See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
N.Y. Officials
FaceProbe by
Denies Charge
Of Wiretapping
NEW YORK - (P)-Multi-mil-
lionaire Clendenin J. Ryan said
yesterday his attorney is in the
midst of an undercover, life-and-
death probe of New York's city ad-
His statement came after he
appeared before a special grand
jury looking into reports of a
wiretapping plot against New
York's Mayor William O'Dwyer
and other top officials. Ryan has
denied being involved.
w * *
RYAN, a bitter foe of O'Dwyer,
said information is reaching him
from "right in the middle of the
C'Dwyer camp."
Informants are risking their
lives and the safety of their
families to provide data, Ryan
The information is being gath-
ered by his attorney, John G.
E roady, Ryan said.
S* w
RYAN TOLD reporters he re-
layed this information to the
Grand Jury as Broady's excuse for
not answering a subpoena. Broady
declined to waive immunity and
appear before the Grand Jury.
Meanwhile, a former city de-
tective, Kenneth Ryan, surren-
dered after a two-day search for
him following his disappearance
through a city hall washroom
window during questioning
about the alleged wiretapping.
He then was indicted on one
count and charged separately on
another. The Ryans are not re-
* * *
THE DETECTIVE was indicted
by another Grand Jury-the reg-
ular one for Manhattan-on a
charge of breaking from custody
after his arrest on a felony charge.
He later pleaded innocent, and
was released in $7,500 bond for
hearing March 28.
On the separate charge, filed
by authorities, he was accused of
tapping the phone wire of Man-
hattan Borough President Hugo
Rogers, who also is a Tammany
Hall leader. His plea is to be
entered later.
Wiretapping, by which tele-
phone conversations niay be lis-
tened to and even recorded, is a
familiar bugaboo of persons whose
business requires that they dis-
cuss confidential matters by
It is illegal in New York with-
out a court order.f
Atomic Driven
Navy Planned
Congress Launches
Research Program
research program aimed at per-
fecting atomic power for surface
ships and submarines with five or
six years is being launched, Sena-
tor McMahon (Dem., Conn.) dis-
closed yesterday.
Atomic propulsion, it is expect-
ed, would enable .ships to range
the world without refueling. It
this would be a long step in free-
ing navies from their dependence
on bases and refueling stations.
McMahon said that the com-
mission will spend about $500,000,-
000 at a new research project to
be located at an as yet undeter-
mined site in the West.
"At the end of this research, we
are hopeful we can demonstrate
that mobile -(atomic) power plants
not only are feasible but are here."
he told newsmen after a meeting
of the Congressional Atomic En-
ergy Committee which he heads.
Last Chance
For NSA Tour
Campus NSA officials comment-
ed yesterday that changes remain
"excellent" for students hoping to
spend next summer in Europe on
Realtor Demands
End of Rent Curbs
* * *
Removal of rent controls will
mean the return of full employ-
ment in the United States, Wynn
C. Cooper, vice-president of the
National Institute of Real Estate
Brokers, told a public protest
meeting here last night.
Cooper and Rodney Lockwood,
president of the National Asso-
ciation of Home Builders, attacked
bills pending in Congress for the
continuation of rent controls and
the expansion of public housing.
They spoke before an audience of
over 300 gathered in Masonic Au-
EXPLAINING that current con-
trols prevent landlords from re-
pairing rental units, Cooper
claimed that labor will be a prime
gainer if rent restrictions are re-
He said the resulting upsurge
in repairs "would produce
enough work to take care of all
the unemployment we're reading
about today."
Camp aigns
To Start for
Posts in SL
The ring is waiting for student
politicians willing to throw in their
hats as candidates in the Spring
Student Legislature election April
19 and 20.
Applications will be available
beginning this afternoon at Rm.
1020 Administration Building for
qualifying hopeful-candidates. All
that is required in an eligibility
THE CAMPAIGN will begin al-
most immediately, with a "tryout
session" for candidates to be held
at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow, in Rm. 3R,
Michigan Union. Students will
hear a report on the Legislature's
organization and functions.
They will also be assigned to
SL committees under which
they will serve up to election
time, according to Quentin Nes-
bitt '50 BAd elections commit-
tee member, who will conduct
the training.
The fast whirl of electioneering
will continue with candidates get-
ting a peek at the parliamentary
facts of life-Roberts' Rules of
IParliamentary procedure, wfhich
SL follows.
* * *
on campus issues will be presented
to students through SL signboards
and a special page in The Daily.
At present, would-be candidates
have until March 29 to hand in
their applications.
ew Engraver
In Use 'oday
This newspaper today inaug-
urates a new service for its
The Daily has installed a
revolutionary photo-electric en-
graving device which will en-
able it to rush spot news pic-
tures into print a scant hour
after they are taken. Local pic-
tures appearing in today's issue
were engraved on the new de-
As proof, he cited the extensive
improvements home-owners are
currently making in their prop-
erties, as compared with the al-
most negligible repairs undertaken
by landlords. Rents, he said, are
far too low to justify any other
course for the landlords.
* * *
"IF RENTS ARE allowed to find
their proper level," Cooper pre-
dicted, "so much rental housing
will be erected that before long
tenants will be dictating the rents
they'll pay. This would be in ac-
cordance with the workings of the
free enterprise system."
Meanwhile, in Washington the
Associated Press reported a pow-
erful drive developing in the
House to let states, counties and
municipalities throw out federal
rent controls any time they please.
Crucial House voting on the bill
was set for tomorrow. There will
be a new effort to kill the con-
trols completely, and voting will
be close.
Meeting Will
Tackle Block
Leaders of six campus groups
will grapple with the problem of
block voting tomorrow when they
meet informally with Student
Legislature members to discuss
ways to promote more intelligent
campus voting.
Under the guidance of the SL
Election Committee headed by
Duane Nuechterlein, the meeting
will discuss the problem of supply-
ing voters with more information
on the candidates' views and qual-
formal gathering will include AIM
Chairman Ray Guerin, IFC Presi-
dent Bruce Lockwood, Assembly
President Arlette Harbour and
Panhel Chairman Mary Stierer.
Others will be East Quad
Council Chairman Lloyd Appell
and his West Quad counterpart,
Thoburn Stiles. Ev Ellin, former
president of the Men's Judiciary
Committee, will also be present.
The basic idea for such a gath-
ering began with IFC and AIM
leaders last semester, who pre-
sented the idea before their re-
spective groups.
Call for New
Accuse Trustees
Of Distortion
OLIVET, Mich.-(AP)-One of a
number of resigned faculty men
yesterday made public a Congre-
gational Church committee report
recommending sweeping changes
in the administrative setup at
trouble-beset little Olivet College.
The committee, appointed by
the church's Board of Home Mis-
sions, visited the campus late in
February for a 36-hour investiga-
ITS REPORT was submitted to
the college's board of trustees,'
which met simultaneously, but
only a small portion of it was used
in a subsequent statement by the;
This portion referred to the
committee's statement that it
had found no restrictions on
teaching freedoms on the cam-
pus and that political opinions
were "not a major factor in the
dismissal of faculty members."
About 15 members of the fac-
ulty-representing more than half
the full-time staff-have resigned
or have been fired within the past
year in a feud between so-called
"liberal" staff members and the
administration of President Au-
brey L. Ashby.
J. A. RICHARDS made public
the committee's report. He has no-
tified the administration he is
quitting his physics and mathe-
matics teaching post at the end of
this school year.
The church committee ac-
cused the trustees of using a
small portion of its report "in
such a way as to give the im-
pression that this committee
gives the administration of
Olivet College its unqualified
It admitted the statement about
academic freedom. But it added
that "we do recognize that there
are social pressures outside the
academic community upon the!
college to discourage opinions of'
the faculty which are at variance
with conventional economic
SPECIFIC recommendations in
the report included:
Limiting the powers or President
Ashby to those "having to do with
public relations-in parti cu lar
money raising, relations with
foundations and professional as-
The Ides of March Apprc
)ach Republicans
Join 13=Day
South Suspects
tor Ellender (Dem., La.) yielded
the floor of the Senate early to-
day after talking for 12 hours
and 20 minutes, but whether
the great filibuster battle would
go on or end was still uncertain.
Senators were still engaged
in a discussion shortly after 1
a.m., as to whether to adjourn or
erners carried their filibuster into
the early hours of this morning,
although the Truman leadership
of the Senate had already ac-
knowledged temporary defeat and
sought to call the battle off.
Meanwhile, Republicans, pro-
claiming that the administration
should not give up, were bent on
blocking the move by the Truman
Democrats to shelve the issue for
m; the time being.
* * *
THE SOUTHERN filibuster
which started Feb. 28, is aimed at
blocking an administration move
to change Senate rules to facili-
tate passage of civil rights bills,
At 12:30 a.m., Senator Ellen-
der (Dem., La.), current speak-
Daily-Howe er for the Dixie bloc, was still
rnal Revenue Col- going strong after more than 12
payments. Office hours of speechmaking.
ance in filling out Senator, Lucas of Illinois, the
Democratic Leader, interrupted to
ask if Ellender would yield the
floor so Lucas could make a mo-
tion to adjourn.
eIN re a -wTHAT WOULD have meant the
c UA' J s end of the fight, with the adminis-
tration temporarily defeated, but
, even so Ellender was having none
IIIIIIL I, of it. He, like the other Southern-
ers, wanted something more than
a temporary victory.
tures of the Chief "I don't think I'll yield," he
swimming. drawled.
Press Secretary It was a highly unusual situa-
ss attributed the ac- tion. Southern Democrats sworn
ity" reasons, to defeat civil rights bills and
* * northern Republicans who ad-
1FISCATED films of vocate such legislation appar-
, Paramount news ently were joining to block the
nd Joe Vadala, rep- Truman Democrats' attempt to
C television news. lay the fight aside.
The Southerners said they
graphers Byron H. feared the move by the Truman
he Associated Press, Democrats was only strategic.
r of Acme News Pic- They suspected the administration
Muto of Interna- would revive later in this Congres-
raPhotos destroyed sional session its attempt to
rather than submit change the Senate rules to make
. it easier to curb filibusters and
told a news confer- thus pass civil rights bills.
uested" the pictures
ecause he considered
pletelyunauthorized Hoover Group
the President's pri-
as for security rea- Urges Shift in
S PRESSED for an Cabinet Tasks
f the security angle.
meant pictures show-
location of the Presi- WASHINGTON-()-The Hoo-
ver Commission favors giving im-
approached the se- portant new duties to the Labor
from the point used and Interior Departments.
Service which guards It proposed to Congress yester-
President. day that Lalbor take over Selective
reaction to the pic- Service and the Employment
t the beach was the Service.
invasion of the Pres- * * *
Trum1amtes Admit Defeat
BEAT DEADLINE-A typical scene yesterday in tie Ann Arbor office of the Inte
lector as hundreds of local citizens hurried to belt the deadline on income tax
hours have been extended in order to accommolate the throngs seeking assists
the complicated forms. Today is the last day forms may be turned in.
"who will have
the faculty and
of a new dean
the confidence of
Honest Students Repay
Cafe's Loaned Lettuce'
'U' Choristers
Will Perform
Tonight at lill
Students will have an opportun-
ity to hear two programs of con-
temporary music today and to-
morrow in performances by cam-
pus music organizations.
Choral numbers seldom per-
formed because of their difficulty
will be the offering of the Uni-
versity Choir at 8 p. m. today in
Hill Auditorium.
* * *
A PROGRAM of contemporary
American music will be presented
at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Hussey
Room of the League by the Uni-
versity chapter of Sigma Alpha
Iota, national professional music
fraternity for women.
Today's program, featuring
contemporary choral music and
directed by Maynard Klein, will
display the talents of the 240-
voice University Choir plus the
65-member University Repertory
Orchestra. George Exon will
provide piano accompaniment.
The high point of today's pro-
gram will be the presentation of
"Magnificate" for choir and in-
strumental ensemble, written in
1948 by Homer Keller, instructor
in the music school.
IN RALPH Vaughan Williams'
"The Souls of the Righteous",
Mary Jane Albright, Gilbert Vick-
ers and Rohrt Elson will handle
World News
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW-The Supreme Soviet
approved yesterday a newly-re-
vealed shakeup of top Soviet lead-
ers in which Nikolai A. Voznesen-
sky was replaced as chairman of
the important state planning com-
* * *
CHICAGO-Lynn A. Williams,
vice-president of the University
of Chicago, declared yesterday
the impending investigation into
alleged subversive activities at
the University may become a
"serious kind of smear."
* * *
LANSING-State police broad-
cast a warning yesterday that
more than 1,000 war surplus radio
sets with a deadly explosive at-
tachment have been sold in Mich-
igan to unsuspecting buyers.
NEW YORK-Soviet engineer
Valentin A. Gubitchev yesterday
denounced his prosecution on an
espionage charge as "a comedy."
Marriage Lecture
Slated for Tonight
Dr. Ernest Osborne, professor
of sociology at Teachers College,
Columbia University, will give the
second of the current series of
marriage and family relations lec-
tures at 8 p.m. today in Rackham
lecture hall.
Dr. Osborne, who is also pro-
gram coordinator of the National
Conference on Family Life, will
discuss "Psychological Factors in
The lecture is open only to stu-
dents who purchased series tickets.
KEY WEST, Fla.-(IP)-The
White House imposed censorship
yesterday on air views of President
Truman's vacation headquarters,
Miners Begin
Two Weeks
Of Idleness
By The Associated Press
A two-week vacation began yes-
terday for 471,000 coal diggers of
John L. Lewis' United Mine Work-
ers Union.
The voluntary layoff of UMW
coal miners in 10 states east of
the Mississippi River meant en-
forced idleness for some 62,700
railroad employes who transport
the coal. It brought the number
of jobless persons up to about
The work stoppage was inter-
preted by many Congressmen as a
protest of President Truman's
nomination of James Boyd to be
director of the National Bureau of
The Senate Interior Commit-
tee approved Boyd's nomination
after Senator Byrd (Dem., Va.)
declared the stoppage "is noth-
ing less than an attempt to
coerce and intimidate the Sen-
In other labor developments:
Thirty Illinois state police were
reported patrolling a Marissa, Ill.,
coal mine where two rival miner
unions are engaged in a jurisdic-
tional dispute.
including pic
Executive in s
Charles G. Ro
tion to "secur
Tom Craven
cameraman a
resenting NB(
Still photo
Rollins of th
Milton Freier
tures and A
tional News
their filmsr
to censorshi.
Later, Ross
ence he "req
not be used b
them "a com
invasion oft
vacy," as well
explanation o
Ross said he n
ing the exact1
dent's beach.
He said he
curity anglef
by the Secret
the life of the
"My firstr
tures taken a
ident's priva
newsmen. "T
came into my
what the Secr
Ross said
knew practic
his action.
Ross Censors Pi
0 1
Hard-pressed University stu-
dents who've eaten their way
through $500 worth of "lettuce" in
the last three months were yes-
terday given a clean bill of health.
William Donegan, owner of a
campus restaurant whose window'
"lettuce box" was inaugurated to
help financially distressed stu-
dents reported r .. cent bor-
rowed has been repaid.
* * *
its green crop a sheaf of five dol-
lar hills All students need to oh-
were hesitant the first time they
asked for a loan. However, after
that, many have returned for aid
in meeting new financial crises,
according to Donegan.
Some students have reaped a
harvest in the lettuce box four
or five times.
Proof of the good intentions of
the restaurateur is the fact that
no interest is charged on the loans.
MEN STUDENTS seem to feel
the pinch more often than women,
cy," Ross told the
the security angle
mind in relation to
ret Service told me."
that the President
ally nothing about
Sevitzky Stresses Value of New Music
AN INFORMED source said it is
preparing a report which recom-
mends that the great civilian riv-
ers and harbors program of the
Army Engineers be turned over to
the Interior Department. Inter-
ior would be responsible for all
federal public works and the na-
tion's natural resources.'
The labor recommendations
urged that this department be
built up for efficiency. It did
not agree with the 80th Con-
gress in stripping away many,
The Commission is a nonparti-
san body headed by former Pres-
idpnt TAnAp,,' nTi I., c.fii+ncr irn
Peonle must hear new musicI
we must keep on presenting it,"
he said.
On the lighter side, Sevitzky
said tat women musicians in