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March 11, 1949 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-11

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Lw4 zgau
Latest Deadline in the State





Federal Jury
Brands 'Axis
Nearly 18 Hours
Taken for Verdict
al jury last night wrote "guilty"
to the name of American-born
Mildred E. (Axis Sally) Gillars,
branding her a traitor for broad-
casting Nazi propaganda during
World War II
The jury deliberated 17 hours
and 20 minutes, with time out
overnight for sleep, in reaching
its verdict.
dant took the verdict with out-
ward calm. Her face paled and
her eyes blinked to fight back
the tears, but she stood rigidband
made no sound.
Her half sister, Mrs. Edward
R. Herrck, of Conneaut, Ohio,
who had been at her side
throughout the seven-week trial,
broke down and wept, covering
her face with her hands.
Later, pacing a small ante room
and taking fierce puffs on a cig-
arette, Miss Gillars told a news-
man angrily:
* * * .
"I WISH those who judged me
would be willing to risk their lives
for America as I did."
This was an apparent refer-
ence to her contention, through-
out the trial, that she always
loved America and that she
actually helped the U.S. war
effort by her radio broadcasts
telling the families of captured
American soldiers that they
were still alive.
The prosecutor contended that
she got "a sadistic joy" out of the
broadcasts, notably those in which
she described in harrowing detail
the agonies of wounded American
soldiers before they died.
Defense Attorney James J.
Laughlin immediately announced
he will seek a new trial on the
ground that Federal Judge Ed-
ward M. Curran gave "inflamma-
tory" instructions to the jury.
Judge Curran did not indicate
when he will pronounce sentence.
Under normal court procedure,
there is a delay of several days
before sentence is passed.
The maximum penalty would be
death in the electric chair. The
minimum punishment would be
five years in prison.
Icy Highways
Cause 5 Local
Auto Accidents
Treacherous highways yesterday
were largely responsible for five
accidents near Ann Arbor involv-
ing 17 vehicles and injuring 9 per-
sons, including three University
Six of these were injured when
a car driven by Mrs. Lucille
Hutchens skidded on ice and
crashed head on into a car driven
by Samuel A. Pratt, Grad., accord-
ing to the state police.
Pratt was hospitalized at the
University Health Service and is
reported "resting comfortably."
Two other students were released
after treatment for minor in-
Mrs. Hutchens and two passen-
gers in her car were. taken to St.

Joseph's Hospital and later moved
to University Hospital.
Whitmore Lake Bridge was
jammed for about 40 minutes yes-
terday morning when eight cars
and a truck piled up on the N.
Main St. overpass. There were no
In other accidents one woman
suffered injuries when her hus-
band's car skidded off the road
and rolled over on Pontiac Trail.
A Detroit driver was injured
when his car skidded through the
intersection of Washtenaw and
Carpenter Rds. and was hit by an-
other car and a truck.
To round out yesterday's toll of
accidents a 47-year-old woman
was hospitalized after the car in
which she was riding was in-
volved in a collision at Washtenaw
Ave. and Stadium Blvd.
ASCE Calls for
Engineer Queries
Students who assisted in dis-
tribution of questionnaires on the


Speakers Discuss
Role of Christians
Religion-in-Life Week was brought to a close yesterday when
four speakers discussed the role of Christianity in everyday life.,
The religious leaders who participated were Dr. George Gilmour,
Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto, Rev. James Stoner and Rev. Fr. James Keller.
G. P. Gilmour .. .
George Pell Gilmour, chancellor
of McMaster University in On-
tario, outlined three basic Chris-
tian beliefs in a Religion in Life
Week seminar in Rackham yester-
day. ._. Y
The unity, revelation and moral
judgment of God are fundamen-
tal in all religions. But Christian-
ity develops the idea that God is ;
united in the Holy Trinity andr
revealed to man through Christ,
he said.
"It is characteristic of the
Christian tradition to explain God,
the world and man in terms of
Jesus Christ," the University pres-
ident pointed out.
God is revealed to man through
nature and history but the man
who bases all his belief on na-
tural evidence loses the greatest
emotional satisfaction of Chris- G. P. GILMOUR
tianity," Gilnour emphasized. * **
Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto ..-.
"The people of Hiroshima are planning to make their city a
peace center for the world."
This was revealed by Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto, founder of the
Hiroshima Peace Association, at the final assembly of Religion-in-
Life Week, which was held last night in Rackham Lecture Hall.
*. * * *
TANIMOTO expressed the hope that Americans would aid in
instituting a peace research program, and sociological rehabilitation
center in the ruined city.
The pastor, who was in Hiroshima at the time of the blast,
pointed out that "three out of five people were lost."
He emphasized that it was only natural, after the war was over,
for the Japanese people to fear the American troops.
* * * *
"WHEN AMERICAN prisoners were released from their intern-
ment camp, they marched through the streets of the city," Tanimotc.
related, and "the Japanese spectators watched in fear while the
Americans went up to the children and gave them sweets."
"However," he continued, "it was only after some Japanese
soldiers assured the children that the candy wasn't poisonous
that they accepted it."
Tanimoto pointed out that the Japanese expected no sympathy
from the Americans after the atomic explosion, for they had come
to look upon sacrifice as a part of war.
"And it was not the atomic bomb that killed the fighting spirit
3f the Japanese people," he declared, "it was American Christian
humanity, which was greater than any bomb."
Rev. James Stoner...
An overall national trend back to religion is being reflected in
the growing student religious programs across the nation, Rev.
James Stoner, noted University religious leader said yesterday.
Rev. Stoner, who spoke at a Religion-in-Life Week seminar on
"Religion and Higher Education" yesterday, suggested several steps
to bring college religious programs up on an "academic respecta-
bility" level with other subjects.
S * * *.
REV. STONER asked for backing by a healthy administration.
He asked for more teachers with a religious point of view. They need
not mention religion in their classes, he pointed out, but they may
"reflect a philosophy of life which makes sense."
Better counselling plans and a student-faculty committee on
religion were also among the points Rev. Stoner sought.
As evidence of an overall national trend to religion he cited a
survey which revealed that in 1890, only one in twelve persons be-
longed to a church, whereas in 1947, one in two belonged.
Rev. Fr. James Kelle . --
"If we could find one per cent of normal decent people to wo k
to save the world, as the one per cent who are working to wreck it,
the world could be saved," Father James Keller, Maryknoll Missioner
told Newman Club members last night.
In an informal talk, Father Keller spoke on the Christopher
movement, citing the principle that "each and every human being
is a child of God, deriving his rights from God, not the State."
As the main channels for communicating the Christopher ideal,
he pointed out the four spheres that touch the lives of all people the
world over: education, government, labor relations and literature.

Modern Chinese Dancer
To Perform Here Today
* * *
Ann Arbor audiences will have
the opportunity of viewing a
unique, one-of-its-kind perform-
ance when Lin Pei-fen dances,
8:30 p.m. today in Pattengill Au-
The lithe, 22-year old danseuse
has developed an original dance
technique which combines tradi-
tional Chinese dance motifs with'
the movements of modern dance.
Miss Lin, in her first tour of
the United States, has been hailed
by critics for her grace and in-
terpretation. She appears on cam-
pus under the auspices of the
Chinese Student Club.

Barkley J



Can Halt,





Soviet Plans
Army Budget
Hikes f or '49
Finance Minister
Reveals New High
MOSCOW-(AP)-Finance Min-
ister A. G. Zverev told Parliament
last Night Russia plans to spend
almost 20 per cent more on her
armed forces this year than last.
The new figure is 79,000,000,000
rubles, a total which is the equiva-
lent of $15,000,000,000 by the Rus-
sians' official yardstick.
SPEAKING before Prime Min-
ster Stalin, First Deputy Prime
Minister V. M. Molotov and other
top leaders in the great hall of the
Kremlin, Zverev announced the
largest budget in Russian history.
Zverev told Parliament (the
Supreme Soviet) that much of
the increase in expenditures for
the armed forces is accounted
for by higher wholesale costs,
due to the abolition of state sub-
sidies. The Soviet Union's "pol-
icy of world peace" will con-
tinue, he declared.
The Finance Minister delivered
a sharp attack on the United
States, blaming America for the
present troubled international sit-
uation. United States military ex-
penditures in this year's budget
are 15 times higher than they were
in 1937, Zverev said. He also criti-
cized Britain for increasing mili-
tary expenditures.
(No exact comparison of the
budgets is possible on the basis of
available information. It is not
clear, for instance, whether cer-
tain items included in the United
States Military budget might be
outside the military budget in Rus-
sia, or vice versa.
(Because of varying factors,
such as wage and raw material
rates, it is impossible to say how
much of a military establishment
the same amount of money would
pay for in the United States and
in Russia.)
The budget was read at a joint
session of the two houses-the
council of union and the council of
nationalities. The parliament had
convened a few hours earlier for
sessions which may give the world
a clue to Russia's intentions.
World News
By The Associated Press
Commission told Congress yester-
day that political appointments in
the Treasury Department should
be halted. At the same time it
urged that the Department be
made watchdog over the Recon-
struction Finance Corporation and
the Export-Import Bank.
* * *
Department took sharp issue
yesterday with Senatorial de-
mands that it put a "price tag"
on the North Atlantic Security
Treaty to show the cost of help-
ing arm Western Europe. Any
efforts to put a money figure
on the pact are "misleading"
the Department said in a state-
* * *

LONDON-Britain hinted offi-'
cially yesterday she would help
Trans-Jordan if Israeli armed
forces invaded that country.
* * *
ed States called on the Nether-
lands yesterday to put the Indo-
nesian Republic back in power
and then talk peace. At the
same time U.S. Delegate Leroy
Stinebower walked out of the
U.N. Economic and Social
Council in protest against a
.S-"- .- '- - - -..- - .l.--- -" .

Policemen Capture
Two Train Robbers
WASHINGTON-(P)-Two young Ohio desperadoes sought over
three states for a Wild West train robbery in the Allegheny Mountains
were captured by police yesterday in a pawn shop six blocks west of
the White House.
One was critically wounded when he went for his gun in an
apparent attempt to shoot it out with the officers. His companion, also
armed, was taken into custody unhurt. Both quickly confessed, police
said. ,

Decision Will
Face Crucial
Move Challenged
By Southerners
historic ruling, Vice-President
Barkley said last night that the
Senate, by a two-thirds vote of
Senators present, can call a halt to
the 10-day-old Southern filibuster.
The ruling could have a tremen-
dous effect on the whole future
course of Congressional legisla-
* * *

* *
THE MEN WERE identifieds
reformatory inmate, and George I
* * *
Train Theft
By Witness
How does it feel to get caught
in a train robbery?
"I didn't stop to think. I just
did what he told me." This is the
way the hold-up struck Prof. Paul
D. Dalke, '25F&C of Idaho Uni-
** *
PROF. DALKE was sitting in
the lounge car of the Ambassador
Wednesday evening when a lone
gunman, wearing a brown top coat
entered the car, stopped beside
his seat and said, "This is a hold-
up! Throw your wallets on the
"All of the passengers com-
plied and then the bandit told
a fellow passenger and myself
to get the money out of the
wallets," Prof. Dalke said.
The fellow passenger was Dr.
Justin W. Leonard of Ann Ar-
Dr. Leonard did such a good
job that the bandit said, "I'll have
'to take you along on a job some
time," Prof. Dalke related.
IN THE MIDST of the hold-up,
a railroad employe in civilian
clothes thought he saw a chance
to get the robber. He grappled
'ith the brown coated stranger
next to Prof. Dalke's chair and
the professor's glasses were
smashed in the struggle.
The railroad employe then
ran to the end of the car and
the bandit fired his revolver
into the floor, Prof. Dalke re-
None of the passengers tried to
stop the modern Jesse James. "He
was flourishing his gun around as
if he meant business," Prof. Dalke
said, "and it looked like any com-
otion would have caused trouble."
* * *
THE ROBBER collected the
money and left the train through
the door at the end of Prof.
Dalke's car.
"We were all nervous most of
the time," Prof. Dalke said. The
Pullman porter was "scared to.
death" during the holdup, but
some of the passengers seemed
to enjoy it, he remembered.
"There were a couple of old
ladies who seemed to get a big
kick out of the whole thing."
Prof. Dalke heard one passenger
yesterday morning say, "I wouldn't
have missed this for a hundred
See BANDIT, page 2

* *
as Luman Ramsdell, 23, a former
Llewellyn Ashton, 21, who likewise
. had served time. Both are from
Youngstown, Ohio.
The Detroit-bound flyer was
robbed a couple of miles west
of Martinsburg, which is about
80 miles west of Washington.
Just after nightfall, somebody
jerked the emergency cord and
the big diesel locomotive came
to a stop.
Then the two robbers pulled
their guns and started through
the train.
* * *
came back to see what had caused
the emergency stop. He was fol-
lowed by the fireman. The robbers
hustled them off to the cab and
forced the engineer to back the
train up to a grade crossing.
Washington officers got their
first tip on the location of the
robbers when they heard that two
suspicious looking men had been
questioned by a Leesburg, Va., po-
Ann Arbor residents aboard the
robbed train include Dr. Ralph
Hile, Dr. Albert Hazzard, Dr. Jus.
tin W. Leonard and Dr. John Van
Crib Learns
Methods Used
In Forgeries
Members of the Michigan Crib
pre-law society were given lessons
in handwriting detection last
Orlando Stephenson, former
Ann Arbor Police Commissioner
and now head of the social studies
department at University High
School, showed the lawyers how
to recognize forgeries.
* * *
STEPHENSEN used slides and
blown up photostats to explain
how handwriting detectiondproved
the validity of a will that donated
$34,000 to the University.
He experimented with Crib
members in order to showthe way
in which age affects signatures,
and went on to prove that differ-
ences in thousandths of an inch
could distinguish a genuine signa-
ture from a forgery.
Painting Presented
To Strauss House
President Alexander Ruthven,
acting in the name of members of
the late Prof. Louis A. Strauss's
family, presented East Quad's
Strauss House with a painting at a
brief ceremony last night.
Also present were Dean Erich
Walter and Prof. Bennett Weaver
of the English department, who
both spoke in tribute to the late
Prof. Strauss, former head of the
English department, and Prof.
Jean Slusser, of the architecture

Observe 'U'
BAd. Setup
The faculty of the business ad-
ministration school was quizzed
last night by members of the De-
troit Economic Club about the
objectives and instruction of the
business school.
The Industry and Education
Section of the club had toured the
building in the afternoon.
* * *
- DECLARING that ideas are the
stock and trade of education -
their value depending on compe-
tition in a free market of ideas -
Provost James P. Adams launched
the after dinner program.
Answering the perennial ques-
tion, "preparation for specializ-
ed vocation or general back-
ground?" Prof. W. A. Paton
explained the training for ac-
counting includes, an under-
standing of business situations,
and an ability to apply prin-
ciples to specific solutions.
Prof. O. W. Blackett described
a study now being made of the
correlation between high grades
of a student and his salary ten
or more years after graduation.
He figured that the medium
salary of the upper half of the
class is approximately 20 per cent
higher than that of those in the
lower half.
Six Sororities
Pledge Coeds
In addition to the 325 coeds
pledged two weeks ago, 24 girls
have been pledged during quota
extension week.
Alpha Delta Pi: Marilyn Begole,
Marlou Gilman, Helen Hager, Ray
Pankow, Doris Wreford and Bev-
erly Young.
Alpha Omicron Pi: Julia Hen-
nig, Joyce Mersereau and Doris
Alpha Xi Delta: Ruth Anderson,
Ethel Cada, Jane Ebner, Barbara
Lawton and Anne Maurer.
Delta Zeta: Betty Lou Oliver.
Kappa Delta: Jean Abbot, Shir-
ley Davidson, Marilyn Hammer,
Catherine McKinley and Hazel
Zeta Tau Alpha: Marian Beam,
Jose Engel, Joyce Hale and Helen

BUT DIXIE legislators quickly
challenged Barkley's decision.
Fighting to preserve the right
of filibustering-their key
weapon against so-called "civil
rights" proposals-the South-'
erners demanded a test of
strength on the closely fought
The Senate recessed at 8:06
p.m., a few minutes after Barkley
handed down his dictum, with the
preliminary showdown expected
* * *
Southerners' appeal against the
Barkley ruling, with a simple ma-
jority of Senators present on the
floor required to uphold or over-
rule the Vice-President, who is also
the Senate's presiding officer.
Then, as the next phase, ii
Barkley is upheld, it would still
require a two-thirds vote of Sen-
ators present to break off the
Dixie filibuster and permit the
taking up of the Truman ad-
ministration's resolution Aerit-
ting curbs on future filibusters.
The proposed resolution, which
would amend the Senate's perma-
nent rules, would permit a two-
thirds majority to limit debate at
any time.
* * *
CRIES OF "Rule! Rule" swept
the Senate chamber, prompting
Barkley to give his decision after
earlier reports that he would put it
off until today.
Majority leader Lucas of Illi-
nois forced the issue, paving the
way for the initial showdown, by
filing a debate-limiting "clo-
ture" petition. This simply
meant that the signers, 17 Dem-
ocrats and 16 Republicans,
wanted to silence the present
talk which centers on a motion
to take up the actual filibuster-
curbing bill itself.
After carefully outlining the
reasons behind his decision, Bark-
ley ruled that the petitioners were
in order.
Southerners had hotly contested
any such ruling in advance, with
Senator Russell (Dem., Ga.)
shouting that it would violate
"every precedent" by the Senate's
presiding officers in the past.
Two Indicted
For Espiona ae
NEW YORK - (A') - A young
woman government worker and a
Russian engineer were indicted on
espionage charges yesterday.
A special grand jury probing spy
activities returned a four-count
indictment against the pair,
Brooklyn-born Judith Copon and
Valentin A. Gubitchev, Soviet en-
gineer employed by the United Na
THE 27-YEAR-OLD Miss Cop,
lin is an analyst for the Depart-
ment of Justice in Washington.
Arraignment was set for to-
morrow, Thomas J. Donegan,
special assistant to the Attorney
General, said he would press for
an early trial.
Gubitchev was suspended from
his UN post following his arrest.
Officials of the World Organiza-
tion said he did not have diplo-
matic immunity, a claim disputed
by the Soviet government which
ha m lira.ilc Aama.l..ar 2 hie

Agar Describes Recovery in Britain

With a year of Marshall Plan
aid behind it, England has clearly
recovered from its post-war de-
pression according to Herbert
Agar, who spoke on "England To-
day" at Hill Auditorium last
England had a bitter victory,
the noted author and commenta-
tor said. "Tnseand ofthingsaevt-

average citizen looked for more
help from the government."
But if it ever reached the
point where the state was en-
croaching upon the liberties of
the people, the Britishers would
see to it that power was reduc-
ed," he emphasized.
Most nationalization of industry
has affected the people very lit-

and freedom, the government
has bungled terribly," he con-
Agar said that socialized medi-
cine in England has been}one of
the most popular moves that any
government has ever made.
HOWEVER, it is so popular that
it may run away with itself and

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