ATLANTIC PACT See Page 4 L ip-i L r Latest Deadline in the State 4 6F t t L T SHOWERS VOL. LIX, No. 121 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCh 22, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS GiveUp Hope For Nominee Regents Meet Two Candidates Ismeline to Attend Hope died last night for the Student Legislature's proposed open meeting on campus of all candidates for the two Regents posts to be filled in the April 4 election. I SL President Jim Jans, '49, told The Daily he was unable to ob- tain consent to attending the meeting from "at least one can- didate from each party," as re- quired by the Legislature. Both Democratic and Progres- sive Party candidates were will- ing to attend, Jans said. How- ever, he explained that neither Republican Party candidate ac- cepted the invitation which would, have brought all six to Kellogg Auditorium Thursday. Alfred G. Connable, Kalamazoo, incumbent, told Jans that party officials had already booked him solid until election night. Mrs. Vera Bates, Detroit, also incumbent, said flatly she "would not co te", according to Jans. He said she failed to give reasons for her refusal. Both Democrats, Mrs. Rosa Falk, Detroit, and Joseph Arsu- lowicz, Grand Rapids, accepted the invitations, along with two candidates for the Progressive Party, Miss Ruby Sweetman, De- troit; and Mrs. Georgina Fields, Detroit. Meanwhile, students prepared Fto meet Regents candidates any- way this week. Connable will appear at a meet- ing of the Young Republicans at 7:30 p.m. today, in Rm. 3A, of. the Michigan Union. He will discuss the Board, the f coming elections, University af- fairs and anything students may ask him in a question and answer session, according to Leonard Wil- cox, '52, secretary. Later, Mrs. Falk and Arsulowicz will be introduced to students at a coffee hour, 4 p.m. Thursday, in the Terrace Room, of the Union, sponsored by the Young Demo- crats. Also appearing will be John H. McCarthy, candidate for State Highway Commissioner, and Har- vey C. Whitzel and Dr. Connor D. Smith, both candidates for the Board of Agriculture. As yet, Young Progressive offi- cials have made no plans to bring their candidates on campus. It was explained that they were counting on the Legislature's Meet Your Candidates program. Union Opera To Play for Packed House Froggy Bottom' Is Box Office Sell-Out A sell-out crowd of 1827 will witness the premiere performance of Froggy Bottom when the cur- tain goes up at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Michigan Theatre. Tickets for all three perform- ances were sold out at 5 p.m. yes- terday, Bill Zerman, Opera Pro- motions Chairman announced. "CHANCES FOR AN extra per- formance of Froggy Bottom are pretty slm, Zerman said. "But we're ,nvinced the Union Opera is here to stay." Revival of the opera climaxes two years of planning, Zerman remarked. Dress rehearsal of the opera will be held this morning, along with rehearsal of the band. The 59 members of the cast began rehearsal i.iore than a month ago. The Michigan Theatre has pro- vided the use of their building at cost to the opera, Zerman said. ALUMNI GROUPS from Mich- igan, Ohio and Illinois are ex- pected to attend the opera. Gov. G. Mennen Williams will come to Ann Arbor for the opening of the show tomorrow. Ten searchlights will lend the air of a big city premiere to the show's first performance, Zer-. man said. The Michigan Story Transitional Years (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fourth in a series of articles presenting the highlights in the history of the University of Michigan). BY ROBERT WHITE Daily Associate Editor As the start of the school year of 1863-64 at Michigan approached a rather hapless figure found himself in the President's office. Prof. Erastus Otis Haven-who had taught at the University for four years-was appointed simultaneously with the controversial dismissal of President Tappan. He immediately developed-and with some justification-a mild persecution complex, which seems to have followed him throughout his years in office. * - * * AS SOON AS HAVEN assumed the position, he was confronted with scores of indignation rallies and an avalanche of mail over rappan's abrupt departure. With admirable restraint, he quieted the uproar by holding up the future of the University as the first essential .onsideration of all concerned. In orderly fashion, he presented student petitions for Tap- pan's reinstatement to the Regents, who-after due consideration -denied them: "It is not consistent with the best inerests of he students," said the Board, "that petitions should be entertained by this Board from students, with regard to the government of the University . ."" We may probably credit President Haven for the subsequent1 Nigh enrollment at the University, and for the corresponding expan- ion in facilities. It was at this time that the Regents prevailed upon :he citizens of little Ann Arbor to raise funds for an addition to th Medical Building. The villagers-in a typical demonstration of their pride in the town's prime industry-provided the funds. * * * * PRESIDENT HAVEN instigated other improvements: in 1864 I course in mining engineering was offered; two years later the University installed departments of mechanical engineering and of pharmacy; there were further gains in library and museum facilities. But in spite of the outwardly calm scene of progress, Haven was soon involved in two disheartening controversies: the battle over the introduction of Homeopathy in the medical department, and the question of admitting women to the University. The first issue appears to have arisen in the year 1867 when th State Legislature offered to give the proceeds from a new property ax to the University. But, there was a string attached: the schoo would get the money only on the condition that the medical depart- ment initiate a Professorship in Homeopathy. HAVEN WAS INCENSED by the Legislature's apparent invasion >f the Regents' authority. But the Regents, apparently more con- cious of the money to be gained through cooperation with the State ffered to locate a school of Homeopathy away from Ann Arbor.. Thi: ;:roposition was quickly vetoed by the State Supreme Court, and th Jniversity went without the needed tax revenue in 1867-68. From a modern vantage point, the Homeopathy issue seems to have had no reasonable cause. Although the proponents of the new theory had formed rather obnoxious "cults," their basic no- tion of serum techniques has since been proven generally valid. Fortunately, in 1868, Tappan persuaded the Legislature to advanc the funds without the qualification, and the Homeopathy question wa: tabled. * * * * TOWARD THE END OF THE SIXTIES, another problem was thrown in the lap of Erastus Haven. Increasing public pressure brough 3 request from the Legislature that the University admit women Actually, the by-laws of 1850 contained no specific ban on coeducation but the very thought scandalized many on the University faculty. The general opinion seems to have been that gross immorality in the classroom would be the inevitable result of such liberality. Physiolo- gists, for example, refused outright to even consider discussion of their subject in mixed company. In 1867, President Haven presented this majority view on the question, and suggested a separate institution for women. The following year, however, he reversed himself in a recommendation to the Regents-under pressure, some say, from the Legislature. But events were to prevent Haven from welcoming the first Michigan coed in the year 1870. In June, 1869, he submitted hi resignation. From start to finish, he had never been at peace ir. the President's office. HAVEN, WHO APPEARED later as the president of Northwestern University, had been an adequate administrator, certainly-and his term in office was marked by several notable improvements in the University plant. Meanwhile a somewhat frantic Board of Regents, after fail- ing temporarily in its efforts to bring James Burrill Angell-a noted Eastern educator-to Michigan, appointed as President Pro Tempore, Henry Simmons Frieze, a professor of Latin in Ann NArbor since 1854. White-haired Prof. Frieze was a patient, sincere man whose great love of music foreshadowed future developments in that field at Michigan, and to be reflected later in the installation of the Frieze Memorial Organ at Hill Auditorium. But because of his temporary status as President, he hesitated to institute changes of a far-reaching nature-preferring, instead. to deal with problems as they arose. In this intent, he succeeded admirably. * * * * IN 1870, MISS MADELON STOCKWTLL-an honor student at a vestigial remnant of the University's extension school in Kalamazoo -decided she wanted to come to Michigan. Acting President Frieze See MICHIGAN, Page 6 World News At A Glance State Officials Studing hare Of Cunt unds Embezzlement Local Optionl Rent Control Splits Senate Decentralization Topic of IDeIEa to WASHINGTON--1' -The Sen- ate split down party lines last night on the merits of a House- ipproved plan to let states. coun- ties or cities shrug off Federal rent -ontrols whenever they like. Republicans generally agrued in .avor of the idea. Democrats said the power to lift controls should be given only to the states. THE DISAGREEMEN came a ?resident Truman said lobbyists ire trying to kill off controls en- irely and his lieutenants prodded .he Senate to act quickly. The Senate opened debate on a bill to continue controls for 12 to 15 months and allow some rentals to increase 10 per cent over a year's period. Democratic leader Lucas of lii- lois uged his colleagues to stick to he subject. He said that unless he Senate makes good progress, ie will call night sessions starting omorrow. MR. TRUIAN, in an address to he U.S. Conference of Mayors, ad some harsh words for the "lo- :al option" provision of the 15- nonth extension the House had 3assed. The President said the Real Estate Lobby is in favortof such a plan "not in order to strength- en local authority, but in order{ to destroy rent control." Opening Senate debate. May - tank said it would be "most haz- irdous and unwise" to scrap rent 2ontrols now. He said the banking ommittee "couldn't honestly say :at housing was or would be suf- .iciently available for any class autzside the luxury group before text ;'ear." * '* ' HE DEFENDED a provision of he Senate bill which would per- nit the individual states to take )ver rent control programs if theyl wish. "It is my personal view and the 'iew of the majority of the com- nittee that the states are in the best position to judge whether that state :equires rent control." aaybank said. Hoover Crou> Propollses Add TO Cabinet A tenth cabinet member to han- Ile welfare services and education was urged today by the Hoover Commission. The new secreta ' would lead a new depaitment taking over social security. edacation and most ser- ices now handled by the federal security administrator. The de- oartment would also embrace the Indian Bureau. IN A SEPARATE report, the Hoover commission proposed that Congress gather together the na- tion's hospitals for veterans and the military forces under one new independeht agency. Veterans' groups already have assailed the idea. The commis- sion wants a "united medical administration" to take over the government's $2,000,000,000 a year- medical services of which 61 per cent is handled by the Veterans Administration. shar diiso whnthe comis- sion. Only half the members un- qualifiedly indorsed it. PROF. JAMES K. Pollock, chair- man of the University political science department and a member of the commission. indorsed the Daily-Howe SiGN OF SPRING-These students convinced their instructor that the best classroom on a day like yesterday is the outdoors. Students who had to meet indoors hurried from their classrooms to soda bars and taverns, trekked out to the Arboretum, pitched pennies and played baseball. Pro- fessors reported a noticeable increase in the number of absentees. DIFFIC L TIES SOLVED: Chinese Students at L' To Receive Food Loans Birds, Buds, Bees, Baseball Here'sSpring! Grand Jury Iiivestigationl Is Launched Forgery Charged To Ex-Trea surer High state officials moved quick- ly yesterday into the investigation of alleged embezzlement of Wash- tenaw County funds. Attorney General Stephen J. Roth said in Lansing that "it ap- pears there are some state funds involved." MEANWHILE a one-man Grand Jury investigation into the alleg- ed embezzlement of documents and funds in the county treas- urer's office was launched today by Circuit Judge James R. Brea- key. Jr. The Grand Jury probe was requested yesterday by Washte- naw County Prosecutor Douglas Reading after several months of investigation by his staff, the sheriff's office and the newly elected treasurer, William Ver- At the same time. former treas- urer Clyde D. Fleming, who serv- ed from 1941 to 1948, was charged in Municipal Court with forgery of public records. Fleming waiv- ed examination and was bound over to Circuit Court by Judge Francis O'Brien on a $10,000 bond. * * * SPECIFICALLY, Fleming was accused of altering on Dec. 28, 1948, three days before he left office, the 1946 tax rolls of Ypsi- lanti with intent to defraud the city, the county and the state. On the state level Roth charged that both law and , courtesy had been violated in calling the grand jury without consulting him. He said either he or a member of his staff would arrive here today. The Democratic Attorney Gen- eral also attacked Republican Auditor General Murl K. Aten. * * * ROTH SAID Aten had secretly advised calling the investigation. Aten yesterday afternoon recheck- ed the treasurer's books and stat- ed that he was "completely satis- fied" that his staff audited the books correctly last fall. Student Voice Said To Affect Staff Ratings Student opinion plays an im- portant part in the dismissal and promotion of staff members, Prof. ',umner Gar ; ArD Food worries are over for the University's more than 200 Chi-l nese students.- Loans to cover the cost of food in residence halls will be granted to "all Chinese students who are in financial difficulties because of exchange problems brought about by the war in China," Rob- ert P. Briggs. University vice pres- ident announced yesterday.- S * THE PROGRAM will begin Fri-j day and run for the remainder of the semester. Alternative plans for feeding Chinese students were immed- iately abandoned. Panhel president Mary Stierer, 49Ed. and IFC president Bruce Lockwood. '49E. agreed that 'if the plan proves adequate." fra- ternitic and sorotities would drop pi esent plans to serve meals TENTATIVE plans for a coop- _rative dining room in Lane Hall, under tie diection of DeWitt C.. Baldwin, Student Religious Asso- ciation director. also gave wayl to the University administration loans. Payment of the loans are ex- pected to come from half a mil- lion dollars in ECA funds originally slated for the Chinese governm'nt but later suspended. Sen otsTo rder Senloi an:nouncements may be ordered from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. today and tom or at the Ad- mnistraion BuCing. by students of the architecture, music, liter- ary and Pubhic Health schools. A special booth for architecture students w ho want booklets will be open iromi 2 to 4 on Tuesday in the lobby of the Architecture building. Immediate use of the funds has Birds on Wing Sing been tied up by State Department red tape, according to Esson M. Nature coopeiated with the cal- Gale, Counselor to Foreign Stu- endaryestu erday to bring Ann Ar- dents and Director of the Inter- bor its first day of spring, and the national Center. * * * PROCEDURE for Chinese stu- dents will involve obtaining a re- commendation from Dr. Gale, which men take to Erich A. Wal- ter. dean of students. and women take to Mrs. Mary C. Biomage, dean of women. Assignment to a residence hall dining room is then made by Francis C. Shiel, business manager of the residence halls. Q tenille CGiven; Vote Maroi in French Election PARIS- - -Parties supporting Henri Queuille's middle-of-the- road government won France's lo- cal elections, but Gen. Charles De Gaulle scored a personal success. Final returns were issued by the Interior Ministry last night. THE SCORE in Sunday's vot- ing. the ministry said, was: For the parties in the govern- nent-51.12 per cent of the I ote. For the government's bitter opponents, the Communists and De Gaullists-48.88 per -ent. Neutral observers here said Queuiile's moderate, pro-Ameri- can government was strengthened by the vote. * * THE RIGHT-WING De Gaull- ists, however, won the largest pop- ular vote of any single party in the Cantonal -county elections- 25.34 per cent. whole town turned out to welcome it. Like bees from a hive. thou-s sands of Ann Arborites deserted their dwellings to bask in the sun- shine. buy ice-cream cones, play baseball and take a good look at such long-missing things as birds, buds and growing grass. * * * YOU DIDN'T have to be an as- tronomer to know it was spring. Nature boys and girls trekked along the Arboretum road, bent on being among the first to enjoy ihe big plot of outdoors. Professors reported a notice- able increase in the number of empty seats, and many of the students who did make it to class struggled to stay awake, they said. Deserters from the ranks of lee- ure seats found refuge in soda bars and taverns, where they con- sumed near-record quantities of; ice-cream, cokes and beer. N TE E Hayward Keniston dean of the OVER IN THE East Quad, resi- College of Lii-er ature. Science and dents gathered in groups for their first rounds of their annual spring-long penny pitching tour- nament. Most students reported anj annual disinclination to study. Libraries and study halls, sparsely settled, gave evidence of what had become an epidemic case of spring fever. And golfers--the eager variety- hurried off for a little premature practice on the Municipal Golf Course, as yet unopened officially. * * * ONE COED reported she had pei'frmed what had become for her the first rite of spring. She threw out the witer's accumula- tion of unmended socks. the Arts, told members of a Con- ference on Higher Education at the University yesterday. Sponsored by the Michigan Col- lege Association and the State De- partment of Instruction, the an- nual conference considered vari- ous aspects of college education. S * ACADEMIC counseling is in- adequate, according to a group of students who participated in the meeting. "It is spotty, and the student is not encouraged to meet with his counselor," they said . The students also felt that some freshman and sophomore courses were given primarily to "weed out" students, and that many were just time consum- ing. They favored frequent examina- tions. The present system," they said, 'puts too much emphasis on periodic examinations and en- courages cramming and cheating." "The instructor can also instill confidence in the student by giv- Sing hi thebenefit of mature judgment," they said. They said that instructors could give added assistance to students if they woulducomment more wen handing out exam grades. Two Days Left for SARTRE'S PHILOSOPHY: Professor Explains Existens ionalism By The Associated Press OWOSSO - Operating emplayes of the Ann Arbor Railroad have staged their first picketing since a strike began last week. The pickets took up positions to the junction point of the Ann Arbor, New ork Central and Grand Trunk Western. They seek to stop the Grand Trunk from using 21 miles of Ann Arbor track between A vastly important role in the development of French tastes and or sierity has been en- acte byJean Paul Sartre and:his existensionalistic philosophy, ac- cording to a Frenchman who knew the author well. Speaking yesterday to an audi-? world can man, originally a mis- erable creature, hope to developl his caracter ands ultmael real- ize hislie purpose," Prof . Er- hard said. German and French theorists, including Platon, St. Augustin and' especially Nizon, author of "La Berlin'. He developed them by talking to miserable citizens of the lower German class," he added. Although Sartre's accent was on man's absurdity, he exhibited a true optimism concerning the final good of humans, he said. I 3 I