A:f, rommomm"ff PHOE NIX EMERGES See Page 4 Li Sw6 :4ait , c'-. ' w Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LIX, No. 111 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1949 U1 SNOW, COLDER PRICE FIVE CENTS Plan To Meet Regents Gets SL Approval Fail To DISCUSS Rah-Rah Revival Student legislators took further action on a "Meet Your Regents" plan last night, agreeing to ask the Regents for an "informal" SL- Regents get-together. However, hampered by routine business, committee reports and parliamentary tedium, the legis- lature failed to act on the biggest item of last night's agenda-re- vival of campus rah-rah. DISCUSSION OF legislator Bill Gripman's plan for the re-intro- duction of campus tradition was left for their next meeting. The legislators passed the fol- lowing motion commending the lifting of the speakers' ban: "We the Student Legislature approve the action of the Board of Regents in liberalizing their rule in regard to political speakers. "We feel that such a step by the Board of Regents will greatly fa- cilitate student participation in discussion of topics of current in- terest." Besides aisking the Regents for an "informal" get-together, SL will contact the six candi- dates for the Board of Regents and invite them to Ann Arbor to present their platforms. Another motion relating to the spakers ban was passed, where- by three members of the Student Legislature will work in conjunc- tion with the University Lecture Committe-ex offiio. THE LEGISLATORS also ap- proved a plan worked out by the Varsity Committee changing the present position of the football flash card section to the eastern side of the stadium, directly oppo- site the press box. If the plan goes into effect, from 500-600 seniors will move from their western end seats to the opposite side of the stadium, where they will manipulate flash cards. Four legislators were chosen to attend a Symposium on Student Governments, to be held at Madi- son, Wisconsin, March 23-26. The delegates are John Ryder, SL Vice-President, Hugh Greenberg, Jim Brown and Howard Johnson. House Okays Radar Defense Preparations WASHINGTON - d)-Two de- fense moves to guard the United States against sneak aerial attack and to develop long-range missiles for counter-attack won unanimous approval in the House yesterday. By voice vote, the lawmakers passed and sent to the Senate: 1. A BILL authorizing the Air Force to set up a "radar fence" to warn of the approach of enemy planes. 2. A measure approving con- struction of a 3,000-mile range for testing guided missiles. Military witnesses have testified that robot missiles capable of tra- veling 500 miles will be ready for testing this year. This compares with the wartime German V-2's record of about 250 miles. At the outset, the bills would limit expenditures to $85,500,000 for the radar warning system and $70,000,000 for the missiles range. Ultimately, the radar net is ex- pected to cost $161,000,000 and the rocket-test range about $200,000,- 000. 'Atom Sleuth' To BeAired In response to numerous re- quests from students and towns- people, the radio division of the speech department will rebroad- cast "Atomic Age Detective" at 10 p.m. today over Station WHRV. An original documentary drama by Ray Nadeau, Grad., "Atomic Age Detective" examines uses found for one of science's most valuable new tools, the Geiger counter. Authentic information for the RELIGION-IN-LIFE: Seminars Discuss A-Bomb,_Marriage By DOLORES PALANKER The religious revivalthatthe atomic bomb created in Hiroshima citizens and religion's role in married life were discussed yesterday in student seminars by Kiyochi Tanimoto and Dr. Eldred V. Thiehoff as the Religion in Life Week program continued. The citizens of Hiroshima do not blame the United States for dropping the atomic bomb, but consider the catastrophe a result of divine judgment, Kiyoshi Tanimoto said yesterday in a talk entitled. "Hiroshima-World Peace." * * * * TANIMOTO, who as pastor of the Hiroshima Methodist Church was within a mile of the center of the explosion, explained that the people feel they suffered be- cause of a lack of faith in God. "The Japanese people believe their leaders who started the war are to blame," he said. "We don't condemn you. We killed you so you killed us. If we had the bomb we would have drop- ped it on you." Tanimoto told how his wife and child managed to climb out of the parsonage after it collapsed. "Out of seven children in the neighborhood, mine was the only one saved," he said. * * * "THE BOMB immediately killed 100,000 city-dwellers, 30,000 farm- ers who had come to the city to EVENTS TODAY SEMINARS: "Religion and Higher Educa- tion" - Rev. James Stoner, Teachers Library, Elementary School. "Basic Christian Beliefs" - Dr. George Gilmour, East Con- ference Rm., Rackham. be evacuated and 40,00 soldiers," Tanimoto said. "I couldn't even find a friend's ashes. And the next day 80,000 people died from effects of radio-activity." Nine days later, when, the em- peror accepted the decree of the four powers, he termed it the "beginning of the new Japan." "We forgot the past evil. We didn't dig deeper into its cause, but turned to the rehabilitation of the city," Tanimoto pointed out. "The Japanese are accustomed to this philosophy." * * * DR. THIEHOFF told an audi- ence at the League yesterday that "religion can unite or tear down the bonds of family life." Dr. Thiehoff, director of the student health service at the University of Kansas, spoke on Marriage and Family" as part of the religious emphasis pro- gram here. "Marriage between persons of different religious beliefs requires consideration of the basic differ- ences between the religions and how much his particular religion means to the individual," he said. * * * IN MARRIAGES between Cath- olic and Protestant or Jew and Gentile the persons must think of the education of their children and the prejudices they may face, Dr. Thiehoff emphasized. Senate To Hear Hospital Proposals WASHINGTON-(i)-A Senate public welfare subcommittee will start a two-week hearing today on the veterans' hospital construc- tion program. Under a presidential ordir, the Veterans Administration announc- ed in January it had cancelled plans for 24 new hospitals and would reduce the size of 16 others. Wage Boost Favored by House Group WASHINGTON - (P) - The House Labor Committee approved yesterday a bill to raise the na- tional minimum wage from 40 cents an hour to 75. The final vote was 15 to 6, but the big test came earlier on a 13-12 vote. * * * AFTER MORE than six hours of heated discussion, several Re- publican-sponsored amendments were tentatively voted into the bill. Then Rep. Bailey (Dem., W. Va.) moved to substitute the original bill introduced by Chairman Lesinski (Dem., Mich.) for the amended meas- ure before the committee. His motion carried 13 to 12, with three Democrats, Reps. Wood of Georgia, Lucas of Texas and Barden of North Carolina voting with the committee's nine Repub- licans. p. * * AFTER THAT, the committee went through a formal vote ap- proving the bill in final form. It passed 15 to 6, with four commit- tee members declining to go on record for or against it. Voting "present" were four Re- publicans, Reps. Nixon and Werdel of California, Morton of Kentucky, and Velde of Illinois. Against the bill were Reps. Wood, Lucas, Mc- Connell (Rep., Pa.), Gwinn (Rep., NY), Smith (Rep., Kan.), and Kearns (Rep., Pa.). T'rytten Lauds U High's Rich ActivityPlan "The University High School has a richer activity program than most schools because of its size," declared its principal, Prof. John M. Trytten, in a talk yesterday on the aims and program of the high school. Speaking in the - fourth of a series of lectures sponsored by the School of Education, Prof. Trytten said that "this gives every student the chance to participate and gives him a larger share of re- ponsibility" "The danger in a more conven- tional program," he added, "is its being so easy for a child skill- ful in manipulating the teacher to lead the whole show." Prof. Trytten pointed out that most school activities in the high school are operated by a Student Council through standing commit- tees in which many students take part. Black Blasts Republican Leadership Calls for New Blood in Ranks The Republican party has a thoroughly discredited,'and in many cases unsavory, leadership in Michigan, Eugene Black, for- mer State Attorney General, charged last night. Speaking at an open meeting of the Young Republicans, he de- clared that new leaders who will have the courage to make the Re- publicans a party of action and service are desperately needed. "AT THE LAST state Conven- tion in September we didn't even formulate a platform to carry to the people, so is it any wonder that they turned away from us as they did?" Black said that former Gov- ernor Kim Sigler began his ad- ministration with an intention of opening the doors of govern- ment so that the people could see what was happening. "But as soon as he got under- way the unsavory bunch from Wayne County got to work on him and softened him up. When they turned him to the easy side of pol- itics the whole administration floundered." * * * A GOVERNOR who covers every social event in the state on a 24 hour schedule doesn't have any time for work, he declared. "The only way to get good government is to have people in office who are not professional office-seekers, but who have the courage to do a good job." There is so much that has to1 be done, and only the young peo- ple in the party can accomplish it, he said. Dr. Truman at Work Student Housing RatesThreatened By Filibustering No State Stop-Gap Measure Seen; Lucas Gets New Cloture Support N By DON McNEIL Student housing rates were threatened today as no indication of state stop-gap measures on rent control were seen in the event Con- gress should not extend present laws beyond March 31. Ann Arbor Federal Rent Administrator William Hamilton said, that "if nothing happens by the March 31st date, the landlords can raise rents then as they please." NATIONAL LEGISLATION is stymied by the Southern-led fili- buster which has tied up Senate action. PRESIDENT SETS STONE IN COLLEGE WALK-President Truman pulls rope which drops a commemorative stone from his boyhood home, Grandview, Mo., into place in Rollins College Walk of Fame, at Winter Park, Fla. Watching is Dr. Hamilton Holt (right), president of Rollins College, who a few minutes before, had conferred the honorary degree of Doctor of Humani- ties on Mr. Truman. TOWARD FEDERAL UNION: Indonesia Official Hails Dutch Cabinet Decision By DAVE THOMAS Sayid Almassawa, an official of the Provisional Federal Govern- ment of Indonesia, hailed reports late yesterday that the Dutch gov- Black called on the younger ele- ernment had bowed to a UN Se- ments, and on groups like the curity Council order and agreed Young Republicans to take hold of to the return of Indonesian Re- the party and combat the "behin- publican leaders to JogJakarta. the-door type of government we The Indonesian official spent have been getting.", yesterday in Ann Arbor as part He outlined re-organization of of an extensive foreign tour which the Michigan school system and he is making for the Dutch-sup- an improved highway network as areas' which have long been over- looked.H L "There is a prevalent notion among people running for office lead Student that if you can't plese everyone, don't do anything." 'ward This, according to Black, ac- Group counts for the lack of action by. public officials who have a con- stant eye on the ballot box. Fund-Raising Now The only way to achieve reforms Under Discussion is to start at local levels and work_____ up, he said. Bob Holland, president of the "Democracy works best at the Michigan Union, was elected local level, where the people know chairman of the Student Award what's going on. We must extend Fund Committee at an organiza- this to the state level also." tional meeting yesterday. PIONEER RESEARCH: Heredity Clinic Studies Human Genetics Facts World News Rfound-Up By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - A federal jury weighing the government's treason case against Mildred E. (Axis Sally) Gillars was unable' to reach a verdict last night and was locked up until morning. WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Acheson pictured the still secret Atlantic Pact yes- terday as carrying a strong warning to any aggressor that the United States would strike back in event of an attack on western Europe. HAVANA, Cuba-Cuba appar- ently has laid the groundwork for breaking diplomatic relations with Russia by sending two strong notc, to the Soviet embassy here. WASHINGTON-Secretary of State Acheson turned down yes- terday a new Soviet demand for immediate release of Valentine A. Gubitchev, Russian member of the United Nations staff who is held as a spy suspect. * * * LANSING-A bill to extend the deadline for applying for the Michigan Veterans' bonus was rushed through the House yester- day so it would take effect before the present March 18 deadline. * * * WASHINGTON --Re. Rankin Founded in 1941 by a group of interested faculty members, the Student Award Fund is designed to grant awards to students whose records in extra-curricular activ- ities are outstanding. NO APPLICATIONS are made; for the awards, which are deter- mined by the committee. Funds for the awards are raised through projects like J- Hop and Senior Ball, and by faculty and alumini contribu- tions. The committee is current- ly considering other methods of raising money to augment the present funds. Other members of the joint fac- ulty-student committee include Pat McKenna, president of the League and secretary of the group; Dom Tomasi, president of the "M" Club; Harriett Friedman, managing editor of The Daily; Dean of Students Erich A. Walter; Associate Dean of Students Wal- ter B. Rea and T. Hawley Tapping, secretary of the Alumni Associa- tion. Chosen as members at large were Ev Ellin, former president of Men's Judiciary Council, and Prof. Axel Marin of the Engineer- ing School. ported Provisional Federal Gov- ernment in Indonesia. * * * ACCORDING TO Associated Press dispatches, a reliable Dutch source said that the Dutch cab- inet had reached the decision Tuesday. The"move was interpreted as an answer to Indonesian Repub- lican objections to taking part in roundtable talks at The Hague, on the projected federal government for the entire East Indian Archipelago. Almassawa said that if the Dutch move resulted in the par- ticipation of Republican forces at these federalist conferences sched- uled for March 12, "a real step toward 'the solution of the Indo- nesian' situation has been taken." THE REPUBLICAN leaders ef- fected by this newyDutch decision were captured by Netherlands troops when they took over Jog- jakarta, Republican capital in central Java, last December in what the Dutch termed as "a po- lice action." Almassawa represents 14 In- donesian states which have banded together in a provisional federal union. According to him, these states include three- fourths of the totaldarea and two-thirds of the 75-million population of Indonesia. "Because of the many varied cultural and linguistic groups in Indonesia, a federal government similar to the one found in the U.S. is the only way to achieve stability," Almassawa emphasized. "THE GOVERNMENTAL setup advocated by the Republicans would place the majority of the Indonesians under the control of the economically-stronger Java group." "The federalists are cooperating with the Dutch government be- cause they realize that they will need Netherlands aid to rehabili- tate their economy and establish a stable government." The Netherlands has promised a United States of Indonesia com- plete national sovereignty by July 1949, Almassawa continued. Commenting upon a new Dutch bid for restoration of ECA aid to Indonesia, the official stressed that continued suspension of this aid would have catastrophic re- sults to the Indonesian people. However, Senator Scott Lucas Dem., Ill.) announced last night "unexpected" Republican sup- port for a showdown attempt to break the talkathon. Accord- ing to the Associated Press, he now has 33 signatures on his cloture petition. There were no rent measures in- troduced in the State Legislature yet today, but Quentin Fair, Gov- ernor Williams' Legislative Sec- retary told The Daily that the "governors whole housing pro- gram will go to the Legislature next week." HE WOULD make no mention of specific measures or say wheth- er rent controls were considered. Gov. Williams, speaking in Detroit last night, eiscussed housing and his program but also did not mention the rent is- sue. He stressed the need for new dwelling units before a meeting of the American Society of Me- chanical Engineers, including Washtenaw County needs for "5,162 homes not including stu- dent lodgings at the University." * * * ANN ARBOR'S City Council President, Cecil Creal, said that the city was not planning any rent measure. He said that such action "would have to come under the state. The Council hasn't considered it and has just gone along with the Federal Law." And the University Dean of Men's office reported that the office "does not control rents. If it goes up as Federal Law they would have the right to raise rents." Arguments against rent controls and public housing are scheduled for a meeting in Masonic Temple, here, at 7:30 p.m. Monday, under sponsorship of local realtors and contractors. WYNN C. COOPER of Port Huron, vice-president of the Na- tional Institute of Real Estate Brokers, will talk on rent controls. He is considered an outspoken critic of continued government ac- tivity in the rental field. The Ann Arbor Board of Real- tors is expected to consider a reso- lution today, calling for gradual decontrol of rents starting next September. Arabs Report IsraeliClash AMMAN, Trans-Jordan--i)- The Defense Ministry reported last night a clash between Trans- Jordan's Arab Legion and Israeli armed forces moving toward the Gulf of Aqaba. (In Tel Aviv the Israeli minis- try of foreign affairs said it had no knowledge of any such clash. A spokesman declared that no Israeli units are stationed or operating outside Israel's territory.) The Trans-Jordan defense min- istry announcement said: "The Arab Legion stopped Is- raeli forces proceeding toward Aqaba at a point 50 kilometers (32 miles) from Aqaba. A Jewish force has proceeded toward Aqaba since March 7. Students Jai DiagListen To Zarichnv By JIM BROWN A crowd of more than 100 stu- dents gathered on the Diag yester- day as James Zarichny, armed with a portable loud speaker, aired, his case for more than two hours. Braving intermittent sn'ow and drizzles, the former Michigan State student who was refused re- admittance by State officials in January was the center of a heat- ed debate among students going to and from classes. "MY PURPOSE in appearing here is to present the facts of my case to the students. I am sure that many will write to President Hannah asking for my re-admis- sion," he said. When questioned about his party allegiance, Zarichny said that he holds a membership card in th Communist party. "I refused to tell the Callahan Committee of my affiliation be- cause the admission would have violated the principles of the se- cret ballot. But I don't hestitate to reveal it now," he said. ZARICHNY ASSERTED that he would fight for the United States if it were attacked by any other power. However," when asked what he would do if the United States signed the Atlantic Pact tomorrow and Russia invaded Norway at the same time, he said, "I can't an- swer that now." Expressing confidence that he would be allowed to re-enter Michigan State, Zarichny said that he would be tempted to ac- cept an offer of provisional re- admittance. He pointed out that he has only three months' work remaining on his degree at State and that it would require a year at any other university. "Under such condi- tions I think I could restrain my political impulses," he said. ZARICHNY's DIAG appearance, was entirely his own undertaking, according to Al Fishman, chair- man of the Young Progressives. Zarickny left Ann Arbor last night for Hillsdale College. He plans to go to the MSC campus next week. Herbert A gar To Talk Today Journalist To On 'England Speak Today' By FRAN IVICK One of the University's most unique features - the Heredity Clinic - was in the spotlight last night when four of its leaders got together to outline the workings of this institution. The Clinic, founded in 1940, centers its work on organizing previous studies and pioneering in new research on human heredity, according to its instigator and di- rector, Dr. Lee R. Dick, first speaker in a symposium at Rack- which include projects for the American Cancer Society, Public Health studies and field trips, the' Clinic also performs the needed function of advancing prospective parents on heredity transmission or adoption of children. MUCH ADVICE is also meted out on the possibility of trans- mitting constitutional weaknesses. "One in every 200 persons suffers from severe, clear-cut hereditary disease," according to Dr. Harold Herbert Agar, noted political commentator, author, journalist and diplomat will lecture on "Eng- land Today" at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. He will be the sixth speaker of the 1948-49 Lecture Series. * * * A PULITZER Prize winner for his book "The People's Choice," Agar has long been prominent on the international scene. During the war he was special assistant to Ambassadors John Winant and Averell Harriman. In 1943 he became chief of the British Division of the Of- fic of WaITn o mat n in Er-w CLASSICIST SPEAKS: Doctor's Art Based on Greek Lore o I Horse doctors and psychiatrists, BUTT LTE'R WRITERS culdn'tI ANOTHER HIGH spot. Mein-