a design in line and color
in Masson's "Werewolf". Henry Moore also
utilizes an unusupl combination of mater-
ials in his "Seated Figures No. 2." The sculp-
ture sketches are done in colored crayon,
wash and ink.
A drawing exhibit is of most value in
giving a "sketch-book view" of an artist's
work, but it is here that the Museum of
Modern Art collection falls down. Perhaps
the exhibitors feel that anything with a
famous signature will get by.
Of particularly low calibre are drawings
by such "big name" artists as Picasso, Ma-
tisse and Tanguy. A step into the West
Gallery can easily restore one's apprecia-
tion of the real worth of these usually
superb draftsmen, however.
Equally disappointing are Picabia's
"Dada Movement", a poorly contrived pen
and ink, and Tchelitchew's "Study for
the Crystal Grotto", a rather washed-out
wash drawing of fairly recent date. A
flower study by Kuniyoshi is an example
of the "pretty-pretty" style this artist
occasionally falls into, the "Sculpture,
Mold and Grapes" of the University col-
lection being only a step higher.
Among the simple line drawings, Modigli-
ani's "Head" and Lachaise's "Standing Wo-
man Profile" show an economy and sureness
of stroke lacking in some of the other works.
Also notable is a typical George Grosz,
"Cafe", and a brush drawing by Portinari,
-Joan Katz

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of
the Assistant to the President, Room
2552 Administration Building, by 3:00
p.m. on the day preceding publica-
tion (11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1949
VOL. LIX, No. 124
Graduate Student Council mem-
bers are reminded that their lan-
guage questionnaires are due this'
Choral Union Members whose
attendance records are clear, will
please pick up their courtesy
passes to the Chicago Symphony
Orchestra concert (to be given
Sun., March 27, 7 p.m.) Fri.,
March 25, between 9:30 a.m.-12
non and 1-4 p.m., at the offices
of the University Musical Society,
Burton Memorial Tower.
Seniors in Education: Com-
mencement announcements will be
on sale today and tomorrow,
March 24 and 25 in the Student
Lounge, 2432 U.E.S., from 10 a.m.-
12 noon; 2-4 p.m.
Women students attending the
O'Donto Ball, March 25, have 1:30
a.m. late permission. Calling hours
will not be extended.
Phi Eta Sigma: Certificates are
now available in the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs for those who were
initiated into Phi Eta Sigma on
January 12.
Group Hospitalization and Sur-
g;ial Service: During the period
from April 5 through April 15, the
University Business Office, 3058
Administration Bldg., will accept
new applications as well as re-
quests for changes in contracts
now in effect. These new applica-
tions and changes become effec-
tive June 5, with the first payroll
deduction'on May 31. After April
15 nobnew applications or changes
can be accepted until October
Approved Social.Events for the
following weekend:
March 25
Couzens Hall, Delta Sigma
Delta, Forestry Club, Inter-Guild,
Phi Alpha Kappa, New Women's
March 26
Acacia, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha
Epsilon Iota, Alpha Kappa Kappa,
Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau
Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi,
Cooley House, Delta Kappa Epsi-
lon, Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Tau
Delta, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi
Alpha, Lawyers Club, Lloyd House
Phi Chi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi
Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Tau,
Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma Kappa,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Nu,
Sigma Phi, Society of Les Voya-
geurs, Theta Delta Chi, Theta Xi,
Trigon, Zeta Psi
March 27
Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Delta
Phi, Sigma Phi Epsilon
The Bureau of Appointments
has received a copy of US Civil
Service Announcement No. 157,
with options of historian, intelli-
gence specialist (general and
technical), foreign affairs offi-
cers, and social science analyst.

The closing date for receipt of ap-
plications has been extended to
March 29. For further informa-
tion, call at the office, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg.
The Proctor and Gamble Co. will
have a representative here on Mon.
and Tues., March 28 and 29, to in-
terview literary and business ad-
ministration students for sales and
sales management positions.
The Chase National Bank will
have a representative here on
Tues., March 29, to interview men
for employment in their organiza-
The S. S. Kresge Co. will have a
representative on Tuesday and
Wednesday, March 29 and 30,
from their Detroit Main Office to
interview men for their man-
agerial and executive training
program. Assignments may be
any place in the United States.
The Firestone Tire and Rubber
Co. will have a representative here
on Tues. and Wed., March 29 and
30, to interview primarily for
salesmen, and a few accountants
for 'sales accounting work. These
assignments will be any place in
the United States.
The General Cable Co. will have
a representative here on Tues.
and°Wed., March 29 and 30, to in-
terview engineers for their man-
agement training program.
Further information and ap-
pointments may be obtained by
calling Ext. 371, or by stopping in
the office, 3528 Adtin. Bldg.
The Detroit Civil Service Com-
mission will have a representative
here on Tues., March 29, to inter-
view people interested in employ-
ment in Detroit City Departments
with particular interest in the fol-
lowing fields: social, medical, and
student social case worker, senior
city planner, technical aid (dis-
play arts), technical aid (female
--Business administration only),
(male - business administration,
engineering, general, and medical
science), Junior Recreation In-
structor (male or female), Recre-
ation Instructor (male), senior
dentist, junior and senior veteri-
narian, and nurses. For further
information and appointments,
call Ext. 371, or stop in the office,
3528 Admin. Bldg.
Summer Work: Detroit Civil
Service announces reopening of
examination for PLAY LEADER
(male and female). Age limit
20-35. For further information
and appointment call at 3528 Ad-
ministration Building.
Camp Positions, Men: Repre-
sentative of Camp Nissokone, De-
troit YMCA camp, will be here
Saturday a.m. to interview men for
positions in athletics, swimming,
nature study, photography, riding,
dramatics, journalism, and book-
keeping. For appointments, call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Admin. Bldg., or call Ext. 2614.
Economics Lecture: Prof. How-
ard S. Ellis, of the University of
California and president of the
American Economic Association,
will speak on "The Economist's
Way of Thinking," Tues., March
29, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphi-
theatre; auspices of the Depart-
ment of Economics. The public is

To the Editor:
I'M CERTAINLY glad that so
many students gave Mr. Har-
old Walsh a little well needed ad-
vice. His recent letter has been
a subject of great interest 'to me,
and, I might add, some little dis-
comfort. Several Fridays ago when
I was in a well-known local tav-
ern, I too had a drink and have
often thought ever since how un-
fortunate it was that Mr. Walsh
did not know what he was miss-
Not only that but also I do wish
he'd *wise up about this class
cutting thing. Although cutting a
class is just about as nasty a
thing as anything I can think of,
I surely do hope that Mr. Walsh
will further his education by try-
ing it again. Even though he is
far away from home, nonethe-
less he ought to be made to ob-
serve the reality of the University
There are lots of things that Mr.
Walsh should learn about, but
these two, class cutting and this
drinking, I think are the most
important if he is ever to be able
to say that he went to the Uni-
versity of Michigan.
-Betty H. Miller.

Lecture, auspices of the Depart-
ment of Fine Arts. First of three
lectures on "The Buddha in the
Cave" (illustrated). Alexander So-
per, Professor of Fine Art, Bryn
Mawr College. 4:15 p.m., Mon.,
March 28, Rackham Amphitheatre.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Ar-
thur Richard DeLong, Education;
thesis: "The Relative Effectiveness
of Two Methods of Teaching So-
cial Science at the College Level,"
Fri., March 25, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg. 3 p.m. Chairman,
Wm. Clark Trow.
History 50: Midsemester will be
given in Natural Science Audito-
rium, Fri., March 25, 2 p.m.
Astronomical Colloquium: Fri.,
March 2w, '4:15 p.m., Observatory.
Speaker: Mr. Marvin L. White.
Subject: "Collissional Excitation
of Forbidden Lines in Gaseous Ne-
Organic Chemistry Seminar:
Fri., '7:30 p.m., 1300 Chemistry
Bldg. Mrs. abgood will discuss
"The Chemistry of Flavones and
Related Compounds."
Student Recital: Robert Sohn,
Clarinetist, will present a pro-
gram at 8 p.m. Mon., March 28,
Hussey Room, Michigan League.
He will be assisted by Patricia
Penman, pianist, and Robert
Pfeuffer, bassoonist. Mr. Sohn is a
pupil of William Stubbins. Com-
positions by Fiorillo, Dvorak, De-
cruck, Bernstein, Bennett, and
Glinka. The recital is presented
in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Mas-
ter of Music in Music Education.
The public is invited.
Events Today
Geological - Mineralogical Jour -
nal Club: 12:25 p.m., 2054 Natural
Science Bldg. Dr. James T. Wil-
son, Department of Geology, "The
University of Michigan Seismo-
graph Station." All interested per-
sons are invited.
(Continued on Page 7)


New Books at the
General Library
Bingay, Malcolm-Of Me I Sing.
Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, 1949.
Brown, Harrison-Must Destruc-
tion Be Our Destiny? New York,
Simon and Schuster, 1948.
Capek, Karel - Three Novels.
New York, Wyn, 1948.
Kafka, Franz-The Penal Col-
ony. New York, Schocken, 1948.
Poole, Ernest-The Nancy Flyer.
New York, Crowell, 1949.

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor
Dick Maloy...............City Editor
Naomi Stern.......Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti .. .Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen ........Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff ..........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown...........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed,
Bev Bussey ...Sports Feature Wr~er
Audrey Buttery.......Women's Edior
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culman . .. .Finance Manager
Cole Christian ...Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusi4ly
entitled to the use for republio'Atlon
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail.




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