FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 1949 Chicago Threat THE WITCH HUNT in education has started again. The politicians are look- ing for Reds, and this time the tramping grounds is the State of Illinois. Last week the Illinois Senate Investi- gating Committee voted to probe the Uni- versity of Chicago for subversive activity. This time the statesmen at Springfield should find the search quite fruitful. Without doubt, the thorough investigators should turn up a surprising number of edu- cators at Chicago who actually understand Communism. These shall be promptly brought before the "bar of justice", where all the world may gaze upon them. Further- more, "subersive" students may be found holding Communist party cards. With these action must be taken. Clearly, the swiftest method to end the Red menace at the University of Chicago Is a purge. Moreover, should just a minor purge be ineffective in irradicating for- ever "foreign elements undermining our nation", the University of Chicago must be closed. Its building can be converted to munitions storage for the coming war, and its endowment can be used to buy Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff Jd represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: PHIL DAWSON gold plated American flags for each of the investigating legislators, in aplrecia- tion for their loyal service to the state. The University of Chicago has long been a citadel of American education. From with- in its walls have come some of the foremost American scientific and philosophical ad- vances. It has prided itself in the controver- sies that have raged over its educational practices. Throughout the years it has stood as an intellectual sanctuary amid the tur- moil, of the metropolitan community in which it is located. Being privately endowed its ivory towered existence has never been violated. If the Illinois investigating committee repeats the Congressional probes of last year, and makes its target, the university, the days of academic freedom are indeed numbered. Yesterday, it was Olivet, and Oregon, today it is Chicago; who will it be tomorrow? The choice of paths is clear. Either Amer- ican educators resist the infraction of aca- demic freedom at Chicago, or they face forever, the gauntlet of political interven- tion. Either the Chicago investigation be stopped, or Universities must be content with remaining acquiescent, while political controversies end their existence. Either such Red Scares in education be stopped, or truth will crumble into the broiling mass where nationalism and ideologies conflict. -Herb Cohen Definition of Treason TW O AMERICAN Communist leaders, William Z. Foster and Eugene Dennis, have come out with a pledge to "defeat the predatory war aims of American imperial- lsm." They said they would oppose it as un- Just and aggressive and "destructive of the deepest interests of the American people and all humanity." The pair also said they did not regard war as inevitable and that they believed the Russian and American systems of govern- ment could exist separately and peaceably. However that was overlooked for the more sensational aspects of their.statement. Like the phrase to the effect that the Commun- ists would "cooperate with all Democratic forces" to defeat "U.S. war aims." What that referred to was not explained, but Dennis promised an answer later. It could refer to the American Democratic Party, democratic elements in our society or even the so-called democracy of Russia. However, it did not imply acting as an advance guard for Russian troops-only unwillingness to actively support what they disapproved of. The reaction, nevertheless, was imme- diate and vociferous on the part of Con- gressmen who invisaged a new and super witch .hunt;, complete with jet-propelled brooms. Both Democratic and Republican Congressmen asserted that such an atti- tude would be "strictly treasonable" if the nation were at war. Thus, we would have treason defined as a mental attitude of disfavor towards what could become an American war policy.- In- stead of the constitutional ideas of treason as "giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war," it would involve failing to give aid and comfort to one's own nation in time of war. Anyone who failed to support the United Staites in either defensive or aggressive (don't wince, it may happen) war would be disloyal, i.e. Communists. Or: "My nation right or wrong." -Craig H. Wilson Future Design AUTOS IN FUTURE years will whiz along with much the same speed and styles as they do today, according to one veteran consulting engineer of auto industry fame. Seems to me he's talking through his ultra- conservative hat, though. Claiming that the postwar automobiles have finally "reached their ultimate in length", engineer Austin M. Wolf un- doubtedly raised listening Automotive En- gineers' members from their nostalgic dreams. And a minor furor probably swept the room when he demanded that futuramic tin lizzies be reduced in size. As yet the time has not come to point an accusing finger at men-behind-the-automo- bile-gun. Even Wolf maintained that only the law of economics can determine how the Rolls Royce of 1960 is to be built. But where, we ask, will all the proposed new im- provements, including more commodious passengei space and a larger maneuvering area for the driver, fit into the picture if stem-to-stern car lengths come to a com- plete halt or, worse yet, are reduced? Some armchair experts figure that cars already take up too much precious space on the highways, and basically they may be right. However, the battle will rage between advocates of conservatism and those who feel that the only sound way of answering gripes by the squirming, squeezed-in driver and passenger is to yield to their demands. Furthering of space improvements in cars is, or should be, the result of twentieth-cen- tury cries for newer, longer lines in many fields beside the automobile industry. -Don Kotite MATTER OF FACT: Crystal Ball By STEWART ALSOP NEVER SINCE the war ended has there been such widespread fear of coming economic storms. This fear has already had' two important political consequences. One is that President Truman's anti-infla- tion program is already sunk virtually with- out trace. Nobody believes any longer that the Congress will grant the President the stand-by price and allocation controls he has demanded. A second consequence is that the President will be lucky to get more than a fraction of his proposed four billion dollars in new taxes. The curious fact is that the government economists, peering into their crystal balls and pouring over their statistics, find re- markably little solid, factual evidence to support these fears for the future. There is, of course, one important, and disturbing, exception. Unemployment has increased, and decisively more than it did at this time last year. Unemployment now stands in the neighborhood of 3,200,00b-. Yet the conomists who.argue that the danger of inflation is not over point out that there is another side to this coin. For if unemployment is higher than it was last year at this time, so is employment. The fact is-and it is a fact not generally realized-that there have been more people employed in the United States in the first months of this year than in the first months .of any year in American history. As for un- employment, government economists argue that it cannot yet-and they stress the "yet"-be regarded as serious. In brief, say the government economists, there is no real reason to assume that the boom has come to an end, and that we are now in for a sharp and painful down- turn. Indeed, the basic danger is more inflation, and there is still pressing need for inflation controls and for higher taxes to keep the government from going into the red. This is why President Truman, who is rather surprisingly attentive to the opin- ions of his economists, is still somewhat futilely demanding his whole economic pro- gram from Congress. Yet if there is so little solid evidence that 1949 will not repeat the economic history of 1948, why is there so much nervousness about the immediate economic future. No doubt one answer is that there is an impor- tant factor bearing on the national economy which the economists cannot measure on their charts--the psychological factor. When most people decide that a boom is ending, it ends. And it seems pretty clear that most people have so decided. The consequences may be painful. But it is reassuring that most economists are convinced that real collapse, on the pattern of the early 'thir- ties, the collapse for which the men in the Kremlin long, is out of the question for the foreseeable future. (Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune) March Of The Dwarfs r 's NA~r _ "CA" - - 95 JUIO DI B k J7 ID RATHER BE RIGHT: Provocah By SAMUEL GRAFTON fH E THING we have to avoid is "provoca- tive defense". I don't know whether just this phrase has been used before, but we need it, or something like it, and we need to understand what it means. A provocative defense is one which tends to provoke the very danger it sets out to guard against, and thus increases our peril rather more than it does our security. Something like this must have been in John Foster Dulles' mind when he warned us, the other day, "not to seem to bring United States military might directly to Russia's border", as, say in Scandinavia. Bases too near Russia, Dulles underscored, "carry an offensive threat that 'is dis- proportionate to defensive value." The SCurrent Movies At the State... ROAD HOUSE, open evenings. I HAVE LEARNED the secret of popularity this past week: Stop writing movie re- views. Consequently I hesitate to form an opin- ion of the latest made-to-order for Richard Widmark. The young lady who hired me to be ridiculous in print says excitedly, "It's Wonderful," making a joyful clap of the hands the while. I suspect that she derives her enthusiasm from the fact that she bears a certain resemblance to Miss Celeste Holm, who in better times has been ex- cellent, who plays a sensitive role in this picture, and who shares the plight of the entire company in being miscast. On the other hand, the young lady who sat next to me during the perforpiance,, whose name I was unable to catch, was vehement in maintaining the plot was bad, the acting was bad, the production was bad, the characters were bad, and the movie was so-so. I rather like the insane brutality of Rich- ard Widmark, although I find it difficult to reconcile his cinematic instability with his reputed sensitivity. Having done so through three movies, I am happy to learn that in his next he turns out to be a real sweet guy. Ida Lupino sings in this film, and every- ive Defense Letters to the Editor - statement is important, because this is the first time that anyone in a position com- parable to Dulles' has sought to put a limit to the things we can do under protection of the magic word "defense". That' word has been stretched all out of shape in our recent discussions. It is in danger of being used as a kind of general license to let us do anything we have a mind to do, to go through all the natural "STOP" signs of history, or to drive on the left side of the road, if you'll excuse the expression. But it is not only in the military field that we have to beware of the danger of provo- cative defense. The same peril crops up in the field of international politics, too. The persistent proposals that we should make a friend of Franco, for example, for the sake of our national safety, also come under the heading of provocative defense. Pro- vocative, because this course would provoke every anti-fascist in Europe to dislike us and fear us. European anti-fascists would feel personally attacked and endangered by an American alliance with Spain, and it would therefore, in its own way, "carry an offensive threat that is disproportionate to defensive value." The root idea back of provocative de- fense is not pure defense at all. It is more like an effort to win certain battles covert- ly, under guise of avoiding them, or of lre- paring against them. To carry the discus- sion into the domestic field, the efforts of nervous conservatives to pile up loyalty tests and oaths of fidelity, and to write a whole new tome of anti-radical legisla- tion, also come under the head of provoca- tive defense. To use the F.B.I. to guard us against sabotage and subversion is one thing; that is defense, clear and simple, justified and necessary. But these other endeavors carry us into new territoy. They are provocative, because they pro- voke dissension and distrust, because they make people afraid to speak, because they tend to impose an orthodoxy by means of economic and other threats, because they are aimed, offensively, at producing show- downs of one kind or another, under the guise of searching defensively for security. The Russians use provocative defense, too, as when they call upon us to behave like a nice, dying system, for which, they modestly assert, their followers are the chosen under- takers. (Continued from Page 3) Ann Arbor Extension Course: The May Festival section of the Extension course, "Appreciation of, Music," given by Prof. Glenn D.' McGoech, will begin Wed., Mar. 16, 7 p.m. Non-credit course, 8 weeks, fee $7. 206 Burton Memor- ial Tower. The course will be de- voted to the study of the 1949 May Festival program. Enrollment for this course may be made at the Extension Service Office, 4525 Ad- ministration Bldg., or at the first class session.] Teacher's Certificate Candi- dates: The Teacher's Oath will be given to all June candidates for the teacher's certificate on Mon. and Tues., March 14 and 15, 1437 University Elementary School. This is a requirement for the teacher's certificate. Application for Engineering Scholarships for the school year of 1949-50 will be taken in 412 W. Engineering Building, until April 2. See the bulletin boards in East or West Engineering Buildings for further details. Senior Women attending the se- nior dinner and Junior Girls Play may obtain their caps and gowns Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, Moe's Sports Shop. Those who have paid senior dues and are to receive a discount on the rental fees must show their receipt. It is not necessary for those not planning to use the gowns now to obtain them; another opportunity will present itself before com- niencement. Occupational Information Con- ference: Mr. W. D. Howard, Vick Chemical Co., New York, will dis- cuss opportunities with his com- pany-with particular emphasis on sales and advertising; Mr. J. C. Schade, Employment Mgr., Eli Lilly Co., pharmaceutical mfgr., Indianapolis, Ind., will discuss op- portunities for students in chem- istry, engineering, and pharmacy. Wed., Mar. 16, 4:10 p.m., 231 An- gell Hall. Opportunity for ques- tions. All students invited. Spon- sored by University Bureau of Ap- pointments. The Boy Scouts of America will have a representative here on Thurs., March 17, to interview students interested in professional Scouting. Appointments may be made by calling Ext. 371, or in the office of the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg. The Near East College Associa- tion announces that it will need a number of single men teachers in the following subjects: English, History, Geography, Engineering, Mathematics, Music, Library Sci- ence, Biology, Chemistry (PhD), Political Science (PhD), Sociology (PhD preferred), and Commerce. Most of these positions require ex- perience. There is one position for a single woman to teach Natural Science in a preparatory school. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments. The Vick Chemical Company will have a representative here on March 15, 16 and 17 to interview men for their advertising sales training program. Candidates must be between the ages of 21 and 26, preferably single. Call Ext. 371, or stop at 3528 Administration Bldg. immediately as preliminary tests must be taken on Mon., March 14. The Eli Lilly Co. will have a rep- resentative here on March 15 and 16 to interview for the following people: Chemists: Ph.D. in bio, organic, and physical chemistry, M.S. in analytical and organic chemistry, and B.S. candidates; Bacteriologist with an M.S. or Ph.D. degree; Engineers (Chemi- cal, Industrial, and Electrical) with B.S. and M.S. degrees, and Pharmacy: Ph.D. and M.S. in phar- maceutical chemistry or pharma- cy, and B.S. candidates. For fur- ther information, and appoint- ments, call Ext. 371, or call in the office of the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg. University Community Center: Willow Village. Sun., Mar. 13, 10:45 a.m., Church service and nursery. 6 p.m., Ice- cream social for families.' Mon., Mar. 14, 8 p.m., Faculty Wives Club. Mrs. Neil Swanson, "Art Techniques." Sewing class. Conversational French class. Tues., Mar. 15, 8 p.m., Student Wives' Club. Wed., Mar. 16, 8 p.m., Ceramics. Bridge for beginners. Thurs., Mar. 17, 8 p.m., Ceram- ics. Water-color. Copper class. Concerts Indianapolis Symphony Orches- tra: The public is reminded that the concert by the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra Sun., March 13, will begin promptly at 7 p.m., Hill Auditorium. The box office in Hill Audito- rium will be open at 6:00 o'clock, one hour preceding the perform- ance. University of Michigan Choir, Maynard Klein, Conductor, will be heard at 8 p.m., Tues., March 15, Hill Auditorium, in a program of contemporary choral music, with Maryjane Albright, soprano, Gil- bert Vickers, tenor, and Robert Elson, baritone, as soloists. Com- positions by Vaughan Williams, Holst, Alberto Ginastera, Randall Thompson, Kodaly, and "Magnifi- cate," for choir and instrumental ensemble, by Homer Keller, a member, of the School of Music faculty. Student Recital: George Roach, Clarinetist, will present a recital at 8 p.m., Mon., March 14, Rack- ham Assembly Hall, as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree. He will be assisted by Alan Squire, Warren Bellis, Norman Rost, Rob- ert Sohn, and accompanied at the piano by Nancy Lewis. Mr. Roach is a pupil of William Stubbins, and his recital is open to the pub- lic. Exhibits Architecture Building, First Floor, Work of Francesco Della Sala, architect, of Naples, Italy, through March 19. Exhibit of Student Work, De- partment of Architecture, Univer- sity of Illinois, through March 18, 2nd floor, Architecture Bldg. Events Today U. of M. Hot Record Socity: The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. Linguistic joke? To the Editor: THINK that Mr. Kenneth L. Pike's experiment "how to learn Japanese in 45 minutes," which he conducted last Thursday at the Rackham amphitheatre was the greatest joke I have ever witnessed. After a good 55 minutes of holler- ing and gesticulating all over the stage with his two Japanese "in- formants" Mr. Pike didn't succeed in carrying on a "rudimentary con- versation" which he was supposed to; he merely learned 5 or 6 Japa- nese words, "paper," "large," "yes," "No," "seat," and even those he couldn't pronounce correctly. If the real purpose of this dem- onstration was to show the audi- Program featuring Benny Good- man small combos, 8 p.m., Michi- gan League Ballroom. Canterbury Club: 5:30 p.m., supper and discussion. "Religion in the Curriculum." Evening Pray-. er Service, 8 p.m., St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, followed by Coffee Hour at Canterbury House. Congregational-Disciples Guild: 6 p.m., Supper, Memorial Chris- tian Church. Rev. and Mrs. Pick- erill will'discuss making courtship and engagement meaningful. Evangelical and Reformed Stu- dent Guilds: Supper and discus- sion, 5:30 p.m. Subject: "The Hindu Religion., Lutheran Student Association: Choir Rehearsal, 4:30 p.m., Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. 5:30, Sup- per meeting. Movie: "Answer for An.n." Michigan Christian Fellowship: Dr. Francis Steele, Archeological Museui, University of Vennsyl- vania, "The Case for the Bible." 4:30 p.m., Fireside Room, Lane Hall. Roger Williams Guild: Supper, Fellowship, Worship, 6 p.m. Stu- dent panel: "Religion in the Cur- riculum." Unitarian Student Group: 6:30 p.m., Church. Mr. Reyer VanZan- en, Grosse Pointe, "The Business Man Looks at Liberalism." Wesleyan Guild: 5:30 p.m., Uni- ted World Federalists' student panel. Fellowship and supper, 6:30 p.m. Westminster Guild, First Pres- byterian Church: Fellowship meet- ing, 6:30 p.m. social hall. Dr. Ken- neth Neigh, "Christian Vocation." Supper, 5:30 p.m. Bible Seminar: Mr. Henderson, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Coffee, 9 a.m. .Z.F.A.: Purim Masquerade: 8 p.m., Hillel Foundation. Coining Events Undergraduate Physics Club: Meeting, Tues., March 15, 7:30 p.m., 2038 Randall. ,"Qualitative and Quantitative Spectroscopy." Sigma Rho Tau, Stump Speak- ers' Society: Meeting 7 p.m., Tues., March- 15, 2084 E. Engineer- ing Bldg., "Unionization of Engi- neers." Debate with U. of Det., March 16. Quarterdeck Society: Meeting, Tues., March 15, Rm. 3D, Michi- gan Union, 7:30 p.m. Mr. Osborne Archer, "Velocity of Power Tools." Deutscher Verein: Meeting, Tues., March 15, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3R, Michigan Union. Speakers: Mr. Sinnegan and Mr. Wensinger, movies of the Pops-Abend. La p'tite causette: Mon., 3:30 p.m., Grill Room, Michigan League. United World Federalists: Mem- bership meeting, Tues., 7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. "The Strategy of Better Race Relations," John Feild of Detroit's Mayor's Inter-Racial Committee. Sponsored by ADA. Wed., March' 16, 8 p.m., Michigan League. Armenian Students' Association: Bowling party, W.A.B., Mon., March 14, 7:30 p.m. ence that he has learned the Mix- teco Indian language, and speaks fluently. that he knows the Pho- netic Alphabet, and Tonemic Per- turbations of a langage, which he so expertly wrote on the black- boards of the amphitheatre, is in itself a different story. But to claim that he is going to learn Japanese "in 45 minutes," and then to carry on a conversation, brother, that is another story. I am not questioning the ability of Mr. Pike in the field of linguis- tics and phonetics. I have seen a half dozen of his books in the General Library. But to see the name of a linguist like him mixed up with such "sensationalism" as to learn a new language in 45 min- utes, is beyond my comprehension. To talk by means of body articu- lation is not a novelty. Ask any GI who was stationed in a foreign land, how he spoke with the na- tives, he will tell you "he used his head and hands." There is a great difference be- tween "to communicate oneself in a language" and "to speak a lan- guage." There is no argument, that we need an efficient and faster method of learning a new language. I am afraid to say, that Mr. Pike's "technique" is not the answer. Bio-linguistics has shown us, that vegetative acts of swal- lowing, sucking, and chewing are the basis of our speech movements. Melody, rhythm, accent, vowels, consonants, and physiological syl- lables are the basis of all speech processes. From one or several physiological syllables the words are formed, from these words sen- tences are composed, and finally from the combination of all these the language has emerged. To learn any language thoroughly and efficiently we must follow these elementary steps of the emergence of speech processes. There is no short cut to it, Mr. Kenneth Lee Pike. Any attempt to find out a new method of learn- ing a language should be based upon these fundamental principles of bio-linguistics. Therein lies the true answer to our problem. -George A. Petrossian. (EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily's report said clearly that Prof. Pike's demonstration was put on at the request of the Center for Japanese Studies, not for private purposes of sensationalism. Prof. Pike did not claim to be able to learn Japanese in 45 minutes. lie tried to demon- strate four things: that communica- tion can be initially established by gesture; that it can be established so as to be apparent that it could later be expanded into speech; that it can be done more efficiently if one utilizes scientific techniriues; that language studied as a system- of pyramided structure has impli- cations for the learning of a foreign language.) - Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor Dick Maloy ................City Editor Naomi Stern.......Editorial Director Allegra Pasqualetti ... Associate Editor Al Blumrosen ........Associate Editor Leon Jaroff ..........Associate Editor Robert C. White ......Associate Editor B. S. Brown........... Sports Editor Bud " Weidenthal . .Associate Sports Ed. Bev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery.......Women's Editor Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor Bess Hayes ..................Librarian Business Staff Richard Halt........Business Manager Jean Leonard .... Advertising Manager William Culman ....Finance Manager Cole Christian ...Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail. $5.00. Lo00king Back 50 YEARS AGO: The class of '02 whipped the sophomores by a score of 36-27 in the annual Freshman- Sophomore trackmeet. About 800 attended the meet, largely made up of admiring coeds of each class, according to The Daily. 20 YEARS AGO: The 'Ensian Floorwalkers, yearbook cake team, tried in vain to wrest the Publications championship from Daily Nuzounds, going down the lonely road by the score of 19-10. 10 YEARS AGO: SociedadH ispanica: Mon., March 14, 4-6 national Center. Social Hour, p.m., Inter- BARNABY It napm 1s ,sp An; io v 0t 1 iThank. no Mr .i-ehnoluI I Take Your I "... so let him have a slug But I say, old chap, just