,RVN A C, MARCHUL-3, %19,~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE I'AOE _. 1 i Einstein ...0 (ontiut'd froml Page 1 "True enough1, physics also was divided into separate fields, each o( which was capable of devouring a short lifetime of work without having satisfied the hunger fo deeper knowledge. Tie mass of the experientially given and or the insufficiently related was over- whelming here also. "IN THIlS FIELD, however, I soon learned to scent out that which was able to lead to funda- mentals and to turn aside from everything else, from the multi- tudle of thinks which clutter up the mind and divert it from the essentials. "The hitch, in this Wvas, o course, the fat that oe haid to cram all this stuff ito one's mind for Ote xainations, whether one liked, it o not. "Thi~s coercion 'read such a de- terring effect (upon me) that af- ter' I had passed te final ex- amination, I found the considera- tion of any scientific problems distasteful to inc for an entire year. "IT IS, in fact, Nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction ave not yet entirely strangled the holy cur- iosity of inquiry: for this delicate little plant, aside from stimula- tion, stands minly in heed of freedom Without this it goes to wreck and ruin without fail. . It is a very gave ,mitake to think that the enjoyment of seeing and sewrehing can be promoted by means of voeron and a sense of' dutiy." EINSTEIN wrote his autobio - raphy---the only one hie has done- in the winter of 1946-47. ieT penned it in longhiand. He began: "H Iere I sit in order to write, at the age of 67, something like Imy own opituary."* Sehilpp, author and profesor of philosophyy :t t Norti wstrn University, now is [i rnslating te manuscript from erma.11 B1d. 0S10011-To Serve Coffee It may not be tea time at the business administration school from 9:30 to 11:15 a~m., but start- ing tomorrow, it will be coffee time. Sleepy eyed students, take note. The Bus.Ad. council has found a solution for painlessly opening those eyes, and driving away mid- morning hunger pangs. Coffee and doughnuts may now be purchased every morning in the student lounge. The kitchen facilities are but one aspect of the potentially re- markable conveniences in the stu- dent lounges. Plans for the com- plete decoration and furnishing of both lounges will soon be drawn up. The primary aim of the inter- ior decorator will be to make the rooms comfortable and home -like. All of which proves-school can be fun. CHAMPION OF CAUSES. ~Liflell Coordhiiaes ReligioutsGop By ALLEGRA PASQUALETTI (Dlaily Associaite Editor) {i "Belligerent champion of un- popular causes--for instance reli- gion," that's the way Franklin H. Littell1, director of Lane ialt (de- scribes himself. Believing that religion is con- cerned with all phases of life, he emphasizes the relation between religious conviction and commun- ity iproblems. And during the five years of his directorship Student Religious Association has come out of the sanctuairy to work on such varied project s as the forma- tion of the Student Legislature and lOperation hairc ut. AIVASWYIM . lPIA)iMA T, one of Dr. Littell's chief tasks is achiiev- ing greater cooperation among the (campus religious groups,.lie was responsible for the formation of the campus Religious Council, which is composed of the profes- sional directors. This group meets regularly to iron out, problems and coordinate activities. Dr. Littell believes that re- ligion should be something more than ia personal experience. "It is an intellectually respect- able frame of reference that has somiethling to say about competing. dogmas and doctrines." As suchi hie consideirs it the cornerstone of the true University. Thils SPRING hie is expounding t~lhi-I ie at 'McCormick Theolog- icail Seminary in Chicago, where hie teaches a seminar in "Religion in IHigher Education." Also intetrested in religious history, his study of sectarian Protestantism, "Thie Anabaptist View of the Church," received the biennial award of the Amer- ican Society of Church History in 194'7. After rec eiVinig his FI.A. at Cor~- nell College in Iowa, where his father is p~rofessor of history, he studied for his B.D. degree at U~n- ion 'Theological Seminary. He took his Ph.D. at "Yale. WILE AT COR~lNEILlihe dis- I Black Tiiiiks Stutdenit Polities, Will Pay Off (Special to The Daly) PORT HURON - l uge ne F. Black, the first political peke on the University icampus unde'r a liberalimud ruling by the RegenFits-, thinks that student kntow-how o(II politics will pay off in Amiericat's fu ture. The former Attorney General, avowed hatchet man on old guard state .Republicans, spoke Wednes. T'ublitcat En in 'rue l);tily Ofliiial Blt in is Cutl<[IU 11(1 I ot icets ail lt Itii lBllertin sliotild be seit in 1v1t';Aewri te Itfor fto 111he' (Ilfcc of[ Ylte A5.>ist ant to the P" 1'.' ~ut, tdoom V 0,VIX, Nn . 1141 1 E DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I-- dlay to campus yoing RTepub1 ELI(C!, who has been east" SChl ro*BisnsaAn'iat adrift by h.is party, thinks th1e ticn: ldnsfotte col 010OP is 1;eadcing fo1r disaster -in- - __ tESles ~ ggesv ,nd p~irogre" I 51i e gfirop ofyoung men Ilf~i t7 Si'ic say in its po71lie. icirrrofpolti a ndeaer on 'q tdeg ,gSeries campus can hlelu bring thlis about, he believes, Diffrelnt ithaseof student Life and Colleges intending to aipply (shou(ld file, their applications for admission for the summer ss the Offirce of the Dean of tli ioni or fall semester should ,secutreho oofdutinbMa1.A aipplic ation formsinl 1:>0}ii::ine>s ,olofIdt iiilb a .A Administration Bldg. ias, 50,oispizii~sbeuntt hsd ! ino1 t' e>assured tof adxlssion t j)O~blt hisj~roI'am asnon-resident ai: ___ptiwt al o tmust be given cor All students,.who0 wish to trans- sidera;t ion, andl facilities for trair fer to the program n-1ei emnentaryingW. :r1eVnow us[edl to the maxirmux edlucatiob for the fall of 19491 t ofltluuetd on Page 3) Orighteil up your Bedroorm with Monogrammed t~\ Bedspreads! Li" OX rour fine selection in clke-crepe, challis, chaxinette, fj iMuti-curd and corduroy. They're; 1t~trdin all decorator colors with matching (drapes. -' Alw'ayt ,7s reasonbly priced at The Gage Linen hop Open 9:30-5:30) it Nickels Arcade He calls upon the state'., youjnfg men to stage a "knock-dowv~n, drag-out primary fight" to ee contr'ol of the State GOP froml the "unsavory old1 guard leadert- ship." NORPOLK --- !:he handy Nary "ditty bag" Nva first called "ditto b~ag," because it conta ined1 tw of each item. "nd act ivitiesill be Ileatutred in +a eres of five bf-roaassto be presntedthi wee byCBS in Cof~feCtaLion 1i1t tLh NSA. Eitled "Yottu and Youra"Cam- pu, " the 15 -minutte programs wtill be broadcast at:i6:15 tomnor- CBSconenao,,ha, been ten- a ieyschedutled to conduct the disusiont pe broact.. .x PERPETUAL MOTION-It's a rare occasion when one can find .fr. Uittell seated at his desk. So busy that lie lives by an appointment calendar .he complains of being too well organized * * *41 \\> <> * \ N>NNN ,., \ I. proved flteold story that, phi B~ete, are always grinds by winning his letter in wrestling and cross country, and by touring throughout the country as a mem- ber of Hie Senior Debate 'ream. In recent years his athletic activities have taken a milder turn and he is known at the FAculty ('ub for "reasonable jwofieiene~v' ii billiards and pool1. Dr. Littell's other hobby is the raising of small sock at his home in Clinton. Pamnphlets on the care and feeding of rabbits, hamsters and guinea pigs are often found protruding from his bulging brief ease. DESPITE THlE FACT that liv- ing out of town keeps him away from~ home a great deal his wife doesn't find time hanging on her hands. Active in religious affairs, she' was at one time director of youth work: for the Detroit An- nual Conference of the Methodist Church. Now, in addition to taking care of their three young daughters, Mrs. Littell is pastor of the charge at Clinton. And in her spare time she joins her husband in their joint hobby of leading folk singing and dancing. II II ii Special better 54 Hiawatha To Meet The Hiawatha Club, social group for students from the Upper Pe- ninsula of Michigan, will hold a reorganizational meeting at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the League, room to be announced. Purpose of. the meeting is to reorganize the club's social and cultural standards, according to Wilbur Maki, chairman of the cul- ture exchange committee.j Newman Club To Hold Second Marriage Talk The second in the series of mar- riage lectures sponsored by the Newman Club will be held. at 7:30 p.m. today in the clubrooms of the chapel. 1 i l j( ! # BROOKINS' 108 East Washington 4if Smart he i Phone 2-2685 I CARMAN Is . % ,, ; 4 ' \ t .,. k l . : - r A"MUST"' IN r- COVERT CLASSIC Betty Rose artfully tailors on all-occasion coat thait's a must for every wardrobe. Of smartest Coictine Covert with Duchess pointed collar, dashing, full [pockets and a wonderful swagger bock with a single deep pleat from shoulder to hemlide. in Coach- mon Grey, Cherub Pink, Skipper Blue, Herald 'Beige. Sizes 9 to 1 7. SHOE SALON EVERY SHO.E WARDROBE pera ini 131 \CIK, RANY tit B-IAJE01r BLACK CALF1 With elasticized topline .-:. for especially ::3sheen rGab- "s ' ALE! uu Ii } ee are (y tr. 7 al 11i, Pi fecial price. *BiLUE: *BLACKi *COMBINATIONS 1 Good Husekeep, ung Sizes 0-16 (1