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March 15, 1949 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-15

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Techiical Foul

J UST AS THE Administration's team of
Democrats had almost completed a
touchdown in the filibuster football game.
the Senate Republicans decided to call a
technical foul.
"We agree with you in principle but you
just can't stop debate that way," they said.
Senate President Alben Barkley, in the
umpire's role, had declared that the Sen-
ate's two-thirds cloture rule applies to
procedural measures as well as proposed
bills. In effect two thirds of the Senate
could stop discussion on whether or not
to consider any measure. This is the case
in the present filibuster to end filibusters.
Barkley's ruling was a reversal of prece-
dent since other presiding officers had held
that the cloture rule set up in 1917 applied
only to actual bills before the group for
So 23 Republicans voted with Southern
Democrats to defeat Senate approval of
Barkley's ruling. Republican leaders claim
they want the cloture rule broadened but
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

they feel this change should be.made by an
actual proposal not a ruling from the presid-
ing officer.
In so doing GOP forces have forgotten
that a procedural ruling with a majority
backing is just as valid as any formalized
rule. change. It is the opinions of Su-
preme Court Justices which determine
what the Constitution actually means. And
changes in judicial opinions have come
far oftener than any change in the word-
ing of the Constitution.
In effect the Republican vote means that
they have been able to hold up Civil Rights,
social security and other important Admin-
istration legislation.
And they have also forced Administration
policy leaders to meet with Republicans
and Southern Demerats to try to work out
a compromise. One proposed plan would
enable three fours of the Senate to stop de-
bate on any Senate business except a change
in the debate rule itself. But even this new
rule wouldn't work if a few Republicans de-
cided to side with Southern Democrats
The Republicans have demonstrated that
they have the power to buck Administra-
tion policy, but they've played power poli-
tics with an issue that demands considera-
tion for national welfare first.
--Janet Watts.

WITH THE encou aging news that Kaiser-
Frazer's 7,000 workers have returned to
the corporation's assembly lines comes an
announcement from K-F officials that first
in production will be two new low-priced
models, the Traveler and the Vagabond.
Low priced-the significance of this
term cannot be too highly emphasized for
it marks a new attack on the part of
Kaiser-Frazer to break into the automo-
bile industry which has long remained
partially monopolistic.
Technically, there has always been free
entry into this industry. But the tremen-
dous amount of capital required as well as
the secure positions of the existing producers
have discouraged even the most enterprising
from competing for a place in the industry.
The odds against gaining a foot-hold always
seemed too heavy to spur on even the most
optimistic adventurer.
However, the men who formed the Kaiser-
Frazer corporation were obviously undaunted
by the monopolistic status of the other big
corporations. They decided to take the risk
-and gamble for a berth in the automobile
They could not have chosen a more
opportune moment for their endeavor-
the latter part of 1945. The war and the
subsequent increased shortages of automo-
biles blended in harmoniously with Kaiser-
Frazer's plans. The market for their cars,
despite the high prices, was great and the
new corporation was off to a "flying
However, as what we hope are normal
times return, the true test of the Kaiser-
Frazer enterprise will be made. Its success
as an automobile firm of important-standing
will soon be determined.
Can the normal American economy sup-
port another addition to the automobile in-
dustry? Will the American people buy a
sufficient number of automobiles in the
future to keep Kaiser-Frazer's assembly lines
in operation and its 7,000 employes in jobs?
Finally, will the corporation itself price these
new models low enough so that the Amer-
ican people will want to buy them?
You and I-the men and women with
the purchasing power-will soon furnish
the answers to these questions. You and I
are going to determine whether or not
Kaiser-Frazer can prove that there can
be successful free entry into the automo-
bile industry annd whether or not the
free enterprise still has a place in the
American economy.
-Herb Rovner.

"I4N"io'!s The odd-1..okiug Gu;Ijv C. r n-Te I~c"
rowjU' M

Letters to the Editor-

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
iey is to publishi in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the. writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not In good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
To the Editor:

than 11 student organizations, the
purpose of which was to plan an
organized attack upon racial dis-
crimination in the University and
in Ann Arbor generally.
It is difficult not to arrive at
the conclusion that The Daily, for
reasons known only to its senior
editors, is purposely trying to sab-
otage the new-born Committee to
End Discrimination. Because I
know these editors personally. I
cannothbelieve this to be true.
Nevertheless, they know the meet-
ing was to be held Friday after-
noon and they knew an attempt
was being made to get as large a

4.V tR nM wN ++.i n.. Pr T ...s.

e Taing

ELL, SHADES of Nancy Choremi!
Startled, if not aghast readers who
picked up Sunday's newspaper have seen
that the rotten business of tapping phone
wires has reared its ugly head again. This
time, it involved Tammany Hali, New
York Mayor William O'Dwyer and a $100,-
000 plot to boot.
After confessing his part in a far-reach-
ing scheme to tap telephone wires of munic-
ipal and Tammany Hall officials, a scheme
allegedly directed against officials of other
American cities including Detroit, ex-New
York detective Kenneth Ryan immediately
fled the coop.
Reminiscent of the Nancy Choremi affair
scant months ago, when a prominent so-
cialite and daughter of an Egyptian diplo-
mat was convicted of loitering charges on
the basis of phone-tapping evidence, the
situation has already attracted much atten-
tion. But now the consequences of telephone
eavesdropping have spread to a realm out-
side the trial of just one person.
Although Ryan and accomplice Edward
M. Jones, a former Treasury agent, gave
out no details as to information. sought
and claimed that no actual wire tapping
had been carried on outside New York
City proper, the plot has since dragged in
the names of city attorney, a special in-
vestigator and a "crusading heir."

The latter, Clendenin J. Ryan, had denied
any part in the affair, but claimed that his
own wires in the city had been tampered
with in the last two or three weeks, "un-
doubtedly by the city government."
We can't yet ascertain whether his charges
are true or not, but if they are, and con-
sidering the New York State law which pro-
claims it a felony for any private person
to tap a phone wire, more than the repu-
tations of two or three people will be at
During proceedings of the Choremi-
Madeleine Blavier trial, we saw how
charges pro and con outweighed the moral
and ethical issues involved in wire tapping
methods. True, a competent jury found
her guilty, but the matter of the tapping
itself, and its validity, was endlessly
haggled over; no definite conclusions ever
came to light.
Now that federal and state forces have
become implicated in a web extending from
the East to midwestern areas, the much-
debated controversy over the merits and
faults of wire-tapping can stand a thorough
regoing. And if the system as it stands
threatens the very core of federal and local
administrations, as witnessed by these lat-
- bst developments, then it is high time some-
one suggests a complete elimination of its
-Don Kotite.

(Continued from Page 2) Constitution will be ratified. Tem-
porary officers will be elected.
servation: Seminar, March 16,1
7:30 p.m., at the home of Dr. United World Federalists: Mem-
Warren W. Chase, 50 Huntington bership meeting, 7:30 p.m., Michi-
Drive. Subject, North American gan Union.

FOLLOWING IS THE text of a turnout as possible. Why, then, all
letter sent by the Inter-Coop- the silence? Why no ad.vance story
erative Council to the president of in Friday's paper and why no
the Automobile Club of Michigan. cover in Saturday's?
We believe that the situation Perhaps neither the event nor
which it brings to light warrants the committee seemned very iin-
the attention of every reader of portant. If not, the question be-
The Daily. comes interesting-and disturb-
"This organization has for some ing-on two levels. The first is
time been a member of the Auto- simply a matter of news value, for
mobile Club of Michigan and until it is strange journalism indeed
a month ago our truck was in- which prompts a student news-
sured through the Detroit Auto- paper to ignore a student activity
mobile Inter-Insurance Exchange. in which some 11 separate and
However, we recently gained important campus organizations
knowledge of a fact which ren- are participating. The second
dered continuance of this policy as level, however, is even more dis-
well as membership in the Auto- turbing. I confess I cannot under-
mobile Club of Michigan impos- stand the kind of liberal, demo-
sible. cratic newspaper which does not
Specifically, we learned that the actively and enthusiastically sup-
Automobile Club of Michigan port democratic movements wher-
denies membership to Negroes. ever and whenever such move-
This was admitted by the local ments appear. Most of The Daily
office of the Automobile Club to editors, I am sure, consider them-
our truck custodian, Mr. Ralph selves practicing liberals. I would
Monaghan. Since one of the basic like, then, to know how, in the
principles under which the Inter- light of their own beliefs, they Jus-
Cooperative Council operates is tify a complete lack of visible en-
open membership regardless of thusiasm for an organization
race, creed, or color our board of whose sole purpose is to fight rad-
directors has voted to terminate ical discrimination.
the membership of the Inter- Ordinary excuses of oversight
Cooperative Council in the Auto- or the mistake of a junior staff
mobile Club of Michigan and to member-often legitimate excuces
insure our truck through some for a busy student newspaper-
company other than the Detroit will, of course, not do at all in
Automobile Inter-Insurance Ex- this instance. Such mistakes do
change. not legitimately occur two days
We regret that the discrimina running. Furthermore, I suggest
tory policy of the Automobile Club that the fight against racial dis-
of Michigan forces us to take this crimination is perhaps important
step but we find no other course enough to warrant the careful
open. If and when the Automo- personal attention of a group of
bile Club of Michigan abandons its liberal senior editors. What does
policy of restricting membership diserivsutin d onfno rac
on the basis of color differences dsrmnto osnt n
this organization will be happy to what, in the opinion of the ed-
consider the possibility of again itors. is more worthy of front page
becoming a member. , stories and lead editorials?
-Robert L. Davis. These are not simply rhetorical
President. questions. They are questions


Defense of Freedom

one of the most complicated trades in
the history of the world. It seems to require
in our day the most awkward skills, many
of them running against nature, like the
singular skills of the contortionist.
The Hoiuse of Reprsentatives saved free-
dom the other day by passing a spy bill
without debating it or asking for an ex-
planation of its contents. It was simply
told it would be dangerous to discuss its
provisions. The House accepted this theory,
and waved the bill through. Freedom now
Current Mvies
At the Michigan...
Lund, Wanda Hendrix, Barry Fitzgerald,
and Monty Woolley.
U NACCUSTOMED as I am to seeing good
movies, I'll open this epoch-making re-
view with a publicity blurb of unprecedented
truth: "It's one of the funniest pictures ever
This testimonial was allegedly uttered
simultaneously by a group of prominent,
plush, and prejudiced Paramount stars,
The present reviewer-sharing none of the
above qualities-herewith adds a still-
small murmur of agreement.
As in the case of most really good com-
edies, characters' here. are secondary to a
well-turned plot situation and sympathetic
direction. This story of money and machina-
tion-taking in its stride such unorthodox
elements as insanity and hints of incest-
is hilarious from the start. With the inspired
direction of actor Richard Haydn, it makes
a movie in the old "Philadelphia Story" tra-
This is not to slight the efforts of John
Lund and the other members of an en-
thusiastic cast. John, previously hog-tied
by early relegation to hollywood's hunk-

requires that Congressmen shall, some-
times, not ask questions, and shall, some-
times act without knowing what they're
doing. As I say, the defense of freedom
has become a strange trade.
And it has become a trade for specialists,
The House has also passed a bill setting up
a radar screen around the country and a
3000-ule proving range for guided missiles,
both to protect our freedom. These, too, will
be more or less secret activities, conducted
by the skilled professionals, of the defense of
democracy. Freedom requires that we accept
their estimates of what is needed, and give
them the money, and let them do it, for the
safeguarding of human freedom is now the
job of a reserved class of experts.
And these things also require, in our day,
a certain orthodoxy, enough unanimity so
that the needed measures can be put through
as required. You can't make free with free-
dom any more. A sneeze at the wrong time,
an awkward "No," might precipitate a dif-
ference of opinion and wound freedom. You'd
better agree; don't you want to be free?
And as the defensive structure grows, with
its experts and its secrets and its special
skills and its taxes and its passions, one
sometimes has a funny feeling that it's
getting a little cramped inside. One also
looks around somewhat anxiously for the
precious thing that is being protected by
all this apparatus-where is it, where've you
put it, in what pocket? It would be a tragedy
if it dwindled. or got lost, and only the pro-
tective structure remained.
For we once used to look to freedom to
protect us-to protect us against any dom-
inant orthodoxy, against a rise in the
power of the military, etc. There has been
a complete reversal of roles; we now look
to these to protect freedom. But I don't
know if philosophically freedom can be
protected that way. Freedom is unique, it
is not like anything else; it has its own
rules of being, and maybe it has to be used
to keep from being used up, and maybe
you need more all the time to make sure
you have the saie amiount.
e 41 .. AL~n r' orf f,.r.L,fl -mim ~~1~

H AILED AS "A new star in the galaxy of
symphony orchestras," the Indianapolis
Symphony, under the direction of Fabien Se-
vitzky made its first Ann Arbor appearance
at Hill Auditorium Sunday evening.
In an uncommon program for this city,
the orchestra evoked much hearty ap-
plause-probably a reaction to a great
amount of bombastic brass and unneces-
sarily dramatic interpretation. The entire
performance was marked by well-executed
solo passages, but displayed a consistent
lack of accurate intonation, balanced sec-
tional blend, and "clean" entrances.
Taking a running start, the program
opened with a "Roman Carnival" overture
of Hector Berlioz. Though definitely a spir-
ited performance of the rollicking work; the
tempo finally established in the "salterello"
seemed to get out of hand, especially in the
string and woodwind sections, where shabby
technical passages resulted
Composed by the eighteenth century
Italian, Vinci, and arranged for string
orchestra by Guerrini, the unfamiliar
"Sei Danza Antiche" combined the typical
Bach style with the sweetness of Italian
lyricism. Though played delicately, the
dances suffered from lack of dynamic and
metrical contrast which resulted in un-
necessary monotony.
Samuel Barber's "Essay for Orchestra" No.
1, opus 12, presented a sharp contrast to the
preceding composition and earned sincere
plaudits from the audience. A sensitively
dramatic work with a haunting melody, the
"Essay" was interpreted with great skill and
The familiar "Porgy and Bess," arranged
for orchestra (complete with saxophone)
by Robert Russell Bennett, was given a
slightly inhibited performance. Though
affording listening pleasure because of the
well-known themes, there was a general
lack of personality and freedom obvious
in the interpretation given by the orches-
Returning after the intermission to pre-
sent the "Fifth Symphony" by Tschaikowsky.
the orchestra probably did their finest play-
ing of the evening in the first movement.
Mr. Sevitzky's interpretation showed deep
musical feeling which did not suffer from
the common malady of many Tschaikowsky
performances-that of oversentimentalizing.
Beginning with a slightly "dragging"
tempo, the second movement reached a
more moderate meter by the time the main
theme reentered. In this movement and in
the following one, the woodwinds wer ,per-
sistently too loud and overshadowed the
theme-carrying violins at frequent intervals,

Wildlife Conference held in Wash-
ington, D.C., March 7-9. Students
who attended the Conference will
be expected to participate in the
University of Michigan Choir,
Maynard Klein, Conductor, will be
heard at 8 p.m., Tues., March 15,
Hill Auditorium, in a program of
contemporary choral music, with
Maryjane Albright, soprano, Gil-
bert Vickers, tenor, and Robert
Elson, baritone, as soloists. Com-
positions by Vaughan Williams,!
Holst, Alberto Ginastera, Randall
Thompson, Kodaly, and "Magnifi-
cate," for choir and instrumental
ensemble, by Homer Keller, a
member of the School of Music
Alpha Chapter of Sigma Alpha
Iota will present a program of
contemporary American music at
8 p.m., Wed., March 16, Hussey
Room, Michigan League. The par-
ticipating students will be Louise
Steele, flutist, John Beck, bas-
soonist, Charlotte Boehm, soprano,
Joan Bullen, cellist, Patricia
Pierce, pianist, and Carol Neilson,
Museum of Art: Five American
Painters, through March 22; For-
ty Modern Drawings, through
April 4.. Some Recent Accessions,
through April 8. Alumni Memorial
Hall. daily 9-5, Sundays, 2-5. The
public is invited.
Events Tody
A.I.M. Council: Meeting, 7 p.m,
Rm. 3-C, Michigan Union.
N.S.A.: Committee meeting, 4
p.m., Rmn. 3D, Michigan Union
Undergraduate Physics Club:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m.. 2038 Randall.
"Qualitative and Q a anti a ive
IF.C. Glec Club: Meeting, 7:301
pim,, u. 3A, Michigan Union.
Sigma Rho Tau Stump Speak-
ers' Society: Meeting 7 p.m., 2084
E. Engineering Bldg, "Unioniza-
tion of Engineers." Debate with U.
of Det., March 16.
Deutscher Verein: Meeting. 7:30
p.m., Rm. 3R, Michigan Union.
Speakers: Mr. Sinnegan and Mr.
Wensinger. Movies of the Pops-
Quarterdeck Society: Meeting,
Rm. 3D, Michigan Union, 7:30
p.m. Mr. Osborne Archer, "Veloc-
ity of Power Tools."'
Wolverine Club; Flash Card
Committee: 8 p.m., Michigan
Scimitar Club: Meeting, 4 p.m.,
Fencing Room, IM Bldg. Final ar-
rangements will be made for the
Michigan Intercollegiates to be
held here Saturday.
Southerners' Club: 7:30 p,u.,
Cave Room. Michigan LL'ague.

I.Z.F.A.: Intermediate study
group, 7:45 p.m., Hillel.
Women of the University Facul-
ty: Supper meeting, 6:15 p.m.,
Hussey Room, Michigan League.
Prof. Rensis Likert will discuss the
newly established Institute for So-
cial Research, of which he is di-
rector. There will be no Tea this
Square Dance Group: 7 p.m.,
Lane Hall.
Coining Events
Research Club: Wed., March 16,
8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
Papers: "Research on the Confer-
ence Process," Prof. D. G. Mar-
quis. "The Birds of Michigan."
Prof. Josselyn Van Tyne.
House Directors' Institute:
Meeting for staff members in
Women's Residence Halls, League
Houses and Sororities, Wed. March
16, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., Michigan
League. Subject: "Staff Relations
and Resources." Speakers: Alice C.
Lloyd, Dean of Women, Mary C.
Bromage, Associate Dean of Wom-
en, Elsie R. Fuller, Assistant Dean
of Women, and Ethel A. McCor-
mick, Social Director of Women.
Motion Pictures, auspices of the
Audio-Visual Education Center.
"Geography and Travel": Alaska,
the Story of a Frontier; People of
Chile. 4:10 p.m., Wed., March 16,
Kellogg Auditorium.
Unite] Nations Council for Stu-
tlnts: Coffee Hour, 4 pmn., Wed.,
March 16, Tea Room, Michigan
League. Informal discussion of
travel and study opportunities
Modern Poetry Club: Meeting,
under leadership of Mr. Pearce,
Wed., March 16, 7:30 p.m., 3217
Angell Hall. Discussion of T. S.
Eliot's "East Coker." lead the
Professional Meeting: Dr. Ed-
ward N. Tisdale. Director of Ad-
Srtislug Retarch with Ross Roy,
Inic, Detroit, will discuss oppoi'-
tunities in the field of Advertis-
ing. Sponsored by Delta Sigma Pi,
Professional Business Fraternity,
Wed., 8 p.m., March 16, 103 Busi-
ness Administration Bldg.


To the*Editor:
HOW SOON will The. Daily
provide information in its
movie reviews instead of the pres-
ent too-too precious prattlings of
pedantic aesthetes?
-Robert F. Higbee.
To the Editor:
THE DAILY is usually so excel-
lent I always hesitate to crit-
icize it on the few occasions when
it fails to live up to its responsi-
bilities. Unless I am greatly mis-
taken, however, the failure last
Friday and Saturday was serious
enough to justify the sharpest
kind of criticism. On those two
days the paper completely ignored
a meeting sponsored by no less
16, 7:30 p.m., Architecture Am-
phitheatre. Prof. C. T. Olmsted of
the engineering school will lecture
on the subject of licensing of en-
Sociedad Iispanica: ''utoring
service for Spanish I and 2 stu-
dents every 'Tuesday and Thurs-
day from 4 to 5 p.m. Consult the
Sociedad Hispanica bulletin board
in the Romance Language Build-
ing for schedule.
Factlsty Women's Club: Mrs. G.
Mennon Williams will be the guest,
of honor of the Faculty Women's
Club at their spring tea March 16,
from 3-5 p.m.
Covk Folk and Square Dancing
Club: Wed., 7:30 p.m., W.A.B.
Please bring dues.
I.Z.F.A.: Beginning study group,
7:45 p.m., Hillel, Wed., March 16.
Topic: "Balfour Declaration to the
UN Decision."

* * *

which, as a result ofcThe Daily's
silence of last week, now unfortu-
iately need answering. The lib-
crals who have always believed in
The Daily and the minorities for
whom the new committee is fight-
ing deserve some kind of reassur-
ance. I seriously invite the editors
to answer the questions I have re-
luctantly raised.
--Homer Swander.

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
'5S tud'n t Publications.
Edilorial Staff
ithrietr ifrFidinan .. .Managing IdPtor
Dick Maloy .............City Edito,
Naomi stern ........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualett .,.Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen........ Associate Edito
Leon Jaroff .........Associate Editor
Robert C. White......Aasociate Editor
B. S. Brown ............Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery ......Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Halt .......Busines Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
Wtilam (uIman ....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ...Circulation Manager
TelePhone 23-24-1
Member of 1he Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusrAvy

U. of M. Sailing Club:
school for new members,
March 16. 7 p.m., 311 W.
neering Bldg.


Ulr Ski Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Wed., 3KLM, Michigan Union.
Slides on Aspen to be shown.
American Society of Civil Engi-
neers: Student chapter will meet
at 7:30 p.m., Wed., March 16, Rm.
3-S, Michigan Union. Speaker, Mr.
John M. Hepler, director of the
Bureau of Engineering, Michigan
Department of Health. Topic:
"The Place of the Sanitary Engi-
neer in Public Life." Report by
the honor system investigating

---_____entitled to the use for republio"tion
Westminster Guild, First Pres- of all news dispatches credited to It or
byterian Church: Informal tea otherwise credited to this newspaper.
and talk, Wed., March 16, 4 to 6 All rights of republication of all other
p.m., Russel parlor, church build- matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office' at Ax n
ing. Arbor, Michigan, as aecond-class maDi
U. of M. Dames Bridge Group: subscription during the regular
Henderson Room (not the Hussey school year by carrier, $5.Qo by rraa,
Room), of Michigan League, 8 .0
p.m., Wed., March 16.

A. S.M. .:

Meeting, Wed., March


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