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March 10, 1949 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-10

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THURSDAY, IVAftCW 10, 1949

Phoenix Emerges

'JFE UNIVERSITY'S announcement that a
fund-raising campaign for the Phoenix
Project will be launched in the fall of 1950
should receive unbridled acclamation from
all quarters-students, faculty and alumni
For some time there has been consid-
erable agitation on the part of students
who have felt that the University might
have found the Project just a little too
big to handle and were attempting to
quietly slip out of their obligation.
It is true that the University has been
avoiding any publicity on the Project-but
not because they were trying to finesse
the whole plan. Any campaign designed to
raise funds must be thoroughly studied and
extensive lists of possible donors compiled
before any actual promotion can be initiat-
ed. Furthermore all publicity must be care-
fully timed to bring the plans before the
public at the most psychologically advan-
tageous time.
editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

For nearly a year now, the planning
committee headed by Dean Ralph Sawyer
of the Graduate School has been investi-
gating possible avenues for development
and laying the organizational ground-
work so that now what was previously a
wonderfully inspired idea has crystallized
into a carefully planned project.
University students still might feel that
their part in the Project is being mini-
mized since it was really they who orig-
inated the idea of a functional War Me-
morial. But it should be realized that a
campaign of this size and of such national
proportions demands the careful work of
professional agencies in contacting so many
thousands of people. Students, however, will
have a very important part in publicizing
the plan in their own communities when
the campaign gets into full swing in 1950.
Certainly the idea of a "living" war me-
morial is nearly perfect. What could be
'more fitting than a research center devoted
to the study of peacetime uses of a power
which was such a terrifying weapon in a
war in which hundreds of University stu-
dents and alumni were killed. But like all
"living" things it must have its period of
infancy and development.
--Jim Brown.


City Editor's
A DESIRE-or a fear-of publicity will
make people do a lot of strange things.
Recently we have seen several groups make
fools of themselves. One group was afraid
it wasn't going to get enough publicity. The
other was afraid of too much publicity of
any kind.-
This week a couple of idealists engaged
in a knock-down, drag out verbal battle
before the Student Affairs Committee.
It seems that both the United WGrld
Federalists and the Religion in Life Week
Committee scheduled important events
for this week.
The UWF is pushing world government.
The church people are interested in inject-
ing religious ideals into daily life. Now these
are both very laudable aims. And they are
not at all incompatible.
But because one of the groups was worried
that its event wouldn't get enough public
notice it tried to muzzle the other group.
It is certainly a fine state of affairs when
two groups, both working for the better-
ment of man, get to feuding about the
publicity each shall receive.
* * *
On the other extreme we have the Uni-
versity administration whose fear of pub-
licity constantly leads them into blunders.'
A smooth'-talking communist who said he
had a "message" for the students here
asked permission to speak.
If he could have given his talk and left,
the whole thing would have been forgotten.
But no--despite faked up reasons to the
contrary-the University was afraid of the
publicity they would get if they condoned
his talk.
So what happened? First there was the
ban on the talk, then all kinds of outcries
resulting in publicity. Of course it waA easy
enough to evade the rule and the guy got
his chance to speak anyhow.
The whole thing has the University big-
wigs frantically looking around for some
way to shut the guy up. They're afraid to
open their newspapers to see what happens
* * *
If some of these groups thought a little
bit less about the publicity involved, and
examined each issue on its own merits,
everyone would be a lot better off.

- ( *-'

Something Added

The Silent Debate

Letters to the Editor-

WHA T AMERICA needs is a good five-cent"
There's no point in having well-trained
doctors, specialists, hospitals, medical in-
surance plans and socialized medicine pro-
posals, when all the average American wants
is a patented cure-all for every conceivable
bodily ill. What we want is a return of the
medicine doctor who can treat each and
every one of us.
Latest evidence of our national striving
is the countrywide ,reaction to the an-
nouncement of a dentrifice which will
stop from 1 per cent to 100 per cent of
tooth decay (depending on who's telling
the story).
Effect of the disclosure, which was made
in a popular periodical, has already been
felt in Ann Arbor, where local druggists
sell-out their stock as soon as they get ship-
ments from the one company manufacturing
the dentifrice.
-The current craze is only the latest in a
long series of cases in which the,. public has
mAde a back-breaking run on each new pat-
ent medicine put on the market-hoping
to cure, all illnesses, from hangnail to cancer.
There was- a. time when no Amgerican
medicine cabinet lacked a bottle ofxn er-
churochrome, even though it had been
absolutely proved that the compound was-
not a thorough antiseptic.
Then there was the vitamin craze, which
was initiated by an infinity of sensational
articles in popular publications dlleging
that everything from headaches to hang-
overs could be disposed of through use of
Sulfa was doing well toward becoming the

American panacea, until people finally be-
came aware that there was such a thing as
too much sulfa, and that using sulfa was
not as safe as smoking cigarettes or drink-
ing cokes.
Responsibility for these patent medicine
crazes rests partially with the American
people-their tendency toward uniformity
and standardization, and the hungry
open-mindedness with which they read
each startling 'scientific' announcement in
family magazines. They are hungry for a
sure-cure for their troubles.
But a large share of the resonsibility
should be taken by the magazines who pub-
lish sweeping praises of medications whose
worth is not absolutely proven, with con-
clusions as to their all-embracing effective-
ness premature or actually incorrect.
The latter effect is achieved when mag-
azine-readers learn of the latest cure-all,
in a premature announcement, and go to
their doctors asking that they be given
the publicized treatment, or a prescription
for the newest medicines.
Doctors who are sufficiently cautious are
reluctant, ©r even refuse, to give their. pa-
tients the new panacea. So the patient
goes away with a bad taste in his mouth,
feoling that he, has been done in, and dis-
trusting his doctor for not keeping up with
the latest developments in his profession.
the'final solution is a sure, all-healing
patent medicine.
But it might be even better if we could
sacrifice our admirable credulousness and be
a little more reserved when our family mag-
azine publishes its next pseudo-scientific
disclosure of a sure-cure for everyone's
-Fran Ivick,

(Continued from Page 2)


Taking Stock

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last of a series
of articles on the state of the world government
movement written by the president of the Uni-
versity chapter of United World Federalists, in
connection with World Government Week.)
FEDEIAISTS are shy about giving an
unqualified answer to when they expect
world government. Most are agreed that the
greatest factor is the time necessary to
convince the United States and Russia. The
difficulties federalists encounter in this
country' are obvious.
First, We camne out of the last war
relatively unscathed. It is difficult for us
to realize what a third world war will
mean. Second, our nation has a long tra-
dition of isolation and nationalism. Isola-
tionism is quickly giving way, but little
progress has been made on nationalism.
Third, we are the big "have" nation in
a world of "have nots." That point alone
is enough to make this country approach
with caution and suspicion any plan that
requires the United States to transfer any
of its sovereignty.
With the advent of the atomic bomb fed-
eralists believed that they could break down
the barriers of nationalism and suspicion
by pointing out the crying need for world
government. They were very successful. The
tremendous growth of the movement must
be directly*accredited to fear of the atomic
bomb. It became gradually apparent, how-
ever, that fear was probably not enough to
bring about world government. You can
scare people only so much. More important
fear is a transient emotion. You can con-
vince people of the need for world govern "
ment by the terror of the atomic bomb,
but if they are to remain federalists, their
belief must have a more permanent basis.
A more recent and highly successful
approach of the federalists has been to
point to the economic need for world
government. This is a more difficult meth-
od to apply, but the effect seems to be

of whether it is boom of bust in this coun-
try. Many federalists are finding that their
best argument today is that we cannot af-
ford not to have world government.
There is still some doubt, however, that
federalists will be able to succed by any,
n'unber of these so-called logical arguments.
It. :i really too early to pass judgment, but
many feel that something more is necessary.
Their claim is that a federal world govern-
ment requires a reorientation of our political
philosophy, and that what is needed is a
complete ideology.
Federalists who use this argument are
vague as to what they have in mind. They
feel that a federal world government re-
quirs a fundamental change in our cul-
ture, and that no such change can be
made by what they call the negative argu-
ments of fear and economic necessity.
Such discussions tend to become specula-
tive, but there is no doubt but what there
is considerable merit to the claims of
these federalists, and a lot of thought is
being given to the problem.
It is much too early to tell whether the
federalist snowball will stop short of suc-
cess because of a lack of doctrine. It may
be, as some think, that a "doctrine is al-
ready there and that we are too "intellec-
tual" to recognize it. Federalists have had
to fight to overcome the tag of naive ideal-
ists that they are wary of an idealistic ap-
proach to world government. It is possible
that they have gone too far in the other
It has not been possible in the past few
days to give more than a superficial survey
of the world government movement. Any
such survey has a tendency to leave the
reader confused. So much mentioned, and
none of it has been covered thoroughly.
I have attempted to show that although
there is disagreement on degree and method,
federalists have a clear idea of what they
want in a world government, and a plan by

PUCCINI'S TWO short operas "Gianni
Schicchi" and "Sister Angelica" were
ably presented last night by the Music
School and the speech department.
While neither could be called a master-
piece, they did provide an excellent eve-
ning of entertainment. One felt that what-
ever flaws there might have been, each
performer was immensely enjoying his part
in the production.
The plot of "Gianni Schicchi" concerned
itself with the shrewd and wily Gianni,
who is persuaded to help a family receive
the fortune left behind by one of their
richest relatives, and who then proceeds
to double-cross the family and take the
money for himself. Connected also with
the story is Tauretta, Gianni's daughter,
and Rizuccio, one of the members of the
gold-digging family.
From the standpoint of singing and act-
ing, Richard Miller as Rizuccio was quite
outstanding. His voice was free in all its
registers and was wonderfully resonant.
Carol Neilson as Lauretta also did a nice
job, but had a little trouble making her
lower notes heard over the orchestra, par-
ticularly the familiar aria "O Mio Babbino
Malcolm Foster, as Gianni Schicchi, ex-
hibited a pleasant baritone voice, whose
upper regsiter, however, was a little thin.
His acting, while enthusiastic and generally
effective, was directed to the audience a
little too much. At times, he simply ignored
the rest of the players so as to address
himself frankly to the audience, and these
times with the exception of his last lines
were usually the wrong ones.
All the minor roles were more than com-
petently done, and a great deal of credit
should be given to the conductor, Wayne
Dunlap, who was primarily responsible for
this charming production.
Sister Angelica impressed this listener
as being a rather inferior sort of thing.
The story, which is about a young girl
who is forced to go to a convent because
of a rather impetuous love affair, is just
a little insipid, and the music, with the
exception of the powerful last pages, seems
to coincide with the story.
Maryjane Albright as Sister Angelica act-
ed quite well, and, as a whole, used her big,
dramatic soprano voice to good advantage.
She was inclined, however, to sound throaty
at times, and the voice sounded unpleasantly

Oratorical Association Lecture
Series: "England Today." Herbert
Agar, author and former chief of
the United States Information
Service in London. 8:30 p.m.,
Thurs., March 10, Hill Audito-
rium. Tickets on sale today, 10
a.m.-1 p.m., 2-8:30 p.m., Audito-
rium box office.
University Lecture: "Contempo-
rary Education in Latin America."
Dr. Harold Benjamin, Dean of the
College of Education, University
of Maryland; auspices of the
School of Education and the De-
partment of Romance Languages.
4:15 p.m., Fri., March 11, Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. Tea, Hender-
son Room, Michigan League, fol-
lowing lecture.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for John
Andrew Faust, Pharmaceutical
Chemistry; thesis: "Antispasmod-
ics XI," Fri. March 11, 2525 Chem-
istry Bldg., 3:30 p.m. Chairman,
F. F. Blicke.
Seminar in Applied Mathemat-
ics: March 10, 4:15 p.m., 247 W.
Engineering Bldg. "Non-linear
Eigenvalue Problems for Sturm-
Liouville Systems." Prof. C. L.
Electrical Engineering Collo-
quium: Fri., March 11, 4 p.m.,
1042 E. Engineering Bldg. Prof. A.
D. Moore, Electrical Engineering
Department. "New Fluid Map-
Organ Recital: Leslie P. Spel-
man, Organist of University of
Redlands, 4:15 p.m., Fri., March
11, Hill Auditorium.
Rackham Galleries: Exhibition
of Children's Painting through
March 30. Nursery School to High
School work; shown in all media.
Exhibit of Student Work, De-
partment of Architecture, Univer-
sity of Illinois, through March 9-
18, 2nd floor, Architecture Bldg.,
Events Today
Opera: Puccini's "Gianni Schic-
chi" and "Sister Angelica," pre-
sented by the School of Music and
the Department of Speech, 8:00
p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Tickets on sale daily, 10 a.m.-8
p.m., Theatre box office.
Religion in Life Week: Semi-
3 p.m., "Christian Vocations,"
Dr. Herrick Young, Discussion
Leader, Lane Hall, 4:10 p.m.
"Religion and Higher Educa-
tion," Rev. James Stoner, Teach-
er's Library, Elementary School.
"Basic Christian Beliefs," Dr.
George Gilmour. East Conference
Room, Rackham Bldg.
5 p.m., Daily Chapel Service.
Congregational Church. Speaker:
Joseph Sittler.
Arts Chorale and Education
Chorus: Students in the combined
literary college and education
chorus report at 7:20 p.m., Rack-

ham Bldg. to sing in the program
at 8:30 p.m. Robes will be fur-
nished, and a rehearsal will be
held before the performance.
Michigan Crib, Pre-Law Socie-
ty: Prof. Orlando Stephenson,
"Handwriting Detection" (ill s.)',
7:15, p.m., Architecture Audito-
Student Affiliate of the Ameri-
can Chemical Society: Organiza-
tional meeting, 7:30 p.m., Michi-
gan Union.
Forester's Club: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Natural Science Auditorium.
Mr. Pfeiffer, farm forester for this
area, "What a farm forester does."
Young Democrats: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Michigan Union. Speaker:
Mr. Ralph Barnes. Topic: "World
International Center weekly tea
for all foreign students and Amer-
ican friends, 4:30-6 p.m., Interna-
tional Center.
La p'tite causette: 3:30 p.m.,
Grill Room, Michigan League.
U. of M. Rifle Club: Firing,
7-9:30 p.m., ROTC range.


Phi Omega:

U. of M. Dames Sewing Group
meet at the home of Mrs. James
Peters, 520 E. William St., 8 p.m.
Gilbert and Sullivan: Meeting
for all principals and chorus, 7
p.m., Michigan League. Men in-
terested in appearing in the pro-
duction of Patience are urged to
attend and register.
Coming Events
Recreational Swimming-Womn-
en Students: There will be no r-
reational swimming at the Union
Pool Sat., March 12, only, from
9-10 a.m. Michifish will meet,I
10-11 a.m.
Geological-Mineralogical Jour-
nal Club: Fri., March 11, 12 noon,
3056 Natural Science Bldg. Mr.
Richard Strong, Department of
Geology, "Some Factors in Paleo-
Usherettes for Lin Pei-fen per-
formance: Meet at Pattengil Au-
ditorium, 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in
long Chinese gowns.
Poltical Science Graduate Cof-
fee Hour: Fri., March 11, 4-5,
League Cafeteria.
Graduate Outing Club: Swim-
ming party, Fri., March 11, 7:30
p.m.; meet at IM Bldg. Hike, Sun.,
March 13; meet at 2:15 p.m.,
northwest corner, Rackham Bldg.
Student Religious Association
Coffee Hour: Lane Hall, 4:30-6

The Daily accords its readers thej
privilege of submitting letters forj
publication in this column. subject
to space limitations, the general po-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
f " a
C.E.D. Meeting
To the Editor:
STUDENTS from thirteen cam-
pus organizations have joined
together to form the Committee
to End Discrimination, a su-com-
mittee of IRA. The committee's
purpose is to initiate and co-
ordinate action against discrim-
ination here at the University.
After weeks of discussion concern-
ing all forms of discrimination on
campus, the committee decided
to concentrate on two problems.
First, is the existence of discrim-
ination in the admission of stu-
dents to undergraduate, graduate
and professional schools, and sec-
ond, is the existence of discrimin-
ation in faculty employment.
The C.E.D. feels that these two
problems are of vital concern to
many students. This type of dis-
crimination actually prevents
thousands of young people from
receiving higher education or fac-
ulty placement. The C.E.D. has
decided to request the removal of
all questions on application forms
pertaining to race, nationality, re-
ligion and ancestry, and also the
removal of requirements that
photographs be furnished. Such a
decision is based on the report of
President Truman's Commission
on Higher Education which spe-
cifically states: "Indeed, it can al-
most be said that the request for
certain information onapplication
forms constitutes an all but prima
facie case that such information
is likely to be used for discrim-
inating purposes." The report also
states that this information "can
readily be obtained after the stu-
dent has been admitted rather
than before."
All interested students, organi-
zations, and faculty are urged to
attend the next meeting of the
C.E.D. Friday, March 11, 4 p.m.
at the Union. Only with your help
and support can the C.E.D. suc-
ceed in its purpose.
-Calvin Lippert.
* * *
Re: Zarichnty
To the Editor:
IT IS VERY unfortunate that
James.7arichny wants to speak
on the campus of the University
of Michigan. Quite obviously "no
educational value will be served
by an attack of this kind upon a
sister institution." The quote is
from the University Lecture Com-
mittee's report to the Young Pro-
gressives on the committee's re-
fusal to allow James Zarichny and
Earnest Goodman to speak at a
campus meeting of the Young
Progressives. I am quite sure that
all students will agree with me
when I say that no good will come
of allowing a Communist to speak
on campus.
The Lecture Committee is per-
fectly correct in assuming that
the students here are not cap-
able of defending themselves
against an alien doctrine such as
the one Zarichny preaches. It
might be that the students would
hear the truth, and naturally the
truth is of no "educational value."
I am glad to know that the Lec-
ture Committee has agreed to de-
cide what is to be of educational
value and what isn't. I only hope
that they carry this idea to its
logical conclusion and decide what
courses I shall take, what books

I shall read for these courses,
what instructors shall teach me,
where I shall live, and who I shall
live with. I am tired of making
such petty decisions for myself.
Here's laurels to the Lecture Com-
mittee for its brilliant defense of
our educational system.
-Robert E. Lawrence.
* * *
To the Editor:
THE FOLLOWING is a state-
ment made by Jack Geist,
temporary secretary of the Pro-
visional Committee' for Student
and Faculty Rights to Al Fishman
of the Young Progressives:
The refusal of the University of
Michigan Lecture Committee to
allow James Zarichny to present
his case before an open meeting
of the Young Progressives is an-
other example of arbitrary de-
cisions of University Officials lim-
iting education matters to pop-
ular ideas. The increasing intimi-
dation on University personnel by
the expulsion of students and the
firing of faculty holding unpopu-
lar personal beliefs is evident. It

is necessary to act, and to act now,
if Universities are to retain their
freedom to examine all ideas and
accept or reject any thesis on its
own merit.
--IIy Bershad.
* * *
Chiallen ge
To the Editor:
t WOULD LIKE to challenge the
statement recently made by
Mr. Guerra to the effect that
Cardinal Mindszenty's opposition
to the land reform in Hungary
was a civil misdemeanor in the
eyes of the Hungaian people.
Let us look at the facts of the
case. First, there are no serfs in
Hungary, contrary to Mr. Guerra's
claims. Secondly. Cardinal Minds-
zenty did not own 1,000,000 acres
of land. He owned 500 acres, voted
to him by the unanimous choice
of a government committee for
recognition of his anti-Nazi rec-
ord. On this committee were such
Commumnist leaders as Rakosi,
Rajk, Kossa, and Revai. That was,
of course, before the party line
changed. The 1,000.000 acres of
land were owned in small units
by the parishes in the country,
and were used for their support.
This is the custom in most Euro-
pean countries, whether Catholic,
Protestant, or Orthodox, and ab-
solves the people from the neces-
sity of supporting their churches
by directly contributing to them.
But the point I wish to emphasize
is that Cardinal Mindszenty owned
500, not 1,000,000 acres of land.
Now, the Cardinal did not op-
pose land reform as such, but he
did oppose the method by which
it was carried out. That is, it was
taken from its owners and they
were given no compensation. Op-
posing this, according to Mr.
Guerra, is a civil misdemeanor.
Let us ~look for a moment to
England, where the Labor Gov-
ernment is planning to nationalize
steel in 1950. If this is done,
bends will be given to the owners
for the full value of their prop-
erty as was done when coal was
nationalized. Now because of these
plans to nationalize steel, Mr.
Churchill and the Conservative
Party have been making speeches,
newspapermen have been writing
editorials, and many of the
island's citizens have been mount-
ing soapboxes to denounce such
nationalization. According to Mr.
Guerra's ideas they are guilty of
a civil misdemeanor and there-
fore should be punished for their
For a liberal Mr. Guerra cer-
tainly has strange notions about
freedom of speech both in Hun-
gary, and by implication, through-
out the world. I cannot under-
stand how he can scorn censor-
ship and still say that a Hungar-
ian Cardinal should be punished
for speaking his mind.
-William Barnds.

Triangles: Meeting,
Room 3N, Union.

7:15 p.m..

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harriett Friedman ....Managing Editor
Dick Maloy..............City Editor
Naomi Stern ........Editorial Director
Allegra Pasqualetti ...Associate Editor
Al Blumrosen ........Associate Editor
Leon Jaroff ..........Associate Editor
Robert C. White ......Associate Editor
B. S. Brown...........Sports Editor
Bud Weidenthal ..Associate Sports Ed.
13ev Bussey .....Sports Feature Writer
Audrey Buttery.......Women's Editor
Mary Ann Harris Asso. Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ..................Librarian
Business Staff
Richard Haft .......Business Manager
Jean Leonard ....Advertising Manager
William Culman ....Finance Manager
Cole Christian ... Circulation Manager
Telephone 2,3-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,

3-4:30 p.m.,

Coffee Hour: Fri.,
Michigan League Ca-'

Westminster Guild, First Pres-
byterian Church: "Field Day"
party, Fri., March 11, 8-11 p.m.,
Social Hall, church building.


Gainsborough. m °

WMMnhy not try the O'M alley
*et hod of simply asking,

Dashed nice of you to
suggest it, old chap.

JLG . W1

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