BLOC VOTING See, Page 4 Y LatetDeainigan Latest Deadline in the State 11ai4 CONTINUED COLD VOL. LIX, No. 119 - ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS The' Michigan Story ThroughEarly Years, EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of articles presenting the highlights in the history of the University of Michigan. By ROBERT WHITE Daily Associate Editor In the years immediately following 1800-when Detroit was no more than a tiny French-Indian fur trading village-three men sur- veyed the wilderness of illiteracy that surrounded them.; One of them was a French missionary priest, Father Gabriel Richard. He had come to Detroit in 1898, and had quickly realized the urgent need for educational facilities in the Michigan territory. e* * * * IN THE SECOND DECADE of the century, a newly ordained Presbyterian clergyman-Rev. John Monteith-also took up residence in Detroit. He became a fast friend of the older priest and completed the partnership that was to make real a long-standing dream of education. Another important figure was territorial justice Augustus B. Woodward, a student of the educational philosophy of Thomas Jefferson, who was to prove of great assistance in designing an academic program. From the beginning, the Catholic and the Protestant conceived a means of secular education for the people-in spite of the general trend in the early United States toward schools of private endowment or church affiliation. FINALLY, ON AUGUST 26, 1817, the territorial government chartered a tiny "cracker box" academy-its first name, Catholepis- temiad, reflecting the pedantic influence of Judge Woodward. The judge also insisted on including the study of cathole- pistemia, or universal science, in the academy's program. Other subjects offered in the beginning were literature, mathe- matics, natural science, astronomy, chemistry, medical science, and intellectual science. This program, comparatively sound for its day, was sgon supplemented with the establishment of primary schools at three other territorial settlements. * *k . * * AT THE OUTSET, the two clergymen constituted the entire faculty-Rev. Monteith receiving a salary of $25 annually in the office of president, and Father Richard instructing in all seven courses for $18.75 per year. In 1821, the institution was more handily named the University of Michigan-and immediately beset with financial dark days. Newly-acquired faculty members were warned that they would continue teaching at their own risk, and the Board of Trustees was compelled to rent part of the University's only building to the infant Detroit Board of Education. * * * * IT IS INTERESTING to note that the institution partially owed its continued existence, oddly enough, to the generosity of certain Indian tribes of the region. They had been prompted at an earlier date-apparently out of genuine interest in the white man's intellec- tual progress-to specifically relinquish certain land to the two clergy- men. More than a century afterward, the University was to express its gratitude for the significant but unexpected favor: in 1832, the Regents established five scholarships for deserving individuals of Indian descent. When, with the passing of years, the Michigan territory's populatio had rocketed to 100,000 and statehood had been achieved, the Legislature passed the historic act of March 18, 1837. The first American university to be governed by a popularly elected board of regents had come into official being. Meanwhile-as the need for a large, permanent home for the University became apparent-various Michigan communities began offering plots of land. Finally, it -was the vigorous and picturesque little village of Ann Arbor that was selected. * * * * ALTHOUGH THE EXISTENCE of the University had been made official in 1837, it was not until 1841 that its doors were first opened to students. By that time, the still-surviving Mason Hall and four faculty residences had been erected on the expansive forty acre plot. Of the four residences, only one has not been displaced-the Presi- dent's House of today. - Finally, preparations were complete, and in the fall of 1841 a faculty of two-a Presbyterian and an Episcopalian-greeted an enrollment of six students. CEDWrites Constitution TellsAirms Bias on Campus Target of Group A constitution was drawn up and approved by the Committee to End Discrimination at its meet- ing yesterday in the League. The Committee, functioning as a sub-committee of Inter-Racial Association pending recognition by the Student Affairs Committee, stated as basic aims "the coordi- nation, integration and initiation of action against discrimination on campus."~ FURTHER investigation of the state bill to end discrimination in Michigan schools was approved by the committee, The group plans to contact variousgcivicaand religious groups throughout the state as well as clubs on other Mich- igan campuses to find out their opinion of the measure. (The proposed bill is similar to New York's Fair Employment Practices. It has been referred to the Senate Committee on Educa- tion for further study.) * , * * ALPHA PHI ALPHA is the lat- est organization to join the com- mittee, which now includes thir- teen campus groups. Others, alphabetically, are American Veterans' Committee, Association of Independent Men,1 Inter-Cooperative Council, Inter- Guild. Inter-Racial Association, Jor- dan Hall, New Women's Dorm, Students for Democratic Action, Young Democrats, Young Pro- gressives of America. Represented at the meeting but not yet officially members of the committee were Hillel, Betsy Bar- bour and Mosher Hall. Truman Sees Success for His 'Fair Deal.' KEY WEST, Fla.-(P)-Presi- dent Truman held out an olive branch today to a Congress in re- volt against much of his program. He referred to Southern oppo- nents as Dixiecrats and said they were not good Democrats, but even for this group he held out some hope. And, after deliberation, he professed the conviction his "Fair Deal" proposals will win final ap- proval despite a series of rever- sals. HE PUT IT this way: "I think we are going to accomplish the program." Mr. Truman, meeting correspon- dents on the tree-shaded lawn of his winter White House on this naval submarine station, did not pretend he was happy about the filibuster, the House-passed "local option" rent control bill, or the tabling of Mon C. Wallgren's nom- ination as chairman of the Na- tional Security Resources Board. But he isn't ready for an all-out fight yet. That much was made clear. The Presidenthsaid his legisla- tion was in the hands of a three- party Congress. He identified the parties as Republican, Democrat and Dixiecrat. Asked if he thought Dixiecrats were not good Demo- crats, he didn't hesitate. Of course, they are not, Mr. Tru- man asserted. Rush Planis for Chinese Co-Op Dining Room With' forty Chinese students suffering extreme financial hard- ships, plans for a cooperative Chi- nese dining room are scheduled to m'ove ahead at a special meeting Today. Community, faculty and student leaders will rush to complete plans for a Lane Hall co-op dining room which would serve nutricious, in- xpensive oriental style meals to needy Chinese students. Substan- ial financial contributions to- wards it have already been made. CHINA'S FINANCIAL break- Anwn is n f +h, -1' hf no Atlantic Pact Terms Announced Southerners Club Leaders Drop Request..... For Sanction Resign Positions, Cite Bad Rumors The two sponsors of the South- erners' Club withdrew their peti- tion for recognition yesterday,. charging there had been "deliber- ate efforts to misrepresent the purpose of the organization." In a jont statement which also-* announced their resignations as temporary officers, Joseph Ep-. stein, '52, and Ann Cotton, '52, said: "It seems that instead of< promoting better understanddng there has been a great deal of LITERARY CROWD-Pictured misunderstanding." members who made purchases * **crowd was so large that many THEY REFERRED to "rumors 100 had to be turned away. E stating the club consists of a group of young radicals, that one of its prime aims was to promote CAMPUS FINDS intermarriage, and numerous other distortions of fact." A third officer, Paul M- Library Ja Gough, upon learning of the two officers' actions, said that he was undecided about resign- By ROMA LIPSKY ing his position as secretary- More than 500 students and fac treasurer. There was some talk ulty members jammed the base among other members of con- ment of the library and carrie tinuing the club, off about 5,000 second-hand book yesterday leaving librarian Miss Cotton and Epstein heard amazed at the large turn out. the reports after their second or- At least another 100 peopl ganizational meeting which was were turned away when the door attended by approximately 40 stu- were closed at 4:30 p.m. But the; dents, including 14 Negroes. will be given another crack a the collection from 1to 5 IT WAS AT THIS meeting that today. Epstein was elected temporary * * * president, Miss Cotton, vice-pres- LIBRARIANS declared t h a ident, and McGough, secretary- they had "never expected such; treasurer. tremendous response" to the an "We were well pleased with nouncement of the sale of book the results of this meeting," from duplicate collections. Epstein said. Miss Cotton add- "But we. are gratified to see ed: "A spirit of harmony seemed students line up to buy books to prevail and we were hopeful in the same way that they do that the club would be success- ful in its broad purpose of pro- * moting understanding." etl1lons But as stories appeared in south-Available r ern papers, they were "deluged with inquiries from all paIrts of the country," most of them "based All Candidates upon misinformation." In the face of increasing furor, they decided to reconsider their plans for the Petitions for Student Legisla club. Lure candidates and student Withdraw Petition 1 1 1 1 1 f Daily-Barth above are just a few of the more than 500 students and faculty s at the main library's sale of second-hand books yesterday. The waited an hour before getting into the basement corridor, and about Books will be on sale again from 1 to 5 p.m. today. Treaty, Calls For Defense With Arms fledge 20 Year Aid for Allies WASHINGTON-(,)-The At- lantic powers today unveiled their historic treaty to checkmate aggression, by arms if need be, and Secretary of State Ache- son warned that control of Europe by an "unfriendly" power would be an intolerable threat to the United States. The proposed treaty would draw a defensive ring around a vast territory, from Norway's Arctic border, through the heart' of Eu- rope, down to the Mediterranean and across the Atlantic Ocean to take in all of North America. AS SET FORTH in the text of the projected 20-year alliance, each member nation would be pledged to come to the aid of an attacked signatory nations with such assistance "as it deems nec- essary, including the use of armed force." Acheson made clear he thinks that if the Soviet Union sought to expand farther westward through use of force, such action automatically would set off quick retaliatory moves by the United States and other members of the proposed alliance. Control of Europe "by a single, aggressive unfriendly power would be an "intolerable threat to the national secuity of the United States," he said. * * * BARGAIN: _' trnmed During Book-Sale C- ~- d ks is ale ey at n. a r- ks s a- ts * * * * * * AT THE SAME TIME, the financial status of the institution had again grown precarious, and the Regents were forced to close the early extension schools. Only a loan of $100,000 from the state appears to have saved the day. By 1850, the picture began to look brighter. Enrollment had risen to 159 and a second academic building, identical with Mason Hall, was erected--a structure which survives today as the South Wing of Univcrsity Hall. The first Medical Building had been completed in 1848. It was a "spartan" life led by the University's first students-- carrying wood from an off-campus pile, tending their own quarters in the Mason Hall dormitory, and securing meals from cooperative townsfolk. Their financial rigors, however, appear to have been less See MICHIGAN, Page 2 Cabinet Post To Control Basic Resources Favored by Pollock "WE HAVE discovered that some of the people who attended3 the Tuesday organizational meet-E ing were not even Southerners and some did not give their names. It appears to us as though sub- versive influences were deliberate- ly introduced to create discord and cause adverse publicity." However, they later added: "The reference to subversive in- fluences by no means applies to any person who was present at the meeting." The club was first organized two weeks ago with the purpose of maintaining "social and cultural contact between all University of i Michigan students who consider themselves as Southerners,' andt defining eligibility as residence,1 past or present, below the Mason-I Dixon line. In their prepared statement ofI withdrawal, the two original or-I ganizers said: "We wish to deny categorically the many implications which have been made. Aims of the club were' not political, or revolutionary and the original sponsors are not a group of young radicals. The club See SOUTHERNERS, Page 2 Travelers To Plan Projects Campus travelers will get to- gether to exchange information and pass it on to others at a party at 8:30 today at Lane Hall. running for wclass offices will be available from 10 to 12 a.m. today, -t the Elections Petitions window, Administration building. Included are blanks for all pros- pective officers of the Engineering School sophomore, junior and sen- ior classes and the literary college senior class. * * * THE PETITIONS will also be available from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Mon- Jay and Tuesday, according to Duane Nuechterlein, '50BAd., SL slections committee chairman. The window will reopen March 28 and 29 for students to return filled out petitions. Students interested in running for Union vice president posts from the engineering college, ar- chitecture college, literary college, Medical School, Law School, den- tal school or music school must write to the nominating commit- tee of the Union Board of' Direc- tors. A larger number of students are expected to run for offices this se- mester than ever before, according to a SL representative. Increased student interest and awareness of campus activities is given as the reason for the in- crease. to see a basketball game," Rol- cludes land Stewart, chief bibliograph- Math er of the University library, entists said. found Many of the books on sale are selling for as little as ten cents. CUS * * * enthus THE LIBRARY is able to set though the prices very low because it is than more advantageous to sell books store- directly to the customers than to well w pack and ship them to dealers, Sev Prof. Warner Rice, director of the with University Library explained, and "We think members of the chase University should profit by our sent need to dispose of duplicate edi- Des tions," he added.-therex The collection on sale ranges and s from old books on 16th century gains music to Who's Who, and in- said. World News Round-Up By The Associated Press P1 WASHINGTON - Gerald D. Morgan, a Washington lawyer who helped phrase theTaft-Hartley Act, testified yesterday he was CO paid $7,500 for it by the Republi- Bosto can National Committee. meet * * * WASHINGTON-A Senate com- game mittee recommended yesterday tourn that the government grant $300,- crown 000,000 a year to help the states B.C run schools and another $35,000,- overt 000 to check up on school chil- dren's health. to ear The twin bills were approved John unanimously by the Senate Labor for t. and Public Welfare Committee. first WASHINGTON - Creation of TH a sky-sweeping radar network ed th as the basic element in the in th United States' defense against Harrh enemy planes was approved by Tiger the Senate yesterday without later debate. Milo * * * Mu NANKING-A rash of rebellions of th in South China alarmed the Na- put t tionalist Government yesterday. At 3 * * * move RHODES -UN Mediator and h Ralph J. Bunche said yesterday Colleg he expects an armistice between throu Israel and Lebanon to be signed temp "in a couple of days." Negotia- in th tions have been going on in Pal- Mi estine since March 1. conso many foreign editions. ematicians, philosophers, sci- s and literary minds all volumes to suit their tastes. * * * STOMERS were unanimously siastic about the sale. Al- h some had to wait more an hour to get into the rooms, they declared it was worth the time. veral graduate students left, cartons filled to the top, one geology major pur- ed 14 French books to pre- to his French fiancee. pite yesterday's large sale, are still plenty of books left, tudents will find many bar- among them, Prof. Rice Pucksters at Colorado, ay in Finals By HERB RUSKIN (Special to The Daily) )LORADO SPRINGS, Coo.- n College and Dartmouth here tonight in the final of the 1949 NCAA hockey ament, with the national n on the block. coasted to an easy 8-3 win Colorado College last night rn a crack at the title. It was Mulhern who paved the way he Eagles' victory with the "hat trick" of the tourney. * * * E BEAN TOWN sextet open- .e evening's scoring mid-way he first period on Francis ,ngton's. long blast, but the s tied it up a few minutes on the first of two goals by Yalich. ilhern notched his first tally e game later in the period to he Boston sextet one goal up. :1 of the middle frame, he d the Eagles into a 3-1 lead rom then on it was all Boston ge, though Yalich came ugh with his second score to orarily put the Tigers back .e contest. chigan meets Colorado in a lation match this afternoon. AS THE Secretary of State set forth the basic principles designed to guide this and other nations toward universal peace, the Voice of America was beaming to Rus- sia and other countries around the world these other developments: 1. The Italian Chamber of Deputies in a riotous session voted two to one for Italy's ad- herence to the Atlantic defense system. Communist-led mem- bers previously had staged a 53-hour filibuster against the action which set off new demon- strations after the vote was tak- en. The Italian Senate has yet to consider the treaty. 2. Members of the U.S. Senate generally expressed approval of the compact's aims, although some took exception to the provision under which the United States might be called on to use its mili- tary forces in helping a member nation under attack. * * * CHAIRMAN CONNALLY (Dem., Tex.) said his Senate Foreign Re- lations Committee will open hear- ings on the treaty just as soon as it is put up for consideration. He termed the accord an "instrument of great moral power" directed "only against aggression." 3. Leaders of the Western Eu- ropean member states hailed the alliance as a great stride toward security on that war devastated continent. Local Student HIS WORLD-WIDE radio ad- dress followed 12 hours after re- lease of the text of the treaty. Be- fore the agreement can go into ef- fect it must be approved by the Senate and the governments of the six other nations which drew up the document. Acheson branded as a "lie" Russian charges that the alli- ance is aggressive. He said: "This country is not planning to make war against anyone.-It is not seeking war.-It abhors war.-It does not hold war to be inevitable." I Prof. James K. Pollock, chair- man of the political science de- partment and a member of the Hoover Commission on govern- ment reorganization, said he fell. that a new Department of Natural Resources should be set up to han- dle all conservation plans. Secretary of State Dean Ache- son and Commissioner James Rowe, Jr., also believe a separate only minerals but land manage- ment and water resources should be included in this new depart- ment. * * * COMPETING PARTS of the government often utlize the same resources, he said. "A single department would help coordinate these agencies." A VC GROUP ACTS ON REPORTS: President Invited To Start Tour Here >-- Harry Truman will launch a nationwide speaking campaign in the Michigan Stadium if a deter- "...Before the Fair Deal Goes down the drain For God's sake, Harry, gan Stadium by the President might well be the opening kick- off in a nationwide camnaign by