WEDNESDAY, MArcn 10, 1949
'Froggy Bottom' Male Cast
Suffering with the Jitters
When the curtain rises on the
premiere performance of "Froggy
Bottom" one week from tonight,
the 59 man cast will be no more
nervous than they are today. ,
But the cast's big case of jitters
doesn't worry Fred Evans, vet-
eran showman and director of the
opera. In fact, he thinks its a
pretty good sign.
"RIGHT NOW the show is in
the traditional position of all mu-g
sical comedies," he said. "Every-!
body is very nervous and working
harder than ever."
This is the first college show
ever directed by Evans, whose
professional career associated
him with such big name show-
men as Florenz Ziegfeld, George
M. Cohan and the Shubert
"It's a real surprise to see how
fast these men are picking up
the dance routine," he said.
"They're coming along very well,
though we have a hectic weekend
ahead of us."
Opera first started, the Union's'
bulletin board announced "Union
Opera Rehearsals, 3-5 p.m." As
the time till the curtain wouldr
rise grew shorter, the hours grewI
longer. The sign now reads "Un-
ion Opera Rehearsals 12-12."
Despite the gruelling workouts,
most of the cast will tell you that
the life of the chorus girl is a lot
of fun.I
Dick Rifenberg, one of the1
members of the dancing cast,
said that the chorus line work-1
outs were "not quite as bad" as
some he had experienced in grid
Evans has finally completed se-
lection of the Froggy Bottom cast,
announcing that every part of
the show has been filled.
EIGHTEEN MEN have leading
roles in the opera. They are:c
Jimmie Lobaugh, Albert Johnson,i
Kenneth Shelley, John Felton,I
George Olsen, James Walz, SamI
Schaefer, Robert Dean, and Rich-I
ard McGowan.I
* * *
hectic weekend
* * *
Others are Harold Harring-
ton, James Keiss, Allen Jackson,
George Boucher, Donald Ross,
Eugene Ryan, Richard Rifen-
berg, Orval Johnson and Walter
Selected for positions on the
dancing chorus are Madison Pres-
nell, Maynard Newton, John Kist-
ler, Erwin Eichhorn, William Race,
Jack Court, John Monteith, Phelps
Connell, Carleton Patterson, Jack
Waters, and Alan Breitbart.
* * *
Ralph Knopf, Earl L'Esperance,
Robert Kelly, Raymond Kaufman,
Thomas Osborn, James Ensign,
Irving Barill, George Hawthorne,
William Jones, Robert Lemmer,
and Ned Miles.
Chosen for the singing chorus
are Wayne Wright, Howard Be-
vis, Harold Beam, Stanley Chal-
lis, Mark Wenley, John Kruse,
Don Srull, Donald Ross and Wil-
liam Brehm.
Other members of the singing
chorus are Kelly Newton, Rod-
man Jacobi, John Jacobs, Blair
Filler, Thomas Roderick, Don
Hoexter, Dean Barnard, John
Howard, David Pease and Law-
rence Welden.
Local Music
Society Will.
Give Recital
A program of contemporary
American music will be presented
by the University chapter of Sigma
Alpha Iota at 8 p.m. today in the
Hussey Room of the League.
Under the sponsorship of the
music school, the University mem-
bers of this national professional
music fraternity for women will
take part in a program open to
the public.
LOUISE STEELE, playing the
flute, and John Beck, the bassoon
will give Karl Ahrendt's "Scherzo
for Flute and Bassoon."
Charlotte Boehm will sing
"Moon-Marketing" by Powell
Weaver, "The Green River" by
John Alden Carpenter, and Paul
Sargent's "Twentieth Century."
"Sonata for Cello" by Edward
Chudacoff will be played by Joan
Bullen, who will also take part
with Genevieve Shanklin, Michael
Avsharian and Edward Troupin in
The program will conclude with
Aaron Copland's "Piano Sonata"
played by Patricia Pierce, and
"Romance" by J. Neilson sung by
Carol Neilson.
* * *
Alpha Iota are Marilyn Ruff, pres-
ident; Anne Shafer, vice-presi-
dent; Dorothy Heldreth, corre-
sponding secretary; Jeanne Wal-
ler, recording secretary.
Treasurer is Gertrude Brown;
chaplain, Marcia Zwaggerman;
sergeant - at - arms, Lois Sieber;
alumnae secretary, Harriet Wil-
son; and editor, Irene Assik.
Plan Religion
Week for '50
The University may observe Re-
ligion in Life Week again next
year if the campus committee's
present plans go through.
The student-faculty executive
committee for Religion in Life
Week held here last week will
again request the University
Christian Mission to provide
speakers for such a program.
The religious emphasis program
reached about 7,500 students and
faculty members, according to the
committee's figures. Over 650 at-
tended the nine seminars, 125
went' to the daily chapel services
and about 1,200 heard the speak-
ers at 51 residence house appear-
The six Religion in Life speak-
ers preached to a combined Sun-
day congregation of more than
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Contributors to
What's Up in the Dorns should con-
tact Dolores Palanker at The Daily
or 105 Betsy Barbour.)
West Quadrangle's Voice of Chi-
cago House has changed frequen-
cies from 1050 kilocycles to 600
kilocycles in an attempt to stand-
ardize wired radio on the campus.
The radio program, run by Shel
Gates and Don Bollinger, has ex-
tended its reception to Stockwell
Hall and is looking forward to fu-
ture expansion to other dorms on
* * *
FLETCHER HALL will hold its
first semi-annual "Alligator
Amble" from 8 p.m. to midnight
Thirty couples will attend the E
affair which will have a jungle
theme including palm trees, co-
coanuts and all the trimmings.
Alumni are invited to attend.
Dick Guth will be master of
ceremonies for the dance while
Milt Higgs will be in charge of
decorations and Phil Morris will
handle the entertainment.
THE "LARYNX" or "Adams'
Apple," Adams House newspaper,
announces that President and
Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven will
be dinner guests on March 24.
Following the dinner, Presi-
dent and Mrs. Ruthven will be
in the lounge to meet the Adams
House men.
Cliff Voice, Adams' social chair-
man, announces a hayride for Sat-
urday evening. Working with him
on the social committee are Fred
Crane, John LeValley, Tom Rod-
erick and Davis Tompkins.
* * *
liams House, in West Quad, has
recently undergone an extensive
-and intensive-redecorating job.
Each of the rooms now have
cards appearing on the doors
with names like "Schmoo
Room," "Wreck Room," "Walk-
Inn" and others.
Many rooms have distinctive in-
terior decorating schemes. A pop-
ular style is to cover the ceilings
or walls or both with large paper
squares in contrasting shades to
resemble a checkerboard.
* * *
MOSHER-JORDAN has received
a new shipment of chairs to re-
place the old wicker ones. The
new chairs are a modern type
with blue and rose upholstery.
Not Even Mashed
WAUWATOSA, Wis.-Although
the ever-present potato is a whole,
some food in itself, don't ever eat
its close relatives, the World Book
Encyclopedia warns. Such poison-
ous plants as henbane, deadly
nightshade and Jimson weed are
all potato cousins.
Hodges Gets
Medical Job
In Germany
Dr. Fred J. Hodges, professor of
roentgenology and chairman of
the roentgenologyddepartment of
the University Medical School will
leave today for Germany where
he will serve as civilian consultant
to the Surgeon General of the
United States Army for four weeks
in the occupied zones.
Dr. Hodges will be one of a
group of four doctors who will
visit all army posts containing
hospitals and dispensaries as part
of a widespread plan to bring
newer medical knowledge to Army
graduate courses for the Army
medical personnel similar to the
graduate courses for doctors given
in this country," Dr. Hodges said.
"Clinics and classes will be ar-
ranged so that we may bring our
overseas physicians the latest dis-
coveries and techniques in med-
Other members of the faculty
who have taken part in this pro-
gram are Dr. Albert C. Fursten-
berg, Dean of the -Medical School,
Dr. Raymond W. Waggoner, chair-
man of the psychiatry depart-
ment, Dr. Arthur C. Curtis, chair-
man of the Department of Derma-
tology and Syphilology, Dr. Reed
N. Nesbit, professor of surgery and
Dr. A. James French, professor of
WPAG-11:15 a.m., "A View-
point for Anne," another in "Red
Feather on the Air" series.
Film Study Group-7 p.m., Mu-
seum of Modern Art.
Toledo Club-7:30 p.m., Re-
hearsal Room, League. Election of
SDA-7:30 p.m., League. John
Field will discuss "The Strategy of
Better Race Relations."
Democratic Socialists Meeting-
7:30 p.m., Union. Prof. Clark Dick-
inson will give talk on "Economic
Aspects of Present Day Social-
Young Democrats-7 :30 p.m.,
Rm. D, League. George A. Peek of
political science department to
discuss American foreign policy.
Talk on India: 4:15 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. Prof. Bency
Sarkar of Calcutta University to
give lecture on "Economic and So-
cial Transformation in India."
A T E T OO W E L L F O R C 0 M F 0 R T -Four wild deer squeezed between the slats
of a fence guarding a haystack during the recent storms, ate their fill and then couldn't get back
through the fence to freedom. Ranchers near Cokeville, Wyo., released the frightened animals.
New Yorkers Split on Issue
Of Legalizing Mercy Killings
NEW YORK.-(A')-If you arei
suffering racking pain from "in-
curable" disease, should you haver
the right to ask your doctor for
death by swift painless means?
Hundreds of ministers and doc-
tors of New York state believe you
should. So do more than 500 mem-t
bers of the Euthanasia Society of
America. Voluntary euthanasial
means ending human life by pain-
less means to stop "incurable"
physical suffering-but only at the
request of the sufferer.
* * *
ON THE OTHER hand, thou-
sands of other prominent church-
men and physicians believe withi
equal conviction that you shouldc
not have that right.
Around these two points of view
today swirls a controversy involv-
ing the ten commandments, man's
relation to God and down-to-earth'
questions of right and wrong.
The Euthanasia Society,
founded in 1938, has manyi
members prominent in science,,
medicine, letters and religion.c
Its founder was Dr. Charlesc
Francis Potter, Protestant min-
ister and founder of the first
Humanist Society of New York.
The Euthanasia Society is now
drafting a petition to the United
Nations Commission on Human
Rights, asking it to recognize as a
fundamental human right, "the
right to merciful death as a re-
lease from incurable suffering."
STRONG ACTIVE opposition to
mercy killing is led by the Roman
Catholic Church. Monsignor Rob-'
ert E. McCormick, presiding judge
of the New York Archdiocese
Court, and many other priests are
attacking it vigorously in pulpit,j
pamphlet and press.
Dr. John Rehnken, president
of the Lutheran Church-Miss-
ouri Synod and the Americanj
Council of Christian Churches,
representing 1,500,000 church
members, also condemned eu-
Here are main points of the
Catholic Church's attack on vol-
untary euthanasia, as voiced by
Monsignor McCormick, and the
chief arguments in its defense
presented by the Euthanasia So-
* * *
AGAINST: Mercy killing is sui-
cide. No one has the right to sui-
cide. It is against the law of na-
ture, whose first principle is self-
preservation. That principle is in-
-i11zr.1 in al human hina hy
ing with malice aforethought."
Euthanasia is administered in
mercy, not malice, and it would be
legal if the proposed law is en-
* * *
AGAINST: Euthanasia is not
mercy. It is an act of defiance of
God. Only God has full and direct
power over human life.
For: Millions of men have
been killed in war and thou-
sands through capital punish-
ment, and both the church and
state justify these.
Against: The ethics of the med-
ical profession forbid the physi-
cian to destroy life.
For: There are exceptions to
this rule. At childbirth, the phy-
sician may be forced to choose
between the life of the baby and
of the mother.
Against: (Monsignor McCor-
mick) "The proposed bill to legal-
ize voluntary euthanasia is un-
American. The Declaration of In-
dependence states that life is one
of the unalienable, God-given
rights of men. If we allow the
state to legalize mercy killing, we
shall permit the government to
usurp a right of God and to abol-
ish one of his laws."
French Farce
ToBe Given
Deval's sparkling comedy "To-
varich" will be presented by the
speech department at 8 p.m.
March 24, 25, and 26, at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre with a 2:30
matinee on Saturday.
The story lampoons the plight
of a Russian grand duchess and
prince who take refuge as servants
for a French banker after the
1917 Revolution. It was translated
into English by Robert Sherwood.
Tickets are priced at $1.20, 90
and 60 cents, with a special 48-
cent student rate for the Thurs-
day evening and Saturday matinee
performances. Mail orders are be-
ing taken now and the box office
opens March 21.
Meet for
I fnnn FAnn
A W I T T L E R AN D H E R PROD U C T -Mrs. J. B. Stevens of Riverside, Ill., who
took up whittling when an accident confined her to bed for six months, carves a "forty-niner's"
donkey at the World Hobby Exposition in Chicago. She has carved 5,000 pieces in eight years.
L p
J ocokon>L
Everyday is a heyday when
you walk in these buoyant
Joyces ... of softly sueded
ruffglove leather and Neo-
prene crepe platform . . .
Wheat, blue, green, grey.
O U TD O O R C L A S S R O O M - Students in the Egyptian government's Higher School of
Archaeology, being trained as history teachers, hold a class session at the Pyramid of Cheops.
A shiny kid envelope flap
on a thistle weight suede
shoe with the new square
toe. Blue and Scotch mist
in combination suede and
j i# .. j.,.C1:
A Pi