PENSION PLAN Llk Latest Deadline in the State i43Iaii4q CUD Wy CLOUDY, WARMER See Page 4 VOL. LIX, No. 124 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS I Fifth Straight Drop n Prices Reported Inflation Still 'Serious Problem,' According to University Economist The cost of living has dropped for the fifth month in a row, and virtually all of the increase that occurred in 1948 has now been wiped out, government figures showed yesterday, The Associated Press re- ported. However, inflation stilt remains a serious problem despite the drop, according to Harold M. Levinson of the economic department. * * * * "THERE ARE still plenty of inflationary possibilities such as an- other round of wage increases or changes in the government tax pro- gram," Levinson asserted. Miners Halt Costly Protest Shutdown Current Contract To End June 30 PITTSBURGH - (A) - John L. Lewis passed the word down 'to the UMW yesterday-go back to work Monday. That was good news for indus- try. It was also welcomed by the 463,000 idle hard and soft coal miners east of the Mississippi. THEY SAID at the start of the two-week memorial-protest shut- down March 14 their pocketbooks would be sagging by the scheduled end of the work stoppage 4on- day. Some sources outside the union had feared the work stop- page might extend into a third week. A skimpy Easter is assured for most miners' families as it is. They are not receiving unemploy- ment compensation during their two-weeks of idleness and few have been able to turn up extra employment. Miners' loss of wages has been put at $35,000,000.. LEWIS' WORD to return to the pits as scheduled came in the form of' an "executive communication." It said: "The present memorial period will terminate Monday, March Z8. Production may then be re- sumed in all mines and all mem- bers should make themselves available for work on that date." Describing this summer's forth- coming contract negotiations as "of crucial importance," Lewis de- clared: "The lessening productiv- ity of the nation has encouraged powerful financial and mining in- terests to believe that your union and its wage structure and- your living standards may be success- fully attacked. "Your welfare fund, which means so much in the alleviation of human agony in our industry, will also be placed in jeopardy." TI; CURRENT contract ex- pires June 30, while the miners are slated to be idle during an annual ten-day paid vacation. That con- tractual vacation starts June 25. Some sources have speculated on the possibility that Lewis called his men out for two weeks to reduce larger-than-usual stocks of mined coal. That was seen as a move to strengthen the UMW's bargaining position. The Lewis order came shortly after the Baltimore and Ohio Rail- road, an important coal carrier, announced that 8,500 shop work- ers now on furloughs would re- turn to work April 4. Similar word came from another big coal carrier, the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co. 'U' Foreign Study Opened to Grads The Bureau of Labor Statis- tics reported that its consumers' price index declined1 per cent between Jan. 15 and Feb. 15. This fifth consecutive drop brought the index down to a point where it was only 0.9 per cent higher than a year ago. The index figure on Feb. 15 was 169 per cent of the 1935-39 av- erage. It was 27 per cent above June 1946, when OPA controls were abandoned, and 71 per cent higher than the pre-war level of August 1939. * *.* THE SUBSTANTIAL cuts in food prices between January and February sent the index on that class of items down 2.5 per cent. There were smaller declines for clothing (0.7 per cent) and house furnishings (0.5 per cent). As a result, the- index, which represents the retail prices of goods and services bought by mod- erate income families in large cit- ies, took one of its deepest de- scents for one month since the war. * * * THE FOOD INDEX on Feb. 15 was 199.7 per cent of the 1935-39 average, 8 per cent below the July 1948 peak. It was 21/2 per cent lower than a year ago and 37 per cent above the June 1946 level. Food prices dropped in all 56 cities surveyed. Some foods, like eggs, fats and oils and dairy prod- ucts, hit the lowest marks in a year and a half or more. Residential rents advanced 0.2 per cent from mid-January to mid-February and 0.9 per cent for the three months ending Feb. 15. Fleming Trial Postponement AgainDenied Attorney General Stephen Roth repeated last night his request that the grand jury investigation of former county treasurer Clyde D. Fleming's administration be postponed until an audit of the books is completed. And Gov. Williams told The Daily he would stand by his At- torney General in every respect. * * * HOWEVER, CIRCUIT Judge James R. Breakey, Jr., the one- man grand jury, stood firm in his decision to begin the hearings Monday night. He invited Roth to send a representative to sit in on the entire investigation. Roth also described the inves- tigation as a confusion of "local political cross-winds," the Asso- ciated Press reported. Roth's political charge brought no reply from the judge or Prose- cutor Douglas K. Reading. Michigan ForunmPlan Launched Debating Awaits CampusGroups Michigan Forum-Americanized version of the Oxford Union style of debate-was officially launched yesterday, Ralph Sosin, '50, chair- man of the Student Legislature Forum Committee, announced yesterday. "Debating of topics with an ed- ucational value awaits campus groups with vocal axes to grind provided there is some other or- ganization willing to oppose them," Sosin explained. THE FORUM provided a me- dium for the free exchange of views on controversial matters of current campus interest. The go-ahead signal followed the recent "hearty approval" of the Student Affairs Committee and climaxed five months of stduy by the Forum Committee, which will operate the debate program. The group was formed last fall after the Legislature heard Ralph M. Carson, '23L, the only American to preside over the Oxford Union, explain how a debating institution could be formed here. Groups hoping to participate in the Forum may pick up applica- tions at the Office of Student Af- fairs, beginning at 9 a.m., Mon- day. * * * PROCEDURE CALLS for them to be turned in to the Student Af- fairs office and be considered by the Forum committee. Time will be given for other campus groups to answer the challenge if no opponent has been arranged for by the peti- tioning group. The Student Legislature will provide the hall, moderator, chairs and publicity. * * * EACH GROUP WILL bring along one student speaker and one outside speaker. Each of the four will speak for 10 minutes, fol- lowed by a period of cross-ques- tioning. The student audience, which will have been polled earlier on the topic under discussion, will then be given 50 minutes to verbally kick the issue around and point questions at the speakers. Students will be polled again before the Forum is adjourned and the shift in opinion publi- cized. * * * FURTHER DETAILS of the Fo- rum will be sent to the presidents of all campus organizations, ac- cording to Sosin. Members of the Forum Commit- tee are Jim Jans, '49, for SL; Pat McKenna, '49, for the League; Bob Holland, '49, for the Union; William Reitzer, '51L, for Men's Judiciary; Norman Jimerson, '49, for the Student Religious Associa- tion, and Sosin for the Legisla- ture. 'U' Receives Grant The University has been award- ed grants of more than $18,000 to finance laboratory and clinical re- search in cancer, the Federal Se- curity Administration reported yesterday. The grants include $10,195 to the University Regents and $7,884 to the University proper. One-Vote Margin Ends Stiff Debate Truman Praises Rejection of Bill; Rankin Sees Defeat in 81st Session WASHINGTON-0)-In a final jittery flip-flop ballot, the House yesterday killed the Rankins Veterans' Pension Bill by a one vote mar- gin. Ironically, the death stroke was administered on the initiative of a World War II veteran. * * * * PRESIDENT TRUMAN told his news conference later he was ex- ceedingly happy over the outcome. He called it a forward-looking ac- tion. The sudden end to Rep. John E. Rankin's efforts to put across his multi-billion dollar measure climaxed three days of quarrelsome debate during which the House members changed their votes five times before shelving the bill. On the showdown the tally was 208 to 207 to send the riddled legislation back to the Veterans Committee for "further study." That group, headed by the fiery Mis-U Daily-Ohllnger DEMOCRATIC REGENTS CANDIDATES-Pictured above are a few of the many students who took advantage of the opportunity to meet Joseph Arsulowicz and Mrs. Rose Falk, Democratic Regent candidates, at a reception yesterday in the Unbn Terrace Room. Seated from left to right are Don McNeil, '50; Rosalie Wedeen, Tom Walsh, '51L; Marilyn Shube, '50; Arsulowicz, Ed Lewinson, '51; Lyn Marcus, '50; Mrs. Falk and Harry Albrecht, '49L; president of the Young Democrats. 825,000 TRAITORS! House Group Says Nation overrun with Red Spies WASHINGTON - (A) - The House Un-American Activities Committee said yesterday that "thousands of Russian agents" and more thousands of Americans are spying in the United States right now. It said some of the spies "may" be attached to the Russian Em- bassy or the United Nations. AND IN A TIME of national crisis, the committee said, "the United States would have nearly 825,000 persons who are either spies, traitors or saboteurs work- ing against us from within." Fire F iohti Devices Under Investioation Survey Women's HousingProtection The Dean of Women's office has begun an extensive survey of fire- fighting equipment in all women's residences, Associate Dean Mary C. Bromage announced yesterday. Mrs. Bromage said that fire pro- tection apparatus in dormitories, sororities and league houses is be- ing inspected "as a precaution- ary measure." j THE INSPECTION has been undertaken by the Dean's Office' with the assistance of the plant department, Health Service and the business management of resi- dence halls. Houses lacking full fire pro- tection will be asked to purchase additional equipment, Mrs. Bromage declared. More frequent fire drills are also being advocated, and house presi- dents have been asked to stress safety rules at their residences. House directors are cooperating in the survey, Mrs. Bromage added. * * * IN ADDITION to the special survey, regular inspection of fire equipment will be redoubled, ac- cording to Mrs. Bromage. "All res- idences are inspected at least once a year." Purpose of the current survey is to make sure that fire-fighting equipment in the women's hous- ing units is entirely adequate, she said. "All women's residences must meet both state and local require- ments before they are approved for University housing." the statements were made ina pamphlet titled "Spotlight on spies." The House Committee's esti- mate that there are 825,000 po- tential spies, traitors or sabo- teurs in the United States was based on some old figures of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover- 74,000 Communist Party mem- bers and Communist claims that for every member "there are 10 others ready, willing and able to do the party work." What the current crop of spies wants most, the committee said, are "production secrets of the atom bomb." It said it knows some of the secrets have been stolen, but not how much of the bomb for- mula. The committee mentioned no names of suspects in its pamphlet, which is mainly in question and answer form. * * * BECAUSE WE let our Rssuian allies inspect this country and its defense industries during the war, the committee said, the Soviets have been able to print "a thick book which can easily be used as a handbook for bombing and sabo- tage against the United States." The committee said it has "con- fessions to prove" that treason- able Americans are the actual thieves for Red Spy networks in this country. But it said Com- munists trained in espionage ac- tually direct the work. Efast Hal Will Stand! Long suffering engineers are- not to receive any immediate emancipation from the dark cor- ridors and treacherous stairways of venerable old East Hall after all. Pesistent rumors had gladdened the heart of many an engineer yesterday, with the report that a proposal for the destruction of the sixty-five year old structure would be presented at the Board of Re- gents meeting here this weekend. University officials, however, ex- plain that although such a move is contemplated - sometime 'in the future-no action is being pressed before the Regents at this time. Ask Open 'U' Regent Sessions Regents meetings should defi- nitely be open to the public, Mrs. Rosa Falk and Joseph Arsulowicz, Democratic candidates for the Board of Regents told students yesterday. Mrs. Falk and Arsulowicz, along with five other Democratic candi- dates for state offices, made an all day tour of Ann Arbor. * * * * STUDENTS HAD an opportun- ity to question the Regent aspir- ants at a reception sponsored by the Young Democrats and the Students for Democratic Action. Arsulowicz said that even if the Board of Regents votes to continue the practice of closed meetings, "there would be no secrets as far as I'm concerned." "The people of the state- and the students-have a right to know what goes on at those meet- ings," he added. S * * sissippi Democrat, possibly might try to re-draft a veterans aid bill for later consideration, but Ran- kin, himself, indicated no such ef- fort was in prospect. "THAT KILLS this legislation for this Congress," he said. When Rank in confidently brought his pension bill before the House Tuesday it was draft- ed to prove $90 a month for vet- erans of both world wars when theysreached the age of 65, re- gardless of their financial needs. But by the time the final rejec- tion vote was tallied, the measure was so weighted with amendments that even its author could scare- ly recognize it. * * * IT WAS a combat veteran, Rep. Olin E. Teague, of College Station, Texas who set off the legislative machinery to halt the Rankin bill. Teague moved to strike out the measure's enacting clause- that vital part of the bill which would put it into effect if en- acted. That motion lost on a standing vote, 169 to 158. * * * BUT TEAGUE demanded a tel- ler vote, and when the members had marched down the aisles, the count was 171 to 168 in favor. The Texan then asked the House to send the bill back to the committee. On The Associated Press score sheet two switches changed the unofficial total from 209 to 206 against to 208 to 207 in favor of the Teague motion. CED To Hold MeetingTodayV The Committee to End Discrim- ination will hold a meeting at 4 p.m. today at the League. The Young Republicans are the latest group to join the organi- zation which now includes 14 cam- pus groups among its members. On the agenda for discussion by the group is the bill to end dis- crimination in education at pres- ent under consideration by a Sen- ate committee in Lansing. Reports of the reactions of various civic and religious groups in Michigan to the bill will be considered. The Committee is at present functioning as a sub-committee of the Inter-Racial Association pending recognition by the Stu- dent Affairs Committee. Any other organizations and dormitories interested in joining the fight against discrimination are urged to attend today's meet- ing, Leon Rechtman, chairman of the group, said. "THE REGENTS are elected as individuals, and must be account- able to the voters as individuals," Mrs. Falk declared. Students should have closer contact not only withthe Re- gents, but with all administra- tive boards, Arsulowicz said. "More student representation on administrative boards will mean a better University and better stu- dents," he declared. BOTH MRS. FALK and Arsulo- wicz favored full reinstatement of the Workers Extension Service. "A tax-supporting institution cannot afford to ignore the working people in the state," Mrs. Falk stated. In answer to questions on per- mitting Communists to teach, Mrs. Falk said that if a member of the faculty is proven to be a party member, he should be dismissed. Ship Strikes Mine CANTON-(:')-Authorities es- timated more than 100 persons were killed or injured seriously to- day when the motor ship Miss Orient struck a mine between here and Hong Kong. The ship was en route to thl, British crown colony. jury Hears Stalin Quotes In CP Trial Charge Party Plans Violence NEW YORK-(P1)-Writings of Joseph Stalin were read to the jury at the Communist conspiracy trial yesterday in the govern- ment's efforts to prove the party plans to use violence in seizing 'control of the United States. U.S. Attorney John F. X. Mc- Gohey read several excerpts from "Foundations of Leninism" written by the Russian premier. THIS PUBLICATION was one of several identified by Louis Bu- denz, one-time high Communist official but now an arch-foe of the party. Budenz is the first gov- ernment witness. McGohey quoted Stalin as de- claring that the proletarian rev- olution in the United States "is impossible without the violent destruction of the machinery of the bourgeoise state and its re- placement by the machinery of the proletariat state." Another book read by the prose- cutor, "Why Communism," sug- gested that Communist revolu- tionists were justified in using poison gases "to fight the bosses." A THIRD publication admitted into evidence, a "manual of or- ganization of the Communist Party," asserted the final objec- tive of the American Communist Party is to establish a "Soviet socialist republic in the United States." Budenz, former member of the American Party's "polit- buro" who renounced Commu- nism in 1945, said all these pub- lications were given to him by Jacob Stachel, one of the 11 party leaders who are defend- ants in the trial. He testified he used the books and manual constantly through his decade of a party service. His duties included editorship of the Daily Worker, Communist New York newspaper. THE DEFENDANTS are charged with conspiring to advo- cate the forcible overthrow of the U.S. Government. Other excerpts read to the jury included: From "Foundations of Lenin- ism" by Stalin: A dictatorship of the proletariat is "untrammeled by law and vio- lence" and "cannot be complete democracy, democracy for all, for rich and poor alike," but "must be a state that is democratic in a new way." Civil Rights Group Protests N.J. Trial World News At A Glance By The Associated Press HOLLYWOOD-"Hamlet" won the Oscar for the best picture of 1948. Jane Wyman won the best acress award for her deaf-mute part in "Johnny Belinda," and Laurence Olivier won the best male acting award for his role of Hamlet. Walter Huston won the Oscar for the best male supporting role in "Treasure of the Sierra Madre" and Claire Trevor won the best supporting actress award for her part in "Key Largo." i, * ,a * * * IT WON'T BE LAWN NOW! jazzy Signs Protect Infant Seedlings By DON McNEIL "Danger, Grass Shoots!" trodding down the spring seed- ing. old to play in the mud," and "Give us young blades a chance."