'AGE T~WO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TAXI PLEASE! Buck Rogers Cab System HelpsHarassedStudents By JACK BARENSE Students desperately calling every cab stand in town to get a taxi in a hurry are an insti- tution of the past in Ann Arbor. It's no super-speed fleet of taxis that is responsible for the new order, but radio "controliza- tion" of most of Ann Arbor's 62 cabs, according to Miss Edna Rhead, radio dispatcher for a lo- cal 27-car fleet. MISS RHEAD receives tele- phoned cab orders from Mrs. Val- enda Hebard, then relays them by short wave to the taxis. They esti- mate that the use of the radios makes the fleet 40 per cent more efficient. "My biggest troubles," said Miss Rhead, "is remembering where all of the cabs are. This must be known if radio dis- patching is to function effi- ciently." She estimated that over 1,000 persons are carried in an average day by the cabs directed from her small office. From 40 to 50 per cent of these are believed to be students. One difficulty connected with the use of radios is that all the cab companies in the country op- erate on two frequencies. ** * THEY NOW have a signal sys- tem between the other companies' so that each knows when the other is on the air and they don't interfere with each other. "The weather was too nice this winter," said the dispatcher, "but I guess only people in the cab business would think so." I Short Opera Bi*lTo Begin Tomorrow The Department of Speech in conjunction with the School of Music will present another of the popular opera programs which have become an annual spring event. "Gianni Schicc" and "Sister Angelica," two of Puccini's short operas, will be presented at 8 p.m. tomorrow and run through Satur- day at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. "Gianni Schicchi" is a clever comedy in one act in which the music reflects the irony of the story. The cast includes: Gianni Schicchi, Malcolm Fos- ter; Lauretta, Carol Neilson; Zita, Sally Hediger; Rizuccio, Richard Miller; Gherardo, Robert Pearson; Nella, Doris Kays; Gherardino, Ruth Campbell; Betto, Bertram Gable; Simone, Jack Wilcox; Marco, Dale Thompson; La Cies- ca, Lennis Swift; Master Spinel- loccio, Howard Street; Amantio di Nicolao, Robert Elson; Pinellino, Donald Price; Guccio, Albert Johnson. "Sister Angelica" is a romantic opera in one act with settings in Italy at the end of the fifteenth century. In the cast are: The Lay Sisters, Jean Lyman, Evelyn Wohlgemuth; Sister An- gelica, Maryjane Albright; The Abbess, Elsie Bell; The Mistress of the Novices, Charlotte Boehm; The Novices, Dawn Baldauf, Mary Hammond, Jane Williams; The Monitor, Joyce Edgar; Sister Lu- cilla, Ruth Campbell; Sister Os- mina, Ruth Kluckhohn; Sister Genevieve, Norma Heyde; Sister Dolcina, Mary Lou Ewing; The Nursing Sister, Anne Siegel; The Touriers, Suzanne Hendrian, Marie Roth; The Princess, Gloria Gon- an; The Virgin, Kay Hooper; The Child, Patricia Herman. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten for to the Ofice or the Assistant to the President, Room 2552 Administration Building, by 3:04 p.m. on the day preceding publica- tion (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1949 VOL. LIX, No. 109 Notices The Continental Oil Company of Ponca City, Oklahoma, will have a representative here on Wed.. and Thurs,. March 9 and 10, to interi chemists and chemi- cal engineers, BS and MS level, and organic chemists or the Ph.D. level. For application blanks and further information, call at the office of the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 3528 Administration Bldg. Bell Aircraft Corporation will interview graduate students from Engineering Mechanics Dept. and from the Math., Physics, Aero., Mech.. and Electrical Engineering! Departments on Wed., March 9,. for work in Servomechanisms De-I velopment and Advanced Develop- ment work on Missile Programs. Interviews in Rm. 1079 E. E. Application blanks available in the Chemo-Therapy Division, American Cyanamide Company, will speak on "Metabolite Antago- nists" at 4:15 p.m., Wed., March 9, 1400 New Chemistry Bldg. Education Lecture Series: "The Aims hnd Program of the Univer- sity High School," John M. Tryt- ten, Assistant Professor of Com- mercial Education and Principal of the University High School, 7 p.m., Wed., March 9, University High School Auditcrium. Public is invited without charge. A cademic Notices Physical Chemistry Seminar: 4:10. p.m., Thurs., March 10. 1300 Chemistry, Prof. E. F. Barker will discuss "The Vibration Spectra of Ethane, Ethylene, and Diborane." Concerts Faculty Recital: Josef Schnel- ker, Instructor in Organ in the School of Music, will present a program. 4:15 p.m. Wed., March 9, Hill Auditorium. It will include the first performance in Ann Arbor of Fantasy and Fugue by Homer Keller, also a faculty member of the University of Michigan: Con- certo Sel Sig. Torelli and Two Cholral Preludes by Johann Wal- ther: Chorale Prelude and Prel- ude and Fugue in E minor by Bux- tehude; Two Chorale Preludes and - - - - Passacaglia and Fugue by Bach, and Sonate ITby Hindemith. The program will be open to the pub- lic without charge. Exhibitions Museum of Art: Five American Painters, through March 22; Alumni Memorial Hall. daily 9-5; Sundays, 2-5. The public is invit- ed. Events Today Committee on Student Affairs: Meeting, 3 p.m., Tues.. March 8, 1011 Angell Hall (formerly the Re- gents' Room). Senior Society will not meet to- day as scheduled. Wolverine Club and the Flash tContluued on Page 4) IMICHIGAN Honored With 51 Awards Including "BEST PICTURE OF YEAR -Hi-Jinx - CBS "BEST ACTRESS OF YEAR" --N.Y. Film Critics Award Today, Wednesday & Thursday Matinee 25c, Eve. 35c 3 - Shows Daily -- 3 Shows at 1:30-4:45-8:003P.M. Feature 1:50-5:05-8:20 P.M. A,~ ~ i cade"'y / Note Unusual Time Schedule I.. "The BEST Years of Our Lives Uncut! 3 hours! Exactly as millions paid Uncut! prices to see it! . 4 udent Tea: President and AlMIvir. ,m1079. Rutlven will be at home to stu- Sign schedule on Aero bulletin dents from 4 to G o'clock Wed., board. March 9.b Will all members of the faculty Lectures and staff who are entitled to park University Lecture: "The Poet in the restricted areas on the cam- in Any World," Dean Edward Dav- pus please call at the Information son, Washington and Jefferson Desk, Second Floor Lobby, Ad- College; auspices of the Depart- ministration Building, and apply ment of English Language and for 1949 parking permit plates to Literature. 4:15 p.m., Tues., March correspond to 1949 automobile li- 8, Rackhlam Amphitheatre. YOUNG SKATER -"Ricky" cense plates. Hereafter all cars Cassada, 23',, months old, of must carry permit plates on both American Chemical Society Lee- Itichmond, Va., strikes out on the front and rear; cars bearing ture: Dr. R. O. Roblin. Director of his new skates after a learning but one permit plate will be con- - period that produced more sidered as being illegally parked downs than ups. and will be treated accordingly. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary 1948-49 LECT I ll n Jo1)s Senior dues for the literary and I architecture colleges, music and 1 orestry schools will be collected To LBe iveii from 2 to 4:30 p.m. through Fri- day at a booth in the Administra- 1 Police work for women and op- tion Building. portunities in social work will be Ann Arbor Exiension Course: discussed at 4:10 p.m. tomorrow The May Festival section of the in Rm. 231 Angell Hall. TeMyFsia eto fte Extension course, "Appreciation Mrs. Marian G. Hunter, Direc- of Music," given by Professor, tor, Women's Division, Detroit Po~ Glenn D. McGeoch, will begin lice Department, who received her Wed., March 16, 7 p.m. Non-credit zL master's degree in social work course, 8 weeks, fee $7. 206 Burtonk from the University, will speak on Memorial Tower. The course will jobs for women in the police de- be devoted to the study of the partment. 11949 May Festival program. En- Gertrude Bogart and Jeanne rollment for this course may be Godfrey, Personnel and Recruit- made at the Extension Service Of- T ment Committee, American So- fice, 4524 Administration Bldg., or ciety of Social Workers, will dis- at the first class session. cuss the openings for men and -- women in social work. #Anyone desiringsphotographiic There will be a question period prints of the Faust production following the talks. presented Feb. 26 will please call .HILL AU The Bureau of Appointments in- at the German Department of- vites all interested students to at- __ce,_204_University Hall. tend. - Presents "ENGSLAN D TODAY" by HERBERT AGAR .Brilliant Political and IIistoricaL Connnentator Aierican Diplomat in England Thursday, 8:30 P.M. ickets $1 50-$1.20-90c (tax inc.) Box Office Opens Tomorrow 10 A.M. U R E COURSE Added! "Bowling Tricks" DISNEY CARTOON "SLEEPYTIME DONALD" A DOUBLE BIi "SISTER ANGELICA" in con Ticket BOX OFFICE OPENS DAILY Lydia Mendels OPEN TOMORR THE DEPARTMI pres LL OF OPERA TOMORROW through SATURDAY junction with the School of h s $1.50, $1.20, 90c (tax inc 10 A.M. - PHONE 6300 ssohn Theatre OW -8:00P.M. ENT OF SPEECH sents BY PUCCINI Oc "GIANNI SCHICCHI" Music luded) DITORIUM a - - - -Extra Donald Duck "Donald's Happy Birthday" ;... L . ,i Art Cinema League and Inter Coop Council present 'MOVIE OF THE WEEK!~ Daily S ug~esti oils for Iining I DON'T READ THIS THE BE TSY ROSS SHOP Nickels Arcade Saturday 7:30 - 2:30 Open 7:30 - 4:30 Monday thru Friday CANDIES, Inc. RESTAURANT and CANDY SHOP Reasonably Priced LUNCHEON and DINNER 332 SoUTH S'AL STREEr THE FARM CUPBOARD Specializing in FRIED CHICKEN DINNERS Open Daily 11 A.M. o 9 P.M., Except Monday 5400 Plymouth Rd. (on the way to Detroit) Phone 9387 unless you want to work hard, et no pay, have lots of fun! U. of M. STUDENT PLAYERS will hold open tryouts for all parts in BOY MEETS GIRL "A remarkably hilarious comedy" -BROOKS ATKINSON, New York Tim"es TONIGHT ... 7:30 ... MICHIGAN LEAGUE LEADS C. F. ........ Hollywood producer, extraordinary SUSI E ........ Cute, dumb, and lovable LARRY TOMS . Handsome movie cowboy hero MISS CREWS . .Young career woman BENSON ..... Happy-Go-Lucky LAW ........ Sharp as they come I Continuous from 1 P.M - III The CHATTERBOX 100% Pure BEEFBURGER on steamed bun "THE BEST CHILI" Always Fresh SILEX COFFEE Dill and South State Sts. I YOU'RE IN FOR A RAFT OF EXCITEMENT! NIMS and 'MILLER Ilteal #tagt C e CAFETERIA"- COFFEE SHOP DAILY SPECIALS - break fast, Monday thru Friday, 7-10 AM. Our Daily Special S.' c YQU Money Lunch 11 to 1 :30... Dinner S to 7:00 211 South State North of Liberty Sunday 12 to 2:30 and 5 to 7:00 Thru the Arcade - 338 Maynard Street I Metzger's Restaurant Where Good Food Insures Your Health and Our Success Domestic Beers and Wines 203 E. Washington Phone 9126 THE TOPPER Open 24 Hours a Day FREE DELIVERY from 8 P.M. 4 A.M. On Any Order $1.50 and More ;I George RAFT 1 William Marilyn BENDIX MAXWELL C O T TA GIE IINN WE SERVE11 THE: BES'I' FOOD IN TOWN Specializing in - FISJJ AND CHIPS S11(K] T ( ()S STEAKS AND CHOPS QUICK SLR VICE 512 EAST WILLIAMS PHONE 5902 Just a few steps from campus HAMBURGERS IOME MADE Tendc CHIIL .cSt( Sand' 1 r Knit Dak wiches THE CAMPUS INN 512 E. Liberty-In the Greene's Cleaner Building The LANTERN GARDEN Near Michigan Theatre Delidous Meals at Reasonable Prices Chinese and American Cuisine NOW OPEN SUNDAY 10:30 -8:30 i I .' ~' SI Ii' I III H