___T__E ICIGAN__A__Y rAGE FWE pring Theme Will Permeate, ishing Well Ball Tomorrow (, Spring will come to the campus little earlier this year when ie Unoin presents the Wishing' tell Ball from 9 p.m. to midnight aturday in the Union Ballroom. Old fashioned street lamps will dorn the corridor leading to the allroom. Spring flowers, peeping p from the bases of the lamp osts, will carry out the spring Lmosphere. Guests will enter the aliroom through an arch of ranches. An old wishing well surrounded f fresh blossoming May shrub-' ery will transform the ballroom ito a pageantry of spring. Sil- ouettes of the seasons highlights ill decorate the fireplace. STRINGS OF SOFT multi-col- red lights, creating a soft shad- wy effect will illuminate the' ance floor. The bandstand will e set off by a low picket fence,' - - - 'r t I and a canopy overhead will lend to the illusion of late spring. Frank Tinker and his orches- tra will play for dancing in the gay atmosphere of a warm spring evening. Refreshments will be served to the guests in the Terrace Room, which is to be transformed into a French cafe with spring decorations. Flower girls will sell bouquets to the guests throughout the eve- ning. Money donated to the wish- ing well, which has been on the third floor of the Union for the past two weeks, will be used for door prizes. Intermission entertainment will include Dick Schuelman as mas- ter of ceremonies; Beverly Olszyn- ski, a novelty singer and Al Gold- man in a magician act. Chairman of the affair is Bill Race. Assisting him are Irv Bar- ril, Bill Peterson, Dick Cossitt, Bob Graeger and Paul Smith. Ninner Closes Title Contest; roduction Cal led'Gulantics' Those talented-plus ten who ill appear in the all-campus ,ring variety show will hence- rth be known as "Gulantics." "Gulantics Review" which will tle the April 24 show was the inning name submitted by Nor- tan Schafer in the recent nam- g contest held by the Men's lee Club.. By combining the initials of the xnsors, the Glee Club, Union ad the League with an appro- iate word description of the iety presentation, Schaefer ined the winning suggestion. THIS CONTEST winner is re- iving three. practical prizes; a ar's subscription to The Daily rd Gargoyle and a 1949 'nsian, llowing the sponsor's decision to ward prizes that would be suit- le to average student life. Although the ten "Gulantics" ave been picked by judges, hilip Morris, president of the en's Glee Club, Bob Perrin, fthe Union, Jackie Reid of the .eague and Philip Dewey, direc- lor of the Men's Glee Club, ihey will not be released until shortly before the spring review. Through Union and League co- operation the auditions for the coming show have established the basis for a permanent talent file to be manned by a joint Union- League committee. * *.. OPEN TO ANY group, indivi-: dual, or organization desiring tal- ent or entertainers of any variety, the file has been started with the. names of all those who auditioned for the Gulantics Review. The purpose of this permanent record is to make student talent known to both student organiza- tions and the general public, and to give talented students a chance for professional appearances. This plan has been in the mak- ing for the past year. At last through the cooperation of the Glee Club, Union, and League, and the students who are offer- ing their talents, it will soon be- come a reality. Petitions Due Now All freshman petitions for sophomore positions are due to- day in the Undergraduate Of- fice of the League. On the %J0ot4Je By MARJE SCHMIDT Imaginations run wild this weekend as parties take huge slices ofI atmosphere from the South Sea Islands, Blarney Castle, Monte Carlo,4 the Wild West and the Orient. The men from Allen Rumsey and Wenley Houses push spring abit when they hold their annual Hula Hop from 9 p.m. to midnight to-I morrow. If the pillars in the dance hall seem to sway like palm trees, and there are grass patches pushing at the feet of orchestra members, don't panic. It's not the multi-colored punch being served, but just a glimpse of those South Sea Islands which the men have managed to bring your way. * * * * AT INTERMISSION when Bill Hemline and his orchestra leave the band stand, a Hawaiian hula group (the real McCoy) will entertain with songs and dances. Cozy tables for two and four will surround the dance floor, and afford easier watching! Zeta Psi has planned its second annual St. Patrick's Day party for tonight. This year it is being held in honor of Chuck Murray, a grad, and their only claim to celebrating an Irish day. Mounted in the living room, in all of its glory, will be a piece of the original blarney stone that one of the brothers carried from Blarney Castle last summer. Tipsy manikins, steadying themselves on the front pillars will greet guests drifting into the "Drunkards Dream" at the Acacia house; tomorrow evening. Top hat and gloves will rest upon the mantel place' to help give the sophisticated atmosphere. One wall in the ballroom will give dancers that woozy feeling; a bleary set of drinks placed in a circle creates an optical illusion and is soon traveling in circles. PINK ELEPHANTS and green and golden 'gators will hang from every point of vantage. Pink elephants with green tails will lend them- selves nicely to programs. The Acacia quartette and a drama group from the Delta Zeta sorority will give out with some "inspired" enter- tainment. Members of Tri Delta go to town on a Wild Western Party this evening. Of course, blue jeans will be in style, along with lassos and ten gallon hats. An "At Home party" will entertain Gamma Phis and their dates the latter part of this evening. The girls are making it seem like an in- formal get together-checkered tablecloths and candle light set the mood. MONTE CARLO comes to Lloyd House tomorrow, and promises to keep the dice rolling until midnight. Horse racing, roulette wheels, dice, cards and dancing may be found in both recreation room and study hall. This party, given by the fourth floor is the first in a series to be given by each of the floors. Prizes will be awarded the two people holding the most winnings at the end of the evening. Victor Vaughan House will hold an open house from 8:30 p.m. to midnight for the women in Pemberton and Welsh House, Beal House and the new girls' dormitory. "Come as your favorite song title to a party by the same name at the Zeta Beta Tau house tomorrow evening," is similar to the line the ZBTs are tossing their dates. Programs in the form of miniature pieces of sheet music will be distributed, along with prizes to the most clever and original. AN ESTIMATED 180 people will storm the Sammie's Night Club tomorrow night. With such a'mob the modern-type decorations may be lost, but just for the books-there will be one contrasting wall in each room, crepe paper stripes in one, balloons in another, etc. Some of the men have worked up a good swami act to go along with magic tricks and singing at intermission. Triangle has worked out an angle to replenish and enrich its record collection. A record is the price of admission for each couple at their dance to be in swing from 9 p.m. to midnight tomorrow. Each man has listed his intended record on the bulletin board to insure no duplications. Tomorrow the Alpha Sigma Phis will hold their pledge formal in honor of the new initiates. After dinner at the Farm Cupboard the group will retire to an Oriental Fantasy. A pagoda will catch the lime- light from the front walk. Within a dragon will be spouting flame, ori- ental lanterns will caste their eerie shadows, and they promise even a goldfish pond. The Mack Ferguson Trio will do the musical honors. GOING TO THE PHI Sigma Kappa barn dance? For those who feel the need of a briefing, the caller will be present at 8 p.m. at the chapter house. Buses will carry guests to their genuine barn where they will square dance 'til they near exhaustion. Regular dancing is being planned also; they don't propose to possess the stamina of their forefathers. The Kappa Sigs have invited their women (invitations in red ink) to an evening of revelry behind the Iron Curtain from 8:30 p.m. to midnight tomorrow. They were keeping most of the plans on the pink and shady side when inquiry was made. Bach Concert To Be Qiven The League's record concert se- ries continues this week end with programs at 7 p.m. today and Sunday in the League Library. The concerts, which are open to all students, will be of special in- terest to those taking Music Liter- ature 42. Bach is to be the featured com- poser on both evenings. Tomorrow the "Kyrie" and "Gloria" from the "B Minor Mass" will be played. Selections for Sunday are the "Credo," "Sanctus," and "Agnus Dei" also from the Mass. JGP NOTES Speaking Parts will rehearse from 7 to 11 p.m. today in the Cave. Attendance at this rehearsal is compulsory. Costumes Committee will meet at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow and at 2:30 p.m. Sunday in Suites 1 and 2 on the third floor of the League. All members are expected to at- tend and are asked to bring a pair of scissors. By EDITH TEWS Most Americans do not under- stand the caste system in India, says Kapila Malik, student from New Delhi, India. Miss Malik has her master's de- gree in English and expects to re-1 ceive a master's degree in Edu-, cation next August. "The caste system is disinte- grating. It is the roots of the sys- tem that need to be pulled out of the country," she said. Explaining that the caste sys-I tem began centuries ago in a primitive agricultural society, she said. "it is an economic system and not a dogma of the Hindu religion." ACCORDING to history, after the Aryans invaded India about two thousand years before Christ, a definite division of labor came into existence. Four classes developed: the Brahmans or teachers, the Kshatriyas or warriors, the Valsyas ortraders, and the Sudras or farmers. Later a fifth caste came into existence, described by Miss Malik as a class of janitors. These jan- itors, she said, became the un- touchables. THE CLASSES tended to amal- gamate through the centuries and inter - marrying was frequent. Some of the invaders after the Aryan period tended to create caste consciousness for their own purpose of dividing and conquer- ing. Although caste snobbery is not completely absent, she said, it cannot thrive in the complex life of today. People must mix in the modern city, she added. "One's profession is not re- stricted by one's caste. There are Sudra teachers as well as Brah- man farmers. Brahman is not synonymous with wealth." MISS MALIK explained that to- day poverty and illiteracy restrict the Hindu rather than his caste. Public schools and employe make no restrictions regardi the caste to which one belongs she said. According to Miss Malik,c caste is not different from anot in racial characteristics. An t touchable who has received a gc education, she said, often mo to a different city and loses identity with his class. Questioned as to her opin about the numerous Christ converts in India, she ask "What would you do if you w poor and hungry and someone fered to feed and clothe you you converted to his religion? Before the interview ended, N Malik explained to the curious porter the significance of the dot she wore on her forehead." purely decorative, though mar women must wear the bindi." Says WONDERFUL BUY! -WONDERFUL"OMFORP m Caste System Misunderstood, Coed Graduate From IndP nationally "advertised brands in white SOFT LEATHER Ug S C for SES (oA CREPE SOLES ,or a4fJACQUELINE JR. } 9cushion platforms for y ES glorious instep support! f Or USE All smooth leather for fo -longer wear . . . easy cleaning. e: f(or. CONNIE moccasin flats unlined for better fit! Noiseless nap sole, genuine Good- year-welt construction, and only $ 593 ~~'andaI h + e . ,r r. r,..,, . ,+ r i i' y Ali ' )r a x L .3 Y :,. { J rs one her un- ood yes his ion ian ed, 'ere of- ,if 4iss re- red It's ried .4 NW xat' ''I + ly x o \ 'N \k vo s . N 9:00 to 5:30 306 South State I!- --- 3 "x ; ' " \ i , , .' ยข , , . c . \ \ _ \ ,,, , t t i i t Tweed Goes To Town, SADDLE OXFORDS in supple white box glove leather The shoes that play the leading roles in the casual shoe parade season after season . . . lightfooted saddle oxfords skillfully constructed for timeless good looks and long-wearing resilient comfort. Soft box glove oxford with wine calf saddle, wine crepe soles. Saddle oxford with flat tennis heels, large white eyelets; in white with black saddle, white with brown saddle. In a 9544$0* TWO COMPLETE COATS IN ONE 6500 NO COUNTRY COUSIN, this.. subtly blend- ed menswear tweed, gone big city fashion in the Season Skipper coat. Complete wool lining buttons in or out with the seasons. Masterfully tailored . . . in green, blue, Anytime, Anywhere 4 ., I' ".' 11 t AV h \ s . { i c y"ew brown or black with white. Sizes 8 to 18. Coats and Suits - Second Floor BI PACIFIC'S SANFORIZED COTTON makes finger-tip length short fitted smock. Smooth fitted this hip- I t. i i 1 .1 f 7 1 __