THE MICHIGAN DAILY No MBr A BODY OF THE UN has recommended an investigation of charges of slave labor, particularly in Russia; an important, yet paradoxically unimportant move. It is fantastically important that, for the first time in history an international body has assumed the responsibility of finding out how many citizens in the world have been stripped of the right to work as free men. It is one of the first practical applications of the World Bill of Rights passed last December 10. Article 23 of that monumental document called for the right of everyone "to work, to the free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to protection against employment . . . to equal pay for equal work . . . to form and join trade unions But this latest investigation is para- doxically unimportant in that whatever it finds wrong it does not have the power to, make right. Suppose, just for an ex- ample, the investigation should reveal that Russia is using a band of Ukrainians Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: FRAN IVICK e Slaves as slaves, what could be done about it? This is assuming that Russia already knows all about the unfortunate Ukrain- ians. I The Russians voted against the move in the Economic and Social Council, and for some peculiar reason, introduced a resolu- Lion to establish an international trade un- ion commission to investigate "real working zonditions" the world over. But a delegate of the mysterious Oriental power admitted that the commission he pro- posed could never get near Russia, so there you have it. Another salient point about the inves- tigation is that it can, so far as reports, now indicate, probe only the political as- pects of slave labor. The report is fine if it shows a government is telling its cit- izens where to work and forbids trade unions. But what about the places in free coun- tries where economic conditions have forced slave labor conditions. Perhaps the report ,an sneak in a few words on the matter, out surely it cannot recommend to the UN that, for example, every country should adopt democratic socialism. Yet in spite of its numerous weaknesses, the probe can do nothing but good in a matter that the world, as a whole, has never tackled before. -John P. Davies. Justifiable? EVER SINCE the Regents removed the speakers' "ban" a little more than a week ago, the University Lecture Committee has been under fire. Critics feel that the Committee has interpreted the "educational interests" clause of their rules too narrowly in the case of James Zarichny. The writer of a recent letter to the editor even applies the phrases "censor- ship" and "thought control" to the Lee- ture Committee's action in refusing Zar- ichny permission to speak here. However, there would seem insufdicient cause to justify such complete lack of faith in the Committee's motives-indeed, to at- tribute to its members motives which they cannot have if they are acting "in the spirit in which the Regents -acted." The Committee turned down Zarichny because they said they felt his appearance would not be in the "educational interests" of the academic community. And in the usual sense of the word, perhaps it would not have been. As proposed by the Young Progressives, Zarichny's appearance on campus would only serve as a restatement of his case. Is such a restatement advisable or nec- essary? Then, too, there is the question of whether the University could receive Zarichny as an impartial host. To many, allowing him to speak here would mean condoning, in a sense, his side of the dispute. Students and faculty members who up- hold the principles of academic freedom as ideals worth fighting for will perhaps consider stepping on somebody's toes a very minor point if it will assist in clear- ing up what might be a flagrant violation of academic freedom in our own back- yard. Maybe they are right. On the other hand, critics might do well to withhold their invective until the Lecture Committe has given more concrete evidence of brandishing "the heavy hand of censor- ship." --Jo Misner, Mary Stein. GUEST COLUMN: Federalist Plaits (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series of articles on the state of the world gov- ernment movement written by the president of the University chapter of United World Federal- ists in connection with World Government Week.) By JOHN A. KNAUSS ONCE YOU HAVE an idea of what world government is, the immediate question is how do federalists hope to achieve it. Any plan that hopes for any degree of success must take into adequate consideration the state of the world today; or as somebody always puts it, "What are you going to do about Russia?" This is an embarrassing question, because no one can say with any degree of certainty what the Russian attitude will be toward a proposed world government. Most federalists hope that Russia will join immediately, but many believe that she will not. All plans for world government make pointed pro- visions for the acceptance of new nations after the government is once functioning. If Russia refuses to join, it is not a world government. The question is, is it a step toward world government? There is divided opinion on this, but most fed- eralists believe that a federation without Russia is much better than none at all. All want a government that Russia will eventually find to her advantage to join. Most observers are agreed that the rest of the nations will accept a world govern- ment if and when the United States takes the lead. There are strong federalist groups in most of the parliaments in Europe. The new constitutions of France and Italy make provision for a transfer of sovereignty. This is important. The most persistent argument against world government is that nobody is ready for it. This is nonsense. Russia and the United States may not be willing, but the rest of the world is ready. To see how federalists hope to achieve world government, it is necessary to in- spect those plans which have the great- est support in this country. The first and most straightforward of these is to attempt to amend the United Nations charter, making that institution a fed- eral world government. Under Article 109 of the charter any country can call for a conference to amend the charter, and this revisional conference must be held if two thirds of the member countries concur. It is not subject to the veto. However, any amendment to the charter may be vetoed by the permanent members of the Security Council. What would happen if any country should veto a new constitution is anybody's guess. Most federalists are directing their efforts to the task of convincing Congress that they should ask the President to call such a conference. A second plan called Federal Union is based on the assumption that only a fed- eration of democratic countries is at pres- ent possible. Federalists who believe in this plan hope to form a union of western democracies and make it so strong that other nations will eventually find it to their advantage to join. The opponents of this plan claim that such a union makes the problem of achiev- ing real world government even more dif- ficult than it already is. Such a plan they insist only widens the rift between East and West. It must be emphasized, how- ever, that this plan calls for a federal gov- ernment and not a glorified North Atlantic Alliance. Those federalists who believe that some- thing more than a minimum world govern- tnent is necessary base their hopes on a grass roots movement. They want to make federalism the primary political and social issue in this country. Such a movement must have specific goals. Their present one is a Peoples World Constitutional Conven- tion to be held in 1950 or 1952. Delegates will be elected from every country in the world. They will not represent governments. From this convention or from a later oe will come a constitution that will be rat- ified by the governments of the world. This plan has a great advantage over the others in being relatively free from power diplo- macy, which is the plague of all federalists. These federalists don't speak of world gov- ernment in five or ten years, but of world ,government in our generation. These are the basic plans that federalists are working for today. Tomorrow we will discuss what degree of success they are having. IT SO HAPPENS SSome People Unpardonable Error . ONE OF THE MANY piles of grass grow- ing aids which have been quite notice- able around campus for the last few days was unloaded in front of the entrance to the East Quad's Strauss House. It was dis- tinguishable from the many other loads in the vicinity by a sign plunked in the middle which read: H"1ow many times have we told you to deliver food to the rear door?" THE CALLING OF THE ROLL: An Old Michigan Custom DAILY vOFFICIAL BULLETIN I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Bird Talk 4 7 S-- Az ,1 /fir- ~ ~Y // s ~b By ,SAMUEL GRAFTON KNOW NOTHING about birds, except what I see from my window. The other day I watched them feed, during what I hope was the last snowfall of the year. The blue jays came in first, then the crows. It was very cold, and there was a high wind, blowing the snow in sheets. Two of the jays got into a fight over a slice of bread. There was other bread around, and many square feet of seed, still uncovered, but they fixed on this slice, and both wanted it. Like all bird wars Spies elcome CONGRESS recently finished modifying the immigration laws to take out some of their more restrictive clauses. But appar- ently it isn't going to stop there. The House of Representatives has passed, 348-4, a bill permitting the highly secret Central Intelligence Agency to bring to this country foreigners who risk death to help American spies abroad, Up to 100 could enter under the bill without regard to immigration laws.. During consideration by the Armed Serv- ices Committee, which passed the bill unan- imously, Committee Chairman Vinson (Democrat of Georgia) told a reporter "there are a lot of things in this bill that we cannot discuss, here or on the floor of the House." So the bill was reported out under special rules limiting debate to 40 minutes and preventing amendments. We question whether these elaborate precautions are necessary. What has been disclosed about the bill leads us to think that it should have been discussed-and it certainly should not have been passed. The idea of rewarding foreigners who help our spies by bringing them to this country is not sensible. The purposes and methods of spies are not the purposes and methods of free men. The fact that spies are useful in international politics doesn't necessarily mean they are desirable citizens. Maybe we nteed spies abroad, but we don't need theim here. The IHouse of Rep- resentatives is apparently setting up a new criterion for deciding whether a for- eigner should be permitted to enter the this' went on in brief spurts; they slashed at each other, retreated, then went back. Now and then the wind would raise a swirl of snow, completely hiding the small war. At these moments it was the most peaceful of country scenes, the room with the fire in it, and the snow outside. Then the wind would drop, the dry snow settle, and you could see the jays fighting their obscure, anonymous war again. During all this the crows were stuffing, gobbling the food, throwing their heads up and back to swallow the bigger bits. But the jays ignored the crows. Sometimes i crow would snap at another crow, and the jays, of course, fought steadily among themselves, but no jay attacked a crow, no ,row noticed a jay. It was as if they did not exist for each other, as if they lived an different planes of reality, which did not intersect. Each jay, even when surrounded and shouldered by crows, conducted him- self as if his territory were quite empty- antil another jay appeared, and they would then fight for lebensraum, while the crows ate the food. Off on one side, a;: ragged row of snow- birds-juncos-waited for the jays to go away. With their white breasts, and sitting almost motionless, they looked like miniature penguins. Their patience, in the swirling snow, was hard to endure; watch- ing, you did not want them to be pa- tient, but they were afraid of the jays, and waited. Once a jay flew in, then sud- denly swerved, missed the airport, and landed near the snowbirds. For some rea- son, though he was no different in size or markings from the other jays, he too, was afraid, and he, too, waited. And of this jay the snowbirds had no fear. * * * ' Then the snow blew up again, covering all. When it dropped the sparrows came in. Ihese, though not much larger than the snowbirds, had no trepidation about the jays, but moved in among them, and fed; they carried it off like a gang of street boys running through a quiet neighborhood, rely- ing for strength on rowdy gestures and swagger. Then suddenly, in a blinding wind, the jays took off, followed by the crows and the sparrows. At this moment, with the food at last free for them, the snowbirds flew off. Two crows came back and settled on the (Continued from Page 2) Hopwood Contestants who plan to petition the Hopwood Commit-I tee should read paragraph 12 on page 9 of the Hopwood bulletin. The Eugene G. Fassett Scholar- ship. Application forms for the Eugene G. Fassett Scholarship, which is available to students in andergraduate colleges and schools of the University who have been in residence at least one semester, may be obtained from the Schol- arship Division of the Office of Student Affairs. All applications must be filed by March 31. Ben and Lucille Braun Scholar- ship. Application forms for the Braun Scholarships are now avail- able in the Scholarship Division, Office of Student Affairs. This scholarship is available to under- graduate students of the Univer- sity without regard to sex, race, religion, or school enrollment. One $400 scholarship will be awarded annually. Applications must be on file by March 31. American Indian Scholarship. This scholarship is available to American Indians of either sex who are selected on the basis of worthiness, need, and academic performance. Further information and application forms are avail- able in the Scholarship Division, Office of Student Affairs. The Emma M. and Florence L. Abbott Scholarship. Application forms for the Emma M. and Flor- ence L. Abbott Scholarship are available at the Scholarship Divi- sion of the Office of Student Af- fairs and should be filed in this office no later than March 31. Undergraduate women of high scholastic standing enrolled in any University unit who are "caucas- ian, protestant females of Ameri- can parentage needing financial assistance" are eligible to apply. These scholarships carry a sti- pend of $500 each for the Univer- sity year. It is expected that the recipients will recognize the moral, if not the legal obligation, to re- pay the stipend in whole or in part in the future as they may be able. The Continental Oil Company of Ponca City, Oklahoma, will have a representative here on Wed., and Thurs., March 9 and 10, to interview chemists and chemi- cal engineers, BS and MS level, and organic chemists on the Ph.D. level. For application blanks and further information, call at the office of the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg. Occupational Information Con- ference: Mrs. Marian C. Hunter, Director, Women's Division, De- troit Police Department, will dis- cuss police work for women; and Gertrude Bogart and Jeane God- frey, Personnel and Recruitment Committee, American Society of Social Workers, will discuss op- portunities in social work for both men and women. Wed., March 9, 4:10 p.m., 231 Angell Hall. All students invited. There will be opportunity for discussion. Spon- sored by University Bureau of Ap- pointments. Summer Work: A representative of Forest Inn, Manistique Lake, Curtis, Mich., will be here Wednes- day afternoon, March 9, to inter- view men or women interested in kitchen work. and men interested in work as a boat-man and for general work. For appointment, call at 3528 Administration Bldg. or call extension 2614. Summer work: A representative from Camp Keewano Wohelo (Grand Rapids Camp Fire Girls) will be here Friday afternoon and Satiirdly morning to interview girls for counselor positions in Waterfront, campcraft, nature, riding, handicraft. For appoint- ment call at 3528 Administration Bldg., or call extension 2614. The Public Schools of St. Louis, Missouri are in need of High School Teachers in the following fields: for the White H.S.-Home Economics; Science, particularly Biology; Mechanical Drawing; Machine Shop; and Commercial, including stenography. For the Negro H-S.-Machine Shop; In- dustrial Arts, particularly Wood- working; Mechanical Drawing and Blueprint reading; Commer- cial, including stenography; and Home Economics. Two years' ex- perience is required. The age limit is 36. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appoint- ments. The Los Alamos Scientific Lab- oratory of Los Alamos, New Mex- ico, will have a representative here on Fri, Marcha11, to interview or- ganic, physical, and analytical' chemists with BS, MS, and PhD. degrees, physicists, BS, MS, and PhD. degrees, with interests in non-nuclear fields, and electrical, electronic, chemical, and mechan- ical engineers open to men with no experience or men with up to 12 years experienc . For appoint- ments call Ext. 71, or in the of- fice of the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Admin. Bldg. The Public Schools of the Terri- tory of Hawaii are looking for Kindergarten teachers under the age of 35. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, immediately. The Shady Hill School, Cam- bridge, Mass., is offering one year of intern training for college grad- uates specializing in elementary education. For further informa- tion, call at the Bureau of Ap- pointments. Lectures Education Lecture Series: "The Aims and Program of the Univer- sity High School," John M. Tryt- ten, Assistant Professor of Com- mercial Education and Principal of the University High School, 7 p.m., Wed., March 9, University High School Auditorium. Public is invited without charge. American Chemical Society Lec- ture: Dr. R. O. Roblin, Director of the Chemo-Therapy Division, American Cyanamide Company, will speak on "Metabolite Antago- nists" at 4:15 p.m., Wed., March 9, 1400 New Chemistry Bldg. A cadentuc Notices M. A. Language Examination Correction: Examination will be given on Fri., March 11, at 4 p.m., Room B, Haven Hall. Please regis- ter at History Dept. Office. The use of a dictionary is permitted. Astronomical Colloquium: Fri., March 11, 4:15 p.m., Observatory. Dr. Harry M. Bendler, Michigan State College. will speak on the subject, "Magnetic Fields in Stel- lar Atmospheres." Bacteriology~Seminar: Thurs., March 10, 8:30 a.m., 1520 E. Medi- cal Bldg. Speaker: A. H. Field- steel. Subject: Virus Metabolism. Physical Chemistry Seminar: 4:10 p.m., Thurs.. March 10, 1300 Chemistry. Prof. E. F. Barker will discuss "The Vibration Spectra of Ethane, Ethylene, and Diborane." Concerts The University Musical So- BARNABY Gee, Mr. Thinker, don't vn~r ®vsX not fJ .1 7 sure DO' Mental strain's