q VWrD TfA 1Vf.AM 14, ~.19459 THE MICHIGAN LY Suprunowicz Elected 'M' Cage Captain Colorado College Rated Outsider in NCAA Field Mack Unanimous Choice Of Michigan Teammates Ten Men Receive Major Varsity Letters, Reserve and Freshmen Awards Also Made Fencing Meet Will Feature Exhibitions t It c 1 1 De To Mack Suprunowicz, cagey for- ward who has paced the Michigan basketball squad in Conference scoring for the last three years, was the unanimous choice of his teammates, in a meeting held yes- terday afternoon, to captain the 1949-50 team. Supey entered Michigan in the fall of 1946 and was eligible to play basketball under the Conference ruling in effect then, which al- lowed freshmen to compete in ath- letics. THAT SEASON he dumped in 163 points in Big Nine play., The following year he scored 145 points, and this season, even though his play was erratic from one game to the next, piled up 178 counters to bring his three-year total to 486 points in Conference play. He seems certain to break Michigan's old record since he has another season, and has al- most surpassed the mark now. He has already put his name down in the Michigan record books' with his 28 points in one game, scored this season against Purdue, February 21. THE ELECTION was held yes- terday just before this season's ten letter-winners had their official' 1948-49 team picture taken. In uniform for the first time since' January 29 was this year's captain,' Bill Roberts, who was one of the first to congratulate Supey. Roberts appeared for the last official meeting of this year's squad on "wooden legs." He was released from University hospi- tal just last Wednesday after the operation on his knee, and bemoaned the fact that he has to walk on crutches for about another week. He was one of half of the var- sity letter winners who will not be back next year. Pete Elliott, Bob Harrison, Bill Mikulich, and Boyd McCaslin all wore a Michigan bas- ketball uniform yesterday for the last time. THE OTHER FIVE men who were given an "M" were Bill Doyle, Hal Morrill, Mack Supruno- wicz, Leo VanderKuy, and Irv Wisniewski. The reserve letterwinners are: 0. William Agre Jr., William J. Bailey, Jerome M. Burns, Wil- liam Eggenberger, Robert C. Hollway, Carl A. Kreager, S. James Manilla, Charles A. Mur- ray, Robert A. Olson, Peter N. Palmer, Harold J. Pink, H. Les- lie Popp Jr., George Royce, and Reginald Sauls IV. Freshman numerals were awarded to: James D. Cape, Rich- ard Day, Robert Dingham, James. Doyle, E.. James Erwin, Richard Frame, Warren Gast, Richard Gerstner, David Hinkin, Donald Peterson, William Putich, Donald, Seaton, James Skala, Irving Stenn, Frederick ,H. Thompson, Thomas Tiernan, James K. Watkins, and Richard Williams. Tuscan, Krieger Perform in Meet Daisy-Heggem LAST MINUTE TUNE-UP-Pictured above in position for a face-off are Wolverine puckmen Len Brumm (at left) and Gordie McMillan with coach Vic Heyliger about to drop the disk between them. Wally Gacek is the interested observer in the background, during the team's final Ann Arbor practice session yesterday. Michigan's hockey wizards will board a special plane today for Colorado Springs where they will defend their NCAA title against three of the nation's top sextets beginning tomorrow. The Wolverines meet Dartmouth in their opening game. There will be a meeting of Phi Epsilon Kappa at 9:00 to- night, immediately following the IM swimming meet, in the wrestling room of the Intra- mural Building. All members are urged to attend. Top 'MI' Traekren Compete In Off Season Relay Meets DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) trical Engineer, Cadet Mechani- cal Engineer, Cadet Chemical En- gineer, Cadet Architectural Engi- neer, (BS degree) Residence waived for further information call at Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg. A representative of Michigan Bell Telephone Co. will be in .the office of the Bureau of Appoint- ments on Thurs., and Fri., March 17-18, to make appointments with men and women of the Literary College and School of Business Administration for employment interviews to be held the following week. Appointments must be made on March 17 and 18. Office hours: 9-12, 2-4, 3528 Administration Bldg. Occupational Information Con- ference: Mr. W. D. Howard, Vick Chemical Co., New York, will dis- cuss opportunities with his com- pany-with particular emphasis on sales and advertising;. Mr. J. C. Schade, Employment Mgr., Eli Lilly Co., pharmaceutical mfgr., Indianapolis, Ind., will discuss op- portunities for students in chem- istry, engineering, and pharmacy. - Wed., Mar. 16, 4:10 p.m., 231 An- gell Hall. Opportunity for ques- tions. All students invited. Spon- sored by University Bureau of Ap- pointments. Lectures University Lecture: "Economic and Social Changes in India." Professor Benoy Sarkar, Head of the Department of Economics and! Commerce, University of Calcutta; auspices of the Departments of Anthropology, Economics, and So- ciology, 4:15 p.m., Thurs., March 17, Rackham Amphitheatre. Special Lecture in Journalism: John L. Brumm, professor emeri- tus and former chairman of the Department of Jouf nalism, will address journalism concentrates* and other interested students on the subject, "Liberty and the News," 3 p.m., Wed., March 16, Rm. B, Haven Hall. Coffee hour. Education Lecture Series: "Se- curing a Teaching Position," T. Luther Purdom, Director of the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Informa- TRY OUR GENUINE ITALIAN SPAGHETTI Served Daily and To Take Out. tion, 7 p.m. Wed., March 16, Uni- versity High School Auditorium. Academic Notices Wildlife Management Division, of the School of Forestry and Con- servation: Seminar, March 16, 7:30 p.m., at the home of Dr. Warren W. Chase, 50 Huntington Drive. Subject, North American Wildlife Conference held in Wash- ington, D.C., March 7-9. Students who attended the Conference will be expected to participate in the discussion. Bacteriology Seminar: Thurs., March 17,'8:30 a.m., 1520 E. Medi- cal Bldg. Speaker: Donald J. Mer- chant. Subject: "The Effect of Serum on the Activity of Guinea Pig Polymorphonuclear Leuko- cytes." Botany Seminar: Open meeting, Wed., March 16, 4 p.m., 1139 Nat- ural Science. "Microfossils from Michigan Coal," Prof. C. A. Arn- old. Thurs., March 17, 8 p.m., 1300 Chemistry. Prof. E. Bright Wilson, Jr. of Harvard University will speak on "Microwave Spectro- scopy and Molecular Structure." Zoology Seminar: Thurs., March 17, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theatre. Mr. Max A. Proffitt will report on "Body-scale Relation - ship in the Blue gill." Mr. Vernon C. Applegate will report on "The Sea Lamprey in Michigan." Open meeting. Aerodynamics Seminar, Aero. Eng. 160: Wed., March 16, 4-6 p.m., Rm. 1508 E. Engineering Bldg. Topic:. Basic equations of dia- batic compressible flows with ro- tation. Graduate Aptitude Test: March 17, 7-10 p.m., Lecture Hall, Rack- ham Bldg. Students enrolled in the Grad- uate School for the first time must take the Graduate Aptitude Test, or they will not be permitted to register again. Other students who are appli- (Continued on Page 2) By HUGH QUINN According to the schedule, Michigan's indoor track season is over. And, as far as the team is con- cerned, it is. From now until April 27, when the outdoor season opens against California, the team faces a stiff program of conditioning for the change from the small indoor track to'the 440-yard outdoor oval. * * * BUT FOR a few individuals on the squad, the indoor season still has a few meets to go. Several in- vitational and relay meets have attracted some of the Wolverines' more outstanding talent. Coach Don Canham has en- tered five men in the Knights of Columbus games Friday at the Cleveland Arena. Tom Dolan, who just last Saturday annexed the Illinois Tech Relays' high jump title, will vie for similar honors at Cleveland. The other four-fifths of the team, Garth Kirkendall, Justin Williams, John Lindquist, and Bob Thomason, are entered as a two- mile relay team. This is the same quartet that was nosed out of first place by Illinois at the Illinois Tech meet. * *.* ILLINOIS, who won in 7:53.5, has entered in the K of C meet at Cleveland, and the Wolverines will get another crack at them. The most promising half- miler on the Wolverine relay quartet is Lindquist, who has been showing steady improve- ment since his first competitive 80-yard race earlier this sea- son. Lindquist turned in his fastest time at Chicago Saturday when he placed third in the open 880-yard run in 1:57, beating out teammate Thomason. MICHIGAN WILL be represent- ed by a one-man team at the Chi- cago Daily News Relays Saturday. Pole vaulter Ed Ulvestad will face some of the nation's top talent in this event. A few of the pole vaulters ex- pected at Chicago are the West- ern Conference co-champs, Don Laz of Illinois, Harry Cooper of Minnesota, and Tom Bennett of Wisconsin. Laz also was winner of the MSC Relays title and the Illinois Tech crown. Besides having another chance to upset Laz, who has beaten him three times this year, Ulvestad has an added interest in the meet: Chicago is his home town. Canham also announced the probability that a small group will represent Michigan at the Purdue Relays a week from Saturday. Dolan, Ulvestad, and Thomason have been entered in this meet, along with a sprint medley relay team and a two-mile team. All junior varsity and fresh- man basketball award winners are asked to report to Henry Hatch at Yost Field House to be measured for their award sweaters. Some simple and yet important little items will make this Satur- day's State Intercollegiate Three Weapon Championships to be held at the Intramural Building one of the more interesting sword con- tests for spectators in a long time. For the first time in the memory of many sword "old timers," an in- structive exhibition will be given. * * * THIS EXHIBITION will feature two of the nation's foremost fenc- ing masters, Byron Krieger and Bela de Tuscan who will demon- strate the use of the foil and sabre. Krieger ranked number one in the state of Michigan and tenth nationally, is the defend- ing champion in Midwestern Senior Foil and Sabre competi- tion. De Tuscan, founder and fencing master of Detroit's famous Salle de Tuscan, is the leading fencing coach in the midwest and ranks as one of the nation's top profes- sional swordsmen. * * * THE PAIR will start in slow motion in their demonstration of fundamental fencing facts. They will gradually increase the speed of their combat to the rapid pace that championship fencing de- mands. Another novel feature de- signed to excite spectator inter- est Saturday, is the numbering of all participants in all events. This will solve an age old prob- lem for fericing fans since it is impossible to identify the various sword swingers due to the thick masks that are worn for protec- tion. ALL PLAYERS and their num- bers, collegeand entries will be listed in the souvenir program which will also include an in- structive "dope" leaflet. This leaflet will contain a brief history of the sword sport and a description of some of the fine points of the "world'seldest game." It will tell the reader what to look for and how to watch the "noble sport." The program And booklet will be free as will be the admission to this rare fencing treat. TUXEDO and TAILS RENTALS ALL NEW - ALL SIZES Locally Stocked See tABIDEAU IARWIS 119 So. Main St. Phone 6924 Wool Gabardine TRENCH COATS 2950 GABARDINE 9 SLACKS 7 KHAKI TROUSERS With ZIPPERS 3 39 Matching Shirts ... 2.79 /~r K t a >k &eMi eler,4! (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last of t hree articles dealing; wit ii the temns in the 1949 NCAAhockey tour- nament). By HERB RUSKIN While most of the publicity for the forthcoming National Colle- giate hockey championship has been concentrated on the three eastern teams, nobody should start counting the west's sole represen- tative, Colorado College. out of the running. The Tigers, while not listed high on any of the pre-tourney dope sheets, may pull a few surprises and come up with a winning com- bination. * * * COLORADO has a veteran team with their goalie, Roy Ikola, one of the best that Michigan will have to face. Last year he was a member of the AAU Olympic team that went to Switzerland but did not play. Coach Cheddy Thompson has a strong defense, with Ron New- Flippers Hit New Peak Yesterday was a day of prece- dent for the gymnasts. Tom Tillman became the first man in Michigan's history to accomplish a double flip on the tumbling mats. At present he is the only man in the Con- ference who can do it, and is practicing for an attempt in the meet with Wisconsin here Saturday night. son, Bill Tutten and Leew Meier, three lettermen back fromtlast year. His first line will probably be Harry Whitworth at center, with Joe Slattery and Howie Hussion on the wings. Center Dick Row- ell and Wings Bruce Stewart and Chris Ray will make up the second line. * * * OF THE FOUR teams making up this year's tourney, the Tigers have the poorest record, winning 15, while losing five and tying one. In competition with the tour- nament teams, Colorado hasn't fared too well. Michigan has beaten the Tig- ers once, whipping them 3-2 in overtime and the second game ended in a 4-4 tie. Boston Col- lege, Colorado's first opponent, holds a 6-5 overtime decision. The Colorado sextet has, how- ever, two distinct advantages that may very well offset any team weaknesses that may be present. FIRST, THEY will be playing on their home ice, with a favor- able home crowd cheering them on. That is a hurdle that the visiting teams have found hard to get over. Second, the very high altitude makes breathingyvery difficult, and even though it is a handicap to all the teams, the Tigers are used to it and can easily benefit from it. i" a' FRENCH CUFF DRESS SHIRTS Regularly priced 3.95-4.95 In WHITE and CREAM 277 ANN ARBOR CLO CLOTHING 113 South Main Seminar: Physical Chemistry 1It MADE IN THE U.S.A. by J.P. SMITH SHOE CO. Chieago EYES SAY "AYE" -and your enjoyment is bonded )y *Synchro -Flexstability --the b' plus which assures instant free- dom of action. *Synchro-Flestability is derived only from patented, Synchro-Flex construc- tion-the advanced method of build- ing exclusive to these shoes. Make walking a pleasure 11 II .'i~ k2.* ~.