tVrttnUay, reoruary a, it M I Il (:AN I- Ye Seventeen Gerry Rose, Marshall, and Wil- liam Curry, Jamestown, N.Y. Sue Rose and Herbert Furinan; Al Blumrosen, Det., and Arlynn (Continued rom Page se) Rosen, Det.; Nancy Rook, Det., - tand Walter Roush, Jr., Grand dale, and Louis Dylil Det.; Robert Rapids; Louise Roseboom, Alle- Sheridan and Lois Redmond; Mar- gan, and Leon Ostrander, Jr., ilyn Reed. Erie, Pa., and Max Dearborn; Jean Rusesill, Rapid Mangles, Erie. Pa.: Jane Reier. - City, S.D. and Robert Wagner, Det., and Art McWood. Det.; Faye Ann Arbor; Warren Cowan, Det.. Reichelt, Port Austin, and Alan '" and Ruth Rudin. Det. Krueser, Bad Axe.* Ki et Badx s. D n B b STAN BROW N, Grand Rapids, Reid. D xet.: Je Corson Larch- and Lyn Rudolph, Taunton, Mass.; mont, N.Y, and 3ctkie Reid, Esses Jean Russ. Old Greenwich, Conn. Fells, N.J.; Leattce Reiller,.Det., and Ralph Burton, Det.; Margaret and George Ols n Houston, Texas. Russell, Saginaw, and John Ga- bin, Saginaw; Alfred Dau. Petos- key. and Margaret Ryburn, Vero VIRGINIA PELICH, Ironwood. Beech, Fla.; Janet Rozmus and and George Soron.. Jr., Montclait Jack Halliday. N.J.; Anton Longsini and Frances William Dean. Cleveland, and Repinski; Bill Bartsh. Det., and WPegSatin. Cleveland; Norman Sally Ressler. Deb : Jeanne Rey- Schafe Flint, and Rita Sach nold and Kenneth .Sevords: Hmmond, Intd.; Peggy St. Claire, Louise Reynold . East Orange, N. Dt.and Geor e Woods, Ann Ar- J., and Donald E ans, West Mil- ot; Marianne Sanders and Dog ton, Ohio; Sally Rhodes. Lake . dMooneyd Orion, and Douglas Liddicont, Det.; Joanne Rice. Ann Arbor, and ., . , Car ol Sanregret, Negaunee, and James Sprague, Ann Arbor; Anne i Jack Page, Det.; Jean Sarasan, Richards, Det.. and Jean Jensen, othy Robb, Pontiac: Judith Rob- Det., and Mel Gilbert, Det.; Julia Det.sbins, Owosso, and William Davis, Sauger, Centerline, and Andrew Carol Richards. Watersmeet, Huntington Woods. Mehall, Centerline; Barbara Saw- and James Smith. Omaha; Carter yer and Richard Diane; Betty and JSawyer and Gordon Bates; George Strong and Chetiy Richards; Joan DOLORES ROBERTS. Del.. and Robinson, RochesJer, N.Y. andI 'Richardson, Has', City, and Jack Charles Oakman, Det.; Joan Rob- Myrtle Schaefer, Ypsilanti; Joan Wirth, Bay City: Nina Nickels, erts and Edward Olson; Emmett Schaeffer. Summit. N. Jersey and Det., and James Gohl, Rochester, Moore, Jackson, and Bonita Rodg- Marshall Lewis, Chicago; Rita N.Y.; Macian Ridley, Baltimore, era, Jackson. Schaeffer, Det.. and Robert Lip- Md. and PtacoBelly. Potiac. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Roe, I son, Det.; Marilyn Schaefer and MARY RIGGS, Det. and Bob Nashville; Anne Rogers and Bill Herb Campbell.I Dawson, Eastn. Pa.; Dolores Diefenbach; Betty Jane Rogers, Rink, Grosse Pomr e. and William Saginaw, and William Schulz, ANN SCIIAEFER, Stamford, Gauss, Jr., Pitttlelurh; Jim Power Det.; Marilyn Rogers, Pontiac, Conn.. and Phil Mercaco, AnniAt- and Barbara R ing; Richard and Stiles Davis. Pontiac: Carlos br: Suzanne Schatz. Det. and _ Bauman, Trasvse 4eCity. and Dor- Ordonez and Rcse Romanelli; Contmin.ed on 18, O MICIGAN 35c until 5 o'clock C'MON ALONG! IT'S A JOYRIDE TO ROMANCE...with Music the Air! * SARIN EE.N Also Dennis DRA Tanis P1F h 0 srT " Don DeFov- Do chy Malone B Blot CntinuousrnlDy from P NOW PLAYING DRIFTING INTO TROUBLE AND It VIOLENCE IN THE BLOODIEST CATTLE WAR EVER FOUGHT! Arc You Makitig his istale In College? Prominent Employer Points Out BIG MISTAKE of Michigan Students - And How To Avoid It. "You'v just graduated. You're through poundn, clhe books . . . studying theory .. . learning txts. Now you're pounding the sidewas.a- ..bunting Your prospective emps yr the big question: 'What experience have you had?' "I've seen a lot of Michigan grads fum- ble this Too mtany fall short in prac- tical exPer.='nce, In our business, practical experne -_is just as important as that sheer...n "So why wait? Get that much-needed experience NOW-at The Michigan Daily. Take it -ra me, The Michigan Daily rates with us employers. We want people who can k ,i .'u a tough assignmrnt -dig new . Pcooe loaded with ideas. No trophy-,r-ning geniuses, understand. Just ordinary .ungp eople with a flair of show- manship; a spa'k of business know-how. "Hollywood script writer--New York ac- count whatever your dream, the EDITORIAL STAFF Wed., Feb. 9-4 P.M. Daily gives you valuable experience you can't buy. Experience that some spend years in getting. So if you want to put yourself 10 steps closer to that 'Dream Job'--if you want to out-class other people pitching for the some goal, my advice to you is to join The Michi- gan Daily and get on this future-building bandwagon." READ THESE SIMPLE DETAILS: There are a number of good positions now open to you on the Editorial and Business Staffs of the Michigan Daily. Don't miss this one great opportunity! No previous experience required. Men and women-from Freshmen to Se- niors-come to The Michigan Daily office at 420 Maynard on Feb. 9 and 10. No obligation. BUSINESS STAFF Thurs., Feb. 10-4 P.M. RANK FAYLEN -:= TOM TuULY An RO-RADIO Pidure EXTRA --- GENE KRUPA AND HIS ORCHESTRA "HEP CAT WORLD SYMPHONY" NEWS