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March 09, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-03-09

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Program Speakers

continue the Religion In Life
Week program with his seminar
on "Marriage and the Family"
at 4:10 today at the League.
* * *.

T. Z. KOO, advisor to the Chi-
nese delegation to the 1945 San
Frayncisco Conference, who
conducted the Religion in Life
seminar on "World Outlook for
Christianity" yesterday.
* *' 4

Leaders Descri'be
L i
Role ofChristianity
Three Religion in Life speakers demonstrated the role of Chris-
tianity in world government, race relations and campus life in stu-
dent seminars yesterday.
The speakers were T. Z. Koo, Herrick Young and Mrs. Vera Lowrie.
KOO, ADVISOR to the Chinese delegation to the 1945 San Fran-
cisco Conference, vouched for the power of student religious move-
ments in his talk on "World Outlook for Christianity" at Rackham. .
HE TOLD THE AUDIENCE of students and townspeople that
"arguments developed over the phrasing of the preamble to the
Conference declaration. Some delegates wanted to include the idea of
cooperation between nations on a basis of equality.
"It was interesting to see the very ideals for which the 50
year old World Student Christian Federation has been constantly
fighting verbalized in the United Nations charter.
"Small religious groups do the hard spade work but see little
evidence of the material structure," he said. "On the other hanc
nations have written the constitution to set up world wide governing
force, but they have forgotten about the ground work."
THE ONLY WAY to combine these two forces is through indivi-
dual personalities working in both capacities, according to Koo.
The United Nations is structurally sufficient to preserve peace
but the spiritual background for peace is lacking, the religious leadel
Herrick Young. . .
"CHRISTIANITY IS ON TRIAL in the eves of the colored peoples
of the world to see if we really do believe in the universal rights of
These were the words of Herrick B. Young, international lecturer
and secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian
He labeled racism one of the "basic stumbling blocks of Chris-
tianity all over the world" before one of yesterday's Religion in Lifc
Week Seminars. The discussion entitled "World Race Relations" was
held at the International Center.
S * .* *
U.S. RACIAL PROBLEMS are capitalized by the Soviet Union,
he pointed out, "as one of its strongest propaganda lines."
"Communism as it advances equality to the have-nots," he said.
"is preempting something we had first but did not practice."
When he visited Lagos, Nigeria, Young said he found the
African outlook toward whites changed. Up to World War II, they
had been schooled to regard whites as gods. After fighting with
the French against Hitler's invasion, they discovered they were
stronger and better "shots" than the whites. After this they
won't be "pushed around so much."
Race problems, he emphasized, are worldwide in scope, but the
approach to changing prejudices is through the individual.
Vera Lowrie ...
"STUDENTS MUST REALIZE that campus life is not apart from
the rest of life, but is directly related to what has gone before and
what is to come," said Mrs. Vera Smith Lowrie, speaking on "Chris-
tianity on the Campus."
MRS. LOWRIE pointed out that campus morals are set by
young people between the ages of 18 and 22 who refuse to be influ-
enced by standards set up by older college administrators.

f J ell-Suited
NEW YORK-UP) -President
Truman has been outdone-
by his Secretary of State.
The Custom Tailors Guild
of America, announcing today
its choices for the 10 best-
dressed men in the country,
chose Secretary Dean Acheson
over Mr. Truman in the gov-
ernment category.
In the motion picture cate-
gory Clark Gable received the
nod over Richard Widmark.
Russian Spy
Not Immune
Expert Says
Valentine A. Gubitchev, accused
Russian spy, is liable for prosecu-
tion in U.S. courts, according to
Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the po-
litical science department.
"The only international right
that applies to this case is Rus-
sia's right to be certain that its
citizens are given fair trials in for-
eign courts," he said.
Preuss, professor of interna-
tional law, and leading authority
on diplomatic immunities, said
that the issue has been confused
by a misunderstanding of the dif-
ference between the rights and
immunities of international or-
ganization personnel and that of
diplomatic personnel.
* * i
GUBICHEV was originally a
member of, the Russian UN staff
before his transfer to the secre-
tariat in a technical capacity, he
said. "But there is no legal status
deriving from the fact of his being
a Soviet national."
His status is therefore regu-
lated by the Internatonal Or-
ganizations Immunities Act
passed in December 1945."
This act gives immunity from
the jurisdiction of U.S. courts for
all acts connected with the func-
tioning of the UN, he said.
"Since Gubichev's act is not of
this nature, he remains fully sub-
ject to the jurisdiction and laws
of the U.S."
NSA Outlines
Travel Plans
Blanks Available
Today, Tomorrow
NSA summer travel applications
and books outlining tours will be
available from 4 to 4:45 p.m. to-
day and tomorrow in the Office of
Student Affairs, according to Sue
Tour applications must be in by
next Tuesday, Miss Siris said.
The NSA tour book outlines
Aight week trips to Europe and
Latin America ranging from $555
to $640 in cost.
STUDENTS ON the Tri-Nation
tour of Holland, England and
France will study political, social
and artistic activities in these
The Northern Tour will cover
England, Scandanavia and hol-
land, the Southern tour, France,
Italy and Switzerland.
Honor Code Voting
Civil engineers may still obtain

questionnaires on the Engineering
Honor System in Rm. 306, West
Engineering Building.
The questionnaires have been
prepared by the student chapter
of the American Society of Civil
Engineers to give students a
chance to express their opinion on
the system.

Rent Control
Menaced by
House GOP
Would Transfer
Siuhs to States
By The Associated Press
Democratic leaders ran into new
obstacles yesterday in their race
to secure enactment of a 15-
month rent control extension bill
before the old controls expire on
1March 31.
The administration's rent bill
has been cleared for House action
later in the week but House Re-
publican leaders are busy lining
up support for a GOP Policy Com-
mittee proposal to continue rent
controls for only 90 days.
THE SHOWDOWN battle on the
floor of the House is scheduled to
open Thursday with a final vote!
on the controversial issue likely
House Republican leader Mar-
tin (Rep., Mass.) said yester-
day that a mass meeting of
GOP House members over-
whelmingly supported the idea
of ending Federal rent controls
and turning the problem over to
the states.
After the closed door meeting
Martin said: 1. The Republican
members, "are overwhelmingly in
support" of only a 90-day exten-
sion of federal rent controls, and
I same want these controls to die
when the present law expires
March 31.
2. That if any controls are con-
tinued, the House should first
adopt an amendment proposed by
Rep. Browl (Dem., Ga.) providing
that the landlords, so far as prac-
ticable, must be given "a reason-
able return on the fair value of
their property."
IF AND WHEN the rent control
bill gets through the House, ad-
ministration leaders must figure
some way to push the measure
through the Senate which is cur-
rently stalled by a southern Dem-
ocrat's filibuster against a rules
The filibuster was interrupted
yesterday by a Republican sen-
ator who launched a seven-hour.
attack on the nomination of
Mon C. Wallgren for chairman
of the National Security Re-
sources Board.'
Senator Cain (Rep., Wash.) de-
manded in his speech, which he
had originally scheduled to last 16
hours, that a Senate committee
investigate charges made by col-
umnist Drew Pearson concerning
a "crap" game from which Wall-
ren was supposed to have won
iZarichny Talk
James Zarichny neatly skirted
the University Lecture Committee
last night.
The expelled Michigan ; Statte
College student who had been de-
nied permission to present his case
at an open campus meeting spoke
at Chicago House and a wire re-
cording of the talk was played at
a meeting of the Young Progres-
The Lecture Committee's juris-
diction does not apply to speakers
in residence halls.
"I have never been told by the
Michigan State College adminis-

tration why I was expelled in De-
cember," he said.
"Indirect sources informed me
it was because I attended an off-
campus meeting where a commu-
first spoke." But Zarichny said
that his probation, which prohib-
ited his taking part in extra-cur-
ricular activities, did not apply to
off-campus meetings.


SL To Argue
Speech Ban,
New Proposals
To Be Studied
Student Legislators will come to
grips with the speakers ban and
a plan to "revive college spirit" at
"7:30 p.m. today in the Grand Rap-
ids Room of the League.
The Legislature will hear re-
ports on speech ban developments
of the last two weeks including the
Regents action, and University
Lecture Committee moves in the
Zarichny case.
Proposals ranging from a re-
quest for student members on the
Lecture Committee to the appoint-
ment of an advisory group of stu-
dents to work with the Commit-
tee will be considered.
* '*
will present his plan for the re-
vival of college spirit, backed by
statistics he has been gathering
for the last three months.
Gripman's plan envisions the
establishment of a "Frosh-
Soph week" shortly after the
beginning of each semester
when freshmen will wear "bean-
ies." The week will include a
pep rally, a "well supervised"
tug of war across the Huron
River and a talent show for
freshmen and sophomores at
Hill Auditorium on Friday to
finish the week.
Purpose of the week, according
to Gripman is to get the incoming
freshmen integrated in activities,
both academic and extra-curricu-
lar as soon as they hit the campus.
GRIPMAN, delegated last win-
ter by SL to study the school spirit
situation claims he has the back-
ing of 1,113 students with 343
against the measure. He sent cards
asking student residences their
opinion on the plan.
lie received 125 affirmatives
and 37 negative answers. He
then added the number of stu-
dents represented by each house
and came out with 1,113 for and
343 against totals.
Rumor in Legislature circles had
it that members opposed to Grip-
man's proposal will present a mod-
erate plan of their own for the re-
vival of class interest and college
IFC To Study
Bias Clauses
Campus fraternities will grapple
with the problem of discrimina-
tory clauses in nationaldfraternity
charters in a new way when IFC
representatives attend the Uni-
versity of Minnesota's Greek Week
from April 21 to 25.
A gathering of Big Ten IFC's,
the Greek Week will feature the
discrimination problem in all its
discussions. Talks by, Minnesota
Governor Youngdahl and Ulhi-
versity of Pennsylvania President
Harold Stassen are other features
of the Greek Week it was re-
vealed at an IFC meeting last

Phoenix Fund



WORLD'S RECORD BREAKER-Lanky Bill Odom emerg
globe-circling "lucky suit," from his plane after brea
world's record for non-stop flight from Honolulu to Te
N.J., four miles from New York City. It was his second
at the 5,000 mile flight, which he completed in 36 hours
first comment about the flight was "It was easy." Ne
coffee or pills to keep him awake for the long stretch,
"All I did was listen to the radio.'
Poets RepeatSelves
Throu gh A ges ---Dan

Poets today must say essential-
ly the same things that poets said
3,000 years ago, and there's noth-
ing they can do about it, Prof.
Edward Davison, Dean of Wash-
ington and Jefferson College said
The experiences and emotions
of men that ancient Chinese poets
made into "poems painted with a
brush" are still, the same, the
British-born poet told a Rackham
amphitheatre audience.
AND POETS have to write about
them if they're to be worth their
salt-"to feel these universal emo-
tions and communicate them is
to be a poet."
"When poets say they aren't
going to write about the com-
mon experiences of life - its
anguish and distress, its yearn-
ings - ask yourselves, 'Who the
hell do they think they are?'"
"The unchanging mood and the
eternal situation are the poetic
tradition. Changing customs have
nothing to do with it."
HOW CAN NEW poetry be writ-
ten if there is nothing new under
the sun, poetically speaking? Prof.
Davison explained that though the
poet's experiences are familiar to
every man in every age, each poet
learns about them all over again
for himself.
This personal re-discovery ofI
age-old feelings and experiencesI
is what makes men keep on writ-
ing poetry, he said.
Interview ..
They're neglecting their job.
That's what Prof. Edward Davi-
son had to say about "obscure"
modern poets in a post-lecture in-
terview yesterday.
HE DIDN'T name any names,
but he did say that "they've lost
touch with their audience." It's
Black To Give
Former State Attorney-General
Eugene Black will speak on the

in 1950
Memorial To
Study Atom's
Lang Will Head
Financial Drive
Following nearly a year of in-
tensive organizational planning, it
was announced yesterday that a
nation-wide fund-raising cam-
paign for the Phoenix Project,
University living War Memorial,
will be launched in the fall of
At the same time it was re-
vealed that Chester H. Lang, vice-
president of the General Electric
Company and a prominent alum-
nus of the University, has accept-
ed the national executive chair-
manship of the Memorial fund
campaign which will finance the
Serving as vice-chairman will
be Clifford B. Longley, a promi-
ent Detroit attorney and civic
ges in his * * *
king the LANG AND LONGLEY will di-
Atersboro, rect a -drive which will contact
attempt the 125,000 alumni of the Univer-
Odom's sity, explaining the Phoenix plan
domg noto them and soliciting their finan-
eding no ialeand moral support. A sep-
he said, arate campaign for special gifts
will be conducted during the re-
mainder of this year.
Present organizational plans
call for a special student com-
mittee to assist in the 1950
campaign and in the actual
planning of the Project. It is
s80 11 thought that the University's
20,000 students will be a potent
force in publicizing the drive
mmunicate in addition to the work of amo-
they're not fessional promotion agencies.
d. The Phoenix Project, dedicated
to students and faculty members
or them- who died in World War II, will
her-why, be devoted to peacetime research
oking into in the development of humani-
tarian uses of atomic power.
* * *
eaders are
poets, Prof. THE CONCEPT of a "func-
ly "spend- tional" war memorial originated
deaning' at on Dec. 18, 1946, when the Stu-
erson Col- dent Legislature went on record
as approving such a plan. Off i-
cial sanction came when the Uni-
versity Board of Regents named a
s faculty-student Memorial Com-
mittee in September, 1947.
11 E The idea for an atomic re-
searchcenter was conceived by
Fred J. Smith, a prominent New
York publisher and one time
Must University student. It was his
itiltio ssu ggestion that the Memorial
iib deiOi designedhto "make atomic
energy the slave of man, rather
group was - than his master."
constitution Following the enthusiastic sup-
ent Affairs port of the Memorial Committee,
sterday. the U.S. Atomic Energy Commis-
Association, See WAR MEMORIAL, Page 6
esidents of
n mbir Last Chance-®-
tions Club Ensian Prices

zed pending Jump to 6
Aitutions. A _tp 0 0
anized un-
_ivil Rights The Ensian sales staff will sell
atic group, the 450-page yearbook at $5 for
me Theater the last time at 10 p.m. tonight in
ted campus the Publications Building.
s titutio n The book is bigger and better
than ever, according to Slug Ket-
ed a Drives tier, associate sales manager, who
[uling only pointed out that there are 21 more
s next se- pages in the House Groups see-
and Fresh tion, as well as an increase of 31
pages in the Organizations sec-
tion, as compared with last year.
ews "THIS MEANS that the cam-
pus is eceiving better representa-
FT tion this year," he declared.
The Sports section, under the
direction of Potsy Ryan, contains
Press approximately 60 pages. Four of
court con- these are devoted to the Michigan
ministers on Olympic champs, Bob Sohl, Herb
treason to Barten, Eck Kautonen and Cliff
sentenced Keen.
prisonment. Ten inter-collegiate sports are
one to 15 fully coVered by pen and photo
e others. in the yearbook, including
everything . from tennis to

the poets' 'job to co
with their readers, and
doing that, he declare
"They're writing f
selves or for each ot
it's as if they were lo
a mirror."
Meanwhile, those r
moving away from thei
Davison, who's current
ing most of my time '
Washington and Jeff(
lege," said.
SAC Okay
Junior Pa
Foulr Grouips
Change Of1si
One new campusi
recognized, and fourc
ognized pending c
changes, at the Studl
Committee meeting ye
Junior Panhellenic
to be composed of pr
ps nbellenic associatiol
pledge classes, is now
campus group.
The Industrial Rela
and Merchant Marine
Club have been recogniz
certain changes in cons
Civil Rights group, org
der the name of the C
Congress, and adram
organized under the nar
SGuild, also will= be grant
standing after cor
The SAC also approv
Calendar report sched
three campus tag day
mester: Galens, WSSF
Air Camp.
World N
By The AssociatedI
SOFIA-A Bulgarian
victed 15 Protestant m
charges ranging from
rumor-mongering and
four of them to life imr
Prison terms of from
years were assigned th
,T * *

"They must learn things for
ence," she said.

themselves through actual experi- I


You have until 10 P.M.
tonight to buy the '49
$5.00 . . . Tomorrow the

"These young people are sow-'
ing without reaping -- they
haven't lived long enough to
learn what one can reap from
the things he sows." She ex-
plained that things in the sow-
ing stage look much less offen-
sive than in the reaping saage.
If students expect to be treated
as adults with adult privileges, she
continued, they must accept re-
"Marriage and Family"--Dr.
Eldred Thiehoff, Hussey Rm.,

Puccini Opera Bill Opens Tonight

* * *

Opera by Puccini will spotlight*
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at
8 p.m. tonight when "Sister Angel-
ica" and "Gianni Schicchi" are
presented by the speech depart-
ment and themusic school.
Tickets for the productions,
which run for the next four nights,
may be purchased at the theatre
box office.
BACKED BY the elaborate and

writing in which the wily Gianni
Schicchi leaves the most valuable
possessions to himself so that
young Rinuccio can marry Schic-
chi's daughter and live happily
ever after.
THE LEADING roles include
Malcolm Foster, SM, as Gianni
Schicchi, Carol Neilson, '50SM as
his daughter Lauretta, and Rich-

. =

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