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March 22, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-22

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A tlanti

Unwarranted . .
[ENDELL WILLKIE, with his idea of
"One World" would be wondering about
the North Atlantic Pact, if he were here
For the Pact comes close to realizing
a reversion to the "old spheres of influ-
ence" idea. It throws up a "defensive
ring," (Western dialectics for "Iron Cur-
tain") around the vast territory stretch-
ing from Norway's Arctic border, through
the heart of Europe down to the Mediter-
ranean and across the Atlantic Ocean to
take in all of North America. It effectively
divides the world into two spheres.
The pact goes one step further than any
the United States has previously entered into
with Europe by calling for readiness on the
part of America to use its military forces
in helping a member nation under attack.
It is termed as an instrument of great
moral power" directed "only against ag-
Yet, we wonder, too.
We wonder how, when two of the world's
strongest nations are arming themselves
to the teeth, anyone will be able to dis-
tinguish aggression from defense when
the time comes.
We wonder what the correlation is be-
tween a 15 billion dollar defense program in
BOTH the USA and the USSR, and the pro-
posals to rush to Europe's defense.
There is evidence that the "aggression"
needed to bring into use this "moral pow-
er" on a materialistic basis already exists.
There is evidence of it in Middle Europe,
where we are charging it against Russia.
There is evidence of it in Greece, in In-
donesia, where Russia charges it against
the U.S. and countries participating in
the North Atlantic Pact.
We can look at our old khakis now'died
a myyriad of colors and wonder when?
We see one "aggressive act" answered by a
counter "aggressive" measure and we can
only wonder how long, and where, before
the dozen and one Cominform, and North
Atlantic pacts put us in the next war.
-Don McNeil.
Editorials pbli shed in The Michigan Daily
are written by 'members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

r Pact
Oily Answver .
CONCURRENT with the revelation of the
articles of the Atlantic Pact, a storm of
protest has arisen in both Russia and the
United States.
Spokesmen for the Kremlin have con-
demned the pact as an instrument of ag-
gression and assert that it can eventually
only mean a third World War.
If the Russians are really sincere in this
assertion and are not merely using it as a
propaganda tool, it can. only mean that they
have been plamning acts of aggression
against the countries of Western Europe.
Under the terms of the Pact, the Russians
only need fear war with the United States
if they invade one of the countries partici-
pating in the alliance. It would seem from
their violent protests that the Russians
have been planning an attack on one of
these countries and that their aggressive
plans have now been somewhat frustrated.
The massing of Russian troops along
the Norwegian border may well have been
a move to intimidate Norway and "con-
vince"' her that she should not sign the
pact-but then again, one wonders.
Certainly we do not want to see the world
sectionalized-and unfortunately that is one
of the things which the Atlantic Pact will
accomplish. Its opponents are correct in
asserting that it will deepen the channel
between the East and the West. We might
ask, however, who cut the channel in the
first place.
Certainly Russia's "agreements" with
the Balkans, Poland, Finland, etc., were
made long before the Atlantic Pact was
seriously considered. It was Russia who
threw up the Iron Curtain, forbade the
entrance of "non-sympathizers" into the
Eastern sector and instituted the ruthless
blockade around Berlin.
It is fine, ideological thinking to assert
that there should be no "defensive rings"
or "iron curtains," but since Russia has
consistently demonstrated her aggressive in-
tentions and refused to lift her veil of se-
crecy and exclusion, the Western nations
of the world have no alternative but to
react accordingly.
Granted, the Atlantic Pact is not an ideal
solution to the problems facing the world
today-but it is at least recognition of the
fact that the United States and the other
participating countries will not sit idly by
while their lands are invaded and their indi-
vidual rights are taken away from them.
-Jim Brown.




Purchase Cards
AT A RECENT MEETING, the members
of the Retail Merchants Division of the
Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce turned
thumbs down on cooperation with the Na-
tional Student Association's Purchase Card
System-which is designed to aid the fi-
nancially-marginal student who might
otherwise have to leave school.
The group unanimously approved a res-
olution condemning the plan as "neither
feasible, financially possible, nor war-
ranted under any circumstances." They
called it "absurd and unworkable." They
questioned its legality under the fair trade
The decision was to be exeptced in light
of the circumstances involved. Although
student NSA officials had expressed their
willingness to explain the PCS to the group,
no one was invited to the meeting to pre-
sent the NSA viewpoint.
Before discussing the Merchants' con-
demnation, time out must be taken to ex-
plain PCS. It involves lining up merchants
who deal in lines that can be termed "stu-
dent necessities," to give students bearing
NSA Purchase Cards a discount on specific
purchases which they set up themselves
ahead of time. The discounts range from
five or ten per cent often up to as high
as 25 per cent. The theory is that PSC mem-
ber students will focalize their buying power
with cooperating merchants-getting them
lower rates yet maintaining the merchants'
profit through a higher gross revenue. (The
smaller percentage profit sometimes will
even be larger in actual dollar terms than
the old percentage under a lower gross rev-
In a nutshell, PCS is harnessed buying
However, Ann Arbor merchants-those
at the meeting anyway-are convinced the
plan won't work. But PCS has been in op-
eration at the University of Buffalo for
more than a year. Both students and mer-
chants found it successful. Elsewhere it
has been making headway and winning
friends among businessmen. With or
without support of the local retail mer-
chants, NSA expects in a few weeks to
take the wraps off plans for a campus
PCS. Several merchants in the city have
agreed along with Detroit merchants who
have signed up with NSA officials at
several Detroit institutions. Purchase
card system is an accomplished fact.
The necessity can certainly be considered
as warranted. The most pointed example
right now are the Chinese students cut off
from financial support from their relatives
and government. Students from many other
nations also face similar dollar shortages.
There are also students who meet the stand-
ards of scholarship of the University, yet
lack financial support. For others, the G.I.
Bill is not quite enough to inch through on.
For a few, the G.. Bill was something nice
while it lasted.
As for the legality of the Purchase Card
System, could it have existed so long on a
dozen campuses without investigation if it
was illegal?
In the face of living costs in Ann Arbor,
PCS, which will cost students $1, is a neces-
sary solution to an otherwise unsoluble
-Craig It. Wilson.
Coal Holiday
J OHN L, LEWIS thinks there is too much
coal above the ground. He fears the
cutting of prices in the coal industry and
has taken it upon himself to "stabilize"

The result of this "noble" effort is that
all coal miners east of the Mississippi
have taken a holiday. A rather expensive.
holiday considering that over ,90 per cent
of the nation's coal production has been
halted, which in turn has caused the
laying off of more than 67,000 railroad
The articulated excuse for the stoppage
is so that his miners may "mourn" the death
and injury of their fellow miners during
the last year. Such "memorial" periods are
permitted in their contracts.
The other verbally expressed reason for
the strike is to show the union's disapproval
of Truman's appointment of Dr. James
Boyd as director of the Federal Bureau of
Mines. Lewis blames Boyd for the many
deaths and injuries of miners in the two
years of the latter's incumbency.
However, the figures show that since
the appointment of the former dean of
the Colorado School of Mines, there has
been a six per cent net reduction in
deaths of miners.
It can also be noted in Boyd's record,
that, contrary to Lewis's accusations, as
president of a mining company for two
years, Boyd did nothing to indicate any dis-
regard of human life or ignorance as to
means of safeguarding it.
The actual facts are-by reducing the

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Fitis Of Victory

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Letters to the Editor-

At the State. ..

Glenn Ford and William Holden.
THINK you'll like this one. Matter of
fact, I hear tell that some folks think it's
I hesitate to call it a western-there are
no cattle, no guitars, no Roy Rogers. And
yet, I'd hesitate not to call it a western-
there's lots of horse play, gun totin' and
stripgin' up. Also-some awfully familiar
We have the unbalanced veteran of the
Civil War in the person of Glenn Ford-later
appointed a territorial judge. We have his
wartime friend, Bill Holden-now the terri-
torial marshall. Ordinarily, the two boys
should get along tip-top.
But two things go haywire-they're both
in lpve with Ellen Drew, and Glenn's kinda
From the plot on ul), the story has lots
of nice original angles. Technicolor and
technique are beyond reproach, and the
casting doesn't leave much to be desired:
Glenn and Bill do admirable jobs with
juicy parts.
Our unqualified opinion: see it--you'l not
figit at any time, and there are occasions
when you'll lose yourself in some genuine
-Bob White.

At the Michigan .,.
new, some old, all good.
'HIS IS IN ALL respects a wholesome
American-type movie, and as such it is
very fine.
It has action, adventure, romance, love,
costumes, villains, torture, kings, queens,
beautiful women, and Errol Flynn. It even
has a plot, a fine old plot, that pits good
against evil, strength of beauty and char-
acter against the sins of cruelty and ambi-
tion, and Errol Flynn against the accumu-
lated women of southwestern Europe. You
must guess who wins.
"Don Juan" is primarily a vehicle for the
horse-playing and sword-playing abilities of
the masculine star. It differs from his
former movie, "Robin Hood," only in that
here they use swords exclusively and Errol
has more women with accessible balconies.
In addition, "Don Juan" is much more lav-
ishly produced.
Consequently, this is probably the best
of all the Flynn-in-costume movies, and
as such, Ws very pleasant,

(Continued from Page 2) I
German Literary Relations in the
Nineteenth Century." Alexander
Qilles, Professor of Germak-ics,
Leeds University, England; aus-
pices of the Departments of Ger-
man and English. 4:15 p.m.,.Fri.,
March 25, Rackham Amphithea-
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Frank
Genevese, Physics; thesis: "An In-
vestigation of the Angular Distri-
bution of Neutrons from the Pho-
to-Disintegration of the Deuter-
on", Tues., March 22, E. Council
Rm., Rackham Bldg., 1:30 p.m.
Chairman, H. R. Crane.
Mathematics Colloquium: Tues.,
March 22, 4:15 p.m., 3201 AngellI
Hall. Dr. Max Woodbury will
speak on "Excitation theory for
neutral network."
Physical Chemistry Seminar:
4:10 p.m., Thurs., March 24, 1300
Chemistry Bldg. Mr. Jacob H. Mil-
ler will discuss "Microwaves and
Dipolar Liquids."
Student Recital: Pearl Francis,
student of organ under Marilyn
Mason, will present a recital in
partiftl fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor
of Music, at 8 p.m., Tues., March
22, Hill Auditorium. Compositions
by Couperin, Bach, Brahms,
Franck, Beach and Sowerby. Open
to the public.
Events Today
Committee on Student Affairs:
Meeting, 3 p.m., 1011 Angell Hall.
Pi Tau Sigma: Meeting, 7:15
p.m., 229 W. Engineering Bldg.
Election of new members.
NSA: Committee meeting, 4
p.m., Rm. 3D, Michigan Union.
IFC Glee Club: Meeting, 3D.
Michigan Union, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Sigma Rho Tau, Engineering
Speech Society: 7 p.m.. 2084 E.
Engineering Bldg. Preparation for
Hall of Fame Contest. The U. of'
Det. debate squad will be present.
Volonia Club: Open meeting,
7:30 p.m., International Center.
Speaker: Mr. Nowicki, present
D.S.R. Commissioner from Detroit.
Young Progressives: Open mem-
bership meeting, 7:30 p.m., Michi-
gan League. Prof: Richard Beards-
ley of the Anthropology Dept. will
speak on "Discrimination."

Houses and Sororities, 9:30 to
' .:30 a. m.. Wed., March 23, Mich-
,an League. Subject: "Curricular
Developments." Speaker: Charles
H. Peake. Assistant Professor of
English and Assistant Dean of the
College of Literature, Science and
the Art.
School of Music: Open forum
on the subject "Do Music Schools
Meet Our Needs"? sponsored by
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia. Panel to'
consist of Dean Earl V. Moore,
Moderator, and Professors John
H. Lowell, David Mattern. Ross L.
Finney, Oliver Edel, and Theodore'
E. Heger, of the Schools of Music'
Faculty. Open to the public. 8
p.m., Wed.. March 23, Rackham
Assembly Hall.
Motion Pictures, auspices of the
Audio-Visual Education Center.
"Anthropology": Malaya -No-
mads of the Jungle; Norway-
Farmer, Fisherman. 4:15 p.m.,
Wed., March 23, Kellogg Audito-
The Water Safety Instructors
Course will be conducted by the
Red Cross between April 18 and 29
at the Intramural Pool. First
meeting, 7:30 p.m., Mon., April 18;
subsequent meetings will be an-
nounced then. The course is open
to both men and women. Anyone
interested should sign up in Of-
fice 15, Barbour Gymnasium.
"The Pattern of Revolution in
History," Professor Preston Slos-
son, Wed., March 23, 8 p.m., Clem-
ents Library, auspices of Graduate
uate History Club. Public invited.
Sociedad Ilispanica: Color film
of South America will be shown by
Mr. Glen Curtis of Detroit, Wed.,
March 23, 8 p.m., Hussey Room,
Michigan League.
Senior Society: Meeting, Wed.,
March 23, 4 p.m., cave room, Mich-
igan League.
United Nations Council for Stu-
dents:. Instead of weekly coffee
hour, members are invited to at-
tend the International Student
Discussion, "Is There Hope for
World Peace," 4 p.m., Wed., March
23, Rackham Lecture Hall.
U. of M. Radio Club: Open meet-
ing for those interested in ama-
teur radio, 7:30 p.m., March 24,
1084 E. Engineering Bldg. Mr.
Jack Cline will speak on "Ham
Mistakes." Discussion of code
practice equipment to be installed
and code classes to be formed.
Modern Poetry Club: Wed., 7:30
p.m., 3217 Angell Hall. Mr. Fel-
heim will lead a discussion on
Wallace Stevens. Bring Oscar Wil-
liams' anthology.

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearingf
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defaa-
toryscharacter or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors -reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
SouthenrUs' Club
To the Editor:
WE ARE TWO Southerners who.
to paraphrase the familiar
boast of the Tarheel. are South-
erners born, Southerners bred, and
when we die expect to be South-I
erners dead! When we came to
Michigan we had never met each
other, but found ourselves in the;
same field of study. Quite in aI
normal course of events we drifted;
into a pleasant attachment. We
read and talked literature and
criticism together. But over the
coffee cup we found ourselves
exchanging ideas also about life,
for how can one exempt the prob-
pems of literature from social and
cultural relationships?
One day we happened on the in-
vitation to a Southerners' Club
meeting which appeared in The
Daily, stressing just such relation-
ships. Now it is true that one of
us is white and one of us is col-
ored, so that, perhaps we repre-
sent a minority opinion i2 respect
to "Southern Sentiments.' Never-
theless, since our rapport had been
so easily established it should be
understandable how we could
hope, without being naive or sin-
ister, that a similar rapport might
be found in the Southerners'gClub.
We went to the advertised
meeting. We left it with optimistic
feelings. The proceedings followed
a pattern fairly familiar to any-
one who has attended organiza-
tional meetings on this campus.
We had not expected to en-
counter, as we did, a sizeable mi-
nority of Negroes in attendance.
The circumstances, however, was
most gratifying to us, and seemed
to promise that our hopes for the
Southerners' Club were not ill-
founded. The subsequent attempts
to discredit a situation as salutary
as that we observed seem to us
most regrettable. Perhaps there
are other Southerners here who
feel as we do, and who still think
that a Southerners' Club could be
operated without discrimination,
and without sensation.
-Blyden Jackson,j
-Thomas W. Leigh.
Race Relations
To the Editor:
schools of thought as to how
to develop better race relations,
one is passing legislation and the
establishment of definite laws;
the other, however, is through the
process of education especially in
the school system. Both schools
have their pros and cons but it is
with the latter wer are concerned
at this time.
It is my belief that the vast
majority of our educational insti-
tutions and school systems fail to
take not full use for that would
be a Utopia, but a constructive
percentage of many of the prac-
tical avenues to better race rela-
tions. Use of the everyday visual
aids of such Negro magazines and
newspapers in classrooms, li-
braries, waiting rooms and other
prominent spots would go a long
way in aiding the breach between
the two groups to dissolve. Most
of you have never seen, much less
read the Crisis, one of the most
outstanding Negro editorial mag-

azines, or cracked the cover of
Ebony, the sepia version of Life
Magazine. This, too, is a maga-
zine of first class standing.
Neither are you made consciously
aware that there exist national
Negro papers which present the
minority side of the case of the
country and their people weekly
and in some cases bi-weekly. Fore-
most in this group are the Pitts-
burgh Courier, Afro-American and
the Chicago Defender with edi-
torials by such great men as Du-
bois, the sociologist: Mays, the
theologian; and White, the execu-
tive secretary of the National As-
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People.
To prove my point further let
us consider the University of
Michigan in these aspects:
(1) You are not consciously
aware of Negro magazines and
newspapers. In general, waiting
rooms and libraries show no evi-
dence of these outstanding mag-

2 True facts of Negro history
fail to find their way into the
classroom as a general rule.
3) The lack of personnel other
than the standardized categories
(janitors, porters, etc.) show need
for definite application of the
democratic principle in a tax sup-
ported educational institution.
-Rev. David A. Blake, Jr.,
Liaison NAACP. Michigan
State Conference Branches,
lore I acts
To the Editor:
BEFORE THE LIES and tistor-
tions regarding the Minds-
zenty case take their permanent
place in the folklore horror tales
that have, for thirty years, formed
the basis of American foreign pol-
icy, I should like to make known
several facts, both for the record
and for the information of "na-
turally combative professors" and
other "experts" of foreign affairs.
The following are some lines of
a letter sent from Engen Szat-
mari, Budapest correspondent for
Hearst, to George Seldes, pub-
lisher of In Fact. This letter was
sent in reply to a request by Mr.
Seldes for information on the
trial, information that was not,
for the most part, printed in the
press of the United States. Parts
of Mr. Szatmari's letter follow:
"All reports about 'preparing'
the cardinal through drugs, hyp-
nosis, torture, etc., are pure non-
sense. It is also nonsense to say
that the cardinal was tired, or
t ha he looked awful, as sot
USA papers wrote.
"He was not imprisoned in a
cell, but in a room . . .of the State
Defense Office headquarters . . .
(with a) bed, writing desk, paper
and pencil . . . allowed to read and
write . . . (and) celebrate mass.
"It is also nonsense to say that
foreign correspondents could not
move freely and that telephone
and telegraph were censured."
Now what were the charges to
which the Cardinal confessed. He
said: "I am guilty in principle and
in detail of most of the charge
made." The charges were that
he had discussed, plotted, and
conspired to bring the Hapsburg
monarchy back to Hungary, dealt
illegally in the black market, sell-
ing several thousands of American
dollars, appealed for foreign aid
in setting up the monarchy, and
authorized numbers of documents
including intelligence reports
written to American and British
diplomats and several anti-Semi-
tic statements.
" Altogether, the evidence is over-
whelming, but what are facts to
those who are more than willing
to use any opportunity to enrich
their anti-Soviet campaign.
-Al Fishman.

I doubt that you
twice, but unless you
of 1le Art Cinenia
Wort i' seeing once.

will see "Don Juan"
alwaiys think in terms
League, it's certainly
-Perry Logan.

Ilk-Facto Party

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authorIty of the Board in Control o
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Jhllot
Dick Maloy ...............City Edito?
Naoinl S1tern ........Editorial IOiroctof
Allegra Pasqualettl .. .AssociatoeItos
Al Blumrosen ........Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff ..........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown ............Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Spegts Ed.
Bev Bussey ...Sports Featur~ riter
Audrey Buttery.....Women Editor
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editox
Bess Hayes ..................Librariar,
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Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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SubscriptIou during the reglgar
sshool year by carrier, $5.00, by tal.

CONSERVATIVE opinion appears rather
stunned by its own Congressional vic-
tories over President Truman. It gapes at its
legislative handiwork, then giggles delight-
edly, and gapes again. Conservatism seems
to have been rcborn, on a national scale.
How did it happen? is the question of the
day. To this there is a short, plain answer:
It didn't happen. It only seems to have hap-
That's not the flush of youth, that's only
a rush of blood to the head.
The lion. gents and esquires have merely
stumbled on a way to play splinter-group
politics, in the worst European parliamen-
tary tradition. In other moods, at other
ti0es, they denounce this kind of frag-
nentation-politics and bloc-mnaking as
something that has long been t'e curse

It has given up the old slogan of "party
regularity;" which has, in the past, been
so important to it. For the first time, we
have a major national grouping formed
on a naked ideological basis. Conservatism
is out in the open now, and unsheltered;
it is no longer comfortably ensconced in
parties which were, at least theoretically,
parties of a general nature, machines for
winning elections on vague grounds of his-
torical attachment, sectional custom, long
habit. By forming an alliance with the
Old South for the sake of dealing a pass-
ing blow at Mr. Truman, conservatism has
thrown into the bonfire all that apparatus
by means of which it could once win in-
directly, and obscurely. From now on it
can triumph only if it can find enough
people who are fearful of civil liberties,
and who want their rent raised.

Canterbury Club: 7:30 p.m.
Seminar on The Meaning of the Delta Si
Christian Faith; topic this week, business ac
"The Episcopal Doctrine of the ty: Business
Church." 23, 7:30 p.m
U. of M. Young Republican Hill.
Club membership meeting, 7:30
p.m., Rm. 3A, Mich. Uunion. Can- 1 U. of M.
didate for re-election to the Board i March 23,
of Regents, Albred B. Connable, Union.
Jr., will lead a discussion on "The
Board of Regents and University Pre-Med,
Affairs." ing. Wed,,

igma Pi, Professional
dministration fraterni-
s meeting, Wed., March
n., Chapter House, 1212
Theater Guild: Wed.,
7:30 p.m., Michigan
Society: Regular meet-
March 23, has been
Watch D.O.B. for fur-

house Directors'
Meeting for staff
Women's Residence


cancelled. N
ther notice.

Institute:: Canterbury Club: 7:15 a.m.,
members in Wed., March 23. Holy Communion,
Halls, League followed by Student Breakfast.


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