______ _____ _____ _____ _____THE -MCHIGK-NDAILY Closed fro ... "HE UNIONS have made it clear at the Senate Taft-Hartley hearings that they ant the closed shop restored, and there are veral good reasons why they should have Of prime importance to the Unions, of purse, is the preservation of organized abor. But unfortunately, a great manyl ndustrial leaders have not graduated from he "break up the unions" school of hought. Anyone who believes in or- anized labor can scarcely condone the acking of shops with non-union help a order to stir up and eventually elim- nate unions. Yet, by the banning of the losed shop we make such an occurrence ighly possible. Then too, there is the viewpoint of the dividual worker which must be taken into nsideration. A great many of these work- s have labored 15 or 20 years in a shop. hey have taken part in the long struggle r better hours, working conditions and ages, living for months and years on a eager subsistence level. Surely, they can pect that someone joining the factory ter be at least required to pay honorary ibute to the group which did and is still iproving the lot of all the members of that ant. Yet, the banning of the closed shop akes this improbable if not impossible. There is another reason however, why he Unions should have the closed shop. t concerns our dislike for wildcat strikes, nion irresponsibility and the inability of Jnions to keep its members in line. The losed shop breeds that responsibility in he workers and in the union. It makes hem aware that since they are the or- anization in a certain industry the public :an expect them to handle their affairs n a proper way. There is as much need for this shoulder- g of worker responsibility as there is for ganized management responsibility. It is relatively easy to point to a single se and say that by the closed shop a an is being deprived of his rights to em- oyment. But is he? By the mere expedient joining the Union he becomes eligible r that job. And how much more important the right of the one to be merely stub- drn (since he gives up no rights by ing), then is the right of the majority .protect itself. -Don McNeil. Shop Con ... FOLLOWING ON THE heels of its strict decision against General Motors activ- ities, the National Labor Relations Board has recently exercised its influence to bar workers' strikes, as relating to closed shop contracts. By a unanimous action, NSRB officials tightened the vice on union members who go on strike in order to obtain the much- disputed closed shop contracts. The Board acted in defense of a Taft-Hartley Act clause explainingbsuch action as a direct violation of the bill. The most recent scapegoats were butchers and meat cutters of Amalgamated Meat Cutters Union (AFL) and its Local 421, who were warned to trouble no further in their quest for the closed shop. In November, 1947, about 45 butchers left their jobs at A&P chain grocery stores in Los Angeles, and didn't return for nearly six months. It is certainly a welcome sign in an other- wise turbulent war between labor and man- agement forces, indicating a renewed effort to squelch labor's discriminatory ideas and practices once and for all. And if the Taft- Hartley Act doesn't succeed where other at- tempts have failed, not much hope will remain for a democratic setup of employer- employee relations. By this regulation, the employer will no longer be fettered to the strong unionized ties which demand closed shop methods; such contracts, obligating management to hire exclusively union members, are ta- boo inasmuch as the Taft-Hartley Bill labels as "unfair labor practices" any action which causes or attempts to cause an employer to discriminate. Now, by, virtue of the NLRB ruling, a bitter thorn in the side of job-seeking non- union men will have been removed. In the establishment of a verdict which prevents management from discriminating against nonunion employment applications, inde- pendent job-hunters can be readily assured that their submitted applications will receive due consideration from the men that count. And if and when the hopefuls are refused work, they will know their rejection has been a result of insufficient experience or a lack of ability, not a consequence of their nonunion status. -Don Kotite. D RATHER BE RIGHT: Let's NotRobotize Bombs vs. Footballs THE HOUSE OF Representatives, in a hush of secrecy and speculation, has passed a bill to finance a gigantic spy net- work for United States defense. I is a time of awakening for some of us, and should be a time of introspection for us all. The United States became great in a rugged but clean atmosphere of open competition and fair play. Now we are, told that we must enter a new era in our national history, and engage in a new struggle-one that is mute, but in which no holds are barred. Many of us recoil at the thought of de- ceptive, sneaking attempts by agents of our own government to pry vital secrets out of unwary foreigners and foreign nations. But are they unwary? The question is almost ludicrous, for it has already been answered incontrovertibly, and many times. The erstwhile German fifth column in this country, and the Russian spy rings unmasked recently here and in Can- ada, show us that our trust has been ex- ploited time and again, much to our danger and probable harm. The distaste of the House for this piece. .of necessary legislation can be seen in the hasty assurance of a member of the Armed Services Committee that the Central Intel- ligence Agency will not operate in the United States. It is an almost childish as- surance. If foreign governments are found to be carrying on activities here that would endanger our national welfare, Congress should and will extend the powers of the Agency. When thieves are loose in the streets, it is foolish to refuse to store guns in one's own house. Those who envision our country at some near date as a furtive place where one is always in fear of the sudden knock, etc., etc., are lacking in reason. The FBI is per- petually active throughout our country, secretly investigating, protecting. The Cen- tral Intelligence Agency extends the pro- tection without increasing the danger to human rights. We have not embarked on our new road frivolously, or without a serious search for other more honorable ways of protec- tion. The minds we have chosen to guide our interests can be trusted to have real- ized the full import of our entry into the devious maze of espionage and counter- espionage. Which of us can say that, placed in their position, he would not have taken the same course? Unpleasant as it is to admit, this is not a question of fair play, for one does not fight bombs with footballs. We are in the game of life and death. -James Gregory. CINIEMA' AM Hill Auditoriu . DAY OF WRATH DAY OF WRATH manages to look like a collection of animated Re rn b r an dt paintings and at the same time pack an emotional and intellectual punch. Dealing with seventeenth century witch- hunts, this Danish film points out a fact that is quite as applicable nowadays as it was in the period depicted. If a person is considered a witch (any other term of opprobrium may be substituted) long enough, he himself will come around to the same point of view. The very unusual looking Lisbeth Movin contributes a subtle and intense perform- ance to the general excellence of the picture. As the innocent young girl wedded to an aging village pastor she undergoes a con- vincing change under the impact of love. Because of a series of amazing but never- theless inevitable coincidences, she is led to believe that she has power over the destiny of those about her. A harridan of a mother-in-law and the superstitious beliefs of the times serve to strengthen the girl's psychological readiness to believe in her supernatural abilities. Day of Wrath actually has two major climaxes. From the point of view of screen action, the first is the most powerful. How- ever, because it concerns a minor character, and the latter climax is the expression of the theme of the film, there is a willing- ness on the part of the audience to accept the latter as the more important. The photography, although slow-paced in part, is a fine example of how closely the camera can approximate the technique of art. Acting in the film is characterized by a cleanness and simplicity which is enriched by naturalistic bits of detail. -Fredrica Winters. SLookinug Iack~ 50 YEARS AGO: The University asked the State Legislature for $187,000 for a new hospital and scien- tific lab. The proposal was expected to pass the houses. 30 YEARS AGO: From letters seized by the postal depart- ment, the U.S. learned of a plot by an- archists, socialists and others to overthrow the U.S. Government by means of a bloody revolution and the establishment of a Bol- "Whiat Do You Make Of It?" 'lom-SON GENv. C1AY To LEO,- I.. \ 62:y Y .~I3.$" '~ .?ti . ; , . _, i T L' _ } S , , Sr . J 't« e p fAO TYi .r'ate*"^ s.-ow N+ r a. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN By SAMUEL GRAFTON IN ALL THE discussion now going on as to whether the change from Molotov to Vishinsky means the beginning of a softer Soviet policy, almost nobody bothers to raise or answer the questioi;" Vt'1at would we do if it turned out really to mean a softer So- viet line? How would we react? We are prepared for a hardening, but not for a softening. Insofar as we discuss the matter at all, we do so in the form of solemn adjurations to each other to pay no attention to any .possible signs of softening; and to treat them, in fact, as if they had not occurred. This means that we discuss the Molotov- to-Vishinsky shift with fascinated attention, editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: JO MISNER Current Movies 'At the State . . UNFAITHFULLY YOURS, with Rex Har- rison. DON'T LET THE publicity, previews, or title fool you. This is a real goodie. The meeting of Rex Harrison and Pres- ton Sturgis-motion picture madmen of two nations-is most happy. Rex runs rampant throughout, leaving the astound- ed viewer with the impression that he has seen a subtle, hilarious, and most unusual monologue. There are other people in the picture, of course, but they serve no more useful pur- pose than do the more commonplace stage properties. Linda Darnell, poor thing, has never before been called upon to weather a dramatic tornado of such proportions. She is obviously shaken by the whole affair and, on occasion, succeeds only in nervously mouthing her lines. The sparkling plot puts Harrison, world famed symphonic conductor, on the chilly end of an apparent triangle. His music induces various clock-work schemes of. revenge to arise in his fertile subconscious mind. Funny in themselves, the dream sequences are later compared riotously to the bumblings of real life. The picture is more than just another vehicle for garden-variety slapstick. It's a very effective parody on practically any and in hundreds of thousands of words, in an effort to dig out its meaning, while, also, we .commit ourselves fulsomely to the doc- trine that it can have no meaning. This seems illogical. It also seems to me dan- gerous "forany country to commit itself, in advance, to the idea that things which. may have meaning do not have meaning. This amounts almost to a decision that we must continue on a certain course of action, regardless of what Russia does. And that amounts to a decision that we mustn't cogitate' very deeply about Russian moves, anymore, or reason about them; we must only act. And this approach seems to me in the highest degree mechanical and peril- ous. It means also that we must forever carry on our foreign policy as if it were a failure. That policy is designed to produce an ultimate Russian softening, but if we are to go on counseling each other against noticing any softening, should it ever occur, then it might be said that we are becoming afraid of success because of the new problems it would bring. Anw if success has become a menace to us, because it might lead to a weakening of the policy that had produced it, then we are indeed in a weird fix. That would mean that the chief purpose of our policy is, merely, the maintenance of our policy; that it is our job to protect it, rather than it us. If all this seems far-fetched, I would like to cite a story, of the greatest public importance, written by James Reston for the New York Times. In it, Reston says there are "some officials" in Washington who would consider Molotov's demotion, if he has been demoted, as a "distinct loss to the cause of American and Western unity," because Molotov's attitude played so big a part in angering Congress and getting the Marshall Planhadopted, etc. Reston makes it clear that there are many facets of our policy besides the anti- Russian, that, regardless of Russia, it was necessary for us to develop unity behind the idea of aiding Western Europe, taking responsibility in the world, etc., and that Molotov's "help" is hailed only insofar as it contributed to these goals. But it remains true that here we have officials who are not displeased that there was enough Russian toughness to enable us to construct a policy which has been sold to the public chiefly on the basis of its anti-Russianism. They are glad of the problem that gave us the policy. Here, too, we have that feeling of men serving policy, rather than policy serving men. The policy comes first; it has come to seem to us so delightful, so delicious that we appear on the whole rather pleased that reality is such that this particular kind of policy can be built (Continued from Page 3) preferably single. Call Ext. 371, or stop at 3528 Administration Bldg. immediately as preliminary tests must be taken on Mon., March 14. The Eli Lilly Co. will have a rep- resentative here on March 15 and 16 to interview for the following people: CHEMISTS: Ph.D, in Bio, Organic, and Physical chemistry, M.S. in Analytical and Organic chemistry, and B.S. candidates: Bacteriologist with an M.S. or Ph.D. degree; 'Engineers (Chemi- cal, Industrial, and Electrical) with B.S. and M.S. degrees, and Pharmacy; Ph.D. and M.S. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry or Pharmacy, and B.S. candidates. For further information and ap- pointments, call Ext. 371, or call in the office of the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3528 Administration Bld g. Lectures University Lecture: "Contempo- rary Education in Latin America." Dr. Harold Benjamin, Dean of the College of Education, University of Maryland; auspices of the School of Education and the De- partment of Romance Languages. 4:15 p.m., Fri., March 11, Rack- ham Amphitheatre. Tea, Hender- son Room, Michigan League, fol- lowing lecture. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for John Andrew Faust, Pharmaceutical Chemistry; thesis: "Antispasmod- ics XI," Fri. March 11, 2525 Chem- istry Bldg., 3:30 p.m. Chairman, F. F. Blicke. Astronomical Colloquium: Fri., March 11, 4:15 p.m., Observatory. Dr. Harry M. Bendler, Michigan State College, will speak on the subject, "Magnetic Fields in Stel- lar Atmospheres." Electrical Engineering Collo- quium: Fri., March 11, 4 p.m., 1042 E. Engineering Bldg. Prof. A. D. Moore, Electrical Engineering Department. "New Fluid Map- pers." Concerts University Musical Society: Ex- tra C'oncert Series-the Indianap- olis Symphony Orchestra, Fabien Sevitzky, conductor, Sun., March 13, 7 p.m., Hill Auditorium. A limited number of tickets are available at the offices of the Uni- versity Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower; and will also be on sale at the Hill Auditoripm box office at 6 p.m. Sunday. Student Recital: Lillian Clack, pianist, will present a recital in lieu of a thesis for the degree of Master of Music, 4:15 p.m., Sat., March 12, Rackham Assembly Hall. A pupil of John Kollen, Miss Clack will play compositions by Galuppi, Scarlatti, Schubert, Schumann, and Mendelssohn. Organ Recital: Leslie- P. Spel- man, Organist of University of Redlands, 4:15 p.m., Fri., March 11, Hill Auditorium. Compositions by Henry Purcell, William Byrd, Vincent Lubeck, Claude Balbastre, J. S. Bach, Hendrik Andriessen, Frederick Jacobi, Eric DeLamarter and Henry Mulet. Events Today Opera: Puccini's "Gianni Schic-t chi" and "Sister Angelica," pre-0 sented by the School of Music ande the Department of Speech, 8:00F p.m., tonight and Saturday, Lydiac Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets on sale daily, 10 a.m.-8 p.m., Thea-n tre box office. Geological -Mineralogical Jour-u nal Club: 12 noon, 3056 Naturalb Science Bldg. Mr. Richard Strong,d Department of Geology, "Somet Factors in Paleoclimatology." Modern Dance Performances,c auspices of Chinese Students Club.E Miss Lin Pei-fen, 8:30 p.m., Pat-o tengil Auditorium, Ann Arborf High School. Tickets on sale at the New Administration building,u 8 a.m-5 p.m. and at the door fromo 6-8 p.m.j Ann Arbor Library Club: Meet-t ing, 7:45 p.m., 110 General Library., Miss Ruth Rutzen will speak onC the A.L.A. Fourth Activities Com-i mittee. Graduate Outing Club: Swim- ming party 7:30 p.m.; meet at IMC Bldg. Hike, Sun., March 13; meetr at 2A15 p.m., northwest corner,a Rackham Bldg. Political Science Graduate Cof- fee Hour: 4-5, League Cafeteria. Roger Williams Guild: Labor-K Lark party, 8:30 p.m., Guild House. Hawaii Club: Room 3 D, Michi- gan Union, 7:15 p.m. German Coffee Hour: 3-4:301 p.m., Michigan League Cafeteria. Westminster Guild, First Pres- byterian Church: "Field Day"J party, 8-11 p.m., Social Hall,1 church building. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:E Sabbath Evening Services, 7:45 p.m.} Hillel-Music Committee: 5 p.m., 3rd floor, Michigan Union. Motion Picture: "Day of Wrath," presented by Art Cinema League and Inter - Cooperative Council. Also "Poet and Peasant," 8:30 p.m., tonight and Saturday, Hill Auditorium. Box office opens 2 p.m. Coming Events Recreational Swimming-Wom- en Students: There will be no rec- reational swimming at the Union Pool Sat., March 12, only, from 9-10 a.m. Michifish will meet, 10-11 a.m. Armenian Students' Association: Bowling party, W.A.B., Mon., March 14, 7:30 p.m. Russian circle: Meeting, Mon., March 14, 8 p.m., International Center. Professor Lobanov will speak on the subject, "The history of Moscow and its cultural signifi- cance." Ticket meeting for Hillel's-a- popin: Salesmen and other stu- dents desiring block tickets meet at 4 p.m., Rehearsal Room, Michi- gan League. The Daily acords its readers the privilege of submitting letters forr publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good i taste will not be published. The L editorsreserve the privilege of con-t densing letters. i . . . Vewer Facts ro the Editor:d N APRIL 8, 1938, the first anti-d semitic law which thoroughly %urtailed the rights of Jews was F >assed in the Hungarian parlia- t nent. A second, more stringentn aw was enacted in February ofe 939. This was all tnder the Eorthy government, which was the "herald of fascism in Europe,"k Bccording to the Encyclopediar rittanica Book of the year. OnV April 5, 1944 the New York Times4 reported that Cardinal Seredi wasF arrested for' protesting the pro-p rams occurring at that period.- Mindszenty, a bishop at that time,s was not arrested at this time or at any time Iefore this. He was re- yortedly seized 'on Apri 5, 1945, by the Arrow Cross, the native fas- cist organization, at a time whenr the Nazis were leaving the coun- try! Bela Fabian was a member ofc the Past Prefecture until 1940, yetf there were the anti-Semitic lawsr of 1920, 1938, 1939, and 1940 ine effect at 'that time. Would Mr. F~abian have been allowed to oc- upy a seat in the Prefecture un- less he actively or implicitly con- doned the policies of the govern-t ment at that time? In July, 1940, "most of the Jews in HungaryF were thrown into labor camps"'' w~here they were badly treated, but as yet, not annihilated. Whyt did not Mindszenty speak up att this time? From the New York Times: "In May, 1946, a large scale neo-fas-t Gist" plot was discovered and thet Bishops College barred all Cath- olic clergy from political action from that day onward. In Au- gust 2, 1946, Cardinal Mindszenty urged amnesty for political pris- oners who were in the vast ma- jority Arrow Cross and Horthy party men. On April 10, 1947,l (New York Times) MindszentyJ said he would excommunicate all Catholic members of Parliament if a bill to end compulsory relig- ious education were passed. ' On June 7, 1948 (New York Times again) he barred all Cath- olics from taking part in govern- ment Press and Radio activities, and charged that thedgovernment was the worst he had ever seen! This despite the fact that he had spent 20 years under the Horthy and Nazi regimes and had seen the "elimination of Jews from the political and economic life of Hungary by 1940." (Encyclopedia Brittanica.) -Hy Bershad. No Intelligence Left To the Editor: T AM OC THE opinion that the students of this University leave what little intelligence they possess, i the classrooms at the end of each period. They amble out into the street at any point, looking neither left nor right, but leaving it up to the motorist to see that they get safely across the street. They rely on mechanical things tlt sometimes fail. They evidently do not know that they have mote maneuverability than the average car. I have come to the conclusion that before I receive my degree, I will have killed or maimed at least one student, through no fault of my own. This realization is not conducive to a studious atmo- sphere. I suggest that the great brains behind the administration of this institution get together and do something about this problem. Perhaps they can get a better use out of the campus police than the present one of presenting tickets to illegal parkers. Perhaps they can see to it that the stu- dents cross at the crosswalks, and that traffic lights be placed in front of the Union, at State and North University, and on the corner of South and East Univer- sity. -Thomas F. Allen. - * * * (EDITOR'S NOTE: City police told The Daily' that a light has 'been scheduled for this location, and will be installed as soon as one is avail- able. State police priority on lighting equipment has delayed the opera- tion.) Letters to the Editorm- Hypocritical To the Editor: STICKS AND STONES will break my bones, but speakers bans will never hurt me. Thus in essence did Dean Wal- ter speak when in the March 3rd Daily he proclaimed his faith iii the "Sermon on the Mount." This interpretation of the Sermon from t. Matthew V:3-12 appears al- most as an answer to the Admin- istration's prayers. Relax kiddies, what care you about such mun- dane affairs as speakers bans, drinking bans, driving bans, mul- tiple restrictions upon women stu- dents, and racial quota systems. Remember, "Blessed are they that mourn," and after all, shall not the meek ". . . inherit the earth"? Now turn the other cheek and prepare for more renunciation, kiddies, for coincidentally, in a neighboring column we have a verbal blast from the Dean of Women. Here we find that group pressures are subverting the pro- motion of high standards of con- duct, and despite the New Look, student standards of dress are de- generating. To passively subordinate one- self to such arbitrary authority is not fulfilling the teaching of the "Sermon on the Mount." Rather do I prefer the Philosophy set forth by Franklin H. Littell, di- rector of Lane Hall. In an article about Religion-in-Life Week he quotes from the following state- ment issued by the officers of the World Student Federation: "Our Christian faith and obed- ience are unreal unless we take seriously the place where God has put us and the social and political problems which confront us. "Unless we assume some prac- tical personal responsibility for the economic, technical and moral life of our society, our obedience is imperfect, our discipleship of Christ is partial and our claim to be witnesses to the love and mercy of tod is hypocritical. ..." -Sidney Sherman. * * * Correction To the Editor: IN THE LETTERS to the Editor column of March 6, 1949, the date given for the publication of the article to which I referred was July 2, 1948 as linotyped by The Daily. My original letter stat- ed that it was July 21, 1948. I would greatly appreciate it if you would bring this to the attention of your readers. -Riehard F. Schults. JI 4 Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor Dick Maloy ................City Editor Naomi Stern ........Editorial Director Allegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editor Al Blumrosen ........Associate Editor Leon Jaroff.........Associate Editor Robert C. White ......Associate Editor B. S. Brown.......... ..Sports Editor Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed. Bev Bussey ...Sports Feature Writer Audrey Buttery.....Women's Editor Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor Bess Hayes................Librarian Business Staff Richard Hat .......Business Manager Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager William Culman .. ..Finance Manager Cole Christian ...Circulation Manager Telephone 2 3 -24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republioation of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail. $6.00. - BARNABY - . .. I I = - 11 1 1.. .- - And h ere we have Whistler's Mother.} My mom says she gets fidgetty if she just sits. I'm THAT fdgetty! Herd my knitting-bag by me too and I've just sat here could have had this sweafer long ago! Thank you, boy! I s 1 IGosh!Shekid o f !oaks I I A I1