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March 16, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-16

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Latest Deadline in the State

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Ends 15-Day
Senate Tie-up
Knowland Plan
Breaks Filibuster
day Dixie filibuster in the U.S.
Senate ended with dramatic sud-
denness late last night as South-
ern Democrats and Republicans
got together on a compromise plan.
Then the Senate recessed until
tomorrow when a drive will open
to put the plan through the Sen-
ate. Its sponsors felt certain of
success, since they had 52 sena-
tors-more than the required ma-
jority-already signed up.
rt * ' r
BUT THE PLAN was subject to
debate, and Truman Democrats
may have plenty to say before a
vote can be taken.
They want a change in the Sen-
ate rules so that a two-thirds ma-
jority of those voting can end fili-
busters on any question. They
want this as an opening wedge for
the passage of Civil Rights legis-
lation, such as anti-lynch, anti-
poll tax, and anti-discrimination
The compromise plan, spon-
sored by Senator Kowland
(Rep., Calif.) provides that two-
thirds of the whole Senate (64
out of 96) can limit debate-on
anything except motions to take
up future proposals to change
the Senate rules.
The Southerners, apparently
feeling confident that 64 sena-
tors never could be persuaded to
limit debate on Civil Rights bills,
went along with the plan. They
also liked the proviso about un-
limited debate on motions to take
up future rules changes. This
would enable them to filibuster
against any proposal to end fili-
busters by majority rule.
THE MOTION the Southerners
had been filibustering against
since Feb. 28, was one by Senator
Lucas of Illinois, the Democratic
leader, to take up for considera-
tion the Administration's curb-
the filibuster plan.
A group of Truman Democrats
joined Republican senators Morse
of Oregon and banger of North
Dakota in assailing the compro-
mise plan.
Mine Walkout
Causes New
Rail Layoffs
By The Associated Press
Railroad layoffs mounted yes-
terday in the two-day old coal
mine shutdown as the New York
Central Railroad laid off an addi-
tional 5,225 workers.
In Jersey City, the Central
Railroad said that an "unesti-
mated number" would be idled in
the next two weeks as a result of
John L. Lewis' order for a two-
week work holiday stoppage.
LEWIS issued his stop-work or-
der last Friday as a protest to the
appointment of Dr. James Boyd
as Director of the U.S. Bureau of
Mines and as a tribute to dead and
injured miners.
Speculations rose over the
possibility that the 400,000 soft

coal miners would not return to
work for another four or five
days after the scheduled March
23 date in order to celebrate
John Mitchell Day, April 1, a
recognized UMW holiday.
It was not expected that the
70,000 antracite miners would be
affected by this delay, however,
since they observe the same holi-
day in October. Mitchell, an early
UMW leader, is credited with win-
ning the eight-hour day for the
* * *

ouse Passes Nw

Rent Control




Truman Seeks
Rail Strike End
By The Associated Press
President Truman acted last night to end the strike of 3,500 Wa-
bash Railroad employes.
The President signed an order calling for a fact finding board,
which would delay the work stoppage 60 days.
* * * *
SOME 500 EMPLOYES of the Ann Arbor railroad quit work yes-
terday morning, tying up freight shipments on the line throughout
this area. (The Ann Arbor road is a subsidiary of the Wabash.)

Union Finance
Report Shows
Manager Stresses
Improvement Aims
A complete financial statement,
barring details of income and ex-
penses, has been issued by the
Michigan Union.
The statement, now posted in
the Union, is the first complete
public financial report in the
Union's history.
More money entered the Union's
cash registers in the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1948 than ever be-
fore, according to the report. But
rising costs of operation whittled
the net income down to $56,369.
* * *
IN EXPLAINING the report,
Franklin C. Kuenzel, General
Manager of the Union, emphasized
that the Union is a non-profit in-
"Many students think the
Union makes lots of money; it
doesn't," he said. "Most of our
net income this year will go for
improvement of the Union."
The building fund now totals
more than $612,000.
The value of Union property was
diminished this year by $8,821
when the old Mimes Theatre was
torn down. Total property value is
now $2,106,000.
* * *
KUENZEL SAID that the Union
has more rooms than any other
college union in the country.
"The income from our 200
rooms does a lot to counteract
the operating losses in some of
.our other departments," Kuen-
zel said.
In the early days of the Union,
prior to 1927, students had to pay
$50 to become life members. Full
time students who attend the Uni-
versity for eight or more semesters
now don't have to pay anything
for life membership, according to
* * *
ONLY SUPPORT the Union re-
ceives from the University is a
$3.75 allocation for each male stu-
dent on campus, Kuenzel said.
"The Union ciedits more than
this toward the life membership of
every member," he added.

The last train on the Wabash
line passed through Ann Arbor
at 6 a.m. yesterday.
Local men involved in the walk-
out number only four men, ac-
cording to A. C. Hiitchcock, gen-
eral passenger agent of the line.
* * *
MEANWHILE, freight normally
carried by the Ann Arbor line will
be rerouted to other roads, Rail-
way Express officials reported.
Railroad officials were specu-
lating on the effect of the strike
on operation of Ann Arbor line
carferries across Lake Michigan
to Wisconsin. Although carferry
crews are not on strike, a spokes-
man at the ferry headquarters
at Frankfort said the walkout
would "eventually tie us up."
In Washington Secretary Rob-
ert Cole of the Board said the
agency is immediately advising
parties to the dispute of the Presi-
dent's action, and asking the men
to return. The personnel of the
fact-finding board was not an-
nounced immediately.
John E. Donnelly, vice president
of the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers and spokesman for the
other brotherhoods, declared the
60-day non-striking period that is
supposed 'to prevail after the
President appoints a fact-finding
board applies only to situations
where the men have not already
walked out.
THE RAILWAY Labor Act does
not require them to return to work
when they strike before a fact-
finding board is appointed, he
AIM Attacks
Diag Dispolays
AIM will launch an attack on
unsightly diag displays when it
submits a report to the SL advis-
ing them to call a meeting of pub-
licity directors to discuss the prob-
lem, it was revealed at an AIM
council meeting last night.
At the same meeting, the council
voted down a strongly worded res-
olution against blind block voting
which would have forbidden AIM
to issue any literature which
would distinguish between inde-
pendent and affiliated candidates,
because previous AIM plans called
for a news letter in which any in-
dependent man could express his
views and qualifications.

Home Rule'
Act Defies
Williams To Back
Standby Measure
By The Associated Press
The House of Representatives
passed a new 15-months rent con-
trol bill yesterday that will per-
mit each state, county or city to
toss out the controls anytime it
The passage of the House bill
came as a great blow to President
Truman since the administration
had been against the "Home Rule"
amendment and was fighting for a
two-year extension plus greater
powers to enforce the controls.
* * *
liams sided with the President and
said yesterday that he would spon-
sor a state rent control bill. The
governor said that the bill, in-
tended as a standby measure,
would be introduced into the legis-
lature within a few days.
The House bill now goes to
the Senate where administration
men will renew their fight. Ac-
tion on a Senate version has
been blocked, however, because
of the filibuster.
The bill passed the Houe by a
large majority-261 to 153.
Tighe Woods, Rent Administra-
tor, told reporters that he does not
think it is so bad. He predicted no
more than ten per cent of the 1,100
counties with rent control would
do away with controls through
local option.
* * '*
THE HOUSE BILL will give the
government the old OPA powers to
prevent mass evictions of tenants
as requested by the President.
It also requires the Rent Admin-
istrator to set rent ceilings to as-
sure landlords of "a reasonable
return on reasonable value" of
their property and authorizes him
to recontrol any rental area de-
controlled since July 30, 1947, ex-
cept where decontrol was ordered
by the Emergency Court of Ap-
The amendment also recon-
trols rental properties decon-
trolled under the 1947 rent act
that had permitted landlords
and tenants to enter into volun-
tary agreements raising rents
up to fifteen per cent.
Woods said, however, that the
bill lacked "two essentials," crimi-
nal penalties for landlords charg-
ing over ceiling rents and author-
ity toirecontrol apartments in
residential hotels.
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Denmark's
foreign minister strongly indicat-
ed that he would urge his stra-
tegically located country to be-
come the ninth government to
join the Atlantic Defense Alli-
At the same time, the Portu-
guese government disclosed it has
started talks with the United
States about joining the Mutual-
Aid Pact.
*k F

vote, Senators blackballed Pres-
ident Truman's nomination of
Mon C. Wallgren, one-time sen-
ator and former governor of
Washington, for the chairman-
ship of the National Security
Resources Board.

Daily-Pete Mann
INSPECTION TOUR--Members of the House Ways and Means Committee enter the Veterans'
Readjustment Center on their junket of campus yesterday. In the left foreground are Reps.
Rollo G. Conlin, chairman of the education subcommittee, and Harry J. Phillips, chairman of
the subcommittee on state hospitals. Other committee members making the tour were Reps. Ural
S. Acker, Arnell Engstrom, T. Jefferson Hoxie, James Kirk, Carl G. Lindquist, David F. Morrison,
Michael J. O'Brien, Richard L. Thomson, and Joseph E. Warner.

U' Ob iation
To Education
Stresses Cooperation
Between Schools
The University has a responsi-
bility to the whole educational
system of the state to assist the
primary and secondary schools,
President Alexander G. Ruthven
declared last night.
Speaking at the .100th anniVr-
sary program of Ypsilanti High
School, he discussed "The Rela-
tionship between the University
and the Secondary Schools of
"It is regrettable that the state
university is often looked upon
and referred to as a rather inde-
pendent institution, as a competi-
tor of other colleges and universi-
ties, and as . . . interfering with
the work of the high schools."
The idea "that this institution
is the capstone of the state sys-
tem of education" is too widely
spread, he said.
On the contrary, the University
is "a responsible relative in the
family of state schools," President
Ruthven said.
* * *
ITS OBJECTIVES include more
than the advancement of knowl-
edge and the education of a select-
ed grouphof especially qualified
students, he said.
"No state institution of high-
er learning should ignore or
neglect the real function of pro-
viding service to the primary
and secondary schools."

SL Petitions Revamped
To Tax Blank Dimension

Petition forms for hopeful. Stu-
dent Legislature candidates have
been revamped in the tradition of
Uncle Sam's elaborate tax forms.
The petitions, which will be
available in Rm. 1020 until the
March 29 deadline, have been ex-
onor Report
To BeMade
A comprehensive report on the
Engineering Honor System will be
presented to the student chapter
of ASCE at 7:30 p.m. today in
Rm. 3-S of the Union.
The report, gathered from in-
formation in 400 questionnaires
circulated through civil engineer-
ing. classes last week, will reveal
student sentiment on the system
and decide whether the polling
will go through the entire College
of Engineering.
John M. Hepler, director of the
Michigan Department of Health,
will speak on "The Place of the
Sanitary Engineer in Public Life."
Third item on the meeting's
agenda will be the first in a ser-
ies of "Meet your Professors,"
spotlighting Prof. Ernest Boyce.
NSA TourBureau
NSA's travel bureau will swing
into its last. two days of opera-
tion today and tomorrow.
The Bureau, which has applica-
tions for NSA summer tours all
over the world and information
concerning other travel plans, will
be open from 4 to 4:50 p.m. in
Rm. 1010, Administration Build-

panded into a five-sheet bonanza
with the addition of information
formerly asked ofMens' Judiciary
Council candidates.
* * *
ments on their views on Legisla-
ture activities and listing their
present and past extra-curricular
activities, candidates will also at-
tend an orientation meeting at
4:15 p.m., today, in Rm. 3R, Mich-
igan Union.
Nuechterlein explained the
king-size petition forms would
be helpful in bringing out merits
of individual candidates. He said
SL would publicize the state-
ments and lists of activities of
all candidates.
Three things will be asked of all
An eligibility card, $1 and 150
petition signatures.
members stressed that students
may attend the orientation meet-
ing and begin learning SL proce-
dure although they may not ac-
tually have their 'applications
turned in.
IBrumm To Give
Journalism Talk
Professor Emeritus John L.
Brumm will deliver the third lec-
ture of the current journalism
series at 3 p.m. today in Rm. B,
Haven Hall.
Brumm, former chairman of the
journalism department, will speak
on "Liberty and the News." A
coffee hour will follow the speech.
Journalism concentrates and all
interested students may attend
the lecture.

Nix Requests
In Visit Here
$700,000 Fund
Slash Foreseen
State legislators dashed hopes
for four new University buildings
as they made a flying inspection
tour of campus yesterday.
Administration hopes for the full
requested operating budget were
also jolted.
The House Ways and Means
Committee conferred with Univer-
sity officials for four hours yester-
day afternoon.
Although he termed the meeting
a "first-rate" get-together, Rep.
John Espie, chairman of the com-
mittee, reported that plans for
new buildings costing more than
eight billion dollas are virtually
frozen for this year.
REP. ESPIE also said he was
"doubtful" that his group would
approve the University's full re-
quest for a $12,500,000 operating
He said the final appropriation
would be near the figure proposed
by Gov. Williams, who slashed the
University's request by $700,000.
University building proposals
are being shelved because "top
construction priority must be
given the state's over-crowded
mental hospitals," Rep. Espie
"State colleges and universities
will have to take what's left over
from the mental hospital appro-
priations this year," Rep. Harry J.
Phillips said. Rep. Phillips is
chairman of the Ways and Means
subcommittee on state hospitals.
** *
PRESIDENT Alexander G.
Ruthven had told the committee
that additions to the General Li-
brary and Angell Hall are needed
immediately. "Classrooms of the
literary college are terribly over-
crowded," he declared.
Requests have also been made
for Automotive Service Shops
and a heating plan addition.
Although the committee visited
the Veterans' Readjustment Cen-
ter and the Neuropsychiatric In-
stitute at University Hospital, they
lacked time to inspect the pro-
posed academic building sites in
their two-hour tour.
* * *
DESPITE the possible cut in
the operating budget, University
plans for 72 new faculty members
next year could still go ahead, ac-
cording to Rep. Rollo G. Conlin,
chairman of the Ways and Means
subcommittee on education.
Conlin pointed out that the
University can use operating
funds granted by the Legislature
as' it chooses.
The requested budget is an in-
crease of $2,750,000 over the
amount granted the University
this year. President Ruthven told
the committee yesterday that more
funds are needed to offset a drop
in veterans' fees and to make an
$800,000 adjustment for present
faculty and staff salaries.
"THE FACULTY salary adjust-
ment is an essential if Michigan is
to maintain top educational rank-
ing," Pres. Ruthven declared.
The Legislature will probably
not complete action on the Uni-
versity appropriations for more
than a month, Espie said. Before
coming to a vote, the proposed

3budget must first be approved by
both the House committee and the
"Senate finance committee.
President Ruthven has explained
that the operating budget
appropriation requested will be
"approximately one-third the total
budget for the year." The balance
will come from student fees, gifts
and grants, and from income pro-
ducing units like residence halls
and athletics, he said.
RArmed' Youth
SKidnaius Driver

Olmstead To Stress Rule
For Michigyan Engineers
. * S
Prof. C. T. Olmsted, of the En-
gineering Mechanics Department,
will outline the procedure and
exams for engineer-registration at
7:30 p.m. today in the Architec-
ture Auditorium.
Prof. Olmsted will stress the de-'
sirability of the registration, which
is designed to protect the engineer
and to prevent misuse of his pro-

D ag'wood Specials---Stomach Threat

The beloved American multi-
decker sandwiches and the gentle
art of tooth-picking outstrip
everything including open safety
pins, in the damage they threaten
to the average adult's stomach,
according to Dr. Henry K. Ran-

those which lodge and require
surgery to remove seldom do
any harm."
Not so with toothpicks, one
of the most frequent subjects for
swallowing by adults, who in pick-
ing their teeth or eating "Dag-

little dental "broches," Dr. Ran-
som added.
"A patient may sneeze and in
his momentary spasm, swallow
whatever's in his mouth. I have
yet to find the traditional time-
piece in anyone's stomach."

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