THE MIC1HIGAN DAILY For Better Health Q tor;a Wore A LTHIOUGli the Southern drawl has put at least a temporary end to the Truman Civil Rights program, pro-Administration legislators are far from giving up on other measures which face similar difficulties when they comei up before Congress. One of these, of course, is the national health insurance plan which will be bitterly and desperately fought by the AMA as well as by a healthy bloc of old guarders. Probably the most vocal opponent of the program is Ohio's Senator Taft who, with colleague Alexander Smith from New Jer- sey summed up the arguments against the bill in a recent radio debate with the consistently liberal Representatives An- drew J. Biemiller (Wisconsin) and John D. Dingell (Michigan). THE DEBATE settled nothing, but it did make one point clear. The opponents of the measure have only one objection. The pervading fear of socialism which has al- ways slowed down the passage of all social legislation is still the only real basis for opposing the measure-however disguised by pseudo-rational arguments. Sen. Taft with his usual bluntness, came right out and claimed the bill was tanta- mount to nationalizing the medical pro- fession and would lead the nation into so- cialism. A simple reading of the proposed measure shows otherwise. It provides, briefly, for a three per cent payroll tax- half from employer and half from em- ploye which will be insurance for medical care whenever and for whomever it is needed. Local units will have administra- Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: FRAN IVICK tive autonomy; there will be no so-called "regimentation" forcing patients to see certain doctors and vice-versa. As Con- gressman Bliemiller put it, the bill simply provides for "small periodic payments for individual medical care." Sen. Smith's objections to the bill were not so direct as those of the Ohio senator's. The "inevitable government inefficiency" seemed to be the core of his argument, al- though he too seemed to fear the bill would cause a breakdown in the federal system when he declared that the bill must not be passed lest we cannot save "the heritage of our democracy." The Senator's objections to a federal health bureau on the basis of wastefulness brought a pointed counter from Rep. Bie- miller, who wondered if perhaps the Sen- ator would like to see all schools returned to private administration for the same reason. After some hesitation, the Senator decided he wouldn't do it, but he thought it might be cheaper, at that. THE PLAN TAFT and his supporters are backing only provides further aid to vol- untary health groups now in existence. As the Truman measure proponents point out, the healthy do not join these organizations and costs therefore rise to prohibitive levels, leaving the average worker caught short when he needs medical care. The substitute plan is only a weak attempt of legislators who are blinded by an un- founded fear, who still shudder at the word socialism, to provide themselves with a smooth rationalization. Compulsory insurance is the only effective method of carrying adequate medical care to the millions who even the AMA admits cannot meet medical costs, and the unneces- sary. actually stupid blocks to its passage are the best and quickest ways to kill the democracy for which Senator Taft and col- leagues have so much love. -Naomi Stern. Editor's Note is written by iiarriett Friedmain. Mana~ging Editor Need A Job? tN THE LETTERS COLUMN yesterday, an old friend of The Daily asked reassurance as to this paper's purposes.iHe raised the question in connection with The Daily's omission last week of two stories cocerning the new Committee to End Discrimination. The questions he raised are not easily an- swered, because they involve the whole con- ception of a newspaper, and that of a stu- dent newspaper in particular. I would like to make at clear right now that stories are played in The Daily ac- cording to their "news value." That vague term encompasses the number of people who will be affected, and/or interested, and the impact of the news, immediate or potential. Of course, the human element cannot be entirely avoided: slight differences in news play result from shadings in personal evalu- ation of the news. But anyone handling news at The Daily is forced to adhere to an absolute code of truth and accuracy, which bars opinion or bias from the news column. AS A.CAMPUS NEWSPAPER at a great uiversity, in a democracy, the purposes of The Daily necessarily are different from those of the average metropolitan paper. We do not cater to the interests of adver- tisers, nor are we engaged in a circulation race, necessitating sensationalism or other special play. Our campus situation is also reflected not only in the importance given to stories of campus life and academic subjects, but in our presenting a variety of ideas and championing democratic causes. A university is a place where minds meet, where all opinions are weighted according to their merit, and The Daily. as the stu- dent newspaper also believes in providing a variety of ideas to its readers. The editorial page is open to any member of The Daily staff. And our policy of playing news pre- eludes suppressing any news merely because it presents "unpopular" views. Members of The Daily staff also believe that a newspaper cannot merely be a passive reflector, but that staff members must actively champion what they-con- sider important causes. Sometimes these causes concern student rights, academic freedom, education programs-all vital problems in a university community. But many of us also take seriously our function as a free paper in a democracy. And so we believe that important.causes in- clude championing individual freedom of opportunity without restrictions because of race, creed or color, and stumping for the rights of all men to freedom of speech and thought. We further believe in aiding those who sincerely and rationally proceed to de- fend those rights. Many people do not agree that The Daily staff should in any way doff objective robes to support such principles. But it is crystal clear to e that no one can be a true advocate of democracy unless he utilizes his abilities and resources to make its basic principles effective. It is also clear to me that it would be appalling and dispiriting if the young peo- ple in American centers of learning did not vigorously uphold these democratic ideas. 1 DO NOT KNOW whether the above state- ments have provided our friend with re- assurance. I meant, by the way, to explain at the outset that the CED stories were omitted by one of those embarrassing red tape Daily errors. However, the larger ques- tion of The Daily's purposes seemed much more important and worthy of discussion. We of The Daily do not always succeed in following the principles outlined above. But this is notice to all our readers that they form the basis of action for the majority of The Daily staff. 'IiPENSINS VETERAN' AMP J - K h il I1T '1 hIRW~W ~ iii 'ilIw... JI .e+~:~ Letters to the Editor- "Good Itea vens--That's Socialism or Something!" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SPYING IS APPARENTLY becoming one of the more popular professions. Few' qualifications are needed, there are good op- portunities for advancement and travel. Working conditions are good (lots of cock- tail parties), and so is the pay,-usually. And you can get plenty of publicity without ever hiring a press agent. The prospect of a coining depression need not scare anybody off, Economic and political crises tend only to broaden the field. Pretty soon we shall be nominating agents for spy-of-the-year, and the radio will feature spy-ring-of-the-week broad- casts. We don't know too much about the table i of organization of a spy ring (functional unit; spy net is bigger, intelligence service still bigger and more formal), but it seems that a master spy just about corresponds to a lieutenant colonel. And from there, the ranks go down to apprentice spy, or private first class. On the distaff side, any girl under fifty with a full year's supply of peroxide can become a spy queen. Lesser ranks run from mystery women to seductress, third class. Spies are usually easy to identify, because they are camouflaged to look like other people. See that man over: at the third table? Well, he is an espionage agent for some power, any power. How do we know? We know because we say so. We have charged him with being a spy. -John Neufeld-. MATTER OF FACT: After the Pact. The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for Publication in this column. Sub1ject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signiature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory characteror such letters which for any other reason are niot in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. 'U' Defenders To the Editor: #1 By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP W ASHIN TON-The Atlantic Pact's last dot and comma are now in place. But work has not been completed on the Atlantic Pact's Siamese twin, the measure to give the pact meaning by helping Western Eu- rope to rearm. Major decisions, including final estimates of the first year's cost, re- main to be taken, and must be taken very shortly. However, the main outlines of the rearmament program are now emerging, as a result of endless, hurried conferences in the State Department, the Pentagon and General Montgomery's Western Union staff headquarters in Paris. If-and it is a much bigger if than most people realize-the Congress approves the program, it will consist of two main phases. The first phase is to be completed during the first year after Congress ap- propriates the necesrary money for the American share. This phase is designed to assure the in- ternal security of the Western European countries. To this end, twelve existing divi- sions will be re-equipped with modern arma- ments, including tanks, armored cars, ar- tillery, and above all good transport. These existing divisions are now so poorly equipped that they do not provide complete security against Communist disorders, especially since the Communists are known to have very large stocks of hidden arms. When these divisions are rearmed, and . it internal security assured, the second phase will begin, at the start of the second year. This phase, designed to provide external security, will be much more difficult than the first. The aim is to provide sufficient military force so that in case of war most or all of Western Europe could be denied to the Red Army. There is one question which has not been answered. How great a force is needed to take, and stop, the initial assault of the Red Army in case of war? The strategic planners in the Pentagon and on General Montgomery's staff in Paris are wrestling with this problem, and have yet to agree on an answer. The question cannot be answered, ofI course, merely in terms of numbers of di- visions. All are agreed that the Westernj European force, of however many divi- sions, must consist of elite troops, and must be superbly equipped, with much ar- mor and artillery, a big armored reserve, and above all unquestioned tactical air superiority, if it is to hold the vast Red Army until help can arrive. Given such troops and equipment, there is some opin- ion that even at the end of the second year, with twenty superior divisions, much, of Western Europe could be held in case of war. It is important to understand the nature of the job to be done. By no stretch of the imagination can the program outlined above be considered a preparation for aggression against the Soviet Union. No one can be sure whether twenty, or thirty, or forty divisions could hold the immense Red Army temporarily at bay in case of war. But even forty divisions could not conceivably drive through five hundred divisions of the Red Army to Moscow and beyond. Instead, the intention is to provide, first, that sense of security which Western Eu- rope now disastrously lacks, and second, some form of insurance against the day when the Soviet physicists invent their atom bomb. That day will surely come, probably by 1952, according to the best (Continued from ?age 3) cants for degrees and who have not previously taken this test or the Graduate Record Examination, must also be present. Students planning to take the examination must buy a $2.00 fee ticket at the Cashier's office be- fore going to the examination. Veterans should report to the Graduate School offices before go- ing to the Cashier's office for the fee ticket so that a requisition form may be signed. Admission to the examination will be restricted to those holding examination receipts. Completion of the Graduate Aptitude Test (or the Graduate Record Examina- tion) is a prerequisite for the mas- ter's degree and for admission to candidacy for the doctorate. Concert Alpha Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota will present a program of contemporary American music at 8 p.m., Wed., March 16. Hussey Room, Michigan League. The par- ticipating students will be Louise Steele, flutist. John Beck. bas- soonist, Charlotte Boehm, soprano, Joan Bullen, cellist, Patricia Pierce, pianist, and Carol Neilson, soprano. Events Today Research Club: 8 p.m., Rack- ham Amphitheatre. Papers: "Re- search on the Conference Process," Prof. D. G. Marquis, "The Birds of Michigan," Prof. Josselyn Van Tyne. Motion Piictures, auspices of the Audio-Visual Education Center, "Geography and Travel": Alaska, the Story of a Frontier; People of Chile. 4:10 p.m., Kellogg Audito- rium. house Directors Institute: Meeting for staff members in Women's Residence Halls, League Houses and Sororities, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., Michigan League. Sub- ject: "Staff Relations and Re- sources." Speakers: Alice C. Lloyd. Dean of Women, Mary C. Brom- age, Associate Dean of Women, Elsie R. Fuller. Assistant Dean of Women, and Ethel A. McCormick, Social Director of Women. "ac'ulty Women's Club: Mrs. G. Mennon Williams will be the guest of honor of the Faculty Women's Club at their spring tea this after- noon from 3-5 p.m. United Nations Council for Stu- dents: Coffee Hour, 4 p.m., Tea Room. Michigan League. Informal discussion of travel and study op- portunities abroad. A.S.M.E.: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Architecture Amphitheatre. Prof. C. T. Olmsted of the engineering school will lecture on the subject of licensing of engineers. P'rofessional Meeting: Spun- sored by Delta Sigma Pi. Dr. Ed- ward N. Tisdale, Director of Ad- vertising Research with Ross Roy, Inc., Detroit. will discuss oppor- tunities in the field of Advertising, 8 p.m., 130 Business Administra- tion Bldg. Open meeting. American Society of Civil Engi- neers: Student chapter will meet at 7:30 p.m.. Rm. 3-S, Michigan Union. Speaker, Mr. John M. Hep- leir, director of the Bureau of En- gineering, Michigan Department of Health. Topic: "The Place of the Sanitary Engineer in Public Life." Report by the honor sys- tem investigating committee. English Journal Club: 8 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. "A Critique of the Graduate Program in English," by Mr. Ed- gar Whan. Modern Poetry Club: Meeting, under leadership of Mr. Pearce, 7:30 p.m., 3217 Angell Hall. Dis- cussion of T. S. Eliot's "East Coker." 19th District Association of In- dependent Men: Meeting, Rm. 3C Michigan Union, 7:30 p.m. U. of M. Sailing Club: Shore school for new members, 7 p.m., :311 W. Engineering Bldg. Ullr Ski Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., 3KLM, Michigan Union. Slides on Aspen to be shown. Flying Club: Open meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1042 E. Engineering Bldg. Board meeting, 7 p.m. Toledo Club: 7:30 p.m., Rehearsal Room, Women's League. Election of officers. A spring social pro- gram will be planned. Coed Folk and Square Dancing Club: 7:30 p.m., W.A.B. Bring dues. "The Strategy of Better Race Relations": Discussion led by John Feild, of Detroit Mayor's Inter- racial Commititee, 8 p.m., Michi-. gan League. Business meeting for ADA members, 7:30 p.m. In a recent editorial Misses Misner and Stein defend the Uni- versity Lecture Committee's action in refusing - to permit James Za- richny to speak on the campus. They endorsed the committee's action by agreeing that "in the usual sense of the word" Zarich- ny's talk would not have served the "educational interests" of the academic community. Unfortun- ately, they do not deign to define the "usual sense of the word," all of which raises the important question of the extent to which acquiring a university degree handicaps one's efforts to get an education. I do not have the space to refute the ladies' many equivocations and tortuous logic. Their basic attitude, however, is revealed when they say, " . . . Zarichny's appear- ance on campus would only serve as a restatement of his case. Is such a statement advisable or necessary?" Alas, why stir up things? Why worry about Zarichny? That he is being deprived of his education does not concern these young ladies; nor does it concern them much that Zarichny is a veteran of three year's service, having, in a small way perhaps, helped to insure these young la- dies their right to a higher edu- cation, to hold freely what politi- cal beliefs they may have, and to write as they please in their col- lege newspaper. It is these free- doms, for which Zarichny and I and others fought and some died, that these ladies sell so cheaply. Do they want these freedoms, might well be asked. Unfortun- ately, they do not see that in sup- porting Zarichny's right to speak at M.U. and that he be reinstated at M.S.C. they are not merely re- paying the debt they owe him but are defending these same freedoms for themselves. Until Jimmy Zarichny is per- mitted to speak at M.U. and we are permitted to listen to him if we so desire, you and I are being deprived of our freedom of speech, of inquiry, and of education. -J. Green S * * Must Fight To the Editor: A FEW OF US "fight for what we believe in," in the words of the incomparable David W. Peter- son. And because that in which we believe is not commonly ac- cepted, we are condemned, con- demned by the Petersons in our midst. No longer, it seems, is in- tellect to be free; no longer may the individuals make a decision for himself; no longer will dif- ference of opinion be tolerated. Not, at least, by the David W. Petersons. The founders of this land fought for what they believed in, Coning Events Michigan Acturial Club: Profes- sor Carver is giving a series of 5 lectures on Casualty Insurance. 3:30 p.m., Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 202 South Wing. Open meeting. Pershing Rifles: General meet- ing for all members, 7 p.m., Thurs., March 17, 100 Military Headquar- ters. Applications for probation- ary membership will be consid- ered. Be in uniform. Alpha Phi Omega: Pledge meeting, Michigan Union, Room 3R, March 17, 7 p.m. American Institute of Electrical Engineers and Institute of Radio Engineers; Joint Student Branch. A field trip to Michigan Bell Tele- phone Company, Detroit, Michi- gan will be held on Thurs., March 17. Busses will leave from in front of East Engineering Bldg. at ex- actly 1:10 p.m. Tickets $0.75 for members and $1 for non-members are available in room 2514 East Engine. Tickets are also available for the Banquet on March 23. They can be purchased from any officer of the organization. despite severe opposition. Mr. Lin- coln fought for what he believed in. Al Fishman fights for what ie believes in. To condemn one is to condemn all. But honesty ought not be condemned. Sincerity and the integrity to fight for one's beliefs ought never be condemned. This is not to praise an ideology. nor to denounce one. We earthly insignificants, so wholly unable to grasp even a fraction of the absolute truth about us, so unable to separate the international wheat from the chaff, are indeed presumptuous to name ourselves judges of ideological right and wrong. And when we admit that we cannot fairly, honestly, properly judge, as we must all admit, then we must disqualify, ourselves from our self imposed judgeship. We can say only that we believe Mr. Peterson's philosophy of govern- ment is correct. or that we believe Mr. Fishman's is. For upon this earth there is no tangible proof for either side; the proof will be found in history. A century from now, students may know which side was right, and wherein its righteousness lay; but we here, now, unless we have some divine power to see and know all, can never be certain we are not in error. All any of us can do, therefore, is to question ourselves daily as to the integrity of our motives, and then to fight for what we believe to be right. And if that is ever considered a crime, Mr. Peterson, in this great country of ours, I hope a collection may be taken to send me too, to a place where thought is unham- pered by common belief. and ex- pression is unlimited. -W. B. DeGroot, * - A ppreciatiowt To the Editor: [ WANT TO SAY a few words of appreciation. Despite handi- caps, I feel that I have been able during the past few days to ac- complish a great deal towards se- curing readmission to MSC. I have found the students at Michigan fair-minded and interested in hearing my side. I have spoken with many people. From the re- sponse I received, I am sure that there are many hundreds sin- cerely interested in academic free- dom and who see that the main point at this time is to work for my readmission. To these I want to say thanks. In the near future, I hope to be further able to ex- plain my ease at a regularly scheduled meeting. Further infor- mation about my case can be ob- tained from the Committee for Student and Faculty Rights, P.O Sox 493, Ann Arbor, Michigan. -James Zarichny. AA: Russia League, Dinner with Tea Room, 6 p.m. John Feild, Miichig an MUSIC LL Looki g Bck MAYNARD KLEIN and his University Choir scored a direct musical hit last night with their contemporary music con- cert. Ralph Vaughan Williams' "The Souls of the Righteous" gave the audience a gentle introduction to the sounds to be expected in modern music. The choir felt a bit strange in this number, making the dissonances muddy. Going further into the mazes of inoderil harmonies, the choir presented "Sing Me the Men" by Gustav Holst. High point of the first half of the con- cert was Ginastera's "Lamentations of Jeremiah." Harsh and barbaric at first, then falling to a sorrowful tone, the music rose finally to a pleading prayer. The har- monies were very strange, so the choir should be forgiven for falling in pitch in places. The musical effect was tremendous. Assisted by the Repertory Orchestra, the choir presented the newest of all works. "Magnificat" by Homer Keller. The orches- tra seemed unsure, and the singers had their noses buried in their scores, so the music itself didn't merit criticism. Let's hear it again with more rehearsals behind it. iIillel's-a-Poppin: Ticket and Finance. All tickets or cash must be turned in at 4 p.m., Rehearsal Room, Michigan League. Democratic Socialist Club:j Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3-R, Michigan Union. Topic for Dis- cussion: "The Economic Aspect of Present-Day Socialism." Diiscus- sion Leader: Prof. Dickinson of the Economics Dept. I.Z.F.A.: Beginning study group, 7:45 p.m., Hillel. Topic: "Balfour Declaration to the UN Decision." Wesleyan Guild: 4 p.m., Tea in Wesley Lounge. 6 p.m., School for Christian Liv- ing. Rev. John Burt speaks in' Lenten series on "The Best in all our Faiths." Westminster Guild, First Pres- byterian Church: Inforhal tea and talk. 4 to 6 p.m., Russel par- lor, church building. miic igan Christian Fellowship: Bible Study, Book of Acts, Chap- ter V, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall. Roger Williams Guild: Weekly chat and tea, Guild House, 4:30-6 p.m. U. of Mi. Dames Bridge Group: Henderson Room (not the Hussey Room), of Michigan League, 8 p.m. a Member of The Associated Presr 're Associated Press is exclusiv.,y entitled to the use for republtYioit of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other natters hereintare also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ain Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mtail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $8.00. Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. I E1ditorial Staff4 Harri(>L Friedman ....Managing Editor Dick Maloy ................City Editor Naomi Stern ........Editorial Director Allegra Pasqualetti ,..Associate Edltor Al JBiuxnroseu ........,Associate Edfitor Leon Jaroff.........Associate Editor Robert C. White ......Associate Editor B. S. Brown ...........Sporta Editor Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed. Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery ......Women's Editor Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor Bess Hayes ..................Librarian Business Staff Richard Halt .......Business Manager Jean Leonard ....Adverttising Manager William Culuman ....1"inauw3 Manager Colo Christau ...Circulauiou Maoager 1'ele/hone 23-24-1 a _ .. .. _.. _ . ...._ _ , , 50 YEARS AGO: The University Pharmacy Department launched plans to start an arboretum, or "botanical tree garden" where it could grow every existing tree that could survive the Michigan climate. The trees would be used for experimental medicine and economic purposes. 20 YEARS AGO: The posters advertising the Junior Girls' International Center weekly (Co',tinud on Paex 5) tea BAIRNAB Thy lad Merely wants thie .,. I Another BENEFIT? Wvll,i You know how the young idolize all